Friday, December 27, 2019
Recreational Drugs and Their Usage - 788 Words
The usage of drugs is a very common practice in our society nowadays. The usage of drugs can vary from medical purposes to recreational purposes. What is drugs? ‘A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works.’ (Science Museum, What is a drug?, n.d.) So this does not mean that drugs can only be in the form of pill, tablet, oral solution, and injection drugs can also in the form of tobacco that contains nicotine, or drinkable substance such as coffee and tea that contains caffeine and beer that contains alcohol. (Crocq, 2003) For some people nowadays recreational drugs already become a way of life. Recreational drug is ‘a drug used without medical justification for its psychoactive effects often in the belief that occasional use of such a substance is not habit-forming or addictive.’ (Merriam Webster, recreational drug, 2013) Most of people use recreational drug in order to enchant their recreational experience. Some of recreational dru gs are illegal in most country but there is some common drugs that are universally legal such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol (ethanol). Regretless it is legal or illegal recreational drugs can be categorize into four major category: Stimulants, Depressants, Opioids and Hallucinogens. (Castle Craig Hospital, 2013) Stimulants drugs are ‘a class of drugs that elevate mood, increase feelings of well-being, and increase energy and alertness.’ (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts Stimulants, 2013) This typesShow MoreRelatedThe Stigma And Usage Of Recreational Drugs1582 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the stigma and usage of recreational drugs has shown a positive impact on the community through decrease of incarcerations and medical advancements. This essay argues that although state and local policy changes have shown to be more effective than it’s predecessor set by the Nixon administration, federal oversight and involvement is still crucial to the su ccess of applying a drug policy onto any type of population. Recreational drugs, or otherwise known as club drugs are often described inRead MoreMarijuana Should Not Be Beneficial For Medical Purposes1080 Words  | 5 PagesContrarily, marijuana should not be legalized for recreational usage. Extensive studies have globally communicated that utilizing marijuana for recreational purposes have fostered addiction to more powerful drugs. Recreational usage of marijuana has also contributed to adverse health effects. Moreover, recreational usage of this drug is still unacceptable in professional and social environments. Should marijuana be made lawful for medicinal and/or recreational purposes? Marijuana is socially known to benefitRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1185 Words  | 5 PagesMarijuana usage has been on the rise for the past decade. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 94 million Americans have admitted to using marijuana at least once (2015). This can be said to be a pandemic, which is continuing to increase. Even though the recreational usage of marijuana is illegal within most of the United States, it continues to be used and is widely sold in the black market. States have started to realize that taxing the recreational use of marijuana can bringRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pagesof the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical de bates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the persons abusing this drug. There haveRead MoreThe Regulation And Taxation Of Marijuana Act1618 Words  | 7 PagesTaxation of Marijuana Act.†The numbers came in and beginning December 15, 2016 in Massachusetts, individuals above the age of twenty-one will now be able to legally purchase, possess, cultivate, and use marijuana, with limitations on quantity, for recreational and medicinal use under the statutes of the state laws. While the prohibition of marijuana in Massachusetts has ended, many new movements must now begin to maintain, regulate, and pursue a positive outcome. With other states that have already passedRead MoreBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1374 Words  | 6 Pagescrashes. Alcohol abuse contributes to almost 50% of all traffic accidents, suicides, and homicides. However, despite the prov en dangers of these socially acceptable drugs, they are still legal. Marijuana, a much less acceptable drug, is not legal however, despite the fact that research has yet to pin any specific dangers to this drug. Aside from the health issues of marijuana, there are the many other aspects to consider when one broaches the topic of legalizing pot. Many arguments exist asRead MoreShould Legalization Of Recreational Drugs Be A Great Nation?977 Words  | 4 Pagesand prisoners, legalization and decriminalization of recreational drugs are some of the core issues the US needs to strengthen to become a great nation. There is an utmost need to legalize and decriminalize recreational drug use in the US, now more than ever. The government no longer needs to intervene upon the personal rights and freedoms of adults. One should have control over the choices of his/her own life. Rather than criminalizing drug addicts they should be given a choice to rehabilitateRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1618 Words  | 7 Pagesstate has their own regulations and laws about the usage of marijuana. In recent years, many states have passed laws to legalize the usage, purchase, and sale of marijuana. The District of Columbia passed a law to legalize the growth and possession of the drug, but not the sale. Currently, nearly half of the states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana for patients that qualify for it. However, there is still a federal law prohibiting this drug. These people who have medical reasons and qualifyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1685 Words  | 7 Pagescard h olders was small until 2009, when the U.S Attorney General gave the prosecution and legalization of marijuana over to the states. After this, the number of medical marijuana licenses increased greatly in Colorado. Then, in 2012, the sale of recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado, to all those over the age of 21, and retail stores began selling marijuana in 2014 (Monte). Public opinion on Marijuana is generally divided fifty-fifty across the United States. Some are strictly against itsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pagescollege students throughout their academic career have either experienced or been exposed to some type of illicit drug. One of the most commonly found illicit drugs found on college campuses have been marijuana. Marijuana is used to amplify perception, affect the frame of mind, and relax. Signs of marijuana use includes red eyes, sluggishness, and awkward body movement. With the usage of marijuana in earlier years being il legal in all states in America, the last couple of years have made a few changes
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on Rene Magritte Illusions Masking Reality
In the fallout of the first Great War, which had plagued European society for four long and brutal years, many were left to question the purpose of their existences. Stemming from the monstrously large number of casualties during the war, the mood left those whom survived to wonder how reason and logic could have started the conflict. For many people, a sense of alienation was stirred up who found the possibility of rejoining a society, which had not only allowed but prolonged such a catastrophe, to difficult. As society was adapting from war, so too were the artists and their respective movements. One such movement formed during the tumultuous years was reacting to the heighten fears of war called Dada. It is from the Dadaist movement in†¦show more content†¦In which he painted a white veil into his work, symbolic, perhaps, of the garment his mother was found in. While a teenager he was enrolled in Acadà ©mie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels until he found work drawing advertise ments for a wallpaper factory. By 1927 he moved to the epicenter of fine arts in Paris. There he was acquainted with the emerging movement of surrealism led by the writer, Andre Breton. After three years he returned to Brussels where he would remain until his death in 1967. According to some, Magritte lived a quiet, humble life never wishing to attract large amounts attention towards himself he tended to live unremarkably. In the developing stage of surrealism, two diametric schools of thought were beginning to form. The first, based heavily in a literary style called automatism, which held the ideas of creation free from the control of the mind. In this direction, abstraction of ordinary objects and the ideas of chance dominated. Among those whom clung to this style were Max Ernst and Andre Masson. This style thus became known as abstract surrealism. Oppositely, artists such as Salvador Dali, Yves Tanguy, and Rene Magritte would focus their art on the principles of non-sequitur and juxtapositions of ordinary objects. As well, their art took on a dreamlike quality, based in the psychoanalytical philosophy of the unconscious. Many of the surrealists found the work done by Sigmund Freud incredibly influential, especially Freud’s study
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Leadership and Theory free essay sample
Kirsty and several colleagues set up a new company when they left Mr Bakes, a medium sized bakery company. Kirsty had members of her Senior Management Team which are all females, mid-twenties and with no experience in the company management. However, Kirsty made a decision to set up a new innovational company and set standard requirements for the company. After that, she perceived three main problems in the initial phase after the foundation of the factory. First of all, there is a serious financial burden forced on the Senior Management Team. Second, some fractures have appeared in the SMT’s riendship at the initial stage of establishing a market. Third, there are some negative treatments from their competitors. To sum up these three main issues, Kirsty commented on her way of seeing the company through the start-up phase. She said that she had a vision and tried to make it clear to staffs to make them going the same way towards one goal. Otherwise, she not only devoted herself to dealing with all problems that the staff had but also trusted her staffs to be fully committed to what they wanted and was open to any idea on how to make that vision come true in reality. In view of the ways of Kirsty’s leadership, it is not hard to find out the three modern leadership theories and approaches in her comments. This report will make a critical analysis of the strength and the weakness of Kirsty’s leadership for The Sandwich Factory by using the knowledge in leadership. Main Section: Leadership Theory Development On the basis of the leadership conception we can defined that â€Å"leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal†(Northouse 2007:3). This definition emphasize on three key points ‘process’, ‘influences’, and ‘common goal’. Moreover, leadership is giving direction aligning people to the vision and helping them cope with changes. For instance, the CEO of Apple Incorporated, Steve Jobs was a leader who provided the strategic vision as the managing director to his whole company. With the development of leadership theory, some academics put forward a few methods of leadership step by step, from the original Trait Approach to the current Ethical Leadership Approach which has experienced several periods of evolution. People seek more information to answer what makes a good leader and how to be a good leader. Most of them believe that owning the ability of leadership could improve their social positions, personal cultivations of ideological morality and the quality of life. Many successful leaders are well equipped with good personal traits and comprehensive professional knowledge. In addition, they hold their opinions with persistence and bravely face new challenges and changes. In this case study, the principal theory is modern approaches of leadership. It contains path-goal theory, leader-member exchange theory and transformational versus transactional theory. Then, it will make a particular analysis on these theories in the following sections. Path –Goal Theory Path-goal theory first appeared in the leadership literature in