Monday, September 30, 2019
Marketing plan for mercedes benz Essay
Dear Parents You must be informed about the laws that Current Legislation in UK produced in order to protect the children and young people. Current Legislation 1. Children Act (2004) identify five outcomes for children 1. Education Act (1993) Parents of children under 2 years have the right to ask for the child to be formally assessed 2. Sex Discrimination Act (1975) Ensure that individuals are not discriminated against on the grounds of their sex 3. Race Relation Act (1976) Equality of opportunity must be promoted 4. Public Health Act (1984) Covers the notification and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases 5. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) (1995) Specify certain accidents and incidents that must be by law, reported 6. Equality Act 2010 Aims to ensure that rights of disabled individuals are met 7. Special Educational Need and Disability Act (2004) Protects children from discrimination on the basis of disability , and settings must make reasonable adjustments to their provision to meet the need and right of the child 8. Code of Practice for First Aid (1997) Gives guidance on the provision of trained first aiders and first aid provision 9. Protection of the Children Act (1998) Requires a list to be kept of people considered to be unsuitable to work with children 10. Care of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) Deal with the identification, storage and use of potentially harmful substances, such as cleaning fluids 11. Childcare Act (2006) the law that sets out: Duties on local authorities to improve outcomes for children and to ensure access to information about provision in their area Legal frameworks for regulation and inspection of provision for children from birth to age 17 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): this is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and education for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young children’s welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance. Dear Parents You must be informed about the role of Regulatory Bodies that made all the inspection, investigation and enforcements to my premises in order to improve the overall well-being of the children. OFSTED Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial. Ofsted is responsible for the inspection of a range of educations and children’s services, and for the inspection and regulation of registered Early Years and Childcare provision. The aim of all this work is to promote improvement and value for money in the services they inspect and regulate, so that children and young people, parents and carriers benefits. The registration process with Ofsted looks at my ability and suitability if I deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This is the framework for the delivery of quality integrated care and education for children from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday. The EYFS includes requirements for the provision of young children’s welfare, learning and development that all providers must meet, as well as good practice guidance. An Ofsted inspector will make regular visits to my premises and discuss about how I will meet the welfare requirements: The Inspection report produced by Ofsted will covers the followings: If, I and every other person looking after children on my premises, are suitable to care for children Every person living or working on my premises is suitable to be in regular contact with children My premises is suitable for looking after children If, I meet or will meet all the welfare, learning and development requirements of Early Years Foundation Stage and all the regulations and any conditions of registration imposed by. After an inspection, Ofsted publishes a report on Childminder home based environment website. In addition to written comments on a number of areas, schools and childminder premises are assessed on each area and overall on a 4-point scale: 1 (Outstanding), 2 (Good), 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Inadequate). Ofsted Register Early Years Childminders to: Protect the children Ensure that they meet the requirements of Early Years Register Ensure that they provide good outcomes for children that keep children healthy, safe, ensure that they enjoy what they do and achieve well, make a positive contribution and develop skills for the future Promote high quality in the provision of care and learning and development Provide reassurance to parents Failure to complying with this welfare requirements would attract complains or concerns from parents or other people side. The law gives to Ofsted as regulatory body a range of powers to regulate children’s social care services, which set out the action that can take in order to enforce compliance with the law. They consider the particular circumstances of each case before deciding what action they need to take. However, it is very important for me not to lose sight of the overriding principle of ensuring the welfare of children and young people.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Freud and Erikson
This first paper is going to be about a case study on a 7 year old kid named Gary. Gary is wheelchair bound and has Muscular Dystrophy and has been home-schooled until now. He seemed to be doing fine in school, but he has been crying after school and not wanting to go monday mornings. We have to try and figure out why Gary is feeling this way. I will be using and comparing Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to analyze why the case study subject might be acting this way. Erikson’s Psychological Theory is based around Freuds’s Stages of Development, but with further stages and not always based around sex and aggression like Freud uses. Erikson’s Theory contains eight stages: Trust v. mistrust (birth to two years of age), autonomy v. shame/ doubt (two to four years), initiative v. guilt (four to six years), industry v. inferiority/ diffusion (six to twelve years), identity v. identity confusion (adolescence), intimacy v. isolation (young adulthood), generatively v. tagnation (middle adulthood), and ego integrity v. despair (late adulthood to death). The first four stages match up pretty well with Freud’s Theory’s stages, with an additional four stages about adulthood at the end. Two big things about Erikson’s Theory is that success builds on previous stages and that failure is cumulative (Morrison, lecture, 2011). I can apply Erikson’s Theory to the case study with Gary in a couple of ways. The first observation I can make is that Gary is his wetting the bed problem. If he hasn’t done it in years, why is he doing it now? Gary has probably failed to succeed in the autonomy v. shame stage of development. It doesn’t say how long Gary has been in a wheelchair, but my guess is quite awhile. Even if it was after his toilet training years, he had to re-learn how to go by himself when he was given a wheelchair. This might have gone smoothly when he was at home with the help of his loving and supportive parents, but he probably doesn’t trust in teachers or aids to help him if he needs it. He feels ashamed of himself for not being able to go flawlessly like at home, and these feelings of shame are causing other problems in school also. This GREATLY affects his self esteem levels and disturbs the rest of his school life. Another angle of looking at Gary’s problems is he isn’t succeeding in the industry v. inferiority stage. This stage is about learning in school and communicating and is a very social stage (Morrison, lecture, 2011). SInce Gary is in a wheelchair, he can’t participate in regular activities in P. E. classes. He has to have adaptive P. E. based on him not being able to walk. Watching the other kids playing on the basketball courts and playing football and stuff leaves him feeling left out. He isn’t building skills for a teamwork mentality like everybody else. He feels left out of the fun and probably puts himself lower than the rest of his peers. This would greatly hurt his self-esteem and competence. This could be an explanation for him crying after school and just not wanting to go Sunday nights. Although Erikson’s Psychological Theory can explain Gary’s problems in terms of missed of problems in developmental stages, Maslow can explain them more generically with his Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs has five stages, starting with the most primitive working towards more finite: biological and physiological needs (food, water, shelter, warmth), safety needs (protection and security), belonging and love needs (family, affection, relationships), esteem needs (achievement, status, responsibility), and self- actualization (personal growth) (Morrison, lecture, 2011). Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I can analyze Gary and determine that it seems as if Gary isn’t fulfilling his esteem needs. He seems to have a low self esteem and a low sense of accomplishment. This is probably because he can’t do the same P. E. activities as the rest of the kids. Just being around a lot of kids that can walk and do things he can’t is probably the main reason for his sadness and not wanting to go to school. When he was at home all day, he had his parents to comfort him if he ever had questions about other kids. His parents might have actually over protected him, as in Gary wasn’t prepared to go to public school because his parents sheltered him from the truth of the real world and wasn’t ready for it. Since Gary is having trouble with his esteem needs, he cannot feel accomplished and move on to his self- actualization needs. He can’t grow as a person until the lower level needs are met. There are a lot of theories that people can use when analyzing peoples’ problems. But looking at Gary’s problems, Erikson’s Psychological Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were the ones I felt like could explain why Gary is having problems the best. Not every theory is applicable to every situation. These two theories made sense to me and I believe explained his problems the best out of all of the theories we have looked at in class. Between the two I used, I believe Erikson’s Psychological Theory explains it better than Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but they both have some good points in this case study.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Arbitrator can determine the proper law
Arbitrator can determine the proper law Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Arbitrator can determine the proper law The significance of the international arbitration is that one of the foreign legal system and a foreign country is involved, thus they have the ease to affect the deal with the procedural rules and the legal issues of the dispute, it also has a bearing on the cost, the obtaining of the evidence and enforcing an award in a country which may be different from that of the dispute. [ 1 ]  The question that needs to be in mind while resolving a dispute is that what will be the principles for establishing, which applicable laws will be applied to the arbitration. [ 2 ]  S (46) (3) of the Arbitration Act 1996 [ 3 ]  , â€Å"is concerned with the situation in which there is no express choice of law, and here the arbitrators are empowered to determine the conflict of laws rules which should apply, and then to apply those conflict of laws rules to decide which law should apply to the contract.† [ 4 ]  The question t hat arises is that the choice suggested by the arbitrator of the applicable rules is that correct and secondly is its application a correct. It is however stated that if the arbitrator has to decide under the English court jurisdiction then the English law would be applicable under the Rome Convention 1980 [ 5 ]  and is therefore stated that if it is not decided with certainty then the that law is decided to which the contract is most closely connected to. [ 6 ]  In an submission to an agreement it is important to choose the relevant laws that will be applicable in an agreement because if they are expressly stated then in that way they are substantive issues to the disputes and its always better to draft them in a submission agreement, but if the express and the implied choice of law is not made by the parties then in that case the choice of law is determined by the law of seat of the arbitration and the contract as a whole as well. [ 7 ]  The Seat of arbitrat ion is described in the S (3) of the Arbitration Act 1996 [ 8 ]  which describe that it is essential to have seat for arbitration which defines the geographical location of the arbitration as well as the procedural law, the seat may be different as well e.g. The LCIA ( London Court Of International Arbitration Rules). [ 9 ]  A number of cases in different jurisdiction which has taken the law appropriate to govern the arbitration agreement. The case of C V D [ 10 ]  this case emphasis on the even though, in the contract it was stated that, the contract is to be governed by the New York law, the Court of Appeal decided that English law will apply, because it was expressly stated by the parties that any in case of any dispute the issue will be finally resolved in London under the Arbitration Act 1996. To support the judgment the English court gave a list of cases to support the idea, where it was stated that the case will be decided according to the English law wh ere it was made specific that Arbitration Act 1996, other cases such as, Xl insurance Ltd v Owens corning [ 11 ]  and Noble assurance company and shell petroleum inc v Gerling Konzern general Insurance Company Uk branch [ 12 ]  . In the case of Black Clawson [ 13 ]  it was stated that it would be a rare case in which the law of arbitration would not be a seat of arbitration.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Operations Management - Assignment Example Their competitive edge also transcends to other areas including quality employee training and management. This study intends to analyze the operations management and strategic planning that are fundamental to McDonald’s success. It also identifies various stages of operations management and strategic planning process. 1.1. Explain the importance of Operations management to the success of a business, using McDonalds as an example. Operation management is the one of the core functions of every business organization. It help to increase value of the products and efficient transformation of services. Operation management in McDonald's enables their overall success. The organizations, thus, attains and sustain efficiency in customer service, relies on JIT system. The do not begin to cook their orders until a consumer places the order. Due to sophisticated technology used in the making of a burger, McDonald’s is capable to serve its customer without much wastage of time ot her placing on order. Thus, by aligning their operations through efficient operational management strategies the company currently sustains a large market store in the F&B industry globally. Globalization and the consequent liberalization of polices have also enable them to expand their operation bases across the world, including Asian countries and Middle East. 1.2. Explain the need for an MsDonalds to produce goods/services to time, cost and quality/specification and with reference to legal requirements. Need for a McDonalds to produce goods/services to time, cost and quality/specification and with reference to legal requirements is that higher quality, lower cost and quality specification products help to provide the customers with fresh food items and also to attract more customers. Besides, the trendy outlook and hygienic setting also have helped in making them a favorite among all segments of the population across the world. JIT technique eliminates delivery delays while savin g the customer with fresh food strait from the order. This higher quality consumer service remains one of their major strengths. Through the efficient coordinating of order delivery and operation management, they are capable of reducing cost. Lower Costs or holding expenses for burger is a main reason for retention and expansion of customer base. Frozen ground beef that's good nowadays might not be so superior and good in a few months. 1.3. Explain the link between operations management and strategic planning with specific reference to McDonalds. Every organization has objectives and goals and operation management also encompasses short term plans to accomplish these goals and objectives. Operation Management Plans are crucial to accomplish strategic aims by tactical implementation. These tactical plans of the business establishment are for routine issues and are extremely frequent e.g. for the manufacture operation management is quantity of output produced in particular time and machinery and HR requirement. The manger of the McDonald’s gather information by talking to their consumers and offer best services. It is the best way to solve consumer problems and develop a high level of satisfaction of consumers. This encourages workers and managers of McDonald to be responsive and communicative with regulars. McDonald’s maintains balance among the consumer satisfaction and operations in restaurant. â€Å"From the statement of McDonald’s operations strategy, it is clear that both consistency and high product
