Friday, May 31, 2019
Analyzing the Marketing of Rehabilitation Goods & Services and The Dis
The Marketing of Rehabilitative Goods and Services by Gary L. Albrecht was written with the intention of endowment its reader a better understanding of who has the most(prenominal) to gain in the business of rehabilitative returns. One position states that the institutions benefit most, while others feel it is the consumer who has the most to gain. The main controversy discussed in this article is the usage of marketing strategies for rehabilitative health c atomic number 18 institutions to increase sales and raise profit margins on service that was at once provided pro bono. Another concern is with the amount of new equipment and ever changing standards of rehabilitation. Are consumers well enough informed or educated into make the proper decisions as to what care they need? Also, how do the poor, elderly, disenfranchised, and those who cannot afford healthcare receive treatment? Are patients receiving the best possible care for their ailments or are they being exploited? Thes e are the dilemmas on the fuck of rehabilitative goods and services. The Disability Wars by Timothy Kenney describes the nightmare of becoming physically disabled to the point where ane can no longer work and care for their family. It also talks about the hardships of and problems brought about through the use of medical benefits and collection of social security measures. some(prenominal) articles will now be analyzed more(prenominal) closely and possible re resolving powers to each of these issues, marketing of rehabilitation goods and services, and the disability wars will be discussed.The main issue with the marketing of rehabilitative goods and services deals with, the new wave of marketing strategies and promotional ideas implemented to increase sales and profits of the health care institutions. This rehabilitative service, which was once provided to those in need pro bono, is now recognized as a commodity. Due to the increase in the elderly population and the popularity of sport, there are more people with disabilities than ever before. Thus an influx in the supply and demand has been created and the market for rehabilitative services exists. With more patients than the normal health care provider can care for, new institutions are being erected all across America with their sole purpose in rehabilitating the disabled. One such facility is the Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center in Chicago. This medical ce... ...y.The moral and ethical questions that are raised in this article have to deal with insurance companies and social security alike having the ability to get across claims as they please, leaving people with serious medical conditions out there with no support when they need it the most. Another double controversy with social security is the fact that people pay into it for so many years and when it comes time for social security to pay back, they just deny the claim and send you back to work. But once the ill person returns to work the social security payments are immediately deducted from their checks again. A possible solution for this problem is to have the CDC and FDA get together and make a list of acceptable diseases and syndromes that will be covered by social security and then provide assistance to everyone who falls into the acceptable categories. It is understandable that the insurance companies are in business to make money, however the Social Security Administration should not. They should be required to pay back out to those who have paid in. Some legislation should also be passed as to how insurance companies can disseminate amongst legitimate claims.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Evolution of Learning Ability in Fruit Flies Essay -- Biology Fly Dros
Learning & Memory in Fruit FliesScientists have traditionally viewed learning and memory as complex traits in the sense that they are believed to be the net result of various different genetic and environmental factors interacting with one another. As it is not always practical or ethical to purpose human subjects in research, simpler model organisism are often utilise, and drosophila melanogaster (i.e. the take fly) is one of the most well known and well examine in the biological sciences.AbstractTwo thousand fruit flies of the species Drosophilia melanogaster were maintained for six months before any experimenting began. Flies subjected to experimentation were 14 age old and were conditioned to be better learners. Petri dishes filled with pineapple juice and orange juice were used on which the flies could lay their eggs. Quinine was added to one of the juices to human action flies away from that medium. By selecting eggs from the juice that did not contain quinine, flies who had learned to avoid the juice with quinine passed on their learning ability. Subsequent generations of fruit flies did actually become smarter as demonstrated be their ability to more readily differentiate between the quinine medium and the regular medium as well as their ability to remember this association for a longer period of time.Methods experimental Design Base PopulationAll flies used in Mery & Kaweckis experiment were of the species Drosophilia melanogaster. The experimental population was derived from 2000 flies and maintained for six months before any experimenting began. All flies subjected to experimentation were 14 days old. Experimental Evolution DesignBefore any testing was actually con... ... the different genetics of every individual fly, but in general, it is possible to say that it did improve. This proves the stoppage that learning is favored when environmental factors and other cues play a significant role. The experiment also showed that the learning abili ty to modify oviposition substrate choice has carry on correlations with fitness. Single-locus large-effect mutants would be the best approach for this experiment, but the group wanted to simulate learning ability in a natural environment so they chose to use a variegated sample.ReferencesMery, Frederic & Tadeusz J. Kawecki. Experimental evolution of learning ability in fruit flies. Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. 99.22 (2002) 14274-14279. Papaj, Daniel R. and Emilie C. Snell-Rood. Memory flies sooner from flies that learn faster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104.34 (2007) 13539-13540.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Comparing the Great Flood in Epic of Gilgamesh and the Biblical story o
Comparing the Great Flood in Epic of Gilgamesh and the Biblical story of Noahs Ark Many of the resembling ancient stories can be found in different cultures. Each story differs in a small way, but the general idea frame synonymous. One story that is paralleled in several cultures is the legend of a great flood. The epic of Gilgamesh resembles the Bibles story of Noahs Ark, but specific lucubrate differ in several aspects.The story of Gilgamesh originates from twelve fire-hardened, mud tablets, written in cuneiform, in the Mesopotamian culture from around 2500 B.C.E. It has been passed down through generations for centuries, teaching obeisance to gods. The story of Noahs Ark, found in the Christian Bible, seems to do the same thing teach obedience to God.Many aspects of both stories are the same. Both sagas commencement exercise with the earth being extremely populated, with no foreseen break in the continuation of a booming culture. The earth was too full. People were rowdy and reckless. Crime was general and grew day to day. The difference pertaining to this, is the occasion the flood was sent. Noahs story rules that the flood was sent because the earth had become corrupt and filled with violence, (Genisis, 6). The only way to exterminate this violence was to drown everyone but the chosen few. These chosen few were hand-picked by God as good people to start a new, more nutritious and obedient civilization. Gilgameshs story says the reason for the flood was the volume the people created. The noise was intolerable and the gods insisted on ending the racket at once, (Duiker, 20). The singular reason Gilgamesh was spared is that he was informed of the flood by Ea, the water god, through a dream. Ea was one of many gods in this time. He told him to build a boat of shit-to doe with width and length. He was to tear down his house for wood and tell the curious townspeople that he was instructed to leave the city and go out to sea so as to please the g ods. Ea also instructed him to take the seeds of life onto the ship with him. Meaning two of each animal, enough food for them and his family to eat for some time, and any(prenominal) grain was left over would be planted once the water receded, (Duiker, 20) . Noah was also instructed to do the same. Only his orders came from the one and only God. The Jewish culture believes in one supreme being. God told Noah ... ...o, there is one known flood that occurred in ancient times. The Black Sea used to be smaller than it is now. Archeologists have proven this by finding remnants of structures below the present water level. The water also used to be fresh, not salt water. When the ice from the Ice maturate melted, the lake started to dry out because the rivers began to flow backwards towards the sea. Then the ocean water rose very high and salt water rushed back into the assoil sea, (Lecture, 9/7/1999). With so many different cultures trying to explain a great flood, there are bound to be differences in each sexual conquest. The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Biblical story of Noahs Ark are different in small details. The fact that the two stories are so close in account to each other, with regard to general storyline, is quite amazing when considering the fact that these two cultures are so very different.Bibliography1.Duiker, William J. and Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History, Comprehensive Volume, Second Edition. (Belmont, CA Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998.)2.http// (Genesis 6-9.)3.http//
Pathos in MLK Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay -- Letter from B
Pathos in MLK, Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail In his Letter, Martin Luther King Jr.s index to effectively use pathos, or to appeal to the emotions of his audiences, is evident in a variety of places. More particularly in paragraph fourteen, King demonstrates his ability to vivify his fellow civil rights activists, invoke empathy in the hearts of white moderates, and create compassion in the minds of the eight clergyman to which the Letter is directed. In response to the clergymans song that his use of direct action was awry(p), King states, We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God-given rights. As you can see, this statement is in direct relation to the clergymans untimely notion, but one would do good to realize his underlying audience. The we in this statement refers to his black brothers and sisters taking an active role in the civil rights movement. So what this statement does in terms of pathos is to light the fire of inspiration under his black brothers and sisters and have them realize that 340 yea...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Psychoanalytic Criticism Essay -- Psychology Freud Psychological Paper
Psychoanalytic CriticismIntroduction The psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud spent much of his life exploring the spielings of the unconscious. Freuds work has influenced society in ways which we take for granted. When we speak of Freudian slips or look for hidden causes behind irrational behavior, we are using aspects of Freudian analysis. more than literary critics have also adopted Freuds various theories and methods. In order to define Freudian literary criticism, we depart examine how various critics approach Freuds work. We will pay special attention to issues of creative thinking , author psychology , and psycho-biography . Creativity and neurosis Many of us may be familiar with the notion that creativity is intertwined with repression and pain. We may look at the paintings of Van Gogh as a recording of his descent into madness. Both the literary critic Lionel Trilling and Freud have compose on the connection between the unconscious and artistic production. In The Liberal Imagina tion, Trilling writes of the mechanisms by which art makes its effects (53). Trilling suggests that these mechanisms make the judgments of the unconscious more acceptable to the conscious, and he refers to mechanisms such as the condensations of meanings and the displacement of accent (53). The processes of condensation and displacement are both described by Freud in The reading of Dreams thoughts and images in dreams may have more than one meaning, Freud says, and one thought or image may be transferred onto another one, possibly because the mind finds the second thought or image more acceptable than the first one. Freud labels the former process condensation and the latter one displacement. Freud devised these terms for hi... ... by the roles and portrayals of women in society. Works Cited Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. Ed. and trans. James Strachey. recent York Basic Books, 1965. Irigaray, Luce. Another Cause--Castration. Feminisms. Ed. Robyn R. Warhol and Dian e Price Herndl. New Brunswick Rutgers Univ. Press, 1991. 404-12. Frederick, Karl. Introduction to the Danse Macabre Conrads Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. 123-138. Murfin, Ross C. Psychoanalytic Criticism and Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. 113- 123. Trilling, Lionel. The Liberal Imagination. New York Viking, 1950. Wilson, Edmund. The Wound and the Bow. New York Oxford UP, 1947.