early 1970s. It builds on behavioral and contingency approaches which are concerned with how leadership behavior can motivate the satisfaction and performance of a follower in an organizational surrounding. It emphasizes the relationship and leadership behaviors between subordinate’s characteristics and task characteristics. The main challenge of a leader in organizations is to use a leadership style that best satisfies followers’ motivational needs and to steer followers along a path to achieving the common goal, which seems attractive and increase followers confidence. House and Mitchell (1974) described four styles of leading subordinates which consist of â€Å"Directive Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Participative Leadership and Achievement-oriented Leadership†. It is used to analyze complicated relationships in an organization. The path-goal theory has several effective features. First, it explains how various leadership behaviors interact with followers and task characteristics and how to choose an appropriate leadership style to affect subordinates’ satisfactions and work performances. Second, path-goal theory is that â€Å"it attempts to integrate the motivation principles of expectancy theory into a theory of leadership†(Peter G. Northouse, 2010, p. 133). A third positive feature of path-goal theory is that it affords a very practical model. Although path-goal theory has these positive features, it also has some opposite sides. First of all, this theory is so complex and broad which includes so many different correlative conditions. Therefore, with a specific organizational context, it is so difficult to use it to ameliorate the leadership process. A second criticism of this theory is that â€Å"it does not give equal attention on all relevant aspects and the research results do not provide a full and coincident conclusion of the essential suppositions and consequences†(Evans, 1996). This may be due to the imperfection of measuring method in leadership behavior and measurement scale in work structure. What’s more, this approach attaches importance to ‘people’ factors, whether leaders or subordinates are all complex man and there are many factors to influence them. This will definitely affect the full play of the transformational leadership. The transactional leadership is different from transformational leadership which does not focus on followers’ personal development. It was put forward by Hollander in 1978. Hollander deemed that â€Å"leadership happened in a given situation, leaders and followers maintain a transaction process. Leaders by a clear task and persona’ needs to guide and motivate subordinates to complete the organization’s goals†. â€Å"Transactional leaders are influential because it is in the best interest of subordinates for them to do what the leader wants†(Kuhnert amp; Lewis, 1987). Transactional leadership could become a tool for private gains. It could be excessive emphasis on ‘bottom line’, thus become a ‘short-term behavior’, only consider the pursuit of efficiencies and the maximization of profits and ignore some long-term things. It could also make followers to fall into an immoral and irrational zone with the powerful pressures, excessive rewards and punishments. The most deadly is transactional leadership only knows to use of tangible and intangible conditions to exchange values with subordinates for getting the leadership. It is not able to give employees the significance of work. Thereby, the transactional leadership could not arouse the enthusiasm of employees or develop their creativities. On the basis of these two theories, it caused a new thinking but it is difficult to have an absolute answer about which leadership approach is better. Transformational leadership has its applicable conditions and transactional leadership also has its stage. So, with a contingent method, it should apply to a special situation. The most important thing is the balance of transformational leadership versus transactional leadership. It is about being transactional in a transformational way. The case study five points out that Kristy had protection, motivation and vision at the same time and totally trusted her subordinates. The followers accepted and enjoyed the devolution and the responsibility. Kristy is not a control freak. She made the challenge in a constructive way. Now the company has new customers every week and broke into new markets. The change never stops in The Sandwich Factory. Kristy used the transformational and transactional theory to finish the process of satisfaction between she and subordinates. She made subordinates recognize the responsibility and the signification of their tasks, and also gave high expectation to inspire them to achieve the common goal. She cared about the demand, ability and desire of followers. Otherwise, she listened, developed and guided her subordinates to grow up in challenges. Conclusion To sum up the whole report, it would appear that every leadership approach has its benefits and drawbacks. Leaders have to choose and combine some useful aspects form these leadership styles and use it to fit for the company. All of the leadership approaches enhance the prospective of company and the relationship between leaders and followers. Therefore, knowing the subordinates’ traits is the primary responsibility. Then, balancing subordinates’ demands with organizational targets is to make sure the organizational development in a straight way. Furthermore, the relationship between leaders and followers is complex and contextual. No leader could predict with any certainty how changing circumstances and events might affect the relationship with followers. The emotional connection with staffs is one of the effective ways to complete the leadership role in an organization. Not only pay attention to the business profit margins, but also concern with the subordinates’ work-life balance and well-being. The leader with high emotional intelligence could be easier to influence their staffs. Making staffs in one group and concentrate their efforts in organizational aims. In conclusion, the creator of The Sandwich Factory has her special personalities and managerial methods. She used three modern leadership theories and put them together to lead subordinates. At the end of Kitsty’s comments, she indicated that ‘change never stops’. Facing the change in interior and exterior circumstances, leaders should change their styles in a positive direction especially being true to followers which could help leaders easily get the dependence from followers.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Millers the Crucible Essay Example
Millers the Crucible Paper Millers The Crucible is based on the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692, in which many innocent people were executed due to accusations that were deemed believable at the time, by a group of adolescent girls. These girls were caught up in the widespread hysteria of the lies and deceit in a puritan community. The play also parallels Millers own life when he stood trial for giving names of alleged communists. When the play opens, we see Reverend Parris praying and sobbing in a room alone. When Tituba enters frightened, this creates the tension as Tituba wants to see Betty, but feels she cant because of Parris. She enters as one does that can not bear to be barred from the sight of her beloved When Tituba seeks the courage to speak, Parris shouts at her. Out of here! Just in the first two lines and stage directions, the tension is created and an impression that Tituba is now scared of Parris. The mood in the beginning is a feeling of sadness, sorrow and tension which creates a lot of emotion swell as drama. In act 1, we see Abigail threaten the other girls to keep quiet about what really happened in the forest Now look you, we danced and Tituba conjured Putnams dead sisters, and that is all. We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Abigail clearly controls others. Miller adds to the tension here, by not giving the audience all of the information, but letting us know there is something we havent been told. We see the relationship between Proctor and Abigail throughout Act 1 and the rest of the play. Between lines 17 and 19 the impression we get from the relationship, is that Abigail wants Proctor but Proctor. Trying to be a good man resists her. Gah! Id almost forgot how strong you are John Proctor! tells the reader that Abigail is trying to show her feelings for Proctor. Her concentrated desire destroys his smile Miller adds to the tension by creating a feeling of unease that Abigail is trying to get to john, but she is being told No! Abigail then moves on to say tauntingly you come five mile to see a silly girl fly? This adds to the tension by Abigail questioning Proctor in a Taunting way. This ongoing banter continues throughout the act. The relationship adds tension to the play, because the audience are not sure what will happen with Abigail and Proctor, and wonder if there is any history between them. Proctor, being based on Arthur Millers life, has been put in the same position as Miller was himself. There are historical parallels, in the play, linking Proctor and Miller. Miller was summoned before the House of Un-American Activities committee a group searching for Communist Sympathisers who posed a threat to the safety of the state. Just like Proctor did, he refused to answer questions as he did not want to compromise himself. The relationship between Proctor and Parris in Act 1 seems to be somewhat not a pleasant one. Proctor despises Parris, and thinks that he is greedy in getting money. On page 24, there is an ongoing feud between Proctor and Parris over the deeds to the house. Proctor is angry at Parris for demanding the deeds to the house, and for wanting extra money for firewood. Mr Parris you are the first minister ever did demand the deed to this house- Parris replies, Man! Doesnt a minister deserve a house to live in? Parris is defending his point by trying to get Proctor to believe that he needs a house to live in. Proctor then goes on to say To live in, yes. But to ask ownership is like you shall own the meeting house itself This argument continues, and we see Rebecca Nurse trying to keep the calm and the peace. Miller delivers short lines which impact on the audience as she is stuck in the middle and is trying to calm the situation that has arisen. They are now arguing about a party against Parris and Proctor says he should go and join it, when Rebecca says He does not mean that. this shows to the audience that she is trying to keep the peace. This adds to the dramatic tension because the audience would feel uneasy while watching these constant arguments going on and Rebecca being the one trying to keep the calm. It creates a sense of tension when the audience are facing these people arguing in front of them on the stage. Towards the end of the act, we see all of the girls confess to say they have seen people with the devil, which we now know wasnt true. When Betty wakes up, Hale and Parris all believe that the curse that the devil has put on them has been broken free and Betty shouts out I saw Martha Bellows with the Devil! All of the girls in the room then follow suit and all start bellowing out who they saw with the devil. I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil! I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil! This continues until the curtain falls on the act. This dramatic finish adds to the tension created as it puts that feeling of excitement, but at the same time shock into the watching audience. The audience will be in a way, excited that all of the girls are screeching out these names and the audience are waiting to see who will be called out next, and what will happen. This will pin the audience to the play in the following acts to see what will happen during the trials and who will be rightly accused. There is also a feeling of shock at the dramatic ending, when the girls are all calling out these names quite unexpectedly. Reverend Hale and Parris celebrate that the curse has been set free, adding to the shock as they are shocked themselves, so in turn the audience are being shocked with them. The whole of The Crucible is based upon the dramatic devices and effect of tension, especially in Act 1. The play is known famously for this, and it is interesting how it can be linked with Millers own life, shown through John Proctor. The story reminds its readers of an ugly blemish on human history. It reminds us that man is not perfect, and that we can make mistakes. However, even with these mistakes, we can cleanse ourselves and purify ourselves by making what is wrong right. Religion Puritanism is the key theme in this play, and it adds to the dramatic effects massively as the rules of Puritanism are so strict. The play is fantastic one to watch and it keeps you on the edge of your chair. Its a play that, if you are watching it, will be in suspense and eager to find out what is happening next, with its constant turns and twists in the plot.Leigh Jones Tension and Drama in The Crucible Act 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Evaluation of the CYSA/TANF Program in California