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Strategic Marketing (SBU Competition) Research Paper
Strategic Marketing (SBU Competition) - Research Paper Example Among all the mentioned competitors of Star Hub SingNet is the largest internet service provider in Singapore with 372,000 broadband users and 71,000 dial up customers (about SingTel, 2013). As SingNet is the biggest internet provider company followed secondly by Star Hub and at third place stand M1 Net Ltd. The total broad band subscribers of Star Hub are 329,000. The broad band user of the third largest company M1 Broad band is over 10,000 . ... The stock price also increased compared to the price of last day Revenue for the companies (as according to available financial reports) 2012: 18,825 Million 2011: 18,071 Million 2010: 16, 871 Million 2012: 2,422 Million 2011: 2,312 Million 2010: 2, 238 Million 2012: 1,076,812 2011: 1,064,896 2010: 979.2 Million Customer base 557,000 are the total broad band internet users for the company 442,300 are the total subscribers of the broad band internet service provided by the company 173,900 are the total broad band internet subscribers for M1 Strengths Many of the strengths that are associated with the company includes: The first ever company to launch its broad band services in Singapore First broad band service provider to introduce supplementary surfing Being the pioneer and the largest company to hold the stake, trust of people in the service provided Star Hub being the second market leaders holds certain strengths as well including: Fastest growing broad band internet service provi der Provides the highest speed for surfing including the fastest speed internet for downloading and uploading in Singapore Provides unlimited surfing packages to make family time fun M1 as is the third largest leading broad band possess the following strengths: Introducer of the latest technology Pioneer in providing the fastest downloading speed where even needed with even in peak hours Connectivity choices are customized and available according to the need and requirement of the customers Faster and an easier way to access the international high bandwidth sites Competitive Advantage Pricing Bundles that are offered by SingNet is their competitive advantage and the factors which helps them gaining the highest market
The salon in 1830s Paris Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The salon in 1830s Paris - Essay Example Self-expression energizes the world with the emergence of imagination. A break from the traditional context brings life to the often misunderstood, lowly and virtually unknown individual. Friedrich Schlegel first uses the word romantic to describe emotions through imagination. His poems are a prime example of emotional content. Victor Hugo discusses it a bit rather clearly when he simply explains that the period introduces freedom from the tight chains and limited range of conventional literature. Romanticism offers a wide range of emotional and imaginative works. It brings together a bunch of talented artist. Prominent names which spearhead the style include Ann Radcliffe, Edgar Allan Poe, Charlotte Bronte, Mary Shelley, Sir Walter Scott, Madame de Lafayette, Voltaire, Rousseau and Charles Dickens. Numerous topics are tackled but love continues to be a favorite subject in poetry and prose. Love is filled with mysticism but a more sensual and a more colorful approach to it paves the way towards the exoticism. The English poet Lord Byron pioneers the exotic theme of romanticism. Inheriting part of the estate from his granduncle William, George Gordon Noel Byron begins publishing a set of poems entitled Hours of Idleness. But Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage travelogue becomes instrumental in launching him to fame. European views are the main subject of the poems. The collection leads to four more tales that will cement his status as one of the greatest Romantic writers of his generation. Critics share a common observation that Byron’s works reflects his very own personal life. Emotions and imaginations are clearly visible in the works of Lord Byron. His marriage is mostly filled with extramarital affairs. In 1816, just a year after marrying his wife, he opts for legal separation. Because of his extramarital affairs, Lord Byron has been hounded by trouble most of his
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What has happened to the canadian economy over the last two years Essay
What has happened to the canadian economy over the last two years - Essay Example Seeking to explain these question and others that deal with the first global economic crisis in the twenty-first century and the response of the Canadian government as well as the Bank of Canada to this crisis, this research paper will explain and evaluate the policies of both branches of government. Australia is presently doing well financially, as are a whole bunch of other countries which have been able to deal with the effects of global economic crisis while successfully managing their economies. As this project is being typed, the Canadian dollar is close to $0.97 USD, which remains high and is perceived by some as an indication that the Canadian economy is doing well. Is this the case? This question is explored below (CBC, 2009). On July 23rd, 2009, the Bank of Canada released its quarterly Monetary Policy Report and enthusiastically announced that the recession that had afflicted Canadian businesses and the Canadian economy since the start of the global credit crisis was â€Å"over†. Showing that Canadian economic growth was slated to be 1.3% in the current fiscal quarter, the days of a shrinking economy were descried as a thing of the past. While unemployment continued to rise, Canadian growth was projected to be positive after three quarters of economic decline and Mark Carney, Bank of Canada governor announced to reporters that â€Å"We are on track for the recovery both in Canada and globally,". Speculation that growth will continue through 2009 and 2010, leading to a striking gross national product growth rate of 4% by the middle of 2010, enthusiasm was the result of this mid-summer announcement. Optimistic forecasts by the Bank of Canada has assured the electorate of a 3+ growth rate by 2010; this is ahead of forecasts by the International Monetary Fund and some of the major banks in Canada including ScotiaBank, Royal Bank and the CIBC. What accounts for the positive announcement and the fact that the Canadian economy is expected
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Peer Review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peer Review - Article Example The writer mentioned several cases and even discussed three cases in detail where the person or a NP had to face legal actions afterwards after they tried to act as Good Samaritans. The methodology was not complex in this case because most of the specific data was reviewed and taken from cases in courts and articles published. Writer even went on to mention several suggestive measures for NP in specific and other medical professionals in general about the way they should act in case there is any emergency. The conclusion is very well supported by the case, writer has established. There is a definite confusion and synchronization among various states about this law so it is very important for a NP to act according to the law of the state she is working on. Moreover, the writer also stresses the need of stronger and better legislation among states so that NPs are not hesitant to act when they see any emergency situation. This would reduce morbidity and mortality and even provide NPs a chance to render their services for the goodwill of people. This law is not applicable in United State but has also been adopted in a slight different form by other countries as mentioned by the writer. This topic is very important for future consideration of nursing because it can relate to their life and presents a problem that any nurse can face even outside work environment. These discussions would help a nurse to make her decision in such a situation as per the laws of the state she is working in. This is a life saving procedure but involves some legal problems that can occur in some of the cases (Tumolo, J. 2002). This is one field that has a lot of scope for future research on the same lines. More studies and analysis of various cases would even highlight the issue which would help in proper law making in different states. Nurses should also be encouraged through research and publication not to hesitate when it is about
Monday, September 23, 2019
Bloomington IN, and corn field Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bloomington IN, and corn field - Research Paper Example ll therefore address culture and cultural centers in Bloomington Indiana and equally draw a relationship between Indiana University students and the corns in the neighborhood of Bloomington Indiana. Corn that refers to maize grain in the US was plant domestication by the indigenous people in Mesoamerica and specifically in Bloomington Indiana. Indeed, settlers, Tibets stopped at the fertile Whitewater Valley in 1800s to initiate the cornfields in Bloomington Indiana. Moreover, the Wayne County farmers, Tibets still embrace their traditions in course of their grain farming that include corn, soybeans, oats, wheat, and canola (Waynet Web). As such, culture and attached traditions are fundamental factors in the cornfields and in Bloomington Indiana where they are located. Indeed, even Indian university embraces this culture in its school curriculum. As such, where culture is a dominant aspect in Bloomington Indiana and the neighboring cornfields, it is only fair to analyze this culture. This culture is enshrined and preserved in Tibetan Cultural Center. Hence, culture as reserved in the Tibetan Cultural Center is a relevant topic in relation to Bloomington Indiana and the cornfiel ds. Corn farming is a cultural activity in Bloomington Indiana. Bloomington Indiana has been the only Tibetan Cultural Center in the United States since 1979. In addition, Bloomington Indiana hosts then Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Tibetan Monastery that came to being in 1996. Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Tibetan Monastery follows the Buddhas teachings as transmitted by the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It is thus significant in offering the Indiana community with diverse sources of cultural and educational programs applied in this society especially in the cornfields. Tibetan Cultural Center came up in the 1970’s courtesy of an Indiana University professor, Thubten J. Norbu. The main aim of the cultural centre was to preserve the memory and culture of Tibetans and bring awareness to the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Modifications to the National School Lunch Program Essay Example for Free
Modifications to the National School Lunch Program Essay Introduction Recent modifications made to the National School Lunch Program menu have caused controversy all across the nation. In last year The National School Lunch program have been under scrutiny and major changes have been made to the ingredients and preparation of school lunches. The USDA reports that the all the modifications to the school lunches are focus towards improving the health of all school age children, contributing to the fight against childhood obesity and succinctly to improve the health of all children across the nation. This research would explore the history of the different federal agencies involve in the national nutritional services, the most comprehensive changes in the school nutritional environment , the old and new menus choices and how changes are impacting students (National School Lunch Program,[NSLP] 2012). Research Statement According to the Unites States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service the recent changes to the National School Lunch program have been an important aid in the fight against childhood obesity and to help change student eating habits towards a healthier approach. In the last 4 years the Senate of the United Stated has proposed different legislature changes to the National School Lunch menu allowing millions of dollars to contribute towards a healthier approach modifying what student age children are consuming during school hours. The most comprehensive changes have been oriented towards reducing fat, sugar and sodium, and including more vegetable as part of the daily school cafeteria menu (United States Department of Agriculture, [USDA] 2012). Initial Research Question How the recent changes to the national school lunch program can improve the student’s health? By analyzing the recent changes to the national school lunch program we will be able to compare some of the differences between some the new and improve school lunch menu and how these changes are impacting students across the nation. Review of literature The National School Lunch Act was a law established under the administration of President Harry Truman in 1946. The original purpose of the act was to help local farmers with surplus produce and using these foods to feed school age children. After reviewing the principles of the act, members of the senate requested the establishment of a national program that under the guidelines of the National School Lunch Act, would oversee all operations associated with school lunch meals, reason for the creation of the National School Lunch program. The National School lunch program manages one of the largest federally assisted meal programs that provides nutritionally balanced meals free or at low cost to school age children. The national school lunch program takes cash subsides and foods provided by the U.S Department of Agriculture, in return the national school lunch program must meet nutritional federal requirements and most important must offer meals free or at low cost to all student age children. According to reported statistics from the U.S Department of Agriculture the National School Lunch feeds over 30 million students each day (NSLP, 2012) There is no doubt that the student nutrition subject has been an important topic of national concern in the history of our country. In 1966, The Child Nutrition Act was a law signed by President Lyndon B Johnson, encouraged by a national concern over nutrition in school age children. The Child Nutrition Act became to be an instrument to facilitate the process of meeting nutritional needs of children under the guidelines of the National School Lunch Program. The act also helped established the school based breakfast program providing free breakfast for children in public and nonprofit schools, during the signing of this act president Johnson use a famous phrase that would change forever the futures of national school lunches â€Å"Good food is essential to good learning†(USDA, 2012) U.S Department of Agriculture is a federal funded division who is responsible to all operations in the nation pertaining to farming agriculture and food. Better known as the USDA the department not only promotes and helps farming and agriculture issues but ensures food safety across the nation. The USDA is one of the oldest federally department