Psychoanalytic Criticism Essay -- Psychology Freud Psychological Paper
Psychoanalytic CriticismIntroduction The psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud spent much of his life exploring the workings of the unconscious. Freuds work has influenced society in ways which we take for granted. When we babble of Freudian slips or look for hidden causes behind irrational behavior, we are using aspects of Freudian analysis. Many literary critics have also adopted Freuds variant theories and methods. In order to define Freudian literary criticism, we will examine how various critics approach Freuds work. We will pay special attention to issues of creativity , antecedent psychology , and psycho-biography . Creativity and neurosis Many of us may be familiar with the notion that creativity is intertwined with repression and pain. We may look at the paintings of Van van Gogh as a recording of his descent into madness. Both the literary critic Li sensationl Trilling and Freud have written on the connection between the unconscious and elegant production. In The Liberal Imaginat ion, Trilling writes of the mechanisms by which art makes its effects (53). Trilling suggests that these mechanisms make the thoughts of the unconscious more acceptable to the conscious, and he refers to mechanisms such as the condensations of meanings and the translation of accent (53). The processes of condensation and displacement are both described by Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams thoughts and images in dreams may have more than one meaning, Freud says, and one thought or image may be transferred onto another one, possibly because the mind finds the second thought or image more acceptable than the offset printing one. Freud labels the former process condensation and the latter one displacement. Freud devised these terms for hi... ... by the roles and portrayals of women in society. Works Cited Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. Ed. and trans. James Strachey. New York Basic Books, 1965. Irigaray, Luce. Another Cause--Castration. Feminisms. Ed. Robyn R. Warho l and Diane determine Herndl. New Brunswick Rutgers Univ. Press, 1991. 404-12. Frederick, Karl. Introduction to the Danse Macabre Conrads life of Darkness. Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. 123-138. Murfin, Ross C. Psychoanalytic Criticism and Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. 113- 123. Trilling, Lionel. The Liberal Imagination. New York Viking, 1950. Wilson, Edmund. The Wound and the Bow. New York Oxford UP, 1947.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Is There Too Much Technology? Essay
Technology is a great thing, it is used anywhere and everywhere around the world. Whether its a radio or an iPad, we all fetch some sort of technological device lying around somewhere in the house. You can ask it to do something and it will do it for you, it is a counsel of improving our living conditions. Lets start with the mobile calls as an example. If you are like me then you cant be off your phone for more than two minutes. If you are not calling someone then you are texting someone. If you are not texting someone, then you are browsing the web, most probable you would be on facebook or twitter. If you are not doing any of those things then you would be staring blindly at your phone with nothing to do, or fair(a) waiting for something to happen.We seem very reluctant to just turn our phones off. Being a user myself I flip nothing against mobile phones, but engine room has become more than a tool and more of a lifestyle.We all have to adapt to a new generation of technolo gy. Its all something we have to get used to. As time passes by technology seems to get better, better and better. When I was a little children all I remember was compete with my dolls. Internet usage can lead to loneliness and misery. Imagine the people, who hap all their time on the Internet, this would not leave them any time to spend with their families or friends. They would never have time to get out of their homes to meet new friends or neighbours, not supply them time to exercise , or allow them the ability to experience life.Although some people argue that technology can be replete(p) for introverted people by allowing them opportunities to have more amicable activities, a more accurate assessment of modern day technology would be that it is harmful to society, causing people to spend less time with family and friends, at parties, at sporting events, and less time pursuing an active lifestyle. We need to understand that while technology is useful and necessary, there a re also many an(prenominal) negative drawbacks. The modern day Internet provides users with instant information from around the globe. We are able to learn and process information at much great rates than society did before the invention of modern technology. While all this is exciting and wonderful, technology users need to understand the dangers associated with too much of a good thing. Teens should be limited to the amount of time they spend on-line, and by themselves.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Oil & Gas Drilling In Alaska Wildlife Refuge
Since the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was established by the federal official government in 1960, the refuge has often been considered a symbol of Alaskas natural bounty. Located in the north tocopherol corner of the state above the Arctic Circle, ANWR contains more(prenominal) than 19 million acres of pristine land, including high mountains, untouched coastline and tundra (cold, dry regions that are covered by snow for most of the year). It is also home to thousands of tool species including polar bears, migratory birds and simple machineibou.ANWR is also believed to contain one of the largest reserves of crude in the U.S., and for years, public officials have been divided over whether private companies should be allowed to tippytoe into that resource. (Easton, 2004) Since ANWR was set aside as a character preserve, it has been off-limits to oil colour prospecting.Yet during the past decade, support for drilling the refuge has gradually mounted. Although efforts to open ANWR long went unheeded, in recent years they have gained favor among many public officials, bringing the upcoming of the refuge into question.Citing problems such as rising discharge costs and the U.S.s change magnitude dependence on foreign sources of fuel, many observers, including hot seat Bush (R), argue that the refuges oil supplies must be made available to avert future fuel shortages.The only way to become less dependent on foreign sources of crude oil is to explore at home, Bush says. And you bet I ask to open up a small part of Alaska, because when that field ANWR is online, it will produce one million barrels a day.(Cunningham, 2005)According to supporters, opening ANWR to development would end an important step toward expanding the U.S.s fuel reserves and talent supply. In recent years, citizens and businesses have become increasingly reliant on the Internet and other electronic devices, which require large amounts of power.Furthermore, gasoline consumption h as remained high to due unchecked automobile use and the growing popularity of vans, sport utility vehicles and other inefficient car models. Consequently, the nations demand for energy has far out-paced domestic fuel production, resulting in rising fuel prices and energy shortages.Fossil fuel consumption is expected to increase in the approach decades. Unless the federal government opens ANWR for oil geographic expedition and drilling, supporters argue, fuel shortages will worsen, hampering stinting growth and endangering national security.Advocates also contend that private companies can tap into ANWRs oil with minimal damage to the landscape and wildlife. Technological advances, some analysts argue, have enabled oil companies to drill for oil without causing significant environmental damage. (Cunningham, 2005)Therefore, supporters contend, the U.S. should not squander the economical benefits that could be reaped by opening ANWR to oil drilling. Furthermore, they assert, keepin g ANWR off-limits to natural resource extraction is a disservice to Alaskan citizens, who would benefit greatly from the economic growth that oil exploration would bring to their state. (Easton, 2004)Yet opponents, including many environmental activists, vehemently oppose oil drilling in ANWR. Regardless of how much oil is contained in the refuge, they argue, its unique ecosystems should not be put at risk. Many commentators argue that opening the refuge to oil drilling is a destructive and short-sighted solution to the U.S.s energy posits.Oil drilling cannot be conducted in an environmentally safe manner, they argue. Rather than squandering natural treasures such as ANWR, opponents say, government officials should instead focus their attention on developing alternative fuel sources and decreasing fossil fuel consumption.Some observers also assert that oil drilling in ANWR would pose a threat to the sustainment of indigenous people that live in or near the refuge. Tribes such as t he Gwichin, which have inhabited the area for thousands of years, have long hunted caribou for subsistence and ceremonial purposes. (Lee, 2001)Opening ANWR to oil drilling, opponents argue, would cause environmental damage that would shrink caribou herds, putting the culture and livelihood of many people at risk. Does the U.S. truly need to open ANWR to oil drilling? How would oil drilling affect the people, animals and plants that inhabit ANWR and its environs?Oil vs. NatureThroughout history, Alaska has been known not only for its natural beauty provided also for its natural resources. President Dwight Eisenhower (D), in office 1953-61, established ANWR in 1960, shortly after Alaska gained statehood. While setting aside some land for preservation purposes, Eisenhower also subject 20 million acres of the Arctic coastline to oil prospecting and drilling. In 1968, oil was discovered in the Prudhoe Bay oil field, an area to the east of ANWR.The development of Prudhoe Bay generated t housands of new jobs in Alaska and greatly broadened the states tax revenue base. (Easton, 2004) The opening of the oil field also led to the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, an 800-mile oil railway line that runs from Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez, a city in southeastern Alaska. The pipeline continues to serve as an important source of oil for the U.S.As Alaskan oil exploration and drilling increased in earnest during the late 1970s, leaders such as President Jimmy Carter (D), in office 1977-81, made efforts to preserve wild areas by setting aside land for conservation. In 1978, he created numerous national monuments, making more than 50 million acres of Alaskan wilderness off-limits to development.In 1980, Carter also ratified the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), a bill that established a system of national parks and nature preserves that covers more than 104 million acres. That law also expanded ANWR to 19 million acres and designated the refuge as part of the National Wilderness preservation System, a nationwide network of parks and conservation areas managed by the federal government. (Lovins, 2001)Although ANILCA set aside most of ANWR as a wilderness area, it deferred a closing on the future of a 1.5-million-acre area of the refuges coastal plain. The area is commonly referred to as the 1002 Area, a name derived from section 1002 of ANILCA, which recognized it as both an marvelous source of oil and a valuable wildlife habitat. (Cunningham, 2005)During the early 1980s, the U.S. Interior Department, the federal department responsible for managing public lands owned by the federal government, conducted studies on the electric potential oil reserves of the 1002 Area. In 1986, information gleaned from those studies was submitted to Congress.In 1987, after concluding that the area contained a substantial amount of oil, the Interior Department recommended that the area be opened to drilling. Some public officials, in cluding many Republicans, used those recommendations to rally support for opening the area to oil exploration. Supporters argued that oil drilling in the area was essential to broadening the nations domestic fuel base and fueling economic expansion. (Lee, 2001)In 1989, members of the Senate Energy Committee began to debate opening ANWR to drilling. During the same year, an Exxon Corp. oil tanker, the Exxon Valdez, ran aground in Alaskas Prince Edward Sound, spilling tons of oil and causing severe environmental damage to the area.The incident drew vehement protest over the environmental practices of the oil industry, and public support for oil exploration went into decline. As a result, advocates failed to muster support for legislation that would have swindleed the prohibition of oil drilling in the refuge.Yet during the mid-to-late 1990s, after Republicans gained a majority in the House of Representatives, public officials began to reconsider the fate of ANWR. In 1995, for exampl e, both chambers of Congress passed a budget bill that would have opened ANWR to oil exploration.However, President Clinton (D), in office from 1993 to 2001, vetoed that bill, and in subsequent years, his administration continued to oppose similar legislation. Before leaving office, Clinton administration officials also considered designating ANWR a national monument, scarcely that action was never taken. (Easton, 2004)During the 2000 presidential race, the fate of ANWR became a central issue in the campaigns of both major candidates. While Vice President Al jury (D) vowed to block efforts to open ANWR to oil exploration, Bush announced his fervent support for such measures. Whereas Gore argued that the refuge should be preserved, Bush declared a committal to increasing oil exploration and drilling in order to expand the nations fuel supply.Although Bush has yet to introduce or sign legislation that would lift the ban on drilling in ANWR, he has continued to voice support for suc h measures. (Cunningham, 2005) In addition, shortly after taking office he appointed Gale Norton, a strong advocate of ANWR oil exploration, as secretary of the Interior Department. Meanwhile, many Democrats have vowed to vigorously oppose any attempts to open ANWR to drilling, and the future of the refuge remains a divisive issue.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Adaptation Evaluation Essay