Abstract California welfare to work Act, which was enacted in 1997, led to the creation of CYSA (comprehensive youth service act). CYSA was meant to provide â€Å"country’s probation departments (CPDs) with federal temporary assistance to the needy families’ (TANF) funds to be used to help in attaining overarching federal TANF goals by providing services to youths and their families†(Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003, p. xi).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Evaluation of the CYSA/TANF Program in California specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, CYSA/TANF program was a statutory program for increasing social welfare for its beneficiaries. This goal is explicitly expressed in the statement of goals of the program. Turner, Davis, Steinberg, and Fain (2003) confirm that the main goal of the program was to â€Å"provide a continuum of family-focused and case-specific services in a community-based setting that address the full spectrum of child and family needs, including the services provided in county-operated residential care facilities†(p. xi). The paper presents the projects, which were implemented through the program. It also highlights the services that were provided to the target social groups, the effects of the program from a system approach and individual gains, and the experiences of various counties with the implementation of the program. The aim is to evaluate the programs’ extent of achievement of its noble goals and objectives. Background to CYSA/TANF Program CYSA/TANF program was the creation of the CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids). The program was enacted in the financial years 1997/1998 (Worrall, 2004). The chief purpose of the program was to offer services to juveniles who were placed on probation. This goal was to be achieved through putting in place measures that would ensure that youths were prevented from involving themselves in repeated crimes. It also put in strategies that would see youths who were placed on probation stop over relying on public aids besides creating avenues for the provision of help to the needy families through the federal temporary assistance program. The aim of providing aid to the needy families was to ensure that the needy parents rely less on the benefits given by the government (Worrall, 2004). This object was to be realized via putting in place mechanisms of ensuring that such parents were prepared to engage in the work environment.Advertising Looking for critical writing on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The program also endeavored to ensure that incidences of single parent families occurred in lesser magnitudes together with reduction of incidences of children siring while not engaged in marriage (Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003). The implementatio n process of the program was not fundamentally required by the state of California law to undergo an intensive evaluation process just as it happens normally for programs that are established to deliver public goods. However, the state of California’s probation officer found it vital to conduct an analysis of the process of implementation of the program together with an evaluation of its outcomes (Calderwood, Kitzes Ivanoff, 2012). After considering and ensuring that the approaches of the bidding process followed the procuring and bidding procedures established within California, the contract to conduct analysis of the program was accorded to an organization referred to as RAND. This organization was mandated to provide feedback on the implementation of the program within fixed time lines besides providing an assessment report on how the funding for the program was utilized by various probation departments in all the benefiting counties. It also provided a thorough assessmen t of the manner in which local interventions influenced the program. RAND was also to provide recommendations on the plausible mechanisms through which the program would be improved in the future in terms of operation and program design. In this paper, the analysis and summary of the program is conducted in the context of the findings of RAND as discussed in its evaluation report referred to as Evaluation of the CYSA/TANF program in California: final report. Projects implemented through the CYSA/TANF Program Countries used CYSA/TANF program to allocate money to people in custody places. These places include jail halls for children and camps. The countries also used the program to arrange the CYSA/TANF money allocated to different programs in many groups ranging from taking preventive measures to ensuring that work is done properly in accordance with the legal rights of keeping and maintaining children.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Evaluation of t he CYSA/TANF Program in California specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This effort is done to give a set of things on a scale that concentrates on family by focusing on specific issues of the community besides dealing with a range of particular things to do with children and family requirements and services offered to people residing in countries that have access to health care facilities (Worrall, 2004). Earlier, CYSA/TANF aided counties to put up key programs, which concentrated on youth related issues. In subsequent programs, countries usually arranged their CYSA/TANF funds that were allocated across most of the targeted population by involving the behaviors of pupils who skip from school without permission, youths living in specific areas, and people who are related to them (Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003). Information from programs within the 11 counties that took part in the detail action study highlighted the various ways th at CPDS were used to ensure that CYSA/TANF goals were achieved. For instance, programs varied from establishing prevention networks to offering services such as counseling, regular checking, medical attention services, and a variety of life lessons, skills, and gradual growth services given to youths in prisons. Other counties decided to use CYSA/TANF money to fund programs in a set of scales. For instance, programs operating at the level of at-risk youths and their relatives offered services to a great multitude of customers in 2002.These programs helped about 6400 at-risk youths together with people who had relations with them (Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003). About 8500 youths in jail institutions were also served by the CYSA/TANF. Through CYSA/TANF, developments in the whole country were recognized. For example, different approaches were deployed for dealing with youth requirements and relations to work in a more collaborative way within county agencies. To accomplish CYSA /TANF implementation, organizations changed a number of different things for instance employing new staff members who were obtained from either those who were kept pending to be employed or people from administrative personnel or training employees to concentrate CYSA/TANF.Advertising Looking for critical writing on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effort was also made to change the current rules and procedures to suit the focus on CYSA related goals, making slight changes to the way things are managed in the organization, and coming up with new demanding methods. Planning earlier and ensuring that programs are accomplished were prevented by few major factors, which include problems related to the implementation of a many-service-outcome model and documentation procedure. Services delivered through CYSA/TANF Program CYSA/TANF Program was formulated to deliver a number of services as discussed in the background section. From the perspective of the program analysis, the goal of evaluation is to determine whether these services were indeed delivered as proposed. Prior to the introduction of the program, some counties in California already had operational programs to aid the needy families and juveniles (Worrall, 2004). However, the program was instrumental in aiding to facilitate continuity of these programs since some were runni ng out funds. For instance, some counties deployed the funds allocated to them through the program to improve, modify, or even boost treatment services that had been formalized. Indeed, with regard to Turner, Davis, Steinberg, and Fain (2003), â€Å"large counties were more likely to use CYSA/TANF funds to substantially modify or enhance existing formal treatment services, where else small counties, which had fewer services to begin with, were more likely to add new treatment services under CYSA/TANF†(p. xiii). Therefore, the program was effective in delivering services to the needy families by virtue of the fact that the communities already identified such needs. The only challenges were funding limitations to fulfill the goals of the existing programs. Through the CYSA/TANF program, coordination services were also provided. However, it does not mean that counties, which were allocated the CYSA/TANF funds, did not have the existing coordination services. Rather, such servic es were provided externally to the counties through case management. More than 67 percent of the counties deployed the funds allocated to them via CYSA/TANF program to enhance case management service that was provided externally (Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003). Half of the counties also spent an incredible amount in facilitation of referral together with information services relating to availing various community-essential resources. The large counties possessed higher probabilities to utilize funds allocated to them to enhance their case management services while the small counties had the highest probability of utilizing their funds to initiate new referral services together with external case management services (Turner, Davis, Steinberg Fain, 2003). After-care-services comprised an incredible class of services that counties used the CYSA/TANF funds to enhance them. Tantamount to the other cases, many of the large counties utilized their funds to expand the existing servi ces while smaller counties considered utilizing their funds to fund new services. A similar trend is also true for services dealing with skill developments within the counties. Realization of the nature of services provided and their trend of provisions based on the size of counties concerns Turner, Davis, Steinberg and Fain (2003) who claim, â€Å" we expected to find that the types of services and the intensity of services provided in a different setting along the continuum of options would vary†(p. xiii). In fact, considering the nature of services rendered through CYSA/TANF, it is evident that counties belonging to higher continuum had higher probabilities to provide more services relative to those belonging to the lower continuum. One striking difference was that of the formal treatment services because many counties focused on their provision irrespective of the county continuum. CYSA/TANF Program services delivered to juvenile halls The program was targeted at assisti ng several groups of people who were convicted for juvenile crimes. This category included youths who were regarded as at-risk youths, WIC 601, WIC 602, WIC 777, wardship, and custody. Risky youths include all youths who fail academically in effect that they live in poverty, are disabled, and or they belong to segregated minority groups (Worrall, 2004, p.472). WIC 601 involved all juveniles who are charged with offenses, which do not apply for adults, alternatively called status offenses. WIC 777 Juveniles are charged with felonies of misdemeanor. Lastly, while juveniles belonging to the class of warship constitute â€Å"youths under court supervision who are placed at some, or at a relative’s house on probation, custody refers