created by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. The USDA oversees a vast amount of operative units in the united states including the USDA Food and Nutritional Services who major goal is to provide healthy food to families in need, the department also collaborate closely with the National School Lunch program providing foods that are of nutritional value (USDA, 2012) On December 13th, 2010 President Obama sign into a law the Healthy, Hunger –Free Act of 2010. This act was creating to combat the alarming rates of childhood obesity cases in the U.S. The now law came to update the school meals standards who reflected very little changes in nutrition in the last 15 years, the HHFK Act also had an impact on the USDA, changing the foods providing to the National School lunch program and succinctly reflecting changes in meal nutritional standards in schools across the nation. In the 2009 a review from the Institute of Medicine recommended several updates to the National School lunch menus, the review found that the school cafeteria menus were not meeting the dietary guidelines for school age children stated by the U.S Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services (Healthy Hunger-Free Act, [HHFA] 2012) In 2011 the USDA proposed new regulations based on the finding of the Institute of Medicine of the United States. The process of modification of the school cafeteria menus begin slowly but steady on schools across the nation, the changes included whole grain servings on all meals; reduce saturated fat sugar and sodium, and more fresh fruit and vegetables. Elizabeth Ippel, executive director of The Academy of Global Citizenship in Chicago, talks about the important of nutrition’s â€Å"good nutrition is essential and a very integral component to effective learning†. The changes are significant and according to Mrs. Ippel the students are responding positive to the modifications (Leamy, 2012) Here’s an example of a before and after lunch menu: BeforeAfter Breaded beef patty on a white roll Baked Fish Nuggets Fruit popsicleWhole wheat roll Low fat milkMashed potatoes Broccoli Peaches Skim Milk Discussion On December 13, 2010 president Obama signed into law 111-296 the Healthy Hunger –Free Act of 2010. The act is one of the most comprehensive proposals in the school nutritional environment in over 15 years; the main goal of this law is to update school meals nutritional standards to help combat childhood obesity and help students achieve healthy eating habits. Beginning in July 2012 the new lunch meal pattern will be in effect changing what students will be consuming during lunch in the school year 2012-2013.The new proposed meal components includes key changes for children K and above, these changes requires that school lunches offer a daily variety of whole grains, fruit and vegetables. In the fruit category, each meal provided by school cafeterias must include  ½ cup of fresh, frozen or canned fruits, prepared or compound with water and not syrup.  ½ of vegetables on each meal is another requirement in the daily school lunch menus; the new regulations required a variety of vegetable groups including: dark green, red/orange, legumes, starchy and other vegetables. On the area of whole grains, breads and cereals are required on each meal as long as the food item includes more than 8 grams of grains. The act has also limit the amount of flavored milks opting for only low fat milk during meals. Calories are also under a scope view limiting the calorie ranges according to age groups. Trans-fat is banned completely from school cafeteria menus and the act has also a plan to limit sodium gradually over the next decade, to reach the goal of keeping sodium at a no more than 600 mg per meal, equal to a diet frozen meal (HHFKA, 2012). The changes in the cafeteria school menu are impacting students and teachers equally, besides of more nutritional value, the new menus now offered more quantity amounts of healthier foods, satisfying the hunger of millions of students and reflecting healthier attitudes in the classrooms. LuAnn Coenen from Appleton Central High School in Wisconsin cheers the new regulations in the cafeteria menus and states†Since the introductions of the new food program, I have noticed and enormous difference in the behavior of my students in the classroom,††I can say without hesitation that it’s changed my job as principal†. It seems that less sugary foods and drinks are impacting student’s behavior. An associate professor of education at the Lehigh university conducted a study of over 2000 lunchrooms across the nations, the conclusions indicated that healthier and less sugary meals carries a calmer atmosphere in the classroom this calmer demeanor is reflects when students go back to the classrooms creating a trickling effect. Taylor a student from Appleton High commented about the changes she felt since the cafeteria menus changed â€Å"I’d say being able to concentrate better†. Susan Graham principal from Melrose Elementary in Tampa Florida confirms that her discipline referrals have decreased 50 % â€Å"We get a lot more done, I think it’s a lot more efficient work environment for all of us,†Grahams said (abcnews,2012). Berger (2005) wrote about the importance of a well balanced meal for the proper development of children’s brain development, and how school meal programs played an important rolled in children’s brain development, by providing a well balanced meal while in school children can achieve proper brain development a subsequently their ability to learn will be maximized (Berger, 2005). The changes happening in schools cafeterias might seem insignificant, but replacing extra-cheese pizza, deep fried chicken for whole wheat pizza and baked fish nuggets, represent a huge step towards making students healthy. Some modifications to the school lunch menu have happened slowly and some hidden from students, like replacing full fat cheese with a low fat mozzarella cheese in the pizzas, as well as using whole wheat bread on grill cheese sandwiches. Dr. Saira Jan a Rutgers University Professor (2006) comments on children obesity and diabetes rising numbers â€Å"Kids choose from what they are offered. They are hungry, they will eat. You can offer carrots or French fries. We have a big health-care problem. We can’t just talk about it†(Weekly Reader, 2006). Conclusion In conclusion the overall national concern over childhood obesity and the rising rate of diseases in children related to overweight issues is currently being addressed by different entities in charge of school nutrition. The National School lunch program has and will make modification on the students’ lunch menu to feed students healthier foods in the effort to fight childhood obesity. Even though there has been mixed opinions about the effectiveness of the lunch menu modifications, the HHFKA guidelines demonstrate how References About USDA. (2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Berger, Kathleen. (2005).The Developing Person Throughout the Lifespan. 6th ed.Worth. 140-142 Child Nutritional Act.(2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Food Fight! Should School Lunches be healthier? Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication,17 Feb.(2006) Retrieved from Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. (2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Questions Answers on the Final Rule, â€Å"Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs†(2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Lazor, K., Chapman, N., Levine, E. (2010).No.80. Vol.4. 200-206 Soy Goes to School: Acceptance of Healthful, Vegetarian Options in Maryland Middle School Lunches. Journal Of School Health. Leamy, Elizabeth.(2011). Exclusive: USDA to Announce Healthier New School Lunch Guidelines. Retrieved from Mary Bruce. (2010). Coming Soon? Healthier School Lunches. Retrieved from Mcginn, D., Popescu, R. (2007).No 150. Vol.17. Unlucky Charms At Lunch. Newsweek. Retrieved from _a_elinit=rp=ITOFsw=w National School Lunch Program.(2012).United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, No 17, Vol.77. (2012). United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Retrieved from Students behave better with healthy lunches. (2012). Abc. go. Retrieved from
Friday, September 20, 2019
Causes and Effects of Mental Illness
Causes and Effects of Mental Illness Depression (major depression) is a common mental disorder characterized by a period of intense and negative emotions, lack of interest, anhedonia (lack of pleasure), guilt and low self-esteem feelings, sleep disorders and normal appetite, loss of energy and difficulty in concentration. People who suffer from depression usually they have not presented the same symptoms and even if they have the same symptoms, their intensity varies. Depression can transform from a transient to a chronic condition, preventing the steady mental functioning of people and -in extreme cases even lead to suicide. The social and economic impact of depression usually is difficulty in maintaining close relationships, alcoholism, accidents, misuse of health services, reverberations the whole family and more on children, early retirement, and substance abuse. The depressed person suffering from the disease thus transformed and expressed in many ways such as hypochondriacal symptoms, impotence, insomnia or hypersomnia, poor appetite or overeating, and offending behavior. Moreover, depression can occur in various forms such as with most physical illnesses. However, in these types, there are several variations in the number and severity of symptoms. The following three types of depression frequently arise in people who suffer from this disease. The major depressive episode is manifested by a combination of symptoms and affected significantly the functionality of the individual. An incident such as this episode may occur once, or more frequently, several times during the life of the individual and ordinarily lasts around 6-8 months. A less severe form of depression, dysthymia, is a milder side of symptoms, but more chronic disorder. In this form, individual generally retains much of the functionality but however, there is a danger to drop back into a major depressive episode. Bipolar disorder or manic depression is otherwise a severe mental disorder characterized by cyclical swings of emotion, where in that period of intense elation (mania) alternate with periods of depressive episodes. The person in the manic episode shows hyperactivity, socially inappropriate, shows cheerful, with large energy reserves, but has impaired judgment and impaired social behavior which can be fatal for the person himself but also for those around him. Various theories have been developed by several scientists are unable to determine the exact etiology of depression. There are some factors that contribute to either the start or the most intense manifestation of the disease. Many scientists have studied the depression generating mechanism based on an individuals behavior. Ferster (1973) indicates that the depressed person may have the disease at intervals, during which accepts negative stimuli and isolation from the social environment without corresponding positive stimuli which could maintain his mental balance. Additionally, starting from childhood where negative stimuli are unable to meet the individual needs (such as the mothers indifference towards the child) cultivate the belief that the environment has grown not to offer anything on the person who is pessimistic. Also, Ferster, comments on the role of anger in depression, as psychoanalysts recognizing that anger is a component of the emotional disorder but explains that the angering event often avoided by the sufferer due to the negative reaction of the environment to anger. Therefore held that feeling and the result is the further isolation of the patient from the community and lack thereof supporters. The Rado (1964), Bibring (1953) and Jacobson (1964), completing the classic analytic interpretation pointed out that it is not necessary to have an objective loss to occur depression. They outline that, something negative relative to narcissism, the love and appreciation that nourishes everyone about him, a frustration or failure would seriously undermine the feeling of self-esteem, can paralyze a persons ability to act, resulting in a recall depression. Mendelson (1967) believed that depression is due to the collapse of ego and self-confidence because of a loss or disappointment. O Schneider (1958) described the people suffering from depressive psychopathy as follows: quietly, constantly gloomy, serious, without the ability to have fun. The peace and calm seen as something meaningless and pain and suffering as a virtue. They give great importance to the operation and are oppressive but also sensitive individuals. Schneider made a distinction between depressive personality and endogenous depression which more correlated with phases of mania and depression thus rejecting the idea that a depressive personality is an extreme form of depression expression. This personality is due in early irritation predisposing the individual to become negative and pessimistic On the other side, the forms and effects of depression differ by gender. Women are 2 to 3 times more susceptible to this disease than men. Some researchers such as Hauenstein (1991) have suggested that this is due to the fact that women express more easily and more intensely their feelings, from the opposite gender, is more large percentage of the female population that will seek medical care in relation to the male gender, women affected, think and imagine different scenarios and versions if concern for a problem, leading to cause the beginning of an emotional disease while men distract their attention from the problem and focus on their goals. However, the difference is quite large, so it is believed that a combination of biological and psychosocial factors contribute to a higher frequency. The causes that can lead an individual to depression vary depending on the evolution of his life. More specifically, it is clear that there is no single reason to explain this disorder (as usually happens with many other illnesses in general). Surveys have identified several factors that appear to contribute in varying degrees to the illness of depression. We can consider the depressive disorder as the final common result of a variety of factors which act on the constitution of each individual and the specific social context. If we look at depression in this way then the various interpretations of the ground, either purely biological or purely psychosocial cease to seem to contradict each other, but rather that they complement each other.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Fast Food Companies Are NOT Responsible For Obesity Essay -- Argumentat
Today, many people eat fast food instead of home made food. The reason is that fast food is fast, cheap and convenient. However, at the same time, fast food is contributing to a big social problem in the U.S., which is obesity, and recently some people are beginning to sue the fast food companies for causing their obesity. Should the fast food companies have responsibility for American's obesity? My answer for this argument is "No". I think that whether people eat fast food or not is an individual choice. There are many people who eat fast food, but aren't obese. They may do some exercises for burning calories, or try not to eat fast food as much as they can, caring for their health. Moreover, some fast food companies serve relatively healthy foods, such as Baja Fresh, Subway and so on. Even though people don't have enough money or time to eat except for fast food, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the responsibility of obesity should be taken by obese people, though fast food companies should also take actions to decrease the number of these people by showing their food's calories, serving healthy food, and giving more choices. As I said before, in the U.S. some people are filing suits against fast food companies for causing their obesity and related sickness. It is clear that fast food is not so good for our health. Fast food contains lots of sodium, fat and cholesterol, and these ingredients make us overweight. Therefore, some people think that the ...