Tom Bombadil Add sense of mysteriousness. Boromirs confession Proud, arrogant warrior The Spirit of LOTR Was it kept? Improvements. A new power has arisen. whole must unite or fall divided. This is the story of the passe-partout of the peal. The mobilize of power, forged in secret by the dark Lord Sauron contained all of the might, bitterness and power of the Dark Lord. Its wearer would be invisible and almost invincible, but it would corrupt the heart of eachone who wore it. Lord of the Rings is a typical hot vs. evil story.This time, however, level-headed is losing badly. The Dark Lords forces will soon overcome all of Middle Earth, but there is one glint of hope for the forces of Good. Because the Dark Lord Sauron made the ring of power, his life is bound to it. If Good can prevent defeat for long enough so that the ring can be destroyed, Sauron shall be overcome. However, the ring of power can only be destroyed where it was made deep in Saurons realm. This means that hop e is in speed and secrecy, non force. A kinsperson of the ring is formed and the quest is begun.The Lord of The Rings The Fellowship of the ring is the first part of the trilogy, which shows how the fellowship evades the servants of the Dark Lord and how the fellowship eventually breaks. A mighty warrior, Boromir is a member of the fellowship. He is lured by the temptation of power and tries to steal the ring. He does not fully understand that the ring corrupts any wearer. He is then asked by other members of the fellowship as to whether he has done anything, but he refuses doing anything wrong due to his arrogance.In the film, the plot of land is changed so that Boromir does try to take the ring, but he confesses e precisething. This was a major change as Boromir is meant to be a proud and arrogant hu world the write J. R. R. Tolkien always shows most existence as easily corrupted. A large omission was Tom Bombadil. He was a father of the forest type man who has powers of song and looks after the ring bearer. Tolkien added him to add a sense of mysteriousness to Lord of the Rings nobody knew who he was or where he came from. This was missed out in the film.Characters like him really did help the spirit of Lord of the Rings. Form one point of view the film did not keep the spirit of Lord of the Rings at all. Parts were missed out and some of the film seemed like a traditional Good vs. Bad film the beauty of Tolkien was that he took salutary known types of hand and added a slight change, but meant that the whole plot would be different. For example, in the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins goes on a quest to retrieve dwarven treasure. However, he does not want to go and as a result ends up doing a best(p) job of getting the treasure than if he had wanted the treasure.This is the reason wherefore keeping the spirit of Lord of the Rings is so important, Lord of the Rings is unique. However, the film of Lord of the Rings has kept a large part of the spirit. It swin gs my emotions better than the book did and each character looked almost exactly as I imagined them to be. Because films need a great plot to be good, the director (Peter Jackson) has taken the good parts and made them great he has really concentrated on the right parts. The film however was a bit too different from the book at times and too close at others.For example, there is an Im dead, oh no Im not scene part which was elegant in the book, but should have been changed in the film. Another change that should have taken place was the fact that elves are shown as a dying any fading race in the Lord of the Rings film. In the book, elves couldnt die and the elves simply were leaving the land, not dying out. This was probably shown to make humans seem better. In conclusion, the Lord of the Rings film made great use of an excellent plot and unusual story. I think that the film was very good, but there was a small amount of room for improvement.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Learning Styles Essay
There are three different types of learning styles. By taking a learning styles quiz, I found bug out that I am an audile learner. This means I do best learning by hearing and listening. Now go to sleeping that I am an audile learner I can discover new techniques that will help me be more attentive and I can expand myself as a learner.First, discovering new techniques as an auditory learner to be more attentive is easy. I was not surprised when I saw the list of usual things auditory learns do. I felt as if the learning style I was assigned to fit me perfectly. I am one who will hum or parley to themselves or others when bored, acquire knowledge by discipline aloud, or sit where they can hear but neednt pay attention to what is happening in front. These are all things I do daily without point thinking about it.For example, every morning in my first period history sieve I will be typing the notes my teacher writes on the board but also working on other homework or smell thing s up. I need not to see what my teacher is doing. If just keep my ears open and listen, I believe I comprehend just as come up as someone who sits in the front row and has all their attention focused on the teacher. I know that I am automatically resistive to already doing some of these techniques, but I also know there are more tips that I can incorporate in my daily vitality to further myself for my future.Next, expanding myself as an auditory learner can greatly help me in the near future. I can become a better reading by reading aloud as much as I can. Hearing myself say things aloud will help me remember a quid better than silent reading to myself. I can also become a better writer by repeating things after I be in possession of written them down on paper. If I read what I have written aloud, I will get a better view on if the right words are being used correctly in that specific sentence.Also I will get to hear if that sentence, paragraph, or even full essay sounds like I m doing well and staying on track. I tend to veer off subject sometimes, so I know that verbal repetition will be helpful for any upcoming school courses or even scholarships that I will need to write essays for. verbalization is the key and in my situation knowing my key factor is going to help me expand my study skills and comprehension in school.All in all, I have become aware of what different changes I can make for myself. Taking the learning styles quiz and realizing that I am an auditory learner helped me determine how I can better myself throughout my learning years. I can discover new techniques that will help me be more attentive and I can expand myself as a learner and for that I am grateful.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dell’s Business Ethics
dingle Incs Business Ethics Gwynedd-Mercy College Abstract Business Ethics is a very important part of having and running a successful line. Your business moral philosophy consist of the behavior that a business adheres to in daily transaction within the world. There are a a couple of(prenominal) key comp wiznts that are covered under the business ethical umbrella within the dell ready reckoner Corporation they are as follows corporeal Social Responsibility, incarnate Governance, Environmental Responsibility and Corporate Accountability. These key components are what make Dell Inc. successful society within the computing device indus search. Dell Incs Business Ethics. Dell Inc. is one of the thumpingst information processing system manucircumstanceures in the world and they have grown painfully over the years. Their evolving business strategy combines their revolutionary direct customer model with new distribution channels to reach commercial customers and individual c onsumers around the world. Dells direct Model business approach is largely responsible for the success of the fraternity, it provides a fast cost-efficient and customer friendly means of production and distribution (Dell, 2009).Since this mart is ever changing, competitors are ch altogetherenging Dell with new and unique products in effort to overcome the superiority of the Direct Model. The growth and development of the laptop computers is a primary area in which Dell Inc. thunder mug work for continued success, despite the threat posed by its competitors. Dell initiates the latest and appropriate engine room much more than promptly and expeditiously than any other computer company (Dell, 2010). Also, Dells refined strategy to building an adequate nucleotide establishes market creditability against its better-known rivals.Their approach to the computer industry had two advantages First they wanted to bypass distributors and retail dealers which pull up stakes eliminate marku ps of resellers, and second building to dedicate greatly reduced to the cost and risks associated with carrying large stocks of parts, components and finished goods (Dell, 2009). Business Ethics Business ethics is a personal moral manner where people try to decipher right and wrong within their daily and organizational lives.With the terms business and ethics put together can create a more powerful influential understanding of cultural beliefs of what is important to you on the judgments that are made of good or bad behavior. Dell Incs business ethics consist of its Global Ethics and Compliance Team (Dell, 2010). This team initiates education and awareness to every(prenominal) of Dells employees on highlighted issues such as covert and data protection, workplace hold, and gifts and entertainment.This team also delivers consistent training to prepare all the employees for effectively, legally and safely performing their jobs on a daily bases. Dell has two mandatory training cour ses for all employees Winning with Integrity which is the Code of Conduct overview of the company and Information Security Polices and Standards. Employees are also encouraged to recognize three additional global ethics courses Dell Corporate Governance, Records Management, and the newly developed Privacy and Data Protection Awareness. Dells code of conduct adheres to the determine and beliefs of the Soul of Dell.The Soul of Dell is accompanied by five core elements Customers, The Dell Team, Direct Relationship, Global Citizenship and Winning. These core elements/values define what configuration of company they are and have become. goodly Dell is indeed committed to understanding and respecting the laws, values and cultures wherever they do business. Profitability growing in all markets while promoting a healthy business climate globally contributes positively in every community that they call home both personally and organizationally.Ethical Umbrella Corporate Social Responsibi lity Corporate Social Responsibility also known as CSR is the actions of an organization that are targeted toward achieving a social reach over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all its legal obligations (Ghillyer, 2010, p. 78). It can also be referred to operating a business in a manner that accounts for social and environmental impact created by the business. Corporate Social Responsibility at Dell Inc. s about demonstrating by means of action their values of collective citizenship. In the itinerary of the integration of economic, social and environmental responsibility into everything they do and ensuring diversity remains a Dell cornerstone. Dell has a regular commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen. Its a commitment driven by the types of goals, strategies and accountabilities that characterize every part our business. And its one that persists through all business cycles (Dell, 2010).Dell focuses on the ideals of environmental respon sibility, corporate responsibility and the social responsibility to further strengthen the beliefs of addressing issues will support the realization of financial goals and can be critical to their long-term corporate achievement. Dell must continue to grow responsibly protecting their natural resources and practicing sustainability in all its forms and improve the communities where they live and work through their financial and volunteer efforts.Their commitment to social responsibility is about making a meaningful difference and seek innovative ways to help others through their technology resources and employees by partnering with non-governmental organizations to address some of the key issues facing our world today. Corporate Accountability Integrity to animise trust is Dells corporate accountability. They succeed when they earn the utmost trust and respect from their customers through the actions and inventions of the company.Ethics and integrity is built into their key corp orate growth, which encourages people to accept the responsibility and enables then to take actions. The undisclosed key to Dells corporate accountability is the pride that the employees take in the company. inside that it is more than just simple meeting all the compliance requirements and following the rules it is about creating a culture that people can only if act with integrity. Corporate Governance The Board of Directors and management team have jointly responsibility, thics and integrity at Dell Inc. In that regard, the Board expects each director, as well as each member of the senior management, to lead by example in a culture that emphasizes trust, integrity, honesty, judgment, respect managerial courage and responsibility. Moreover, the Board also expects each director and each member of senior management to ac ethically at all times and adheres to polices as well as the spirit, expressed in Dells Code of Conduct. The Board will not permit any waiver of any ethics for any director of executive officer.Corporate governance is also the commitment to the achievement of business success and the enhancement of long-term stockholder value with the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Primarily the success is an approach to corporate governance that will extend beyond simple compliance with the authorized necessities. Environmental Responsibility Dell Inc. aspires to be the greenest technology company on the planet. They daring to motivate by engaging with others and sharing what they have learned. They strive to innovate by improving the efficiency and design of their products.Dells greatest innovation is their leadership. They realized that a top-notch management strategy would not fulfill Michael Dells goal. In addition, it would propel Dells vision into everyday whole shebang of their business. S. W. O. T. Analysis One of Dells greatest strengths in targeting the business executive category is that roughly 75% of all sales revenue comes from la rge businesses and government organizations. Dell has already established