to all juveniles under court supervision who have been sentenced from 0-12 months in juvenile camp or ranch†(Calderwood, Kitzes Ivanoff, 2012, p.16). Considering the roles played by the CYSA/TANF program to ensure that all these groups of yout hs live better lives, and are able to coexist and contribute to societal development, it is evident that the program was effective in the realization of its goals and objectives. Based on capacity, different counties offered services to different youths within their halls. In the largest counties, the halls offered services to youths in an excess of 1500. Beyond half of members of counties, which benefited from CYSA/TANF program funding to provide services to juveniles, put up juvenile halls with a capacity of holding 200 people and above in any period of time (Calderwood, Kitzes Ivanoff, 2012). The time of stay at the juvenile center ranged from five to twenty-seven days. Therefore, CYSA/TANF program was effective in ensuring that large numbers of people falling in any of described categories of juveniles acquired services across the state of California. However, it is important to note that, within California, juvenile services seeking to reform youths convicted for felony crimes did not exist prior to the creation of CYSA/TANF. Indeed, Turner, Davis, Steinberg, and Fain (2003) found, â€Å"majority of counties provided between 6 and15 CYSA/TANF services in the juvenile halls, with minority providing more than 16 services†(p. xiii). Therefore, some counties found no need of creating news juvenile halls. Rather, CYSA/TANF funds were dedicated to improving the existing facilities and services offered at the halls. Therefore, even though the funds in such situations did not go into the establishment of new juvenile hall, the funds sealed a gap that many prior established juvenile halls had been struggling to seal. Impacts of CYSA/TANF Program Services provided at the juvenile halls influenced youths in various ways. Through CYSA/TANF, many counties argued that they experienced observable changes with real impacts on the persons seeking services from the juvenile halls. In terms of collaboration, mental health program and drug abuse programs were implem ented in various counties. Such programs were instrumental in helping to provide mechanisms of reforming juveniles since substance abuse is one of the major drivers for youths to engage in felony (Grady, 2012: Randle, 2007). CYSA/TANF program also provided funds that were deployed to enhance activities that were pivotal in the achievement of other goals of juvenile service as intended by CYSA/TANF legislation. The goals included investments of the CYSA/TANF funds in teaching at-risk youths concerning mechanisms of anger management, counseling, and even educational advocacy among others. CYSA/TANF program possessed some particular outcomes that it anticipated to realize. The legislation hoped to ensure that more emphasis was placed on different counties on enhancing youth accountability besides providing services to families and various youth groups in direct ways (Worrall, 2004). At the heart of the program also rested the need to provide intervention coupled with prevention service s to at-risk youths. Persons who were charged with the implementation of CYSA/TANF program found the services offered as having the impact that was moderate in terms of achievement of the program outcomes. Turner, Davis, Steinberg and Fain (2003) support this argument by arguing, â€Å"program officers felt that the impact of their CYSA/TANF program and/or services in their county was particularly important in the areas of public safety and increasing the range of options that probation officers had in serving the youths and families†(p. xvi). CYSA/TANF also created an opportunity for departments within the juvenile rehabilitation institutions to increase the capacity of their staff to enhance better service delivery. Through the custody programs developed in various counties, CYSA/TANF aided in enhancement of a myriad of services that are accorded to first-time felony offenders coupled with their families. In fact, various chiefs in different departments, which offered cust ody services, argued that, in case CYSA/TANF was terminated, enormous changes would take place. Such changes would influence the current achievements of the program to suffer incredibly. The impacts of the CYSA/TANF can also be discussed from the paradigms of evaluating the effectiveness of the legislation in achieving its intended aims. Arguing from this perspective, Turner, Davis, Steinberg, and Fain note, â€Å"CYSA/TANF filled an important gap in funding for juvenile probation services that had been lost when the title IV-A-EA program ended in December 1995†(2003, p.xvi). Consequently, CYSA/TANF created a room for the emergence of services for benefiting youths and their families. This attempt was perhaps important in the effort to ensure that California continued with the role of ensuring that all its citizens remained productive people who can enhance the growth of the state. CYSA/TANF also had impacts of making it possible for probation to emerge as a strategy that wa s viable within various counties in terms of addressing various children on issues that influenced their developments negatively such as engagement in felony. CYSA/TANF provides a magnificent opportunity for various counties to collaborate with other counties and various service providers including local authorities within California in matters of probation. From this dimension, CYSA/TANF is crucial in sealing paramount funding gaps by changing the approach of dealing with juvenile deliquescent from monitoring and suppression, and enforcement to more friendly approaches such as therapy and or rehabilitation. CYSA/TANF also raised efforts for system-wide mechanisms of planning on measures for dealing with recurrent challenges of at-risk youths together with their families. Counties experiences with implementation of CYSA/TANF Program CYSA/TANF is one of the best available mechanisms of funding custody services. This assertion is perhaps largely true by considering counties’ ex periences with the reality of the fact that Title IV-E is not appropriate for utilization in the custody settings. Some counties also had immense challenges in the evaluation of the effectiveness of their program that were funded by CYSA/TANF (Worrall, 2004, p.474). As argued before, in many counties, the CYSA/TANF allocated to them was utilized in improving the existing rehabilitations programs for at-risk youths among other services. The funding environment also presented some challenges to various counties. For instance, according to Calderwood, Kitzes, and Ivanoff (2012), â€Å"about 1/3 of counties experienced fiscal pressure-withholding or re-appropriation of CYSA/TANF funds†(p.70). Nevertheless, some CPDS chiefs were inclined to the opinion that, in overall, the funding from CYSA/TANF was helpful. While this position shows positive experience with CYSA/TANF, issues of program complication were also eminent. For instance, the program was set for implementation in 58 co unties comprising 23 services, which were divided into four main broad categories. In every county, there was the need to implement the program in similar ways to others for it to attain its overall goals, aims, and objectives that are replicated in all counties. This was perhaps not the case. Some counties, especially the poor ones, did not have adequate knowhow on the program implementation and evaluation theories. Reference List Calderwood, D., Kitzes, E., Ivanoff, S. (2012). Summary report: evaluation of the CYSA/TANF program in California. Web. Grady, S. (2012). Civil Death is Different: An Examination of A post-Graham Challenge to Felon Disenfranchisement under the Eighth Amendment. The Journal of Criminal Law Criminology, 102(2), 441-470. Randle, J. (2007). Review of Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy. Law and Society, 41(2), 500-503. Turner, S., Davis, L., Steinberg P., Fain, T. (2003). Evaluation of the CYSA/TANF program in California: final repo rt. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Worrall, J. (2004). Funding Collaborative Juvenile Crime Prevention Programs: Does It Make a Difference? Evaluation Review, 28(9), 471-501. This critical writing on Evaluation of the CYSA/TANF Program in California was written and submitted by user Zeke Rowe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Innovation for the 21st Century
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Innovation for the 21st Century In 1839, the first fuel cell was conceived by Sir William Robert Grove, a Welsh judge, inventor, and physicist. He mixed hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of an electrolyte and produced electricity and water. The invention, which later became known as a fuel cell, didnt produce enough electricity to be useful. Early Stages of the Fuel Cell In 1889, the term â€Å"fuel cell†was first coined by Ludwig Mond and Charles Langer, who attempted to build a working fuel cell using air and industrial coal gas. Another source states that it was William White Jaques who first coined the term fuel cell. Jaques was also the first researcher to use phosphoric acid in the electrolyte bath. In the 1920s, fuel cell research in Germany paved the way for the development of the carbonate cycle and solid oxide fuel cells of today. In 1932, engineer Francis T Bacon began his vital research into fuels cells. Early cell designers used porous platinum electrodes and sulfuric acid as the electrolyte bath. Using platinum was expensive and using sulfuric acid was corrosive. Bacon improved on the expensive platinum catalysts with a hydrogen and oxygen cell using a less corrosive alkaline electrolyte and inexpensive nickel electrodes. It took Bacon until 1959 to perfect his design when he demonstrated a five-kilowatt fuel cell that could power a welding machine. Francis T. Bacon, a direct descendant of the other well known Francis Bacon, named his famous fuel cell design the Bacon Cell. Fuel Cells in Vehicles In October of 1959, Harry Karl Ihrig, an engineer for the Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Company, demonstrated a 20-horsepower tractor that was the first vehicle ever powered by a fuel cell. During the early 1960s, General Electric produced the fuel-cell-based electrical power system for NASAs Gemini and Apollo space capsules. General Electric used the principles found in the Bacon Cell as the basis of its design. Today, the Space Shuttles electricity is provided by fuel cells, and the same fuel cells provide drinking water for the crew. NASA decided that using nuclear reactors was too high a risk, and using batteries or solar power was too bulky to use in space vehicles. NASA has funded more than 200 research contracts exploring fuel-cell technology, bringing the technology to a level now viable for the private sector. The first bus powered by a fuel cell was completed in 1993, and several fuel-cell cars are now being built in Europe and in the United States. Daimler-Benz and Toyota launched prototype fuel-cell powered cars in 1997. Fuel Cells the Superior Energy Source Maybe the answer to Whats so great about fuel cells? should be the question Whats so great about pollution, changing the climate or running out of oil, natural gas, and coal? As we head into the next millennium, it is time to put renewable energy and planet-friendly technology at the top of our priorities. Fuel cells have been around for over 150 years and offer a source of energy that is inexhaustible, environmentally safe and always available. So why arent they being used everywhere already? Until recently, it has been because of the cost. The cells were too expensive to make. That has now changed. In the United States, several pieces of legislation have promoted the current explosion in hydrogen fuel cell development: namely, the congressional Hydrogen Future Act of 1996 and several state laws promoting zero emission levels for cars. Worldwide, different types of fuel cells have been developed with extensive public funding. The United States alone has sunk more than one billion dollars into fuel-cell research in the last thirty years. In 1998, Iceland announced plans to create a hydrogen economy in cooperation with German carmaker Daimler-Benz and Canadian fuel cell developer Ballard Power Systems. The 10-year plan would convert all transportation vehicles, including Icelands fishing fleet, over to fuel-cell-powered vehicles. In March 1999, Iceland, Shell Oil, Daimler Chrysler, and Norsk Hydroformed a company to further develop Icelands hydrogen economy. In February 1999, Europes first public commercial hydrogen fuel station for cars and trucks opened for business in Hamburg, Germany. In April 1999, Daimler Chrysler unveiled the liquid hydrogen vehicle NECAR 4. With a top speed of 90 mph and a 280-mile tank capacity, the car wowed the press. The company plans to have fuel-cell vehicles in limited production by the year 2004. By that time, Daimler Chrysler will have spent $1.4 billion more on fuel-cell technology development. In August 1999, Singapore physicists announced a new hydrogen storage method of alkali doped carbon nanotubes that would increase hydrogen storage and safety. A Taiwanese company, San Yang, is developing the first fuel cell powered motorcycle. Where Do We Go From Here? There are still issues with hydrogen-fueled engines and power plants. Transport, storage and safety problems need to be addressed. Greenpeace has promoted the development of a fuel cell operated with regeneratively produced hydrogen. European car makers have so far ignored a Greenpeace project for a super-efficient car consuming only 3 liters of gasoline per 100 km. Special Thanks goes to H-Power, The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Letter, and Fuel Cell 2000