Dream Essay -- essays papers
Dream Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions. In today society we all hope and strive for this dream, but how many actually achieve the American Dream? Is it a reasonable goal that Americans should strive for, or is it a myth that only leads to self-destruction? Having a lot of money, a good job, and expensive possessions are all characteristics of this American Dream. Even though, many Americans seek to achieve all of these material possessions, how many can say that they are truly happy, once they reach this goal? There is no standardized description of being rich. Some people see money as the only way of measuring how prosperous one is, but is money the only way to achieve the American Dream? One can only have so much money. ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Scary Stories :: essays papers
Scary Stories Campfires surrounded by frightened people listening to blood curdling stories of terror, mystery, and murder is where screams were made. Before modern technology, before the flashy lights and whistles of Hollywood there were ghost stories. Some of the most original, chilling, and spine tingling tales ever, were told around these fires, generation after generation, with each one adding his or her own twist. Many spooky tales were scripted into novels and short stories with vividly graphic details. With advances in technology, black and white movies started thrilling lives. These colorless thrillers kept much of the movie going population up at night and checking the closets for mythical spooks. Early films such as â€Å"Frankenstein†would have little to no effect on current thrill lovers. Time changes and so does current technology. Movies in the black and white period made use of intense symphonic music to build suspense and excitement. Building up music and right at the climax a scarey boogie monster would jump out and make an audience shriek, is a common way of producing a scarey part of any movie. In â€Å"The Shining†by Stephen King, the great emphasis is on music as a tool to pump blood through spectators’ veins. â€Å"The Shining†tells a story about a man named Johnny, that looks after a haunted hotel during the winter months, while finishing his novel. With his wife and child he tended to the hotel, while a fierce blizzard blocked them in. As the week progresses, strange occurrences begin to happen and eventually the man becomes possessed by the hotel. In the most famous scene, the young boy is shown riding his big wheel through the halls of the hotel. He rolls across the wooden floors making a hollow wooden noise interrupted by the dul l sounds of rugs scattered across his path. This combination of sounds gives viewers an anticipation of something scary to come. Turning a corner the boy runs into two ghosts of brutally slaughtered little girls that haunt the place. The boy swings around and goes back across the rugs on the wooden floor, faster than before. At the very climax, the boy flies into a room with his father and out of harm’s way. Without the over emphasized sound, this scene would be a pointless and almost useless part of the movie. Twenty years later, humans still enjoy a good thrill, but now extreme visual effects are put into play to try to frighten viewer that have been dulled by the same old routine of music effects with zombies popping out of bushes.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Discussing conflict theory in sport Essay
Americas favorite pastime is sport. Millions and millions of dollars have been spent publicizing sport, and on the same token millions and millions of dollars have also been spent watching it. Children grow up idolizing sport. Parents have been obsessed with sport. In Texas football is valued very high- from high school football to the NFL there is an obsession with the sport. The Dark side of the Game discusses a conflict theory perspective on the high stakes that surround the players in the NFL. Fame and fortune can be short lived for some players who are pursuing that American dream, and may be forced into retirement with their bodies left mangled and used up. The NFL is seen as pristine with cutting edge competition. The fact beyond the fiction is that the common person in society looks at sport with rose- colored glasses. It is no lie that some athletes do live out the life that they have dreamed of, but many also suffer by compromising their beliefs and morals. The Dark Side of the Game starts with the beginning aspects of playing in the NFL. The Combines,or the process by which the players are medically examined and given an intelligence test is the gateway to the NFL. Your health is a determining factor in whether your stock in the upcoming draft will drop. Next comes training camp. Most fans look forward to training camp; it is the time to get pumped up about the upcoming football season and watch your favorite teams get prepared. To an NFL player training camp can be a month of hot torture. Days start at seven in the morning and can end at nine at night, leaving players weak and tired and with a loss of appetite. Training camp is especially hard on the rookies. They are not used to the difference between college football and the NFL because they are no longer in the spotlight. Training camp also takes a physical and mental toll on the athletes mind and bodies. Repeating the schedule day after day physically breaks down the body. The injuries can start to build up and take a toll on the body. Being deprived from family and friends takes a mental toll on the body as well. Some players might even try to get out of training camp, but the two things that might get you out for a day or two would be- death or having a baby. When the season begins playing with pain is usually a norm. Players always know the difference between pain and discomfort. Discomfort is seen as a constant state for a player, something like a bruised toe. Pain, on the other hand, is â€Å"the physical damage that is so extreme that the jolting messages sent from the injured area to the brain are just too much to be ignored, even during a game when your entire focus is on doing your job and winning.†(Green). While no one knows exactly how much pain tolerance one man has, it is still true that players have played with pain at some time or another. When the end of their career finally rolls around most players don’t just retire, they are told they are a financial burden to justify anymore. It is hard for them to just walk away from the game they call their career. They are spoiled with special treatment, attention, fame and fortune. When the party is over know one wants to leave. After reading Tim Greens book I thought he generally took a very negative approach to describing the NFL. Although I could never know what the NFL is like, it seems like it should be more affirmative than that. He started out describing training camp as a living hell, all the way to the two deaths that a football player dies with- the end of his career being the first. In my opinion, I believe that there are probably several players who did not get such a negative outlook on it. I believe it is probably the expectations that you set for the game itself. Everyone expects a red carpet for a professional athlete because of the money and fame they receive for doing something they love. Being a professional athlete is probably an emotional struggle for players between expectations and reality. The truth is that their choice is to play, and not one of them would have it any other way. The book I read is a conflict theorist perspective. Green takes all of the negative aspects of life in the NFL and explains that the NFL does not serve as a function, but more or less a struggle. He does not believe that all functions in the NFL are good or productive, therefore he doesn’t believe that the NFL contributes to overall well being to the players. There are several examples of exploitation of players, such as the media and the broadcast booth. Green also goes on to say that the NFL meets the goals of the powerful by describing such things like the salary cap or the â€Å"uniform police†. Overall this book covers several negative aspects of football that the average fan would not think twice about. Millions of little boys dream about being a professional athlete, and a small percentage will become one. Despite the conflicts represented in this book, I believe that for a majority of people, life in the NFL is dream that few will ever know. Bibliography Green, Tim. The Dark Side Of The Game.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Candidate Performance Evidence Record For Holistic Assessment Essay
Understand the importance of speech, language and communication for children’s overall development. Explain each of these terms: Speech: Communication via verbal means. The art of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings or perceptions by the articulation of words. Language: Communication of thoughts and feelings through systematic signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Communication: To communicate is to be able to convey thoughts, information or feelings using signals, speech, body language, or by the written word. Speech, language and communication needs: A child who is diagnosed with a SLCN is experiencing a communication breakdown due to a difficulty with one or more of the different elements of speech, language or communication. This may be a minor, temporary or a long-term difficulty, which requires extra assistance to support the child’s development needs. Explain how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children’s development: Learning, Speech and language skills allows a child to communicate and develop their skills. This enables them to participate in activities and allows them to share their opinions and develop their own ideas. Emotional, Speech and language skills enables a child to communicate how they’re feeling effectively. This helps towards their own social development and it also enables them to convey their emotions in a more socially accepted way. Behaviour, speech and language skills enable a child to learn and understand boundaries and limits. This encourages a child to learn to behave in an appropriate and acceptable way. Social, Speech, language and communication skills support social development as a child can start to recognise how others feel by watching their body language and listening to what they say and learn to adjust their behaviour accordingly. Children also start to understand social codes and how to behave appropriately. This helps children to start to bond relationships with their peers and learn social skills they will use throughout life. Describe the potential impact of speech, language and communication difficulties on the overall development of a child, both currently and longer term. For a child that is experiencing problems with speech, language and communication it can affect a lot of aspects of their development: social, behaviour, emotional and learning will all be impacted. In most cases a child will catch up but this is not always the case and could lead to difficulties throughout their life. With some children their disability cannot be prevented, but early intervention is just as vital as those with less severe difficulties to help give a child the best possible support that they need. The impact of these difficulties will vary according to the severity of the problem. Early identification is paramount to offer a child as much help to develop their skills as much as possible. Short term affects: Frustration: A child will become easily frustrated at not being able to tell you what they want or if something is upsetting them. Anger: A child will easily become angry at being unable to communicate their needs. Withdrawn: A child may seem withdrawn and tend to play by themselves more. Understanding games and play their peers are doing will be difficult for them to understand. Low levels of confidence: A child may lose confidence in themselves. They won’t have to confidence to approach others as they don’t have the communication skills to be understood. Difficulties in friendships: (socialising) A child may be left behind as their peers communicate and build relationships. Difficulties in learning new information: Lack of communication will leave a child finding it hard to learn new information. Listening to game rules and adapting them into practice will be difficult and the child may not have the ability to ask for help or for the instructions to be repeated. Unwanted behaviour: They may be labelled naughty from acting out but the problem could be stemming from frustration on not being able to articulate their needs. Or they may not have understood the verbal instructions given and labelled as being defiant or thought to be misbehaving. Longer term affects: Lower self-esteem: Lack of speech, language and communication skills may leave an adult with low self-esteem. Will find it hard to achieve a career, social life and may feel isolated to the outside world. Not achieved their potential: Will find following any career hard to do. May not have done well in school. Find it hard to make and maintain relationships: May find it hard to achieve any friendship. May have never bond a relationship or family life. Become isolated: If never found solid friendship or a career, may feel isolated at home. Money and lack of friendship may restrict any outings. Not reach independence: Lack of employment may have never given them the freedom to leave the family home. Developed anti-social behaviour in some cases: High levels of speech, language and communication difficulties are found among the young offender population (Bryan, 2004). Low education, speech and literacy difficulties are risk factors for offending (Tomblin, 2000). A person with speech language and communication skills can have a huge impact on literacy development, Academic achievement, social relationships and personal skills, self-esteem and confidence levels, emotional and behaviour. This can impact further on employment, socialising, and everyday life chances. Understand the importance and the benefits of adults supporting the speech, language and communication development of the children in own setting. Explain the ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children during early years. There are a number of ways an adult can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development with children during the early years. As a childcare practitioner I need to adapt my own language to the ability and age of the child. If a child uses English as a second language or not yet using speech themselves, I may point to an object and simply say what it is. When offering them a piece of apple at snack, I may just offer it out to the child and say â€Å"apple.†or when it is nap time and placing them on their sleep mat, simply say â€Å"nap time.†or â€Å"lay down.†if they keep getting up. I may accompany that with an action as if I was laying down too. When a child passes me an item or toy I would say what the item is. Say if a child passes me a car I would say â€Å"car.