Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20
Business law - Essay Example It is suitable in a business environment in which the party are able come together and the party values a relationship that they have enjoyed. An example is the case in which one party to a contract has breached terms of a contract. The parties can come together with the aim of reconstructing the contract or finding a suitable remedy to the injured party. The negotiation process will involve the elements of the Bloom’s Taxonomy as the parties consider available alternatives. The parties will remember terms of the contract and reasons for the breach in order to understand their positions. They can then use the information to generate possible solutions. An evaluation of the possible solutions can then inform the parties’ decision into formulation of a remedy or a collection of remedies to the dispute. In implementing the Bloom’s taxonomy in negotiation, the party can reach a solution that is acceptable to both of them and one that can sustain their existing relati onship (Miller and Jentz 75; Overbaugh and Schultz 1). Mediation is another form of alternative dispute resolution system that parties in a business environment can use. The method involves the role of a third party that tries to bring the parties together in order to reach a solution. The party is always neutral to the dispute and does not impose any solution to the parties. The third party may however propose solutions and try to enlighten the conflicting parties of the benefits of the solution. The parties to the conflict however reserve the power to make a decision on whether to resolve the conflict or not and the solution to accept. Unfair business practice, such as blackmailing advertisement, is an example of a situation in which mediation can be used. In case, the parties may have a tense inter-business relationship that makes it hard for them to come together and agree. A third party can however bring them together and help them to reflect on the problem and understand its root
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Wave A movie Essay Example for Free
The Wave A movie Essay Motivation is a powerful force working in the psyche of every human mind that consciously pushes an individual toward certain tasks in order to reach a desired goal. In The Wave, a group of high school students desire to be apart of a community and to hold power blinded them of reason and moral, which eventually led them to a tragic downfall. In this movie, motivation played a crucial role in the gradual destructive behavioral changes of the students at Palo Altos Cubberly High. The psychological and behavioral changes initially began to evolve when a history teacher, Mr. Ross, encouraged students to participate in an experiment on forming a movement called The Wave. The students were immediately entranced by the idea and begin to follow every instruction given by Mr. Ross without hesitation. Soon, they were practicing the rules and drills of The Wave outside the history classroom by assimilated them into their regular everyday life. Soon, the students buried their previously learned values of individualism and morality to adjust to the newly formed community. This community later became almost cult-like, in which members were so intensely involved that they started to act hostile and sometimes violent towards anti-Wavers and non-members in the name of The Wave. The initial factor that influenced the history class to follow Mr. Ross ideas was intrinsic motivation. The novelty of the experiment first triggered the curiosity of students and they performed every duty with enjoyment. However, as the group began to take the experiment more seriously, this seemly innocent interest turned into an obsession. Students used the movement as an excuse to harass and intimidate other children. They now remain not only for inner-pleasure but also for power. Other students from outside the classroom also fell under the spell of The Wave. These later recruited Wavers motives were not intrinsic for their sole reason for joining was to gain approval from their peers and to avoid harassment. Mr. Ross provided, with his experiment, an environment where a persons inner fascism can emerge and take control. The Wave worked as a metaphorical switch that turned on some hidden unconscious desires for individuals to shut their mind and to live a simpler life by accepting orders from a confident leader who insist that he has all the answers. Most people possess the need to identify with a group that shares a common objective. However, sometimes this need only motives people to do what is good for the group instead of what is good for themselves as individuals. Many students in this movie failed to see the larger picture of how The Wave was robbing them of their right to opinions, individuality and freedom. The Wave is a powerful and emotional journey that opened our eyes to the existence of fascism in the most unlikely place, a high school in California. The movie demonstrated how people could easily be manipulated under certain circumstances and blinded by artificial motives. Just as the Germans fell under Nazis rule during Hitlers reign, other groups or community like the high school in The Wave could also easily become the next victim of fascism.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Congress And The Presidency Essay -- Political Science