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Can technology replace classroom teachers Essay
Can technology replace classroom teachers - Essay Example With the use of technology, people can obtain information very easily. Social media allows people to stay in contact with each other virtually and exchange information. However, there are many people who believe that development of technology can destroy social life of people. Traditional classroom teachers are very important in the life of children as they are role model for children. Classroom teachers help students understand about a subject in detail. Textbooks and traditional blackboard education helps students understand and learn subjective matters in an appropriate manner. Teachers believe that modern schools install projectors in class room that makes education process simple and teachers need to work less however there are some students, who pay less attention and are unable to cope-up with the teachings. This essay will discuss about the positive and negative impacts of technology and discuss whether they are a threat to classroom teachings. According to the present education system, the influx of technology means that there would be a greater need for teachers. Technology has various positive implications in the society. It is believed that with the advancement of technology people will have a comfortable and safe life whereas some people dispute the fact and imagine growth of technology can lead to extinction of human life. In the modern classrooms, teachers are expected to use technology while teaching. Almost a decade back, classroom education was mandatory and students were taught about subjective facts via textbooks only. Teachers used blackboards to explain students about subjective knowledge. In the modern classrooms most of the knowledge providing equipment is digitalized. Usage of projector instead of blackboard is one of the most common examples that students experience while they are taught in classes (Clemmitt 14). Moreover, introduction of social media
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Care Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Care Plan - Assignment Example The patient is currently receiving treatment on these and has suffered bouts of pain. The treatment received by the patient relates to hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and gout. Hypercholesterolemia according to research is a condition that comes because of autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia gene attached to the chromosomes of a human being undergoing mutations (Ashton, 2012). The fact that the patient admits to alcoholism contributes to the factors that could complicate the medication process and the side effects of the medicines. Based on the above, the symptoms are being treated and the diagnosis received treated as per the earlier prescriptions made by the doctors. The diagnostic test carried out included the following specimen: comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Cardiac Enzymes, and urinalysis, CT scan around the abdomen, chest x-ray esophagastroduodenoscopy, serum, urea breath test and fecal antigen test. These aimed at analyzing the parent to identify the state of their health over the previous condition. According to the patient, some aspects required education to enlighten them on how to go about their condition to supplement treatment. The education aspects aim at improving the chances of successful treatment through compliance of the medication. The education will include the aspects of diet modification that would include reduced purine content in foods. Based on the nutritional studies present, the body produces its own purines and the addition of the content in foods could affect the patients treatment program (Zacas & Wolinsky, 2004). The reduction in these purine rich foods will help the patient with the control of gout symptoms and the blood pressure levels registered. The patient will also require training or education in the reduction or control of stress levels to avoid increasing the effects of stress on the medications and treatment plan. Other educational aspects encouraged
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Market plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Market plan - Essay Example Thus, all in all, the Masafi Group has come up with a winner in the shape of the Masafi Natural Mineral Water. The Masafi Water Company is now trying to launch ABC aftershave company, for which they need to perform a step by step marketing plan, since it would assist them in knowing the need of this product, and assess it with respect to the environment in which the industry is thriving at this point in time. (Kerin, 2004) A market plan is basically an outline of the various environmental factors as well as the marketing dynamics that will be associated with the product, which is yet to be launched. (Larsen, 1997) It helps the organization to get an aerial view of the viability of the product idea that they have, with respect to the company itself, the target customers, the competitors present, the collaborators and the climate. The SWOT analysis also plays a vital role in telling the company about its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The market plan becomes further refined when portions for market segmentation, alternative marketing strategies and selected marketing strategy are added. (Luther, 2001) The Masafi group now plans to launch an aftershave company. Aftershaves are a health and beauty product and come under the sub-category of fragrances and perfumes. The aftershave market is quite saturated with many big perfume brands doing brand extensions into aftershaves, using their known and established brand names. Whether or not Masafi water should plan to invest their time, resources and energy in launching an aftershave company would be better decided if a marketing plan is made, and critically analyzed. (Stapleton, 1998) The marketing plan would consist of the following components: The SWOT analysis involves the analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the external opportunities and threats that the company is
Friday, November 15, 2019
Corporate Governance In Coca Cola Corporation Commerce Essay
Corporate Governance In Coca Cola Corporation Commerce Essay The Coca-Cola Corporation is dedicated to reverberation ideology of communal authority. The Board is designated by the shareowners to supervise their concentration in the enduring strength and the largely accomplishment of the production and its economic power. The Board provides as the eventual resolution manufacture body of the concern, excluding for individuals matters retained to or mutually shared with the shareowners. The Board elects and administers the associates of superior organization, who are charged by the Board with accomplish the production of the corporation. The Corporate Governance strategy, all along with the contracts of the all of the Board commission and the solution preparation of the Board afford the structure for communal supremacy at The Coca-Cola Company. Ethics Compliance: The core of the ideology and performance program at The Coca-Cola concern is our signs of Business behaviour. The system conducts the business behaviour; involves integrity and reliability in all substances. All of the executives and administrators are essential to examine and realize the system and pursue its instructions in the administrative centre and generously proportioned society. The policy is managed by the companys Ethics Compliance commission. This cross-functional superior administration group supervises the entire principles and acquiescence programs and resolves system infringements and regulation. Our Ethics Compliance workplace has functioning liability for edification, discussion, examining and estimation associated to the Code of industry perform and compliance concerns. Relates internationally obtain a assortment of moral code and compliance instruction options controlled by the Ethics Compliance Office. The company frequently screen and review the business to certify compliance with the system and the act. Coca-cola also sustains a constant rest of best-in-class values approximately the world that administrate how the company examine and hold Code concerns. In 2008, it modifies the Code to promote progress its efficiency. More than 20,000 contacts concluded more than 30,000 personally and web-based Ethics and Compliance guidance conference from August 2007 in the track of June 2008. All correlates will obtain in-person Code of company performs guidance in 2008. The company has skilled the contacts Code of dealing accomplish, European Union rivalry law, Latin American opposition law, economic reliability, logical possessions and spirited intellects, drug-free agency and avoids agency hostility. In 2006, company revolved out a simplified universal anti-bribery conformity program with partisan strategies, training and reviews. In accumulation, it extended the compliance program in the region of United State operates approved with opinionated policies, instruction and audits. Coca-cola associates, bottling colleagues, providers, regulars and customers can ask enquiries about the Code and former ethics and compliance subjects, or statement probable breach, through Ethics procession, a universal Web and telephone reports and exposure service. Phone calls are toll-free, and Ethics Line is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with obtainable translators. Corporate Social Responsibility: Coca-cola Greece was lately documented for its commercial collective responsibility attempts with 3 honours at the esteemed CSR distinction Awards formal procedure. The CSR superiority Awards identify accomplishment transversely all industries, not only food and beverage, and are honoured by a commission includes of convincing stakeholders, such as nongovernment associations and administration representatives. The appreciation of quality in 3 sorts exhibits the obsession of the coca-cola Company has for carrying the promises of subsist confidently stage to life at job and in the society. Continuous Achievement Award Human Resources Award Environment Award Vision 2020: The humankind is varying all around us. To prolong to succeed as a business for the next 10 years and beyond, we need to be required to stare forward, identify with the tendency and services that will figure out the business in the prospect and progress quickly to organize for whats to come. We have to get prepared for tomorrow today. Thats what the 2020 Vision is all regarding. It produces a lasting intention for the production and supplies coca-cola with a Route map for captivating mutually with the bottling partners. Coca-cola Mission Coca-colas Roadmap commences by means of the mission, which is durable. It proclaims the reason as a corporation and provides as the criterion oppose which the company consider the performance and resolutions. To energize the world To encourage moments of confidence and pleasure To generate assessment and compose a diversity. Coca-cola vision The Companys vision is to provide the structure for the Roadmap and