†This gives the child an opportunity to repeat the word back to me and start to recognise what the item is. A child I look after needs daily cream on his skin. When it comes to time for me to put it on, I always smile and say â€Å"*his name* cream†he started by smiling and repeating this back. Now as soon as I get the cream out he says it before I do. This has helped him understand it’s his cream and seems to put him more at ease when I do apply it. Singing and action songs help bring on a child’s speech, they will start by listening, in time start to follow the actions and later on start singing some of the words which will eventually lead to singing the full song. For instance ‘wheels on the bus’ is sung most days with-in nursery. A child may start doing the actions for the doors open and shut, or the horn goes beep, beep, beep. In time they will sing â€Å"open and shut†and â€Å"beep, beep, beep†along with the action for the song. There was one child in nursery that used to sing â€Å"all day long†at random intervals throughout the day. When I heard him sing this, I used to try and sing the song and involve the other children too. As a child starts to grow older I’ll use simple sentences. Instead of just holding out a piece of apple and saying â€Å"apple.†I will ask â€Å"would you like some apple?†when passing over the apple say â€Å"thank you.†And encourage the child to say â€Å"thank you†too. When a child is playing with some bricks try to ask what they’re building. Or if they’re a little younger say â€Å"are you building?†always giving a child an opportunity to reply and never replying for them. This helps a child learn simple conversation skills. Copying and extending helps when developing children’s speech skills. Say if a child points to a car and says â€Å"car†say â€Å"yes, it is a yellow car.†I could try and say â€Å"is it a fast car?†to try and encourage a reply from the child, even a â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†is a good start in early years communication. If they’re more advanced I would say â€Å"do you think it is a fast car?†and try to promote a conversation with the child. Looking through books and reading is another way to support speech, language and communication skills. For a baby, I would read the story and just point to the pictures and say what the object is or the name of the character. As they get a little older, ask them to point to the object or character â€Å"where is the balloon?†As they progress I may ask them what just happened in the story, the questions getting more advanced as the child’s skills develop. From reception age in school, children are given books to take home to read. This act helps parents get involved in their child’s development. I try to encourage the parent to ask their child questions while reading the book. This helps the parent to see if their child is understanding the story they’re reading and also promotes communication skills for the child. Homework is also given to the child and the same rule applied, I’ve asked the parents to look through the homework after a child has finished or while they’re still doing the homework. Encourage parents to play games with the children. If a child has particularly enjoyed playing a game that afternoon, say a game of snap. Tell the parents and mention it may be fun to do at home if they get the chance. A child will communicate and talk more while having fun. Explain the positive effects of adult support for the children and their carers. As a practitioner I need to make positive, professional relationships with a child’s carer. There should be a two-way flow of knowledge and information between parents and myself about their child’s speech, language and communication development. For example, a setting needs to know the words or gestures that a child uses at home, and parents will appreciate being told about the rhymes and songs that their child enjoys in nursery so that they can repeat them at home. You should be celebrating each child’s successes with parents, being enthusiastic and sharing the high aspirations you have for their child’s progress. Parents should be confidently contributing to their child’s learning and development record and being kept well informed about their child’s progress. As a practitioner I need to make sure that hand gestures and signals are the same as the ones being used at home. I don’t want to be using one signal for lunchtime and the child’s carer is using a different one at home. This would lead to confusion for the child and could possibly hinder their learning. A parent will more than likely be happy to run through what they do at home and will also help to build the parents confidence in what I’m doing to help the child achieve their communication skills goals. We need to be singing from the same sheet to help the child as much as possible. I need to demonstrate to parents that their contributions are valued. For example, I need to think carefully about how I would respond, both verbally and non-verbally, to a parent who tells me that their child knows all the words to ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ when I know that in the setting the child doesn’t join in at all. Do I think ‘I’m not sure that’s true’ while saying to the parent ‘oh yes’ in a noncommittal way, or do I ask them what other rhymes the child likes to sing, make a note of them and then reflect on what may be inhibiting the child from singing in the setting? An effective setting should be sharing its good practice with parents, and also indicating to them where they can receive extra support or advice about children’s speech, language and communication development. Most children’s centres provide support groups or training for parents. Basically the support I give to a child and their carer, whether it be advice on how to promote speech, language communication at home, just listening to what a parent says about their child and being a friendly ear, offering help in finding a support group or training can have an impact on a child’s future and help a parent/carer to help/guide their child to the child’s full capabilities. If a parent feels confident in what I’m doing just a child will, they’ll talk more to me and we can together make their child’s learning journey a positive one. Explain how levels of speech and language development vary between children entering early years provision and need to be taken into account during settling in and planning. Every child is different and children learn at different speeds, not only this but the personality of a child needs to be taken into account. Some children are very daring and upfront, while others may be a little shy and not want to jump into an activity at first, may need a little coaxing. Before a child’s first day, I should have met the parents, they come for an initial one hour visit with their child, this gives me a chance to speak and meet the parents/carers as well as the child. Gives me chance to find out a little more about the child, what stage they may be at and I can see how they get themselves around the nursery. This is also day one of building a relationship with the parent and child. This meeting gives me a chance to plan on the childs second visit which is a hour on their own in the room. I will have an idea if the child needs me to sit with them, maybe just read a story or play a game. Try to comfort them and distract them from the fact their carer is not there. Or if the child is very outgoing, they may prefer this first opportunity to explore the room, play with the other children. In this case I would try to set up a group activity, for example get out some paper and crayons or open the sand pit. In both cases I will try to get as much information as I can via an activity to find more out about what learning stage a child is at so that I can plan for when they start nursery what I need to be doing. One child may start nursery knowing basic language skills, be able to say â€Å"Mum†â€Å"Dad†â€Å"Car†â€Å"Cat†â€Å"Dog†ect†¦ Another of the same age may just be babbling or may even not be saying anything at all yet. It is important I e.stablish pretty quickly where a child is, to help them achieve their next stage.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Internship Report on Hr Practices in Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Essay
The term industrial tour refers to the process of preparing report on an industry by visiting it physically, observing its production process and gathering relevant data from the management personnel, analyzing and evaluating data, and findings and drawing comment on the performance of the industry. As the part of 4th year, we have visited Industrial Hand Protection Ltd (IHPL). It was established in Bangladesh as a foreign Direct Investment(FDI).It is located in the area of Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ).It is established as Private Ltd company. It produces hand gloves for export only. It has no market in Bangladesh at present. It collects raw materials like yarn from different countries and convert raw material into finished goods. After that it exports those in different countries according to head office. Now a days Bangladesh is emerging as a leading economic region in South East Asia and there is an increasing competition between national and International Corporation. Since Industrial Hand Protection is a global company, it has to compete with the international corporation. Since the business environment is now highly competitive, customers are the king .As a result all companies are developing their products to satisfy their customer. IHPL is also developing its product and maintaining its quality according to their customer needs. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The basic or main purpose of report is to learn practical knowledge about business world for balancing the gap of our industrial policy in the modern job market. The objectives of this industrial tour are as below: i) The prime objective of the study is to know the production process of the company, types of raw materials and sources of the raw materials. ii) To know the management system of the industry. iii) To assess the potentiality strength and weakness of the company. iv) To identify an overview of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. IMPORTANCE OF THE TOUR Now a day’s practical knowledge is mostly emphasized on business perspective. For this reason, industrial tour does a great work to achieve practical knowledge. After visiting Industrial Hand Protection Ltd we have gathered a huge practical knowledge like controlling system, training facilities, management system, and promotional system, production system and so on. We further know about the compensation policy, pricing policy, purchase & sales procedure, sources of raw materials and transportation system as well. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Today’s study is conducted primarily in participatory research analysis method and secondary on practical and theoretical analysis. The research supervisor proposed research topic and thus questionnaire was made. This questionnaire was placed before the official of IHPL & subject to the approval of the research supervisor to provide their answers. Practical visit took place subsequently. Primary and secondary data was collected from every possible source. The primary sources are as follows: â â€" Face-to-face conversation with the respective offices and stuffs of the branch. â â€" Piratical work experience in the different desk of the department of the branch covered. â â€" Observation of the production and management sector of the company. â â€" Face-to-face conversation with production related employees â â€" Related field study as provided by the officer The secondary sources of data and the information are: â ‘ Annual report â ‘ Web site address â ‘ Book basis articles Brochure provided by the company, catalogue, prospectus Limitation of the Study We tried our level best to collect information as much as necessary to prepare a perfect report on Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. Since the people of Bangladesh have a negative approach regarding research, it is very difficult to conduct a research in our country. As a result we face a lot of problems in collecting information. They are very much indifferent to provide relevant information. So we prepared this report on the available information we are able to collect from different sources. The limitations of the study are given below: †¢ Industrial Tour is organized for only one day. As a result it is very difficult to collect as much as information required preparing report. †¢ Some information is very much confidential. So they do not provide that information. †¢ Most of the officials are so busy to provide us enough time for discussion. †¢ It is established in Bangladesh in 2010.So we are unable to collect much information. †¢ Employees have the negativ e concept regarding the research. So they would not like to provide much information. †¢ They have no well organized website, annual financial report, magazine, and any periodical report. So to collect secondary data we have got very limited area. Brief History About Industrial Tour Industrial tour is very crucial for the BBA program. So during the BBA program every student needs to visit in any organization to gain practical knowledge which will help to make a connection between the theoretical and practical knowledge. Since we are the students of 4th year of the BBA program, we visited an industry named Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. At first our teachers made a group of four members. Our teacher along with the students fixed a date to visit the company. It was 30th June, 2012. On the due date we gathered in front of the shopping complex at 7.30 am. Teacher and all members came there in time. After taking breakfast we started our journey for IHPL under the direct supervision of our teacher named Anupam Kumar Das, lecture, Department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong. Surprisingly we got a guest teacher named Mr.Shanewas Mahmod Sohel, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong. We reached at IHPL at 8.30 am. Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, received us cordially and took us to the conference room. They provide us some snacks and tea as a breakfast. All personnel of the organization came and introduced with us at 9.00am.Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin gives a brief speech about what we will do during our tour and provided us the schedule of the activities of the tour. After completing the introduction, Mr.Akber Haqqani(DGM),Head of production provided a speech about the history of MIDAS, its mission, vision, and the present scen ario of it. He also described about the potentiality of it. He showed the overall picture of organization. We were listening the speech attentively. Because his presentation was very nice, easy to understand, clear and interesting. He also gave us an opportunity to ask any questions about IHPL. After the presentation we took a tea break according to the schedule at10.30 am. Then Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, gave a presentation about the functions of Admin& Personnel Department. He described what HR Department does for motivating employees and achieves higher productivity. He also described how they evaluate their strength and weakness, opportunity and threats. After that he gave us opportunities to ask something and we asked different questions and noted answers. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Moin Uddin told very briefly about how to develop our career plan. Then Mr.Shihab Uddin and Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin (Manager Admin& Personnel) took us to visit the factory. We visited the whole factory and directly observed how they are producing different hand gloves and prepared them for final sell and the packaging process. They produce the gloves through two processes. One is automated process and another is semi-automated process. We saw that at first production engineer prepared a mixture of chemical .Then raw gloves was sunk into it. There were two boilers which are used for heating the gloves. Production engineer told us about the whole production process in detail. They also told us they will increase the number of boilers if the government provides available gas and electricity. We saw that the production process is not so simple. It is very complex. Gigantic set up of compliance and its movement is glared and flickered to us. All production engineers clarifies how the gloves are made and about their features. After that we went to the warehouse. We saw that they had a very large warehouse. By visiting factory we had got a overall view of the production process, maintaining quality, and stored process. After that we took lunch with Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin and Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, at pm. After taking lunch, we went back to our conference room. After tea break Mr.Adnan Peerzada from Pakistan, Deputy Manager, Fin.&com. gave a brief presentation on the responsibility of a good manger at2.00 pm. He is very sincere, co-operative and cordial. He shared with us about his personal life. He told us how he developed his career in practical. He also said shortly about supply chain management. He tried to provide a clear concept of supply chain management with a practical example. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin invited us to discuss the total production process of the total plant in the conference room. He described the whole production process in brief and we noted it. After that different heads of the department as Manager Admin &Personnel, Deputy Manager of Fin. & Com. Production Engineers, AM-QA&QC, and HRO came to conference room and invited us to ask different questions about IHPL. We along with our teachers asked a number of questions regarding any confusion. They answered all questions nicely and very clearly. At last we can say that all the personnel of the organization were very much co-operative, friendly, and helpful. Our industrial tour formally was finished at 4.00 pm. GENERAL IDEA ABOUT INDUSTRIAL HAND PROTECTION LTD. (IHPL) MIDAS was started in 1975 in Pakistan. The owner of the organization was from Gujarat. The operated area of it is in India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Canada and Middle east country. The name of the sub-project of MIDAS is Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. It was located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ).It is only related with production of different types of hand gloves. It does all production according to the policy of head office which is situated in Canada. Head office determines all types of production, marketing, financial policy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd implements the policy that is taken by head office. IHPL collects raw materials from Malaysia and others countries. Then it converts these into finished products and export other countries directed by head office. It produces different types of industrial gloves for the purpose of export. IHPL is fully export oriented industry. It runs its production in two ways. One is automated production and another i s semi-automated production. It exports mainly in USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Holland, Spain etc. At present it does not sell any products in our country. It also maintains large warehouses for ensuring same day services .Their market share in the world is 35 millions. Sales Volume in 2012 is 300 millions and their targeted profit in 2020 is 1200 millions. Their sourcing office is China in 2010. They mostly export in India and USA. Their manufacturing Locations are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Canada Company Profile Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. Company Profile 1. Name the company: Industrial Hand Protection Ltd.(IHPL) 2. Present Address: Plot No.6, Sector 1A, Road No.5, C.E.P.Z, Chittagong-4223, Bangladesh. 3. Head Office address: Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 4. Location of the factory: Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 5. Year of establishment: 2010 6. Initiative organization to establish this industry: Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) 7. Type of operation: Production Oriented. 8. Year of starting its production: November, 2010. 9. Total number of employees: 600 10. Nature of ownership: Wholly Owned 11. Type of company: Both Labor and Capital Intensive. 12. Legal status of the company: Private Ltd. Company 13. Purpose of production:100%Export oriented 14. Production Area: Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) 15. Head office : Canada. 16. Two types : Garments and Gloves. 17. Gloves production in Bangladesh: Automated process Semi-Automated process 18. Market: United States of America, Europe, Asia, Africa, 19. Exporting Countries: USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, RUSSIA, HOLAND, INDIA 20. Market share in the world: 35 millions 21. Sales 2012: 300 millions. 22. Sales 2020: 1200 millions. 23. Most Exported Countries: India and USA. 24. Annual Export Volume: $90,00000 25. Manufacturing Location: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Canada. 26. Product concern: Largest. Winning Strategies †¢ Effective Human Resource department resulted in a strong professional management and marketing team. †¢ Independent governing advisory boards in different countries. †¢ Strong purchase and finance departments in all MIDAS location with excellent relationship with banks. †¢ Establishment of different training centre for customer’s stuff, employees and new employees. †¢ Time and money spend to create brand value †¢ Establishment of large warehouse and same day service. †¢ Huge investment in research and development including 30% of time for improving existing product and 70% on new innovative product and process. †¢ Straight short line production with improved quality product. †¢ Team spirit, open communication and co-ordination among team members. †¢ Marketing by Web on cloud computing. Key Personnel of IHPL . Key Human Resource personnel of IHPL Mission And Vision of (IHPL) Vision 2020: To be one of the leading 5 safety companies in the world Mission: 1. Great team work. 2. Quality And innovative production. 3. Brand recognition in emerging world market. Gaining Drivers of Industrial Hand protection ltd(IHPL) †¢ Innovation: IHPL expends a lot amount for the purpose of innovative workers. About 70%of R&D is used for innovation of the product. †¢ Experienced Employees: Most of the employees of the IHPL are so much experienced. Because continuous training program is followed by the organization. †¢ Co-operation: Co-operation is the main driver of the higher productivity. Co-operation among the departments and that of the employees is important for achieving the goal effectively and efficiently. Since IHPL follows the participative management it can able to ensure co-operation. †¢ Quality Maintained: They maintain the standard quality of the product. They produce the customized product. They have a good monitoring team to continuously monitor the quality of the product. †¢ Human Resources Leadership: A good leaders exist in the organization. They create vision and directed the all employees toward the achievement of the organizational goal. †¢ Update Technology: They import the updated technology and used in the production process. As a result they have been able to automatize the production process the productivity of the employees has increased rapidly. †¢ Team Work: Team work is the best for increasing productivity of the employees. They have made a number of groups consisting of 24 members in each group and assign their target that must be achieved within a specific period of time period of time. Overal View of Organizational Strategy [pic] Main Themes of The Company †¢ Service. †¢ Quality. †¢ Cost Competitiveness. †¢ Innovation †¢ Organizational Structure. Core Safety Values SWOT Analysis of the IHPL Competencies of the Industrial Hand Protection ltd. †¢ Customer Focus †¢ Delegation. †¢ Motivating Others †¢ Customization. †¢ Perseverance. Management The key points of management practices of IHPL are discussed below: Management Style: IHPL follows the Line & Staff Management style. There are four level of management in this organization. There is no managing committee in this organization. Planning Process: Planning is the set of activities such as selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them, it also includes decision making. IHPL also has a strong planning process in which the authority has to formulate these plans. Most of the times top-level management makes decision. IHPL takes plans for intermediate term. Goals and Objectives: Objectives or goals are as Milestone where organization and individual activities are directed and it wants to reach. Objectives are state end results. Clear and verifiable objectives facilitate measurement of the surplus as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of managerial actions. IHPL considers, to be one of the leading 5 safety Co’s of the world as a vision of setting organizational goals and objectives. Specialization and Departmentalization: This organization follows work specialization for every employee. Work specialization refers to every employees should specialized in the particular field. MIDAS does not follow generalization. And it generally follows the departmentalization. MIDAS has eight departments. Span of Control: Span of Control means the number of subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently direct. Wider span are more efficient in term of cost. However at some point wider pan reduce effectiveness. That is, when the span becomes too large, employee performance suffers because supervisors no longer have the times to provide the necessary leadership and support. Narrow span have three major drawbacks. * They are expensive because they add level of management * They make vertical communication in the organization more complex * Narrow span of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage employees autonomy. IHPL follows narrow span of control and manage effectively. Decision Making: Decision-making is defined as selection of a course of action from among alternatives; it is at the core of planning. Decision-making may be either centralized or decentralized. The decision making process of that organization is centralized by the authority while taking strategic decision. IHPL also follows participative management in decision making. [pic] Production Department Simply, Production is the process of converting raw materials into finished goods that have utility values. Production refers to the processes and methods employed to transform tangible input(materials,semifinished goods,or subassemblies)and intangible inputs(ideas, information, knowledge) into goods or services. Production management refers to the job of coordinating and controlling the activities required making a product, typically involving effective control of scheduling, cost, performance, quality, and waste requirements. IHPL production system is customer based. So IHPL production system is intermittent. IHPL production planning and production scheduling is order based. Basic raw materials and sources of raw materials: |Raw materials |Sources of raw materials | |Chemical |International and local suppliers | |Yarn |International and local suppliers | Problems in procuring raw-materials: †¢ Rising cost †¢ More time to collect raw material †¢ Frequent change in price Overcome in procuring raw materials: †¢ Building loyal relationship with suppliers †¢ Better transportation Types of Products There are different kinds of hand gloves are producing IHPL. Products are as follows – * Journey gloves * Industrial gloves * Chemical resistance gloves * Hit resistance gloves * Fashion garments gloves * Medical gloves * Cut resistance gloves * Sports gloves etc Uses of Gloves [pic] Production process of hand gloves Total 645 people (574 workers and 74 employees) are worked in IHPL for producing of hand gloves. Raw materials are important for gloves production. How IHPL produces hand gloves that means how chemical and yarn converts into hand gloves? There are two production process of producing hand gloves such as  †¢ Automated hand gloves production procedure and †¢ Semi-automated hand gloves production procedure. We can show it by following flowchart â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Automated hand gloves production procedure (oil based): Semi-automated/Manual hand gloves production procedures (water based): Oil based hand gloves are used for normal or rough use. On the other hand, water based hand gloves are used for different purposes such as glass factory, garments industry, steel industry, knitting industry, medical operation, sports, wok shops, chemical industry etc. HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Human resource department is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors and solving problems that arise. Management of human resources is that function of all enterprises which provides for effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the satisfaction and development of the employees. Human resource management differs from traditional personal management. Opening of Human Resource Department signifies growing awareness of the importance of human factor in organizational performance. IHPL’s one of the winning strategies is effective HR dept. resulted in a strong professional management and marketing teams. The role of the HR department on the overall performance of the organization is emphasized by: †¢ Recruitment †¢ Maintenance †¢ Retention of employees FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT †¢ Recruitment of workers / staffs through interview ( daily recruitment of workers) †¢ Workers and staff orientation and personal grooming training. †¢ Daily security setup checking †¢ Ensure cleaning in IHPL †¢ Logistics support †¢ Routine co-ordination among suppliers †¢ Attendance analysis and reporting †¢ Leave report maintaining †¢ Co-ordinate BEPZA and government offices †¢ Ensure staff’s salary bank account making †¢ Training information update and arrange recommended training †¢ Ensure health and safety at work †¢ Employee counseling †¢ Expatriate’s work permit †¢ Wastage management †¢ Updates of registration and record †¢ Employee records †¢ PETTY cash management †¢ Employee grievances †¢ Performance appraisal †¢ Job description and job specification †¢ Developing and implementing different policy Performance Management Performance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are working towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 month’s performance review is conducted for this purpose. [pic] High Performance Drivers It tries to maintain high performances through following 3c factors. IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. Those are: †¢ Competency. †¢ Capability. †¢ Commitment. It can be expressed as follows:Competency*Capability*Commitment = High Performance Absenteeism And Turnover Absenteeism: An absence refers to time an employee is not on the job during scheduled working hours , except for a granted leave of absence, holiday or vacation time. Turnover: Labor turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Simply we can say â€Å"how long employees tend to stay†or â€Å"the rate of traffic through the revolving door†. Overview of the absenteeism and turnover rate of IHPL Comparison of Satisfactory And Dissatisfactory factors of IHPL THE MAIN AREAS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT The personnel manager is responsible for all the decisions regarding HRD but before taking any decision he consults with the HR officer. There is an organized HR policy in this type of production oriented company. IHPL’s HR policy is international although it’s an MNC. It’s human resource policy is: †¢ Recruit competent workforce †¢ Training and development of workforce †¢ Retain good workforce by logical benefits and compensation This department is of highest significance as IHPL do believe that â€Å" Our Strength is Our People†Co’s policy regarding HR planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and performance management and reward system are discussed in the following segment of the paper: HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING HR planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. The main task of HRD is a good HR planning. HR planning, in turn, involves job analysis and forecasting the demand and supply of labor. JOB ANALYSIS An organization consists of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. It’s one of the most important task that performed by the HR staff. Through job analysis, the vacant position is found out and the job description and the job specification is prepared. In case of job analysis, IHPL follows 3types of methods: †¢ Observation method †¢ Structured questionnaire method †¢ Individual interview method Job description Job description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it and what the job’s working conditions are. Job specification The job specification takes the job description and answers the question, â€Å"what human traits and experiences are required to do the job well?