relationships with large companies, and this provides most of their business. These companies pass the relationship on through their employees, providing them with Dell products.Dell has a considerable helplessness in targeting the college student segment of the market. This is due to the fact that only 5% of Dells total sales revenue currently comes from educational institutions such as colleges. Unlike Dells business customers, Dell lacks a large amount of relationships with educational institutions. Many students purchase their PCs through their schools, Dell is clearly not in a position to take advantage of the college at this time. Their greatest weakness is that buyers can not physically middleman or see the product that they want to purchase.The Direct Model provides legion(predicate) great opportunities, however the disadvantage is that customer cannot go to retailers and try a few different product s and go home with a computer all in one visit. The thing that differentiates Dell from its competitors is customization. Many computer buyers are suspicious of a product that they cant personally examine before purchasing. Moreover, an anxious buyer would have to wait a number of days before their computer was delivered. Personal computers are being purchases and used more than ever before. The market for laptops, in particular, is growing much faster than that of the desktop computers.This general style lends itself as a great opportunity for Dells laptop business to grow in all segments. Another opportunity for a the targeted segments relates to the first trend that was mentioned. Customers are becoming more educated about personal computers, as an increasing number of them are second-time buyers. Consumers who have purchased computers in the past know what they want, and Dell can cater to them. The Direct Model can provide the framework for customers to make truly personalized computers in a qualified hassle-free environment.Increased confabulation and technological integration also create great opportunities for Dell. Customers can now go on the Internet to personalize their computer, place an order, or just simply get information. This is more efficient and effective for both Dell and the customer, and its benefits are many. In such a volatile market as personal computers, threats are great and many. Because of the ever changing nature of the computer industry, companies are constantly being challenged to produce higher quality, lower priced products, and do it faster and more efficiently than the competition.One to Dell primary external threats is that the prices between brands are getting smaller all the time. Dells Direct Model benefits the consumer in many ways, one of which is cost savings. Now that other companies are finding ways to combat the low costs of Dell, they can to pass along savings to their customers. As a result, price differential i s becoming less of an issue, if not nonexistent, for buyers. Many of Dells competitors are therefore becoming closer substitutes. Another atrocious threat is simply that the growth rate of the computer industry is slowing.At this current time, Dell owns a greater market share than any of its competitors passim the world. However, as the market slows down, competition for market shares will intensify. Companies will have to work harder than ever before to distinguish their brand from substitutes. If a company has ail differentiating its brand from its competitors, they will find it hard to hold a significant market share. Finally, the face pace of technological advancement, while being a tremendous opportunity, is also a great threat.The newest, fastest, most efficient technology and most durable, user-friendly products are going to sell. If the company fails to keep up-to-date with innovations in technology, they will quickly see decline in performance. Conclusion With the compet itive advantage that Dell Inc. has they have a product that every consumer and organization wants. Besides the fact that Dell is the preferred desktop and laptop of enterprises in the United States and Europe and winning more than 400 product awards in 2007, Dell is a company that believes in what they are doing and will stop at nothing to become the best in the computer industry.The current market trends in the personal computer industry, for laptops in particular, are being driven by ever changing consumer needs, wants, and demands. As a result, companies like Dell Computer Corporation are hale into constant state of adaption in order to satisfy their customers. By taking full advantage of their strengths, paying close attention to their weaknesses, and identifying both opportunities and threats from the macro-environment, this company can position themselves as significant shareholders in an intensely competitive market.References About Dell. (n. d. ). Retrieved June 29, 2010, f rom http//content. dell. com/us/en/corp/about-dell. aspx? c=us&l=en&s=corp Corporate Responsibility. (n. d. ). Retrieved June 29, 2010, from http//content. dell. com/us/en/corp/cr. aspx Ghillyer, A. W. , (2010) Business Ethics A Real World Approach. New York, NY The McGraw-Hill Companies. Sliver, R. , (2002) the 21st Century Executive progressive practices for building leadership at the top, San Francisco, Jossey Bass.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Organizations Become More Global
To some the word Globalization may seem a clich. To others, it may appear an end in itself. Competitive pressures are creating the need for most companies to become Global.Globalization is one means forbecoming and stick arounding a initiative competitor a goal encased in the mission statements of most corporations.When developing a globalization strategy, it is clear that the emerging markets present the greatest opportunity. The gain projections for Europe, Japan and the United States pale in comparison to some of the emerging markets.Emerging MarketsThroughout the emerging markets an unprecedented consumer market boom is driving up demand for western-style goods and services. The largest instalment of consumers in these markets is a decade short of its peak spending years. In India alone, sales of consumer goods are rising at 14% per year, while China is ontogenesis at almost 20% per year. Couple the consumer-spending boom with the still burgeoning need for infrastructure im provements and youll have a range of opportunities that extends into the trillions of dollars. Projects are planned or current in many of these countries to upgrade transportation andtelecommunication systems, explore energy resources, build power generation facilities and provide health care facilities.In addition, the privatization efforts are presenting an unconvincing range of opportunities for investors, lending institutions, service providers and manufacturers.Four key trend influence emerging market likelyThere are four key trends that are influencing the emerging market potential1. Demographics Overall world population growth is now concentrated in thedeveloping world. Where industrial nations are facing anincreasingly older population, the emerging markets remainyoung. The developed world comprises only 11% of the worlds population.2. Governments Many countries that once relied on centrally planned economies are becoming market-driven. Industries that governmentsprevious ly confine to foreign companies are now opening to foreign investment.3. Communications Access to the emerging markets is increasing due to hugedevelopments in communications technology much(prenominal) as the Internet and electronic commerce. Cyberspace represents a profound shift in the nature of communications as well as our perception of distance.4. urbanization As infrastructure improvements are made, urban growth in the emerging markets will continue to explode.Estimates indicate that the emerging markets share of world imports will mental image by the year 2010, rising to over 38%. Companies dazzled by the magnitude of these numbers must be equipped with the appropriate knowledge, information, and strategy to key its market forays successful.MACRO LEVEL Industry Globalization is due to such factors as Level of international trade Intensity of international competition Worldwide return standardization Presence of key competitors in all key international markets. Int ra-firm trade Technological intensity International linkages of value-added activities among countries International integration of value-added activities among countries world(a) FREETRADE AGREEMENTS WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC REFORMS WORLWIDE FINANCIAL REFORMS REMOVAL TARIFF BARRIERS BY COUNTRIES REMOVAL OF SUBSIDIES COUNTRIES ETC ETC ====================================================THE PUSH FACTORS OF GLOBALIZATIONMarket Drivers Per capita income converging among industrial nations Convergence of lifestyles and taste Growth of global and regional transmit Establishment of world brands Spread of global and regional mediaCost Drivers Continuing push for economies of scale ( but offset by flexible manufacturing) Accelerating technological innovation Advances in transportation (e.g., use of FedEx to deliver urgent supplies from one continent to another) Emergence of newly industrializing countries with productive capability and low labor costs (e.g., China, India and Indo nesia)
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Unit 12 Btec P1 – Task P1A
P1 Describe the role internet marketing has in a modern marketing context using selected organisations as modellings internet marketing has played an important role as a means of advertising. All types of businesses have benefited from internet marketing when it comes to cost, relationship building and sales. Instantly millions of quite a little can have access to a company, its products or services, and this can be done at any time anywhere in the world. Usually talk is done via e-mail reducing costs in telephone calls as well.And this benefits not only businesses which do not need to spend large sums of gold on traditional sorts of advertising but also benefits consumers who do not need to make telephone calls to know more about a company and its products or services it is possible to find out everything with a few clicks. Internet marketing is also used to close deals which make the work out easier and cheaper for the business and the customer. Even a mobile phone contract deal can be done via internet nowadays.Internet marketing also helps targeting overseas clients as products or services easily reach customers anywhere in the world through internet marketing. Relationship building is also one of the reasons wherefore businesses use internet marketing this can be done through e-mails received to update customers with latest products, services or news another way to build good relationship with customers is by offering them services that can be done online without the hassle of going out to resolve an issue. One example is online banking where banks offer customers the facility of cancelling direct debits, make payments or transfers within minutes.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Assertiveness Paper
Assertive Paper When faced with a dilemma at work or at school the agency you generatele and voice your opinion is crucial in communicating your direct of assertiveness. in that location is a proper modal value of existence assertive rather than have the appearance _or_ semblanceing aggressive. It takes practice in sight to properly accomplish a comprehension of this technique. Becoming better at speaking your mind verbally and nonverbally pass on allow you to interact as a leader amongst your fellow workers and colleagues. I prat be an assertive someone when the time is right and the surroundings ask for a certain level of assertiveness to be needed.If I am with a group of large number and I disagree with someones opinion or point of view of a certain issue I give allow myself to speak my mind without attacking what the former(a) person said. The most important part of creation assertive to me is not being aggressive towards others when expressing thoughts. An example would be during my senior year in highschool school when we were placed into groups and had to discuss our opinion on gay marriage. The conversations were at the most very better until a person bluntly stated that they believed gay people should never get married because it was disgusting.Surely this person was entitled to their opinion but the was they phrased their response was in an aggressive manner towards anyone who believed otherwise. I responded right remote without directly referring to that person with the word you rather than spoke my mind using the word I. My opinion was that people should be allowed to do what they think it is best for them no matter what others might think. If their decision is not modify anyone else then they atomic number 18 entitled to their own actions and decisions as human beings.Once I said that the person became risky in a way but not because I disagreed with them but rather in the way I formed my response they could not say I was directl y meaning it towards them. The verbal messages I tend to always pull out when being assertive has to be for the most part to seem sure of what I am saying backing it up with support but at the corresponding time not sounding like I am attacking anyones ideas or opinions. commencement exercise my words with I makes people feel less threatened and allows them to alike have an opinion.When the situation requires me to give an revision I will be honest and communicate what needs to be done. The nonverbal messages that I give off when being assertive is to maintain eye contact with the person. This is really important to me because it lets the other person know you are serious and expect what you are sexual intercourse them to be understood and also taken into consideration. My body posture when doing so is standing upright without moving around or do a lot of hand movements.I try to keep a steady posture which allows the person to stick out focused on my message. What I conside r to be doing well while being assertive are speaking with a direct tone to the subject in matter while maintaining eye contact. When theme my message the first word I tend to use is I in order to pinch away from people believing they are being blamed or accused. I refrain from telling people your wrong or that is not the way to do something unless it is required of me to do so in certain situations.The way that works the best when communicating a solution to a problem or an approach is to have a sense with the person that what your are saying is a good way but leaving the window open for them to have an opinion as well. I would like to advance myself in the area of giving speeches in front of people to seem very confident. I am not a bad public speaker but I tend to get nauseated when doing so for a long period of time. I have tried practicing in front of the reflect speaking and it works out great but it is not the same as actually being in front of many people.Thats what I n eed more practice in order to be looked at as very assertive when giving a speech. Assertiveness is a learn trait that we all must be aware of and practice in our everyday lives. This quality will help you all through out school and work. It will also better your relationship with friends and family. existence confident and believing in yourself is an important attribute that must go hand in hand with being assertive. Communicating with proper grammar and adjacent nonverbal cues will allow you to be taken serious and provide a level complete with the perfect balance of a great assertive person.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Organizational Management and Operations Paper Essay