conducts each and every feature of the trade by explaining what the company require to accomplish in order to prolong attaining sustainable, superiority development. People: Be an enormous circumstance to do job where persons are enthused to be the best they can be. Portfolio: convey to the world a portfolio of excellence drink brands that predict and convince peoples requirements and desires. Partners: cultivate a charming system of consumers and suppliers; collectively they produce common, lasting value. Planet: Be a conscientious national that makes a distinction by serving construct and maintain sustainable communities. Profit: exploit long-standing arrival to shareowners while being attentive of its all responsibilities. Productivity: Be an exceedingly efficient, lean and fast-moving organization. Task 2 Management of Financial Risk According to annual report, its clearly evident that, certain fiscal risks faced by Coca-Cola Hellenic occur from unfavourable variations foreign Exchange rates, in interest rates, product prices and other market risks. Company Board of Directors has accepted the Treasury Policy and graph of Authority, which mutually afford the organized framework designed for every treasury and treasury associated transactions. Currency Risk Given the Groups functioning performance, they are presenting to a major quantity of foreign currency risk. Coca-colas foreign currency disclosure comes up from disagreeable transforms in trade rates with the euro, the US dollar and the exchanges within its non-euro Kingdoms. Operation establishments begin mostly from the materials acquired in exchanges such as the US dollar or euro which can guide to maximum cost of trade in the functional currency of the country. Conversion establishments occur as several of its processing includes efficient currencies other than euro, and any change in the functional currency against the euro impacts our consolidated income statement and balance sheet when results are converted into euro. Coca-cola treasury plan involves the prevarication of progressing Twelve month estimated operational outcomes contained by the distinct least (25%) and maximum (80%) exposure stages. Prevaricating away from a Twelve month span may arise, theme to convinced greatest coverage levels, granted the estimated transactions are extremely credible. Where available, we use derivative financial instruments to reduce our net disclosure to currency changeability. These conventions generally established in one year. Interest Risk The Team represents to market risk occurring from varying interest rates, first and foremost in the euro zone. Intermittently they estimate the required combination of fixed and floating rate responsibility and adapt the interest expenses based on the required combination of debt. They cope up the interest rate expenditure by means of an arrangement of permanent and floating rate debt, interest rate switch and choice cap agreements. Though they have denial place of target for the assortment of set to floating rate liabilities, traditionally they have been extra showing to floating rates as this has be inclined to act as a expected evade against on the whole business risk. Credit Risk Credit risk is inhibited by a provisional procedure as to the option of probable oppose parties for treasury dealings. The Companys credit risk is handled by launching a permitted opponent party and country confines, detailing the highest experience that they organized to admit with deference to individual counterparties or countries. The restrictions are reconsidered and observed on an expected basis. Liquidity Risk The common strategy is to maintain a least quantity of liquidity engages in the structure of currency on the balance sheet when sustaining the stability of our liquidity engages in the variety of idle dedicated amenities, to make sure that the Company contain cost-effective admit to enough economic assets to convene the financial support desires. These embrace the routine backing of all its process in addition as the funding of the resource disbursement program. In order to alleviate the opportunity of liquidity limitations, Company make an effort to sustain a least of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬250 million of fiscal headroom. Monetary headroom refers to the surplus engaged funding obtainable, later than considering cash flows from functioning performance, dividends, acquisitions, tax expense, interest expense and capital expenditure requirements. Risk Map: 10 High 9 Quadrant II (Detect monitor) Quadrant I (Prevent at Sources) 8 Significance 7 6 Low 5 Quadrant IV (Low Control) Quadrant III (Monitor) 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Likelihood High The risk map positions every risk in the next four Quadrants: Prevent at source risk Risks in this Quadrant are categorized as prime Risks and are rated High precedence. They are crucial risks that intimidate the accomplishment of concern purposes. These risks are mutually considerable in significance and probable to arise. They should be condensed or removed with defensive reins and must be organize assessment and testing. Detect and Monitor Risks Risks in the quadrant are momentous, but they are fewer possible to arise. To make certain that the risks stay little probability and are administered by the concern suitably, they require observing on a revolving base. Detective powers must be positioned into a place to make sure that these high consequence risks will be identified ahead of they crop up. These risks are second main concern behind prime risks. Monitor Risks Risks in the quadrant are not very important, but contain a superior possibility of happening. These risks should be watched properly to certify that they are being properly supervised and that their implication has not distorted due to varying business circumstances. Low Control Risks Risks in this quadrant are equally improbable to take place and not considerable. They involve least observing and supervise if not consequent risk category. Task 3 a) Risk Factors In Further the consequent issues, which may extensively influence the trade, financial circumstance or results of operations in future periods? The risks explained below are not the single risks facing Coca-Cola Company. Further risks not currently recognized by company or that they presently consider being inappropriate also may effectively unfavourably affect the business, economic condition or result of operations in future periods. Current risk faced by Coca-cola Health Concerned Risk Customers, communal physical condition officials and government officials are appropriately increasing concerned about the public fitness consequences connected with stoutness, mainly between adolescent populace. And also, few researchers, fitness supporters and nutritional procedures are cheering customers to decrease expenditure of sugar-sweetened drinks, together with those sugared with HFCS or other nutritive sweeteners. Rising community anxiety concerning these matters; probable new dues and law-making system concerns the advertising, labelling or accessibility of the drinks; and harmful promotion consequential from definite or endangered authorized performance in opposition to the coca-cola or other companies in its manufacture relating to the advertising, labelling or deal of sugar-sweetened drinks might decrease requirement for companys beverages, which may possibly influence its profitability. Environmental Risk H2o (water) is the major element in significantly all of the coca-cola products. It is also a partial source in several parts of the world, facing supreme disputes from over utilization, mounting contamination, broken administration and weather change. As requirement for water prolongs to enhance all-around the world, and as water becomes scarcer and the superiority of obtainable water deteriorates, Companys classification might obtain increasing production costs or face potential boundaries which could destructively change the productivity or net purposeful returns in the extended run. Business financial risk The non-alcoholic beverages business surroundings is hastily developing as a effect of, among other things, changes in customers inclinations, together with altered based on health and nutrition concerned and obesity anxieties; variable consumer tastes and needs; changes in customers standard of living; and spirited product and pricing demands. As well, their manufacturing is being affected by the trend toward consolidation in the market conduit, especially in Europe and the United States. If they are unable to successfully adapt to this rapidly changing environment, the companys share of sales, capacity growth and overall economic grades could be depressingly affected. Risk factors which the Company may face in future Technological Risk Coca-cola relies on data based knowledge system and schemes, include the Internet, to progression, broadcast and shop electronic information. Especially, Coca-cola depends on its information technology communications for digital advertising performance and electronic infrastructure in its areas approximately the world and between Company personnel and our bottlers and other customers and suppliers. Defence violation of this infrastructure can create system disruptions, shutdowns or unauthorized disclosure of classified information. If they are not capable to prevent such breaches, Companys operations could be interrupting, or they might undergo economical damage or loss because of lost or misappropriated information. Climate risk The sales of the products are inclined to several extents by climate circumstances in the markets in which they function. Strangely wintry or rainy weather conditions at some point in the summer months could have a provisional consequence on the insist for all its products and contribute to lower sales, which could have an adverse effect on our results of operations for such periods) Risk analysis management techniques Risk management frequently concentrates on matters of indemnity. Conversely, there are number of further main considerations when evaluating areas of risk into a big business initially; they require equally reliability and the infrastructural proficiency to make the progression. Secondly, they should entirely recognize their association, and its progressions and objectives. And thirdly, they must be consisting of support and hold up from the association and the administrative team. Coca-cola Amatol (CCA) comes under the category of being risk conscious, but not obsessed by dictatorial condition. CCA is increasing its risk management representation to manage enterprise-wide and supply to the eventual productivity of the business. This result will be achieved not only by sustaining sound business decisions but also all the way through configuration of the organizations strategies with its shareholders and investors aspiration to make sure that efficient business authority is in place. CCA, inside the broader coca-cola structure, is on an ERM expedition. They are determined to take out the conventional split and soloed approach that regularly exists in organizations and they are responsibility so by taking an approval and possession of the risk management process. At CCA they know the significance of the essential values of the ERM process. They are: a dedication to the journey; an reasonable framework that embraces a general language; a uniform approach to- no matter the nature of the business unit or its objectives; a statement form that identifies stakeholders, corresponds the course and objectives; and drives literary modification; and ensuring advice of the outcome through an elimination of black holes or silos. Risk Management Plan There are four stages to risk management planning. They are:  · Risk recognition Risks Quantification Risk reaction Risk Monitoring and Control Types There are several definite risk management techniques as there are sort of industry, but once a risk has been recognized and considered, largely efforts at justifying the risk fall into four essential grouping in spite of the framework. The initial, prevention, can be as easy as not committing in activity that manufactures the risk, but this not only eradicates risk but potential benefits as well. Risk reduction through concrete steps is far more general, and the particulars will be associated to the type of business and risk involved. Risk transference is also highly advantageous as when an accessible choice; it involves outsourcing the difficulty to an