†It shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested. IHPL conducts job analysis to come up with job evaluation. And for each and every position in it there are job description and job specification. In the selection of employees it follows job specification. RECRUITMENT In case of recruiting employees the company uses †¢ School placement †¢ Employee references †¢ Advertisements To search for required candidates. For advertisements for employee recruitment, IHPL uses: †¢ Daily newspapers †¢ Internet / on-line For skilled jobs for IHPL, the most popular recruiting sources are: †¢ Reference checking †¢ Labor market campaign †¢ Existing employee reference The most popular sources of managerial jobs are: †¢ Newspaper advertisement †¢ Walk in interview SELECTION After recruitment, the company goes for selection procedure. The preparation of a short list of candidates is based on the following criteria: †¢ Competency †¢ Chittagong zone living people †¢ Positively aggressive hard working person For employee selection, the company follows 3 types of selecton tests: †¢ Written tests †¢ Oral tests †¢ Medical tests In the selection process, the sequential steps involved can be shown in the following diagram: [pic] In case of daily worker selection, the procedure is: After selection, the employees are assigned to different types of jobs on the basis of job description. While selecting employees, the problem that the company faces is the lack of competent people TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. In IHPL there is an organized training and development program to develop employee skills and productivity. In determining the training needs of the employees, IHPL considers productivity. 3types of training methods are applied here: †¢ classroom lecture †¢ on the job training †¢ external training after the completion of the training program, employees are assigned to predetermined positions. Performance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are working towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 month’s performance review is conducted for this purpose. IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. That is: High Performance = competency* capability * commitment REWARD SYSTEM Before constructing it’s reward system, IHPL evaluates the jobs using Point Method. It sets it’s basic pay based on: †¢ experience †¢ performance †¢ position †¢ academic qualification traditional method of administrative pay is used in here. BEPZA has a great influence on it’s payment system. In order to retain highly experienced people, IHPL uses: †¢ motivation †¢ promotion †¢ providing extra facilities †¢ training benefits provided to the employees are: †¢ house rent †¢ DA / TA Employees get bonus on yearly basis. Facilities are reactive here. Quality Control †¢ QC is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. †¢ In Order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the products or service must meet. Then the extent of QC actions must be determined. (Ex: the percentage of units to be tested from each lot). Quality Control Procedure in IHPL ââ€" ª In IHPL Quality control procedure is done through internal & buyer consent. ââ€" ª 100% audit (Third party audits from buyer side). ââ€" ª Raw material inspection. ââ€" ª Dangerous article protection (steel fragmented, niddle parts, safety measures). ââ€" ª Accepted Quality level. ââ€" ª Quality accessories and chemical used. ââ€" ª Automated weaving machine. ââ€" ª ISO 9001 : 2008 is followed in case of product Quality control. ââ€" ª Customer expectation and ISO standard are followed for quality measurement. ââ€" ª They have a skilled inspection team for quality control. ââ€" ª This team consists of 24 members. ââ€" ª IHPL has two different maintenance policy for equipment including i. Preventive maintenance policy ii. Repair maintenance policy. Inspection services & testing in IHPL IHPL maintains some inspection services and testing procedures for ensuring product quality including:- Preshipment Inspection: An inspection to guarantee the conformity of production to their specification. Production monitoring: Constant oversight in factory with daily reports on quality and production status. During production check: Control and recommendation for production process and capacity. Initial production check: Inspection of machinery and materials to be used for their product prior to production. Container loading check: Guarantee the finished goods meet their specification (Product type & quality) and are loaded. Labor Management IHPL produces safety hand gloves under Midas Safety has been Protecting the Working Hands of the World. IHPL is a manufacturing unit of Midas Safety, and a thoroughly labor intensive unit also. About 574 labors are working in it with two distinct shifts – Day shift and Night shift. For manage a large number of labor there have a strong labor management unit. This unit recruits, selects, trains, reward and terminate labor. There have no labor union and no CBA also. Labor cannot participate in decision making. IHPL provide food facilities to its worker. It has own canteen for its worker and provide two snacks with tea and lunch for day shift and three snacks with tea and dinner for night shift. Though IHPL situated in CPEZ, thus it need to follow instruction provided by BEPZA. BEPZA labor administration: The BEPZA fixed minimum wages in October 1993 for categories of trainees, unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled workers at US$22 to US$63 per month. These rates have never been revised. The minimum has become the effective maximum. The classification of workers is also done entirely by the employer. Similarly, working hours, paid holiday and other leave, payment of wages, and maternity benefits are all decided unilaterally by management. The BEPZA document, Labor and Industrial Relations, rules that â€Å"BEPZA issues directives from time to time determining minimum wages.†It is understood that the minimum wage, US$22, issued in 1993 still remains valid, although in national laws, periodical revisions are provided for. This salary is less than US$1.00 per day, the criterion used internationally to identify the poor. These issues require collective bargaining and action including strikes if employers do not respond to workers’ demands. Official documents do not indicate h ow an offending employer is punished. There is no regular inspection by BEPZA Labor Administration, nor is there any requirement by employers to report on compliance. Because of this, exemption from the Industrial Relations Ordinance appears highly detrimental to workers’ interests. In February 1986 the government exempted the BEPZA from the Employment of Labor (standing order) Act. A notification in January 1989 also exempted EPZ enterprises from the Factories Act 1965. These two acts related to basic conditions of employment (daily, monthly, casual, etc.), dismissal procedure, and provision of safety, health, and sanitary conditions, including facilities for women workers and their children. Compensation for dismissal is mentioned in the BEPZA booklet on labor and industrial relations. But the reasons for discharge are not covered including arbitral dismissal. According to the BEPZA booklet, reasons for dismissal include physical and mental incapacity and continued ill health, with compensation of one month’s pay for every year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months. But the booklet does not clarify whether such dismissals are scrutinized by BEPZA prior to an employer’s order. Similarly dismissal on grounds of misconduct is permitted â€Å"after due enquiry proceedings,†(presumably by the employer). These provisions are li able to violation of workers’ rights by the employers. Remuneration: †¢ The parliament passed the EPZ Workers Association and Industrial Relations Act 2004(Amended up to October 2010). †¢ Competitive wages in respect of semi skilled, skilled and high skilled. †¢ The average monthly wages has been practiced as follow: ââ€" ª Unskilled US$ 39.00-48.00 ââ€" ª Semi-skilled US$ 55.00 ââ€" ª Skilled US$ 61.00-109.00 †¢ Other benefits include Conveyance Allowance, House Rent, Medical Allowance, Maternity Benefit, Festival Bonus, Provident Fund and Overtime. Considering the production cost investor is being deemed to be satisfied with the overall productivity of the labors. Human Rights in EPZ: (a) Pressure to enhance welfare It appears that the BEPZA and investors in EPZs are under social and international pressure not only to enhance the welfare of the workers, but also to consult the workers in the process. According to the BEPZA Bulletin October – December 1999, a Conference of Investors on issues pertaining to labor relations in EPZs of Bangladesh was held in Dhaka in December 1999. The Minister of Labor, the Minister of Industries and the American Ambassador to Bangladesh attended the conference. According to the Bulletin, the â€Å"investors in the EPZs of Bangladesh have proposed forming a Tripartite Welfare Committee to look after and protect the interest of workers†. And â€Å"the US Ambassador in his speech encouraged the investors to form a committee to help devise an acceptable method of ensuring the welfare of the workers in the EPZs of Bangladesh†. (b) Pressure from foreign/international agencies As early as 1991, AFL – CIO, the largest trade union federation in USA, petitioned to revoke Bangladesh’s general system of preferences (GSP – tariff concessions) because of various alleged infringement of labor rights, including the denial of freedom of association in the Chittagong EPZ. After a review of the petition, the US government decided to continue Bangladesh’s GSP privileges, following Bangladesh government’s assurance to allow freedom of association in the EPZs by 1997 (Daily Star, 28 October 1999). In June 1999, AFL-CIO filed another petition to revoke the GSP privileges of Bangladesh, based solely on the country’s failure to act in accordance with the assurance. Since then the US ambassador has repeatedly threatened withdrawal of GSP privileges on the same grounds. On the other hand in a meeting with BEPZA chairman, the Japanese ambassador categorically stated, â€Å"Japan does not want trade unions in the EPZs at this moment’ (Daily Star, 20 February 2000) and he expressed satisfaction at the congenial atmosphere in the two EPZs of the country.†A Korean entrepreneur observed that international labor standards maintained in developed countries should not be applied in Bangladesh because the issues of industrial relations here were different. According to another report in the Daily Star of 19 October 1999, the Bangladesh government had signed an agreement with the US Trade Department in 1994 to withdraw the exemption from Employment of Labor (standing orders) Act 1965, and from the Industrial Relations Act 1969, by 1995 and 1997 respectively. Exemption from the Factories Act was withdrawn in 2000. On the other hand, the Chittagong EPZ investors told the US ambassador that permitting trade unions would also be a breach of contract by the Bangladesh government, which had promised a peaceful atmosphere in the Industrial Zones (Daily Star, 28 October 1999). Meanwhile acquisition of a huge area of land for a Korean EPZ has displaced 425 families and the process has been challenged in court by a religious group, as it sought to acquire a church. Complaints of corruption and harassment in payment of compensation to displaced landowners for land acquired for Comilla EPZ has also appeared in the press. (c) Pressure for consultation with workers In the conference, it was proposed that ‘the Welfare Committee will comprise of worker representatives, BEPZA, and BEPZA enterprises.’ This indicates a current lack of arrangements for consultation in any forum with representatives of workers. In the three bodies comprising the BEPZA, no representative of workers is included. The Ministry of Labor is not even represented in these bodies. (d) Divided opinion among ministers In the 1999 conference, the Minister of Labor made a vague statement that ‘the government will take some measures to protect the interest of workers and the investors equally; while the Industries Minister was more categorical in saying, â€Å"The prime objective of the government is to increase employment opportunities through increased investment. Any issue relating to EPZs of Bangladesh should be considered cautiously.