In this organizational direction and operations paper the student will identify, comp argon, and contrast the policing lam at the local anaesthetic anaesthetic, secern, and federal organizational levels. The student will analyze how organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels. The student will identify in what ways the different organizational levels are similar or different and why. Finally, the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level will be identified.Local rectitude Enforcement in that respect are many roles in which local fair play enforcement agencies take take leave in. The duties, functions, and responsibilities of local right enforcement agencies are broken down into many different roles. Local legality enforcement agencies are in place to append routine patrol of the communities indoors their jurisdictions. They provide emergency services, and uphold t raffic enforcement laws. They post criminal investigations/ cooking and analysis. They provide detention for adults and juveniles, offer community services, crime prevention communications, community relations, and much more.State Law EnforcementState law enforcement consists of state police force departments and highway patrol. State law enforcement is like a local or county police department, only with a much larger jurisdiction. State police departments ordinarily absorb many specialized units, such as investigative branches, aviation units, and tactical teams. Highway Patrol Officers, on the other hand, usually are tasked with ensuring the safety of the roadways of the state. Many states also have additional specialized state agencies. slightly states with highwaypatrols have a separate state investigative theatrical. For instance, Floridas FDLE conducts statewide investigations and assists local and county agencies with complex investigations of their own. One may think o f this like a state FBI.Federal Law Enforcementthither are two different types of federal agencies, render agencies and investigative agencies (although some do both). They provide uniformed law enforcement services for a specific location, such as The White House, United States Capital, FBI Building, US Parks, commanding Court, various federal buildings. The other main type of federal agency is the investigative agency. These agencies have an charge section of the United States Code that they enforce. For example, the DEA deals with drug laws, and the Secret Service focuses on crimes involving currency. In addition to the frequent agencies, all federal departments have an Office of the Inspector General that employs criminal investigators to investigate fraud within the department. On the negative side, working for the federal government tin can mean that one is at their beck and portend when concerning relocation. While provablely non a concern with some of the uniformed a gencies, relocation can be a concern if one works for the more nationalized federal agencies.For the most part local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies share the same directives as well as support and oversee the same laws of the land. The only obvious differences that these three agencies have are their jurisdictions, resources, staffing, funding, budgets, support, and operations. In todays society the roles and duties that are assigned to law enforcement will continue to change every day.Organizational ManagementIn the early 1990s the stark naked York police force Department (NYPD) was as paralyzed basically reluctant to act out of fear of fashioning mistakes. As an organization the NYPD suffered with productivity from the officers up to and including the chief (Harvard Kennedy School, 2013). The crime reporting system used was extremely dated hence the creation of a newly software system that analyzed crime information entered into a computer, which kept up(p) statistics (COMPSTAT). This data was evaluated regularly, which offered commanders the ability to develop strategies for awareness, patrol, andresource allocation, solving crimes, and quality of life returns for the citizens in the jurisdiction. If the data is entered in COMPSAT properly, estimates of crimes can be made to include what type, times of day, and locations (Harvard Kennedy School, 2013).This expensive management tool allows chiefs, sheriffs, and commanders with a graphic representation of what is occurring in an area of responsibility, which will assist with organizational management. ontogeny awareness of when and where crimes are likely to be committed allows supervisors to allocate resources in those potentially affected areas to instigate in crime reduction. This tool helps with long-term (proactive) planning by knowing how many patrols are postulate in certain areas and what times they need to be present (Harvard Kennedy School, 2013). The COMPSTAT predictions also can be respectable when projecting operational and functional budgets for the fiscal budget. The COMPSTAT data blended with actual crime reporting can justify resource allocation both for personnel and money. Finally the principles of COMPSTAT are only beneficial if the officers, patrols, and supervisors conduct follow-up assessments to ensure the desired results are actually achieved. COMPSTAT is a proven tool for organizational management, solely like any tool if not used properly it could be more harmful than valuable (Harvard Kennedy School, 2013).Administration and Operational AspectsWithin any law enforcement agency, the administration section is a paramount tool. Some of the many duties that fall under the task of the administration section include training (includes sworn officers and civilians), computer systems, departmental forms, budgets, and records just to name a few (Police Administration Division, 2013). The responsibility of this section will usually lie in t he hands of a Lieutenant or Sergeant who will answer to the tribal chief or Sheriff. The agency relies heavily on this section for up to date information. If in that respect is a occur in judgment or something is forgotten, it can have a drastic impact. For example, if records are not maintained properly, officers will have issues with they stop someone and run their information. That person could be wanted for murder and the officer would never know.Law enforcement is always expanding and looking to improve on how operationsare conducted. It is essential that the agency keeps an open mind and looks to make changes when needed. For example, if the agency hires a transfer from another department and that officer thinks there is a better way to handle a specific aspect of law enforcement, the agency should realize what that officer is saying. The department that the officer came from may have some technology or information that the new agency does not.Leadership Characteristics and ResponsibilitiesThe leadership characteristics and responsibilities at the different levels are very similar. Leaders are born, not made. The leadership traits are developed through education, training and hard work. Leaders inspire others by scope an example. They show others that they care and have compassion for those that they lead. Leaders accept the fact that mistakes happen and a part of the job. They prevail against the odds not letting the obstacles get in the way. A leaders since of job calls them toward quality not quantity. They believe in the people they lead. Effective leadership encompasses both tactical and technical proficiencies. Leaders do not forget where they came from, regardless of rank. Higher ranking officers have a unique(p) responsibility to demonstrate leadership and this is their primary operational function. (Gonzalez, 2014)ConclusionWith the onset of a new millennium, American police agencies face new challenges. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon changed the way in which law enforcement collectively thinks about public safety and security. Priorities for training at all levels, equipment, strategies, and funding have alter policing once again this time focusing on homeland security history of American police systems from the English heritage through the last years of the 20thcentury. A number of present-day issues have grow in different epochs of American history. For example, the idea of community policing is traced to the colonial period and to medieval England. Preventive patrol, legitimacy, authority, and professionalism are 18th and 19th century concepts. Riots, disorders, and corruption are not new to American policing, similar events occurred in the 19th century. Thus by virtue of studying history, this can give contextualmeaning to current police problems, ideas, and situations. Looking at the past, present-day events can be better understood.ReferencesBechtel, H. K. (1995). State Po lice in the United States. Westport conn Greenwood Press. Bryan Vila, C. M. (1994). Police in Contradiction The Evolution of the Police Funtion in Society. Westport Greenwood Press. Bryan Vila, C. M. (1999). The Role of Police in American Society. Westport Greenwood Press. Gonzalez, R. (2014). 10 key qualities of law enforcement leaders. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from Police http// Kennedy School. (2013). Retrieved from http// Police Administration Division. (2013). Retrieved from http// Roberts, D. J. (2013). engineering Is Playing an Expanding Role in Policing. The Police Chief, Retrieved from http//, C. D. (2004). Justice and Security Stratagies. Inc .
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Civil Society in Russia
The consideration genteel purchase order in Russia is r bely referred to whatsoeverthing sepa enumeratewise than to the civic organisations and military campaigns created during and after the break-up of the Soviet Union (start of the 1990s). neer the less this motif allow for look at the courtly companionship term in Russia to a greater extent widely and insidely. I will talk much and discuss ab bring out our time complaisant ships company, which came in in the end of the 90s with the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins ascension on the presidency. Putin re-established a top- great deal order in Russia and has proved to be kinda antagonistic both to Western unknown policy and to pro-Western well-bredized hunting lodge groups.However, both capitalism and multiparty re common continued their uncertain paths in Russia through the withstand decade. After two terms as president, Putin give over to Dmitri Medvedev and therefore he built a so blackguarded monopoly in t he hidden Dictatorship in the Russian governmental sphere. Total domination until the unability of being the belief force of the country will cause in precisely even then he has a cut back plan of Medvedev and some last mentionedlyr chosen crowd outdidate, that will help Medvedev make aforementioned(prenominal) what Putin did, with getting the presidentship back in his hands as soon as possible. Looking to the future, the paper highlights two main trends.First, the continuation of Russias tradition of civic and political activism, seen almost dramatic onlyy in the mass demonstrations in Moscow and other cities. Second, the major steps made by CSOs and topical anesthetic presidential term in implementing brotherly partnership, with new silver from the state that both replace and build on the contri unlessions of foreign donors during 1995-2005. History. The beginnings of Russian civilian confederation. The first compass point (1760-1860) flows out of Catherine the Gr eats reforms to the Russian estates and was timberized by the knowledgeableness of reality organizations related to science, literature, the humanities, leisure and philanthropic activities.These included famous and influential associations like the Russian geographic Society, the Free Economics Society, the Moscow clownish Society, the Russian Technical Society, and the Pirogovs Association of Russian Doctors. These societies were sterilise up with hopes for friendly cooperation with the Tsarist regimen and in the bit half of the 19th century their members vie a key role lobbying for hearty and legal reform. Civil rescript growth under Tsarism. Russias second stage of civil clubhouse startment began with the Great Reforms ushered in by Tsar Alexander II in the 1860s.Serfdom was abolished, basic civil rights were established in law, and the first steps taken in the creation of a topical anaesthetic presidential term system. CSOs expanded gradu all(prenominal)y, becam e more professional, and began to provide educational and health take for to vulnerable groups crossways the country. At the alike time industrialization and urbanization gathered pace in Russia. The extension of the railway system across Siberia to the Pacific was one of the most dramatic examples of this in the late 19th century. Though ,the development of capitalistic relations in the economy was not mirrored by political changes.The bound of reforms gave way to a new period of repression and political stagnation, and the state was contestd by more and more mathematical group political forces such as the Popularitists(Narodniki) with their to the good deal movement, culminating in the 1905 revolution. Many willing associations were radicalized too (including almost all the scientific societies noted above). Significantly, the completely law passed in Tsarist time devoted to customary organizations was issued by the Senate in the immediate effect of the first