additional article such as in the course of acquire of insurance. Ultimately, risk preservation is predictable in a few cases where the risks are either improbable, or the costs of explanatory or transferring the risk are excessive. C) Communicating with stake holders Many of coca-cola stakeholders consist of all those who are generally influenced by or who most influenced the means the company run the big business. This includes customers, consumers, contractors, and workers, Government supervisors, NGOs plus the confined communities in which the company operates. Coca-cola regularly connect with its major stakeholders as exposed in Diagram In addition, they conceded a detailed investigation in March 2007 to classify the most important areas of concern for its stakeholders. This implicated a succession of focal point groups with customers aged 18 and over and with workforce of both CCE and CCGB. It also incorporated the interviews with consumers, non-governmental organisations and the media. The study exposed a strong agreement of estimation between the diverse stakeholder groups and provided an obvious graph of the areas of liability they most require to concentrate on all these areas. Coca-cola stakeholder study has also helped out to refine its prospect strategy on communal and ecological issues. On every key subject it contains Next Step the act which has to be taken in the following year to certify that the business persists to make an optimistic impact. Consumer Communication On June 11 2010 Coca-cola has published that the Coca-cola Poland has completed a foremost move a head forward in how it instructs customers regarding recycling, by integrating its Recover-Recycle activity into every main coca-cola labelled or supported huge events this year. A vast My Coke sampling program, which happened between April and September 2010, is one of the key promoting performances where coca-cola Poland will report to customers about the profit of recycling through Recover-Recycle. Conclusion: There is no doubt that the Coca Cola is the second largest beverages company in the world. However, it should work on above mentioned deficiencies to overcome them and strive to make its competitors lagged behind. The Company coca-cola have a corporate (Head Office) section that is liable for giving the Company a largely course and provided that sustain to the provincial formation. Means considered choice at the Coca-Cola Corporation are completed by a managerial Committee of 12 concerned Officers. This commission assisted to form the six strategic priorities set out in previous. The financial resources allocation for the Vision 2020 had been discussed under the six Ps as laid out by the company. International through to grass-roots and the community, Coca-Cola has strengthened its position as a football insider and this helps to build the brand and corporate reputation of Coca-Cola. Last year, Coca-cola saw its sales decreased in UK market. In order to re create the sales, Coca-cola to define new communication plan such as Recover-Recycle activity.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Conscription in WW1 Essay
Were Australians against the introduction of conscription during WW1?As the war was happening people back home in Australia were starting to realise that the war was not as much about bravery and pride as they originally thought because very few men were returning, but the government needed young healthy men because of the amount of men on the front line dying and they needed to be replaced. Australian men werent volunteering so in November 1917 prime minister, Billy Hughes wanted to introduce conscription to Australia and ask the people are you in favour of the proposal of the commonwealth government for reinstating the Australian imperial forces overseas? Conscription was like the lottery, you would be randomly chosen to go to war because of the day that you were born. Australians were given the opportunity to vote for or against conscription and campaigns were made to support each point of view. Two referendums were held, the first on the 28th of October 1916 and the second on the 10th of December 1917, both referendums were lost, the second showed 1181747 votes against and 1015159 votes for conscription. Two referendums were held because men kept dying on the front line and the government were getting desperate. Both referendums ended with majority no votes, the first with 72446 votes against and the second with 1181747 votes against. Women were the main target for pro and anti conscription campaigns because they were seen as weak fragile and sensitive. Propaganda was largely aimed at women to intimidate women and target their emotions, either to make them feel like they were sending their husbands and sons to die or that it was their duty to send them to fight for their country. It was a hard decision deciding whether or not to vote for conscription. Some people thought they should vote yes because of pride and defending and protecting their country and coming back as a war hero and also because of loyalty to Britain because they were still part of their empire, voting yes or no also targeted Christian women because killing is a serious sin. Songs and posters were made to persuade Australia to vote yes or no. People were told that if you vote yes it is your fault they die but also that if you vote yes the country wont be taken over and that you could save Australia from the enemy. A white feather was sent to the people who voted no to represent and parade that they are cowards and to embarrass them publicly. Conscription broke people apart and divided the country, it destroyed friendships and families because there is either yes or no and no in between. The way you voted reflected your character and the way you were thought of. Anti conscription appealed to woman and made them feel like killers but pro conscription also appealed to women making them feel like they were sacrificing men for the good of the country. Conscription divided Australia and turned their worlds upside down. People didnt want to be forced to go to war or force someone to go to war because they realised how bad it was. Australians voted no because they wanted freedom of choice and not to be conscripted as if it was just a game. bibliography:-shannon mckinnon ww1- class sheets
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Language Learning
IntroductionA foreign language is the language that people from another specific country/nation speak. Why should we learn foreign languages? As Frank Smith (Voxy, 2011) stated: â€Å"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way†. Learning a foreign language is a fundamental way to broaden one's horizon, to find a job, to communicate with people from all over the world, to understand and respect other civilizations, to study or work abroad, to consume knowledge from the foreign media and others. The list of the gains of speaking a foreign language is endless. It is not only about having the skills to speak a language; it also serves personal potential to grow and to improve oneself. In the era of globalization and massive migration, language learning is more needed than ever before. The last decades, millions of people have been moving from one place to another (for various reasons such as political, economical, cultural reasons) in order to ameliorate their lives and get more opportunities to develop themselves. This situation sets the language learning inevitable because without it people could simply not communicate. As education has been always the most shaping mechanism, foreign language teaching is a main purpose in nowadays' schooling. A key note of UNESCO's proposes in the  «Guidelines on Intercultural Education » is that  «the role of language is a basic tool through education to arise understanding among people's cultures » (Cowen, 2009, p. 1019). The primary education level is considered one of the most important periods in a child's life. It is a core-stage that comes after pre-schooling, where children get the basic knowledge in order to evolve themselves and to build later a personal cognitive system where they can add all the following knowledge they are going to face during education (either formal or informal). School curriculums worldwide include teaching students at least one compulsory foreign language as they start primary school. Regularly, those school curricula in each country form the way of language teaching and they are continuously looking for the best methods and policies in order to achieve the greatest cognitive result. Education should prioritize and support the language teaching in favor of students to have access to a very broad information/knowledge area. English as a foreign language in EuropeHaving a global language makes our lives much simpler and our communication attainable. The selection of English language benefits people from different national contexts to connect and interact in several levels (for example: educational, professional, political, social level). In fact, without having a common language as a means of communication, the struggle of it would be noticeable everywhere in our lives. According to Collins Dictionary for the definition â€Å"English as a foreign language†is: â€Å"the practice and theory of learning and teaching English for use in countries where it is not an official medium†(English as a Foreign Language definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary†). The heads of European Union in 2002, focused on a two foreign language teaching from a very early age. This process would develop children's tolerance to deal with the different cultures and/or languages. The positive outcomes of this action would also benefit children in cognitive and academic level as they would be more effective in all other areas (Dedrinou, 2013, p.46). Therefore, the urgent need of foreign language acquisition is a vital matter in recent years' schooling and its position becomes stronger and stronger. Reviewing the â€Å"Key data of teaching languages at schools in Europe†the most common foreign language that students learn in primary and secondary school, is English. English is a mandatory foreign language in nearly all education systems that stipulate a particular foreign language that all students must study, that is, in almost half of the European countries studied (Union, 2018, p.13). The percentage of European students learning English during the whole process of education is 97.3%. In Primary schools it is lower (79.4%) due to the non-compulsory character of English teaching at the first years (grades) of Primary education in several countries. The last ten years 18.7% more primary school students were learning English compared to 2005. The reason is that the starting point of English teaching moved in lower grades of schooling (Union, 2018).Aim and significanceThe present exam paper points to reflect the importance of learning the first foreign language from the very early age of Primary school. Moreover, it aims to add knowledge to the existent information in language learning generally and particularly in these two countries, in order to promote international overview understanding of educational methods and policies. The cases of Greece and Sweden are compared as a means to review the similarities and the differences of language teaching practices in each educational system. The Swedes are highly motivated to learn English and their rankings are on the top of the list of non-native English speakers (Number 2 among 80 countries/regions)(â€Å"EF EPI 2017 – Sweden,†). Greek people spent a fortune in additional English teaching outside school and they hardly achieve proficiency in English as they finish their education (Number 23 among 80 countries/regions) (â€Å"EF EPI 2017 – Greece,†). These rankings above inspired the author of the present paper to examine the process of English language teaching in these two specific primary school systems. Featured information within this paper could help to point out and explain each system's weaknesses and also, to highlight good quality methods or/and results. The two –country selection is also, author's high-interest topic. Specifically, Sweden is often used as a â€Å"great example†of educating students with innovative techniques and considerable results. Greece is the author's country of origin. As a result of personal experience as a student and as an English language private teacher in six-year old children, this paper aims to examine the teaching process and efficiency in Greece. It is considerable to examine the whole process of English learning in Greece because it is not only about schooling but also, a matter of external factors. The analysis of Greece is a slightly more extended by the case of the explanation of these external factors mentioned above. Of special concern is to pose some basic questions that are going to be investigated within this paper:Which age is the most suitable to start learning a first foreign language?Who supposes to teach the foreign language?How children that are taught English perform in two different countries?How the teaching process is accomplished in Greece and Sweden?What the current data state about total student assessment in English?Which country's method seems to be more efficient? MethodFirstly, as far as the comparative part within this paper, it is based on the famous cube by Bray and Thomas. The chosen dimensions/ levels of comparison are the following: age groups (primary school children), countries (Sweden and Greece) and teaching methods (first foreign language teaching) (Bray, Adamson & Mason, 2014, p. 9). This multilevel analysis gives comparative approach to an international issue, the one of teaching the first foreign language. The aspects of comparison are three so this cube is a perfect model of comparative usage because it makes it more comprehensible and accessible. The specific comparison constitutes an indisputable piece of International and Comparative Education and as Marshall reports: â€Å"Comparisons enable us to view education from alternative perspectives, potentially leading to a greater understanding of the world, the people who live in it, and the issues they may face.