†(e) Opposition to ‘traditional trade unions’ Other speakers in the conference cautioned that foreign investment will be discouraged if ‘traditional trade unions’ are introduced. In Bangladesh, labor laws provide for election of a ‘Collective Bargaining Agent’ (CBA) from among the registered unions in an industrial undertaking and traditionally the CBAs have exceeded their legal rights and created labor unrest, allegedly for the interest of the CBAs. Major reasons for such a situation are an ineffective labor administration and political interference in implementation of labor laws. (f) BEPZA documents Several BEPZA documents mention that BEPZA pursues a production-oriented labor law. The authority administers labor matters in the EPZs of Bangladesh. Labor unions are neither allowed to form or operate within EPZs. This is a strong indication that the right to: organize and bargain collectively is denied to workers in EPZS. The BEPZA documents do not mention how the labor matters are administered in the absence of trade unions, particularly in matters that require collective bargaining, such as safety and health, minimum wage, dispute settlement, etc. From occasional reports in newspapers, it appears that labor unrest takes place once in a while due to causes like arbitrary dismissal of workers. (g) Exemption from certain labor laws On 25 February 1986, the government exempted Chittagong EPZ from the provisions of the Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 which recognized ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association (No. 87) and on the Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively (No. 98). The ILO considers these conventions as basic human rights. It is possibly true that widespread misuse of liberal provisions for forming unions of workers gave rise to a multiplicity of unions and inter-union rivalry. Similarly, some collective bargaining agents are also criticized for misusing their representative strength. However, these situations arise due to political reasons and due to poor enforcement of laws by management and the state. Absence of laws permitting trade unions is no guarantee that such situations will not appear in the EPZs as well if the political situation deteriorates and if law enforcement slackens. The relevant issue is whether BEPZA’s labor administration has promoted any alternative relief for the workers. Export & Import IHPL is an export oriented company. They export their products to various countries. These are as follows- †¢ U.S.A †¢ Canada †¢ Australia †¢ South Africa †¢ Spain †¢ Russia †¢ Holland †¢ India †¢ U.A.E They mostly export to INDIA & USA. Their annual export volume is approx. 90 lac us dollar. They determine their international market demand and supply by its powerful sales team which is provided by its parent organization –MIDAS, situated in Canada. IHPL transport goods by air & water. They procure raw materials from different countries. It need not have to pay any taxes for importing raw materials. IHPL is situated in EPZ area where companies are given special facilities and incentives in favor of their export goods; also IHPL gets special incentive facilities from Bangladesh Govt for increasing their export. They use C&F agent for exporting their goods and collecting their raw materials. At the time of exporting product, they faces several problem. This are- †¢ Timely transportation(unavailability of movers) †¢ Dependency on middle organization: It may be caused by C&F agent. †¢ Lengthy process in port: Because of political problem mainly trade union. †¢ Corruption in every stage of processing †¢ Supply of wrong information by importer or exporter Above mentioned problems can be solved by – †¢ Providing adequate transportation facility †¢ Reducing interference of middle men †¢ Handling of shipping problem in time †¢ Providing reliable information at the time of export and import †¢ Eliminating corruption by enforcing rules and regulation IHPL is a big growing factory in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Govt. should support this kind of factory to develop the country by following steps- †¢ To increase mobility of port: There are many kinds of problems in time of shipping goods and services. In our country labor does it. That is politicize trade union in port. this type of situation govt. can take initiative to increase mobility of port. †¢ Production of export cargo: In our country ,we have no emergency career service. IHPL may expect to govt. this type of facility. †¢ Sound quality control and grading of export consignment: In Bangladesh BSTI can do it. They may expect to govt. that BSTI will be more effective than previous. †¢ Effective cost control: In our country cost increase due to delay delivery, delay production, delay documentation. To reduce this govt. can introduce one stop service centre in port and also need to make it more effective. †¢ Developing sound network and linkage with overseas market: To do it govt. can need to do EPB and Commerce Ministry more effective. Corporate social responsibility of IHPL: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the way companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their values and operations in a transparent and accountable manner. It is integral to long-term business growth and success, and it also plays an important role in promoting business values locally and internationally and also contributing to the sustainable development of communities. The Government of Bangladesh works with the public and private sector, business community, civil society , with foreign governments and communities as well as other stakeholders to foster and promote CSR. WIKIPEDIA define CSR as CSR is a form of corporate self integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholder and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility: THE BANGLADESH CONTEXT CSR practices in Bangladesh in its modern global terms, are relatively new, but not so for the concept itself. Because, being a part of the global market, it is difficult to ignore CSR standard specifically in the export sector like (MIDAS, young one, specific jeans) com. In general, it is true that in Bangladesh, the status of labor rights practices, environmental management and transparency in corporate governance are not satisfactory level, largely due to poor enforcement of existing laws and inadequate pressure from civil society and interest groups like Consumer Forums (CAB) consumer association of Bangladesh. Globally, as CSR practices are gradually being integrated into international business practices and hence is becoming one of the determining factors for market accesses, it is becoming equally instrumental for local acceptability. A focus on CSR in Bangladesh would be useful, not only for improving corporate governance, labor rights, work place safety, fair treatment of workers, community development and environment management, but also for industrialization and ensuring global market access. Lack of enforcement of Industrial Laws and Regulations, weak unions, absence of consumer rights and high level of corruption within the regulatory bodies make CSR violation rampant in Bangladesh. CSR is neglected in two most significant foreign exchange sources is the RMG sector and the overseas manpower export. Unbelievably low compensation, working hours, health/hygiene/sanitation conditions, fire safety and various types of abuse are so common and to the extent of inhumanity that will shock any conscientious individual to the core. Recently, the RMG sector employees have embarked on a industry wide movement to establish their rights. Like savor, narayangong (kunchpur) in march-April in 2012. CSR Of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. ( IHPL) IHPL is committed to ethical behavior and to sustainable economic development, while improving the quality of life of its workforce and their families, as well as the local community and society at large. IHPL is one of the organizations of MIDAS. It established in November 2010 in EPZ in Chittagong. Its a 100% export oriented safety material producer export gloves, heal mate, chemical resistant cover in India & others countries as per the requirement of MIDAS. Since its inception its carry our different types of CSR to govt., employees, BEPZA, EPZ & to the society. CSR to Govt.: * Provide tax, duty, others fees timely * Follow govt. prescribe rules & regulation * Promote diplomatic relation with exporting countries * Contribute t the up-liftment of GDP * Favorable balance of payment CSR to society: * create employment for 600 people( 50% male,50% female) * environment safety operation * raising living standard * Qurbani,a very new establishment, donation to orphanage. CSR to environment: * pollution free manufacturing * sound waste management policy * minimum emission of co2 * ISO 9001:2008 certified operation CSR to employees: * timely wage paid * provide free lunch & dinner * provide on job training * provide safety material for worker in time of working * improve skill among worker * provide pure drinking water * transportation facilities for employees CSR to BEPZA: * follow BEPZA role & regulation * follow labor act 2006 * operation is consistent with Bangladeshi culture, norms, value. Proper CSR practice in Bangladesh can also contribute a lot to community development. The corporate house can develop the community by creating employment, providing primary education, contribution to infrastructure development like road and high-ways and addressing environmental concerns. This is more relevant for a country like Bangladesh where the government interventions in these fields augmented by corporate alliance can go a long way in developing the economy, society and environment. Problems of IHPL IHPL faces generally two types of problems. They may be internal or external problems. Internal Problems: ââ€" ª Inadequate training and development program. ââ€" ª Poor investment in research and development. ââ€" ª Lack of infrastructural development of the organization. ââ€" ª Have no own power supply system. ââ€" ª High turnover rate of the organization. ââ€" ª Have no local supply of raw material. External Problems: ââ€" ª Political instability in Bangladesh. ââ€" ª Increasing inflation ââ€" ª Corruption in the port. ââ€" ª Lengthy process for exporting of the goods. ââ€" ª Economic factors: Exchange rate fluctuation, trade policy, trade relation with other country, tax rate, tariff and others non-tariff barriers ââ€" ª Non-availability and non-frequency of transportation. ââ€" ª Other Cultural differences like working attitudes, language, education and dexterity etc. ââ€" ª Lack of proper supply of gas, water, electricity and so on. ââ€" ª Labor union causes a lot of problems in case of export oriented organization. Recommendation Some recommended suggestions are given below: †¢ Continuous quality improvement concept should be applied for the improvement of the quality of the product. †¢ Investment in research and development has to extend to initiate a new idea. †¢ IHPL should provide adequate incentive, salary, bonuses and non-financial facilities to reduce the high turnover rate. †¢ IHPL should try to produce raw material in production country. †¢ IHPL should introduce the updated technology in the production to increase productivity. †¢ IHPL should think the possibilities of sells its products in Bangladesh. †¢ IHPL should introduce the housing facilities for the employees. †¢ IHPL should try to apply JIT concept in the inventory system. †¢ IHPL should try its best to minimize the lead time of the shipment of hand gloves. †¢ IHPL should be more social responsible and environment friendly company. CONCLUSION By Observing the above discussion we can concludes that the company has been maintaining excellent performance since its beginning. This is the proud of the company that it never incurred a loss since 2010 to 2012. The overall performance of accounting, management, and cost systems of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. is to some extend conventional issue. The products of the company have wide market demand all over the world. The company earns a lot of foreign exchange which plays an important role in our national economy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd will be the role model for export oriented industry sector within few years. Because of its quality product, uniqueness of their product, export volume and so on. One of the main problem is that IHPL uses automated machineries which hamper targeted production in case of electricity disruption. It imports all raw materials but it some times faced problems due to time limitation. If IHPL can overcome its drawbacks it will increase a large extent the volume of profit. Since this company is established in CEPZ area they have to maintain all the rules and regulations provided by the BEPZA. So the authority can not enjoy freedom of taking decision. Their turnover rate is quite high, it needs to be checked. If it does not take initiative to improve this situation it will face difficulties because they have several competitors outside the country. The production capacity of IHPL is limited because of their limited area. So this need to be considered by concerned authority . By analyzing sales trend and financial statement, profit and production diagram of IHPL, we can say that the overall performance of IHPL is satisfactory. It never incurs losses since its beginning. We also know that it is a newly established company. We hope Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. will carry out its production process smoothly by removing its some silly drawbacks. Reference: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Electronic Works Mr.A.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin Manager Admin & Personnel. Mr.Akbar Haqqani Deputy General Manager (DGM) Country Head in Bangladesh Mr Adnan Peerzada Deputy Manager. Department of Finance and Commercial. Senging point Load point Liner Bobbling Ship Industry Sports Road Construction Steel Industry. Fashion Industry Heat Resistance Chemical Industry. Journey Mr.Shihab Uddin Khan HR officer. ance Chemical Industry. Journey Mr.Shihab Uddin Khan HR officer. Quality service Quality Customer Price Quality Valuable customer Manufacture ââ€" Man ââ€" Machine ââ€" Material ââ€" Money Direct sale Formal Relation Interdepende-ncy Mertocracy T Trust Care For Others Ethics Team work Strength Weakness †¢ Unskilled labor †¢ Inexperience †¢ Poor industry environment †¢ Lack of local demand †¢ Lack of infrastructural development. †¢ Fresh Environment †¢ Higher Productivity of worker. †¢ Availability of labor †¢ Effective collaboration among employees. †¢ Effective and efficient labor supply †¢ Participative management system †¢ Unbalance market distribution †¢ Lack of energy †¢ Floating worker †¢ Devaluation †¢ High turnover rate †¢ Political instability †¢ Long lead time to export †¢ Emerging market †¢ Research and Development †¢ Established plan †¢ Building loyalty †¢ Growing demand †¢ Vast labor force with labor cost Threats Opportunity Spinning Pre-Jelling Air flow Showering Stamping Packaging Finished Goods Oven Liner Drying check Load point Methanol Deeping Pre-Jelling Evaporation Horizontal Jelling Oven Packaging Stamping Finished Goods What is expected? The way it is expected to develop. What has been achieved? The way it has been achieved. High Performance Absenteeism in percent Turnover in percent Month in 2012. January 19.46% 9.56% February 15.25 7.73 8.00 March 15.45 19.23 8.43 April 12.00 8.00 May Satisfaction Factors Dissatisfaction Factors †¢ Shortage of holidays †¢ Low medical allowance †¢ Long working hours †¢ Improper assistance from production. †¢ Lack of incentives †¢ Organizational environment †¢ Transportation problem in case of long distance †¢ Discipline †¢ Cooperation between staff and office employees †¢ Timely salary payment †¢ Freedom to work †¢ Basis of future platform †¢ Learning and participating †¢ Food and transportation facility Initial Screening Employment Tests Completing Application Form Comprehensive Interview Background Investigation Conditional Job Offer Medical or Physical Test Permanent job Offer Screening Collecting People Talk Personally Selection by Engineers Choose Effective Worker
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