Russian Revolution, in March 1906.In the next hardly a(prenominal) years, almost 5,000 new organizations, societies and unions were registered. However, once once more this reforming, liberalizing movement ran into opposition from the state and with the crisis that was brought into the country because of the participation and taking a huge part and performing important role in World War I. Civil hostelry in the Soviet period. The Soviet period (1917 to the mid-1980s) is the third stage in Russias civil society development, notable for the nationalization of civil society institutions.Again, there were stages when popular action mechanism flowered. The Soviet arts, cultural and scientific avant-garde of the 1920s is well known, but less well known atomic number 18 the local movements, peasants and low-class organizations that emerged all around the country. For example, every settlement/district had its own Peasant Mutual Society and the substitution Bureau catered to the welfare un avoidably of students much as voluntary associations had done before the revolution.However, in the thirty-something this phase gave way to a period of repression and political regimentation occasioned by the Soviet governments determination to forcibly collectivize floriculture and go for rapid industrialization. This required state-oriented CSOs which were to drive the foundation of persisterism. The voluntary associations created in the 1920s offered choice ways of solving complaisant problems but the authorities doubted the utility of voluntary movements and the reliability of their participants. Thousands were shut down in the 1930s and new associations set up in their stead, as part of the government machine.It was not until the late 1950s-early 1960s that citizens organizations of a less politicized type began to re-emerge, encouraged by Kruschevs denunciation of Stalin and the political though that followed. Russian analysts collect identified about 40 of these, op erating generally within the arts and scientific fields under the patronage of Communist Party bodies and subject to the latters decisions on policy and personnel matters. By the Brezhnev period, associations were active among groups as varied as fight veterans, professional designers and those involve in child welfare. Civil society now included the dissentientmovement.Dissidents constructive various modes of subway to the Soviet state writing and publishing artistic or journalistic critiques of the regime, creating a variety of unceremonial circles and discussion groups, and making statements on political and human rights issues that brought down considerable persecution on themselves. But they had many an(prenominal) sympathizers and considerable impact on the political atmosphere in the country and its reputation abroad. The heterodox movement included not only western-leaning liberals, but also strident nationalists and religious activists from many of the segment r e generals of the USSRTransition period to our times. Civil society played a huge role in dissident ideology in Eastern Europe and the USSR in the 1980s. When the communist regimes collapsed one after the other it seemed to many people that an exclusively new society was being born. Many antithetic analyses of newly-created civil society in the percentage were built around this view. Twenty years later and with the benefit of new historical research, most experts in the arena see things differently. The current stage of civil society development in Russia is a poop stage, starting time in the mid-1980s and continuing to the present day.The movement for perestroika and glasnost led by Gorbachev was designed to solve the USSRs urgent economic crisis (caused by the arms race and economic competition with the West) and to shore up the authenticity of unilateral rule. But it led instead to the collapse of the communist system. Many of the most active civil society sectors today c an trace their origins to the 1980s not just the human rights groups, but also the environmental movement with its active networks among young people and in the regions.The adoption of a law on public associations in the late soviet period, computer backuped by subsequent Russian Federation laws regulating public and charitable activity, opened the door to CSO registration for all-comers. However, under Yeltsins successor Putin, the environment for civil society changed significantly. On the one hand, Putin accelerated a process initiated under Yeltsin government financing of the sector (mainly via assure out social services to CSOs), and set up a national structure of Public Councils to conference with and co-opt the sector.On the other hand,in 2006 he introduced regulations limiting the influence of foreign donors. The studys authors peal this policy import substitution the replacement of foreign positions and funding by national programs, self-organization and local philant hropy. Russian civil society today. General features of the sector After two decades of transition, analysts of current developments in Russia are beginning to gain a balanced view of the civil society sector. Civil society in Russia, is showing more attention to the detail, shows that elements of perseverance and change, tradition and innovation, exist alongside one another.hither is what I can give voice on that cornerstone civil society activists today are a strong nonage of citizens who deserve more support Informal networks are important for civil society, especially in clownish areas because they include a bigger membership and their ability and readiness to provide vital daily services, cocksure often good cerebrate with government Foreign funding has had a positive effect in many areas (for example, it helped open up dialogue on many issues like feminism, domestic violence and others) Mafia-type groupings have had a powerful and controvert effect at all levels in Russia even co-opting the role of civil society The millionaires or oligarchs that emerged during the mid-nineties preferred not to work through formal or wider patronage associations hence they contributed little to civil society development. So Russia surely has a civil society. The question is how to develop it further, from local to national level. Here is some thoughts on that part because there are many different opinions from different experts on that note. I will try to suggest the best possible ways of meliorate it and making in stronger and more vulnerable to what tries to hurt it. Civic engagement the level of public activity in stable periods is moderate, but CSOs have shown they can mobilize quickly when the external situation demands aim of organization Russian civil society is still in a difficult period of organizational development Practice of set CSO members and activists refer to non-violence, tolerance and internal democracy as being among the most impo rtant for the sector apprehension of impact the general image of civil society is not exist from internal and external points of view. CSOs themselves rate their social and political impact as higher than the scores attached by external experts foreign environment the majority of the population do not approve of corruption, appraise evasion, and so on. These positive social attitudes could potentially act as a catalyst for further civil society development. Consultative mechanisms. circuit up by Putin in 2004, the national Public Chamber has 126 members, selected in bear on numbers by the President, public organizations, and Russias regions. The aim was to develop the space for civil society and intersectional dialogue. Gradually, this model has been extended across Russia. Critics said they would prove to be mere window-dressing to legitimize the governments increasingly authoritarian policies, but at local level many NGO supporters have proved spontaneous to give them a t ry. (A survey found that 60% of activists would participate if asked, while 16% wouldnt, 181) In all of these developments, a clear fracture can be seen between advanced and less advanced elements in civil society and government.The coarse areas lag behind the cities, the remote regions lag behind the industrial centres. The character of political opposition to the regime is quite different in the regions. As the demonstrations of autumn 2011 and spring 2012 showed, contemporary dissidents in Moscow and St Petersburg tend to be middle-class, liberal and western-leaning. However, in the Urals and Siberia, many of the most strident activists are from the communist and nationalist camps. Conclusion and perspectives. In declination 2011, Russia was admitted to WTO (18 years after first applying) and all that remained was for the Duma to signalise the agreement. In March 2012, Putin returned as President for a new seven-year term.Thus, for the alter-globalization movement as for other dissident forces, a new period of struggle lies ahead(predicate) to win a greater degree of social and economic justice and a more participatory society in Russia. On the other hand, Putin has promised to priorities social issues and CSOs are well placed to work for positive results in this area. This is a kind of crossroads for Russian civil society will activists and organizations collaborate or conflict with government? None can say surely but it is likely that many will opt for the first of these strategies, so they face the challenge of how to resist incorporation and maintain their own order of business during the negotiations.Both the democracy and the alter-globalization movements face the challenge of how to coordinate their activities, accord different viewpoints, and communicate more efficaciously with the general public. The activists involved in social issues at local level have put life force and ideas into setting up grants contests, ensuring transparency in awarding contracts. now they need to focus on the development, implementation and observe of longer term programs whether carried out by NGOs or government itself. Only a truly strong-minded position will enable them to work effectively in difficult areas like anti-corruption, anti-racism or the security measure of minority rights.Civil Society in RussiaIntroduction.The term civil society in Russia is rarely referred to something other than to the civic organisations and movements created during and after the break-up of the Soviet Union (start of the 1990s). Never the less this paper will look at the civil society term in Russia more widely and insidely. I will talk more and discuss about our time civil society, which came in in the end of the 90s with the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins ascension on the presidency. Putin re-established a top-down order in Russia and has proved to be quite antagonistic both to Western foreign policy and to pro-Western civil society groups. Howev er, both capitalism and multiparty democracy continued their uncertain paths in Russia through the last decade.After two terms as president, Putin handed over to Dmitri Medvedev and therefore he built a so called monopoly in the hidden Dictatorship in the Russian political sphere. Total domination until the unability of being the ruling force of the country will come in but even then he has a cut back plan of Medvedev and some later chosen candidate, that will help Medvedev make same what Putin did, with getting the presidentship back in his hands as soon as possible. Looking to the future, the paper highlights two main trends.First, the continuation of Russias tradition of civic and political activism, seen most dramatically in the mass demonstrations in Moscow and other cities. Second, the major steps made by CSOs and local government in implementing social partnership, with new funds from the state that both replace and build on the contributions of foreign donors during 1995-200 5.History. The beginnings of Russian civil society.The first stage (1760-1860) flows out of Catherine the Greats reforms to the Russian estates and was characterized by the creation of public organizations related to science, literature, the arts, leisure and charitable activities. These included famous and influential associations like the Russian Geographical Society, the Free Economics Society, the Moscow Agricultural Society, the Russian Technical Society, and the Pirogovs Association of Russian Doctors. These societies were set up with hopes for friendly cooperation with the Tsarist authorities and in the second half of the 19th century their members played a key role lobbying for social and legal reform.Civil society growth under Tsarism.Russias second stage of civil society development began with the Great Reforms ushered in by Tsar Alexander II in the 1860s. Serfdom was abolished, basic civil rights were established in law, and the first steps taken in the creation of a loca l government system. CSOs expanded gradually, became more professional, and began to provide educational and health support to vulnerable groups across the country. At the same time industrialization and urbanization gathered pace in Russia. The extension of the railway system across Siberia to the Pacific was one of the most dramatic examples of this in the late 19th century.Though ,the development of capitalist relations in the economy was not mirrored by political changes. The period of reforms gave way to a new period of repression and political stagnation, and the state was challenged by increasingly radical political forces such as the Popularitists(Narodniki) with their to the people movement, culminating in the 1905 revolution. Many voluntary associations were radicalized too (including almost all the scientific societies noted above).Significantly, the only law passed in Tsarist time devoted to public organizations was issued by the Senate in theimmediate aftermath of the f irst Russian Revolution, in March 1906. In the next few years, almost 5,000 new organizations, societies and unions were registered. However, once again this reforming, liberalizing movement ran into opposition from the state and with the crisis that was brought into the country because of the participation and taking a huge part and playing important role in World War I.Civil society in the Soviet period.The Soviet period (1917 to the mid-1980s) is the third stage in Russias civil society development, notable for the nationalization of civil society institutions. Again, there were stages when popular activity flowered. The Soviet arts, cultural and scientific avant-garde of the 1920s is well known, but less well known are the local movements, peasants and proletarian organizations that emerged all around the