†(Marshall, 2014, p.61-62). Furthermore, the main material information for the two comparing countries is collected from the Eurydice Report of EU Publications: â€Å"Key data on teaching languages at school in Europe†. This report contains information and statistics in language teaching from 42 countries/regions in Europe. Due to the broad character of the report, the chosen level is primary schools and English language teaching in both Greece and Sweden. However, the report includes data for second language teaching in each country or minority language teaching (Union, 2018). Research in journal articles, academic papers and web pages contributed to indentify the process of learning English as the first foreign language and both the similarities and differences in the countries of question. International and Comparative education's literature is also used to examine paper's topic through the lens of the field.LimitationsAs already mentioned above, the main material within this paper comes from a European Report found on Eurydice, where the phenomenon of language teaching is examined in 42 European countries/regions. It was not possible to compare all these countries/regions, the levels of education or several languages provided during education and come to conclusions, so the selected areas are just two countries (Greece and Sweden), one foreign language (English) and one level ( Primary education). Therefore the language teaching in secondary education and the learning outcomes of both countries are not examined and well-explained in the present paper. As it is expected in every national context, social, historical, economical and lingual reasons shape a different reality in each country. In this paper those reasons are not analyzed due to paper's formation. For instance, Swedish language structure is closer (comparing to Greek) to the English one, so the Swedes are way more familiar with the English alphabet, grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure . Therefore it is expected that the Swedes are more likely able to conquer the target language rather than anyone else whose native language is quite different (Igawa & Yagi, 2011, p. 106). Probably, it is an interesting perspective for future academic research and analysis. Moreover, the following analysis of Greece is going to reveal the situation of additional English classes that Greek students are encouraged to take in order to ameliorate their English status. These classes divide into two categories: Foreign Language Schools (Frontistiria) and private lessons at home (Idietera mathimata). As it comes to the second option (private lessons at home) data is limited owing to the informal character of these lessons.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Overview of High School Chemistry Topics
Overview of High School Chemistry Topics Are you confused by all the topics in high school chem class? Here is an overview of what is studied in high school chem, with links to essential chem resources and worked chem problems. Introduction to Chemistry To study high school chem, its a good idea to know what chem is.What Is Chem?What Is the Scientific Method? Math Basics Math is used in all the sciences, including high school chem class. To learn chem, you need to understand algebra, geometry, and some trig, as well as be able to work in scientific notation and perform unit conversions.Accuracy and PrecisionSignificant FiguresScientific NotationPhysical ConstantsMetric Base UnitsDerived Metric UnitsMetric PrefixesHow to Cancel UnitsTemperature ConversionsCalculate Experimental Error Atoms and Molecules Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. Atoms join together to form compounds and molecules.Atom BasicsAtomic Mass and Atomic Mass NumberTypes of Chemical BondsIonic and Covalent BondsOxidation NumbersLewis Structures or Electron Dot ModelsMolecular GeometryWhat Is a Mole?More About Molecules and MolesLaw of Multiple Proportions Stoichiometry Stoichiometry describes the proportions between atoms in molecules and reactants/products in chemical reactions. You can use this information to balance chemical equations.Types of Chemical ReactionsBalance EquationsBalance Redox ReactionsGram to Mole ConversionsLimiting Reactant and Theoretical YieldMole Relations in Balanced EquationsMass Relations in Balanced Equations States of Matter The states of matter are defined by the structure of matter as well as whether it has a fixed shape and volume. Learn about the different states and how matter transforms itself from one state to another.States of MatterPhase Diagrams Chemical Reactions There are several types of chemical reactions that can occur.Reactions in WaterTypes of Inorganic Chemical Reactions Periodic Trends The properties of the elements exhibit trends based on the structure of their electrons. The trends or periodicity can be used to make predictions about elements.Periodic Properties and TrendsElement Groups Solutions Its important to understand how mixtures behave.Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids, DispersionsCalculating Concentration Gases Gases exhibit special properties.Ideal GasesIdeal Gas Law ProblemsBoyles LawCharles LawDaltons Law of Partial Pressures Acids and Bases Acids and bases are concerned with the actions of hydrogen ions or protons in aqueous solutions.Acid and Base DefinitionsCommon Acids and BasesStrength of Acids and BasesCalculating pHBuffersSalt FormationHenderson-Hasselbalch EquationTitration BasicsTitration Curves Thermochemistry and Physical Chem Learn about the relationships between matter and energy.Laws of ThermochemistryStandard State ConditionsCalorimetry, Heat Flow, and EnthalphyBond Energy and Enthalpy ChangeEndothermic and Exothermic ReactionsWhat Is Absolute Zero? Kinetics Matter is always in motion. Learn about the motion of atoms and molecules, or kinetics.Factors That Affect Reaction RateChemical Reaction Order Atomic and Electronic Structure Much of the chem that you learn is associated with electronic structure, since electrons can move around much more easily than protons or neutrons.Valences of the ElementsAufbau Principle and Electronic StructureElectron Configuration of the ElementsQuantum Numbers and Electron OrbitalsHow Magnets Work Nuclear Chem Nuclear chemistry is concerned with the behavior of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.Radiation and RadioactivityIsotopes and Nuclear SymbolsRate of Radioactive DecayAtomic Mass and Atomic AbundanceCarbon-14 Dating Chem Practice Problems Index of Worked Chem ProblemsPrintable Chem Worksheets Chem Quizzes How to Take a Chem TestAtom Basics QuizAtomic Structure QuizAcids and Bases QuizChemical Bonds QuizChanges in State QuizCompound Naming QuizElement Number QuizElement Picture QuizUnits of Measurement Quiz General Chem Tools Periodic Table. Use the periodic table to make predictions about element properties. Click on any element symbol to get facts about the element.Chem Glossary. Look up the definitions of unfamiliar chem terms.Chemical Structures. Find the structures for molecules, compounds, and functional groups.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Elements of Entrepreneurship Essay Example
Elements of Entrepreneurship Essay Example Elements of Entrepreneurship Paper Elements of Entrepreneurship Paper One of the most important elements of entrepreneurship is motivation and commitment. Its important to start the right way. You must know who is lending you the funds for your business so that you can stay motivated. You want to make sure that they are a reliable source for the future. You must convince your lender that your company will succeed and be able to pay your loan back In a timely manner. Inform them that you have researched the market and you feel that your business will be valuable. Having the ablest and skills to organize and run the business Is important as well. Having the correct resources and a vision is important in running a business. Trying to persuade people that your business is needed and that in five to ten years ahead, your business will still be on top is important. Making sure that you have planning and organizing skills when establishing a business and having a good administration team to help coordinate all your business needs will be needed. TOMS Shoes Company Is selling their product online and assuring the buyers that a percent will go towards countries that are in need. Tom Shoes is very smart and organized. They are helping others by selling their products. They are selling quality shoes and giving some of the profits to children that are in need. They are showing great entrepreneurial skills. They are allowing you to view it on their website, make your choice, and pay for the item online. Everyone shops online so this is very helpful. They started off being motivation and making sure that they were helping Giving back to the community for a cause is a great Social responsibility. The company is showing that making a profit is not the most important thing. They are making sure that they are providing for children that are needed in different countries. Donating their time and money to help others is great social responsibility tactics. Giving back in a meaningful way must be a passion of TOMS shoes. Dream Scale is moving from a dream to reality in starting up a business. I would visualize the type of business I would like to start. I would then have a fantasy of what I would like everything to look like short and long term. I know that I would need to start from the bottom. My dreams would be next and are possible to happen. I would then make set in stone plans of my business and get started. My concepts will then play a role in getting the funds, supplies and locations to start up the business. I would then be able to set goals that I would like to achieve with my business in the future. Also, knowing the money and supplies that I have, will make this possible. Making sure that I have a reliable source and reliable helpers would be important in this step. It would then be time to start my business plan. Making sure that everything is order from funds to workers. Makings sure that the company is needed would be important in this step as well. I would apply social responsibility and social entrepreneurship to my business in a positive way. I would be starting up a Obese adolescent Center. I would be providing services for children and teens that will help with their future. I would make sure that we have volunteers that would help with the children as well as licensed physicians, dieticians, and exercise coordinators. Providing free and quality care to children in need would be a great social responsibility. Making sure that children are able to live a healthy lifestyle from childhood to adult is very important in the United States.
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