country. For example, every settlement/district had its own Peasant Mutual Society and the Central Bureau catered to the welfare needs of students much as voluntary association s had done before the revolution. However, in the 1930s this phase gave way to a period of repression and political regimentation occasioned by the Soviet governments decision to forcibly collectivize agriculture and go for rapid industrialization.This required state-oriented CSOs which were to drive the foundation of socialism. The voluntary associations created in the 1920s offered alternative ways of solving social problems but the authorities doubted the utility of voluntary movements and the reliability of their participants. Thousands were shut down in the 1930s and new associations set up in their stead, as part of the government machine. It was not until the late 1950s-early 1960s that citizens organizations of a less politicized type began to re-emerge, encouraged by Kruschevs denunciation of Stalin and the political though that followed.Russian analysts have identified about 40 of these, operating mainly within the arts and scientific fields under the patronage of Communi st Party bodies and subject to the latters decisions on policy and personnel matters. By the Brezhnev period, associations were active among groups as varied as war veterans, professional designers and those involved in child welfare. Civil society now included the dissidentmovement. Dissidents developed various modes of resistance to the Soviet state writing and publishing artistic or journalistic critiques of the regime, creating a variety of informal circles and discussion groups, and making statements on political and human rights issues that brought down considerable persecution on themselves.But they had many sympathizers and considerable impact on the political atmosphere in the country and its reputation abroad. The dissident movement included not only western-leaning liberals, but also strident nationalists and religious activists from many of the constituent republics of the USSRTransition period to our times.Civil society played a huge role in dissident ideology in Easte rn Europe and the USSR in the 1980s. When the communist regimes collapsed one after the other it seemed to many people that an entirely new society was being born. Many different analyses of newly-created civil society in the region were built around this view. Twenty years later and with the benefit of new historical research, most experts in the region see things differently. The current stage of civil society development in Russia is a fourth stage, starting in the mid-1980s and continuing to the present day. The movement for perestroika and glasnost led by Gorbachev was designed to solve the USSRs pressing economic crisis (caused by the arms race and economic competition with the West) and to shore up the legitimacy of one-party rule. But it led instead to the collapse of the communist system.Many of the most active civil society sectors today can trace their origins to the 1980s not just the human rights groups, but also the environmental movement with its active networks amon g young people and in the regions. The adoption of a law on public associations in the late soviet period, supported by subsequent Russian Federation laws regulating public and charitable activity, opened the door to CSO registration for all-comers. However, under Yeltsins successor Putin, the environment for civil society changed significantly.On the one hand, Putin accelerated a process initiated under Yeltsin government financing of the sector (mainly via contracting out social services to CSOs), and set up a national structure of Public Councils to dialogue with and co-opt the sector. On the other hand,in 2006 he introduced regulations limiting the influence of foreign donors. The studys authors call this policy import substitution the replacement of foreign models and funding by national programs, self-organization and local philanthropy.Russian civil society today. General features of the sectorAfter two decades of transition, analysts of current developments in Russia are beg inning to gain a balanced view of the civil society sector.Civil society in Russia, is showing more attention to the detail, shows that elements of continuity and change, tradition and innovation, exist alongside one another. Here is what I can say on that theme civil society activists today are a strong minority of citizens who deserve more support Informal networks are important for civil society, especially in rural areas because they include a large membership and their ability and readiness to provide vital daily services, plus often good links with government Foreign funding has had a positive effect in many areas (for example, it helped open up dialogue on many issues like feminism, domestic violence and others) Mafia-type groupings have had a powerful and negative effect at all levels in Russia even co-opting the role of civil society The millionaires or oligarchs that emerged during the 1990s preferred not to work through formal or wider business associations hence the y contributed little to civil society development. So Russia surely has a civil society. The question is how to develop it further, from local to national level. Here is some thoughts on that part because there are many different opinions from different experts on that note. I will try to suggest the best possible ways of improving it and making in stronger and more vulnerable to what tries to hurt it. Civic engagement the level of public activity in stable periods is moderate, but CSOs have shown they can mobilize quickly when the external situation demands Level of organization Russian civil society is still in a difficult period of organizational development Practice of values CSO members and activists refer to non-violence, tolerance and internal democracy as being among the most important for the sector Perception of impact the general image of civil society is not equal from internal and external points of view. CSOs themselves rate their social and political impact as high er than the scores given by external experts External environment the majority of the population do not approve of corruption, tax evasion, and so on.These positive social attitudes could potentially act as a catalyst for further civil society development. Consultative mechanisms. Set up by Putin in 2004, the national Public Chamber has 126 members, selected in equal numbers by the President, public organizations, and Russias regions. The aim was to develop the space for civil society and intersectional dialogue. Gradually, this model has been extended across Russia. Critics said they would prove to be mere window-dressing to legitimize the governments increasingly authoritarian policies, but at local level many NGO supporters have proved willing to give them a try. (A survey found that 60% of activists would participate if asked, while 16% wouldnt, 181)In all of these developments, a clear gap can be seen between advanced and less advanced elements in civil society and government. The rural areas lag behind the cities, the remote regions lag behind the industrial centres. The character of political opposition to the regime is quite different in the regions. As the demonstrations of autumn 2011 and spring 2012 showed, present-day dissidents in Moscow and St Petersburg tend to be middle-class, liberal and western-leaning. However, in the Urals and Siberia, many of the most strident activists are from the communist and nationalist camps.Conclusion and perspectives.In December 2011, Russia was admitted to WTO (18 years after first applying) and all that remained was for the Duma to ratify the agreement. In March 2012, Putin returned as President for a new seven-year term. Thus, for the alter-globalization movement as for other dissident forces, a new period of struggle lies ahead to win a greater degree of social and economic justice and a more democratic society in Russia. On the other hand, Putin has promised to priorities social issues and CSOs are well place d to work forpositive results in this area. This is a kind of crossroads for Russian civil society will activists and organizations collaborate or conflict with government?None can say surely but it is likely that many will opt for the first of these strategies, so they face the challenge of how to resist incorporation and maintain their own agenda during the negotiations. Both the democracy and the alter-globalization movements face the challenge of how to coordinate their activities, combine different viewpoints, and communicate more effectively with the general public. The activists involved in social issues at local level have put energy and ideas into setting up grants contests, ensuring transparency in awarding contracts.Now they need to focus on the development, implementation and monitoring of longer term programs whether carried out by NGOs or government itself. Only a truly independent position will enable them to work effectively in difficult areas like anti-corruption, anti-racism or the protection of minority rights.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Discuss how Rhys Ifans and BBC Shorts Production “realises†Act 2 Scene 3 Essay
Discuss how Rhys Ifans and BBC Shorts Production genuineises Act 2 Scene 3 for television. Do you think this is a successful adaptation?The sentiment we be studying is directly afterward the cleansing of Dun merchantman. This pull up stakes mean the Director and Actors volition have to create a realistic setting. thither pass on be a lot of drama and tension. We all know that Macbeth poped Dun give the axe but what the takings has to do is fate that he is exhausting to play along with the rest of the temperaments as though he is as strike as them.I have unflinching to focus my attentions on the BBC Shorts Production of this scene, directed by Justin Chadwick. Firstly we ar introduced to the actor, Rhys Ifans, who is to play Macbeth. He is extremely interested in this dynamic character and the scene he is to perform in. He hopes in his performance to convey the conflicting emotions of Macbeth. Macbeth has just finished the ability. He knows this and cannot escape thi s reality. When Macbeth brings Lenox and Macduff to the room w here Duncans body lies, he cannot face to go into the room inso off the beaten track(predicate) he cannot lurch what has happened. He is trapped. Ifans also describes how thither is a plethora of options which the language offers to the actors importee the character is versatile and can be performed in many different ways.The actors also have to display the relationship of Macbeth and maam Macbeth. She has been the dynamo behind him all this time. Yet when he kills the henchmen we realise that he is no longer plotting with her, but has leftover her behind. He is also angry with her. He feels as though he has killed for her affections and to prove his manliness which angers him. lady Macbeth is all the corresponding a strong character but the actress playing her, Abigail Campton, ask to aim that the tables have glum and she has been forgotten. Ifans needs to portray Macbeth in such a way that makes us he detes ts peeress Macbeth for what he ultimately thinks she pushed him to do.There is also the proposeion that Banquo is suspicious of the Macbeth and his wife as he is shocked at madam Macbeths response to the h auricula atriiing of the killing when she immediately thinks of her reputation, rather than Duncans welfargon and when MacBeth defiantly kills the Henchmen. Banquo, played by Dave Fishley, needs to show that he has a close relationship with Macbeth and he knows that although Macbeth is a brave soldier he is not a cold beginninged killer.This production is set in a Modern Gothic Mansion. This is important because at MacBeths time it was gothic so this is an updated version. It is suppositional to have affluence and decadence but with an end of the millennium feel to it. The setting is as though it is the morning after a huge plane sectiony. Top designers such as Gucci, Versace and Alexander McQueen create the costumes. They are genuinely extravagant which suits this produc tion. Ifans creates the atmosphere by saying it gives us a intelligence of heightened reality where anything can happen. The millennium feel also fits in as it gives us the feeling that it is the end of an succession and the beginning of a new one.It would be very difficult for the director to do this scene as it is taken from a very diverse text and he is only concentrating on this section of the play. The production opens with a Prologue a piece of drama that is not in the text. He decides to show us the echt murder of Duncan, which has spine-chilling effects. The first Shot we wait on is of a aditway far outside. The door is substantially a lily-whiten curtain, which could refer back to earlier in the text when Macbeth talks of wicked dreams and how they abuse the furnish sleep. When you are dormancy you are protected unless you are disturbed by something evil. The colours in this calamus are blue and grey suggesting coldness. There is the sound of a heavy drum and the tv camera does not zoom up to the door but cuts three times, which creates drama. Heavy breathing is also heard.I feel the director is attempt to show us MacBeths journey as he goes to kill the world power. It is dramatic and the camera is angular. Your attention is totally fixed on the door. The door is a bright white, which signifies that beloved lies behind it and is going to be destroyed. In the final cut in that location are noticeably dickens people posing as statues. They are Egyptian Ka Statues. These statues were put outside the tombs and it was believed the soul of the dead at heart would be transferred into the statue. This is significant, as we know Duncan will die in this room provided by having real people pose as the statues intensifies what is about to happen. There is not one statue but two, implying that in that location will be to a greater extent deaths after the King.There is and whence an abrupt change. A dramatic colour change is noticed. It is a d eep red but it is also very dark and there are shadows organism formed. This is very dominant after the greys and blues. The light is almost as though it is infrared so we can see into the darkness. I think this is to show that it was nighttime time and the red creates the image of evilness and blood. The material act of the murder is done very cleverly. We see a close-up of Macbeth leaning over Duncans sleeping body. His face is tense and his eyes wide to show anxiety. The shot then cuts to Duncan abruptly waking up. There is another quick change of camera as Macbeth makes his first wound in Duncan and then there is a shot of Lady MacBeths eye. By introducing her into this scene it shows the control she had over Macbeth and could also suggest he is thinking of her as he kills.The camera then goes back to Macbeth who stabs Duncan twice more then leans over his body breathing deeply. This image is very sexual and his breathing represents a man at the height of sex. Again this makes us think of Lady Macbeth. She challenged her husbands manhood when he was having sustain thoughts about the murder. This could also suggest that they both are sexually aroused by the thought of the murder. By killing the King he is in some way making love to her. The dagger is then used as a phallic symbol, which is a representation of a mans appendage in Greek Legend. Macbeth learns straight into Lady MacBeths eyes as if questioning to see if he had performed well enough for her. Also by having Lady Macbeth at the murder heightens the drama, as though she is still pushing him. He then offers her the daggers. This again is a sexual reference as he is offering her his manhood and she takes it away, satisfied.We are then taken to outside the door and it is now a retreat away rather than coming towards it. The retreat is slow and gives us the feeling of dizziness, as though Macbeth is faint after completing the deed. There is a backlight now behind the door suggesting that somethin g has happened. There is the sound of music now. It is kind of futuristic with slow rhythm tic beats and creates the perfect atmosphere for the next shots.It cuts to a Landscape shot of the main hall of the mansion. The camera slowly moves to the right. Firstly we see Macbeths arm. He is holding on tightly to the railings behind him. His head is down and he is still breathing very heavily. His position is suggestive of the crucifixion, almost as though he is crucifying himself for his actions. His behaviour could also represent drugs as the night onward was a party. Macbeth is presented by Ifans as sleep-deprived and high. He then looks directly into the camera, which is very dramatic. It implies Macbeth is dangerous as he stops breathing so heavily, as if he is beginning to calm down. This makes the character seem very frightening.The camera then gives us a wider shot of the gothic hallway. At the gothic arches there are colours of deep pink and red on them. This is significant as there has been a murder. inflammation is being used again to show the change in the atmosphere. The drumbeat continues as the camera cuts to a room full of sleeping people. They are lying sprawled across the floor as if they just dismiss there after their night of partying. We are then shown a close-up shot of Lady MacBeths face. The camera is at an angle, which could represent the wateriness. Her face is shadowed and she is wearing heavy, dark make-up. This makes her appear evil with no forbearance for what has just taken place. Campton has a wonderful glaring look in her eye enabling us to see how cold this character is.This then cuts to the porter who jumps up from the mass of sleeping bodies. Before this character level speaks we know he is going to be outrageous. The costume is really brought into effect here. The wacky headdress and slashed top, along with the mad antics of this character provide this dark scene with some light relief. The usher is being very crude, s houting, laughing and running about. This could help us realise how the other people in the house were feeling. They were probably hung over and confused about their actions the night before.An interesting shot is taken when there is an Ariel view of two stairwells inter-linking. The Porter runs up and down appearing at different places. This could represent the confusion of the mind and also gives us an image of hell as he is talk about let people through. It is an image of eternity. Also as he approaches the door quickly, we can see a statue with an chromatic glow. This is another sign that this house is connected with the evils of hell and because this is the topic the porter is talk about, it makes it all the more dramatic.Two new characters are introduced. Macduff who is played by Christopher Colquhen and Lenox played by Joseph McFadden. They arrive to awake the King as he had made plans to go early. There is the creation of tension, as Macbeth appears on the line Is thy ma nipulate stirring? As he enters there is a high sound of a computerised noise, like a string on a violin, which causes tension. There is still the rhythm of the drum representing the heartbeat. This is to show Macbeth may look cool on the outside but there is still the anxiety hidden inside. He speaks sedately to both men and tells them he will bring them to the King. He arrogantly heads through them and there is even a hint of bisexual advances between Macbeth and Lenox as they look at one another. Macbeth is relaxed and cool yet the walls are still red showing the truth.We are then taken back to a far off shot of the door. This time two cameras are used. One to show the men as they walk toward the door and another to show what they are looking at. This is a repetition of the opening of the scene. Macbeth is making the same journey. This building block sequence is slowed down and the camera is swaying. The music becomes louder and as the three men walk toward the door they almost seem like models walking on the catwalk. This represents the stylishness of the production. Macbeth suit is a tie-dye effect with white and dark blue. The colours are dramatic because it is almost as if his goodness which is represented by the white colour is being covered up by the darkness of the murder, the dark colour. The modern cinema bringing close together comes into play here as the three men walk toward the door, almost like three warriors or FBI agents about to uncover something. There is a glow of red behind the three men, which is very effective. The slow up down of the camera leaves us to wait in anticipation of what is going to happen.They arrive at the door and Macduff goes in to wake the King. Ifans shows us that Macbeth cannot face going inside by continuing to stare at the door, waiting for the truth to be revealed. The cleverness of the text means that although Macbeth will not go into the room, he cannot escape his actions and Lenox represents the death with his words. Lenox is making polite conversation about the weather and as he recounts how the night had been bad due to weather, Macbeth begins to focus on what Lenox is saying. As Lenox speaks of Lamentings heard I the air, we can see by Ifans facial expression that he is re-playing what the murder was like in his head. His position on sort out is identical to at the start of the production when he is about to stab the King so visually we are reminded of the killing also.The drum becomes louder here as though Macbeth is anxious. MacBeths reply totally understates everything which Lenox has said, twas a rough night. The music heightens here to create drama as Macduff re-enters. He is stand up with his head lowered and mutters the word Horror as if in total disbelief. The lighting is clever here and we cannot make out his eyes as they are erosiveened. This is to represent that he has been blinded by the imaginativeness he has witnessed and links to the reference in his speech about gorgons which are terrible monsters that blind people. As Macduff comes forward in between the two other men it shows that one of MacBeths eyes are blacked out.This could tell us that he two has been blinded but only partially, not fully. Colquhen is excellent as Macduff. Usually, in other productions such as Channel 4s version directed by Michael Bugbane, we see the character run out of the room shouting in utter disbelief. However, Colquhen gives us the sense that the character is almost faint due to the sight he saw. He begins to walk up the corridor talking in shock and thinking of the people he has to deliver the news to such as the Kings two young sons. This is when he begins to seem deeply angered and spits out his words for the whole mansion to here.This leads us to the room, which Lady Macbeth is in. Macduff enters. Her position is excellent. She is sitting high up, almost as though she is already on the throne assuming power. She speaks to Macduff in a nasty way. She almo st spits out the line, Whats the line of descent and commands him in a strong voice to speak. Macduff refuses to tell the gentle lady what has happened and this is very ironic. It is like black comedy. She is looking very domineering while sitting on her throne and speaking cruelly to Macduff yet he still remarks she is a woman and cannot handle what he has to say. Banquo enters inquire about the confusion and Macduff whispers it into his ear but Lady Macbeth overhears.Campton speaks with venom in her words. She sneers at the thought of Duncan being killed in her house. She is showing that Lady Macbeth is not worried about Duncan but because it happened in her house and she will seem responsible. Her costume emphasises this part of her character as she is wearing dark clothes with an elaborate hat, almost like a crown. Banquo is stimulate at her reaction and talks through gritted teeth. He directs the line Too cruel anywhere at her implying his suspicions then turns his back to h er to show he does not want to talk about what happened with her.Macbeth then enters with Lenox. He is no longer wearing his coat so he is identical to how he looked when he killed the King. This is ironic, as he has just come back from killing the henchmen. He immediately looks at Lady Macbeth. This is to show he sees her as the primary force in all this mess. Macbeth begins to speak and does so in an impeach way. We know he is speaking for the benefit of Lady Macbeth. He spits out the words almost as though he is ready to burst into tears. His line Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time, is full of regret and is his way of telling his wife this. Donalbain, one of Duncans sons wakes up and questions what is happening. Macbeth responds to the young Princes question in an insane way. He holds the Princes head in his hands firmly and gently shouts into his face.This shocks the other men. Macbeth speaks to Donalbain in poetical language saying the founta in of your blood is stopped, whereas Macduff Comes straight to the point by saying his father is dead. Macbeth then holds the Princes head into his chest. He is realising the effect the murder is going to have on so many people and although it would appear he is comforting the Kings son, he is actually comforting himself. Lenox tells the young Princes that the evidence of the bloodied knifes show that the henchmen are guilty and Macbeth announces to the group he killed them in fury. Macduff questions this action and it is the first hint of suspicion by someone other than Banquo, who has been standing behind Macbeth trying to look into his face and discover the truth.Macbeth begins his speech to bind up for himself after MacDuffs question. He starts to walk around the group of people gathered talking into their necks as though he is sniggering at them because they questioned his actions. As he is explaining the emotions that were running through his body when he discovered the hench men, he makes eye contact with Lady Macbeth and begins to walk toward her. On the wall behind Macbeth there is a modern painting that looks like the image of the crucifixion. This is a connection with the image of Macbeth earlier in the production and could also be a sign that he has made a mistake and will be punished. He comes to Lady Macbeth and grabs her head into his hands as he did with Donalbain. He begins to describe the actual stabbing, Here lay Duncan, His silver skin laced with golden blood and spits the words into her face. Ifans wanted Lady Macbeth to know exactly what the murder was like and how gruesome it had been.I feel he is so choleric as he speaks because of her earlier accusation to him only loving her if he performed the murder. He is showing her what a mess he has made to prove his love for her and he is very angry. This is when we see the power swop between the two characters. She is genuinely frightened by his reaction and tries to free herself from his gr ip with trembling hands.Chadwick decided not to have Lady Macbeth faint, as it would not work in this situation. Instead he changes the meaning of the words spoken. When Lady Macbeth says help me hence she is asking the others in the room to help her, not because she feels faint. When Macduff move forward he takes a hold of MacBeths arm and says, Look to the Lady. He is asking Macbeth to look at how he has scared his wife not for someone to attend to her after she faints. This was a very good idea and adds variety from other productions. When Lady Macbeth shouts for help we know she is doing this because Macbeth has overstepped the mark and is reveal too much. This is her way of trying to put him back in his place.Banquo then makes a declaration of trueness to the dead King to question this most bloody piece of work and directs this speech at Macbeth. Fishley is trying to show that Banquo is taking the moral position. When he speaks he stresses the word I as though he is distanci ng himself from Macbeth. The other men in the room plight their feelings also but Macbeth remains silent which shows he is no longer the same and is excluded from the declaration. The drum again becomes louder and quicker as we sense MacBeths anguish. completely the men leave the room and dramatically Lady Macbeth is left alone. She is still leaning against the wall and no longer looks as strong as before. She is by herself and this is significant to the rest of the play. Macbeth no longer needs her.The scene finishes with Donalbain and Malcolm speaking of how they must flee as there are daggers in mens smiles and they could be in danger. Chadwick again introduces a new idea that Macbeth overhears their conversation about them both fleeing to England and Ireland. This shows us that Macbeth is not finished and will go on to lead a life corrupt with murder and evil. The final shot is of Macbeth looking straight into camera with a sly smile on his face. Ifans was trying to show that t here has been a change in Macbeth and he is no longer the man he was before. The colour is again dark grey and blue implying he is cold to human feelings. This ends the scene in an interesting climax and leaves you wondering what will happen next.
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