The president is the foreign policy leader for the United States with an important political, military and economic role in the international arena. If there is collision between the president and congress, can congress restrain the president in foreign policy making? The era of globalization has witnessed the growing influence of a number of unconventional international actors, from non-governmental organizations, to multi-national corporations, to global political movements. Traditional, state-centric definitions of foreign policy as "the policy of a sovereign state in its interaction with other sovereign states is no longer sufficient. Several alternative definitions are more helpful at highlighting aspects of foreign policy traditionally neglected. The first views foreign policy as "those external goals for which the nation is prepared to commit its resources". By focusing on what a country does rather than what it says, this pragmatic definition usefully separates a country's rhetoric from its true intent and its material capabilities. However, lack of action can also constitute a policy-the policy of an isolationist state is defined by its very unwillingness to commit resources. A second conceptualization of foreign policy is as "the range o f actions taken by varying sections of the government of a state in its relations with other bodies similarly acting on the international order to advance the national interest". Notable here is the recognition that governments do not act as monolithic, static entities, and that non-state actors may at times be as influential as states. However, the assumption that governments always know what is in the "national interest" and always rationally work towards its realiza... ... President's interests. The number of Vice Presidents who have later become President suggests that this concern may not be entirely incomprehensible. The enormous amount of infighting and politics between (and within) departments should not be underestimated. Factions are formed, rumors spread, information leaked, and consensuses forged. When making decisions, each department "will tend to concentrate on acquiring information that protects and advances its own interests or its view of the national interest". This inevitably leads to oversimplification and a favoring of men and women of action rather than deep, strategic thinkers, whose voices tend to get lost in the fray. One of the attributes of a good President is the ability to recognize and rectify imbalances in his administration. Failure to do so can lead to an unrepresentative and irresponsible foreign policy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethical Issues on Confidentiality Essay
Ethical Issues on Confidentiality: Research and Medical Procedures A guiding principle followed by most administrators and health care providers is the concept that ethical principles must match the values of the whole organization. This belief should serve as a continuous teaching to all staff so that the organization’s goals may be uniformly achieved. Healthcare administrators must be fully competent in adhering to the ethical principles of patient and employee confidentiality in order to promote trust, respect, and the protection of individual’s rights concerning health information. This is one of the main objectives of the Privacy Rule or HIPAA, and a breach to this rule is one of the most common ethical issues. When administrators demonstrate capable ethical decisions in guiding the flow of services in the organization, there may only be a few disorders that will be encountered in the operations as a result of ethical perplexities. In the article, Ethics of Stem Cell Research (Siegel, A., Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring2013), the ethical dilemma of confidentiality in research pales in comparison to the dilemma posed in destroying human embryonic cells. A great dispute is presented on the use of human embryos and whether researchers are dealing with a human being or not. The question on the permissibility or the impermissibility to destroy human embryos is fully explored without the full ethical answer being presented. Confidentiality, research, and medical procedures all impart ethical dilemmas that complicate organizational activities. Problems of the Affected Population: Patients and Participants In the procurement of embryotic cells for example, research subjects are not considered the same way as patients and regarded differently in terms of confidentiality and privacy issues. According to the article, HIPAA, the Privacy Rule, and Its Application to Health Research (2009), â€Å"Health research is not the focus of HIPAA.†and, â€Å"Because a great deal of health research in the United States is also subject to the Common Rule- the federal rule that governs most federally funded research conducted on human beings and aims to ensure that the rights of human subjects are protected during the course of a research project, historically focusing on protection from physical and mental harm by stressing autonomy and consent.†(HIPAA and Research, Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research, 2009). Many research institutions are not considered covered entities and therefore the subjects are not covered by the Privacy law. Nevertheless, all subjects must submit personally identifiable health information and in the course of research or procedure, a subject may be harmed. This is an uneven application of confidentiality and the Privacy law that gives more benefit to a patient than a research subject. Medical research in particular has a participant and some experimental procedures are accomplished with the patient as the subject in the belief that the experiment could bring positive results to the patient specially, when there is no definite answer to a needed treatment. According to Fremgen B.F. (2009), ethical issues arise when there is harmful effect to the patient from experimental procedures. Lack of understanding and communication remains a big barrier to ethical issues. Somehow the creation of the Privacy Law did not consider the welfare of the research subject, yet they are likened to a patient who undergoes procedures, submits identifiable health information, and when procedures are not perfect, may also suffer harmful consequences. The other bothersome issue is when the bodily parts contributed by the participant are sold, reused or endorsed to other institutions for other purposes. Other issues pertain to the interest of the researcher placed above the interest of the patient (B.F.Fremgen2009). Informed and voluntary consent from participants are used as shield in order to further the research activities, but privacy and confidentiality are both compromised on research participants and must also be incorporated. Proposed Solutions In California, where the biggest budget for stem cell research is allocated, the California Institute of Regenerative medicine (CIRM) in their objectives has encouraged institutions and researchers on the development of best practices in hSC projects. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at each research institution must be responsible for the proper review of projects involving human participants. The regulations of the CIRM implies that donor consent must be understood fully by the participant, maintain a clear record of every embryo, strict accounting of donated cells, and must always be consistent with existing laws. In fairness to the donor, any medical complication must be treated fully, and the donor must not bear any cost for any treatment (G.P Lomax, Z. Hall, B. Lo, Responsible Oversight of Human Stem Cell Research: The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 2007) The foundation for all procurement of biological materials can be summed in informed consent. Authorizations and voluntary consent must be explicitly understood by the donor and must be presented with choices they can understand including the information regarding the destruction of the cells, commercial application and sharing (L. P Knowles, Issues in Procurement of Embryonic Stem Cells: Informed Consent and Conflict of Interest, n.d.) Information management system must be in place for protection of confidentiality. In most instances, the system must protect the anonymity of the donor to safeguard privacy. There will always be people who would donate biological materials for their own reasons beyond ones understanding. These individuals must be informed fully of the consequences and possible risks. In some places, inducement of monetary consideration is prohibited. However, there are instances when the donor sincerely commits to help in exchange for some requirements like burial assistance when deemed terminally ill. Ethical issues and personal choice of the donor must be taken into consideration at all times and the option to donate must be free from pressure. In some parts of the globe, there are ads roaming related to procurement of organs from individuals who are impoverished and destitute. The government and the public must be vigilant in exposing this black market trade of organ trafficking so as to safeguard the dignity, confidentiality, and humanity in general. The mainstream media must be cooperative in relaying to the public not only the positive implications of medical research but also the contrary, so that that knowledge and understanding of present scientific advancement and problems may be learned. The Administrator and Ethical Issues An administrator who is engaged in a healthcare institution where research activities are occurring commits to a heavier burden of maintaining the place for it to be free of ethical issues. Aside from the issue of patient care, privacy, lack of resources, maintaining regulations, and promoting goodwill, the needed knowledge on the requirements or regulations on research must be understood. The administrator must be adept at ethical analysis and organizational policies. Many have not been through a lot of experience related to research institutions but according to Fremgen B. F. (2009), â€Å"Adherence to bioethical principles involves the entire healthcare team, not just the physicians†(pg. 251). The ethics of the institution must be in accord with the staff and conflicting values should not prevail. The administrator must know how to initiate educational sessions and communicate the ethical values even with the integration of research and experimental procedures. References Siegel, A. Ethics of Stem Cell Research, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, rev. Jan 28,2013 Retrieved from: Knowles, L.P. Issues in Procurement of Embryonic Stem Cell: Informed Consent and Conflicts of Interest, Retrieved:: Consent-and-Conflicts-of-Interest.pdf Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information: The HIPAA Privacy Rule; Nass SJ, Levit LA, Gostin LO, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2009.Retrieved from: Lomax GP, Hall ZW, Lo B (2007) Responsible Oversight of Human Stem Cell Research: The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine’s Medical and Ethical Standards.Retrieved B.F. Fremgen, Medical Law and Ethics (Third Ed. 2009)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Whether or not the civil rights movement has achieved equal rights for black people in USA and if so, to what extent
In this essay, I will aim to establish whether or not the civil rights movement has achieved equal rights for black people in USA and if so, to what extent. In order to do this, we must compare the situation for blacks in USA currently, to that of blacks many years ago. Absolutely no one would even try to argue that Black Americans had equal rights during, or even directly after the abolition of slavery. This would be ridiculous bearing in mind that many were forced to work from sunrise to sunset, an eighteen hour day in some places, with few, if any rights at all. At one point, slave owners were even given specific rights to brand, maim, whip or even burn disobedient slaves. This hardly indicates any sort of equal rights. They were unable to vote, serve on juries receive an education and work in certain trades. The fact that they were unable to serve on juries almost made certain that any black man could be tried and convicted even though totally innocent. Also, no voting meant no black politicians, and no politicians meant no say in government. There were a few lucky blacks living in the south who had managed to obtain freedom, some by purchasing their liberties and others handed their freedom after their masters had passed away. However, these blacks were constantly living in the fear that they could once again be taken into slavery. Most blacks had now been freed, yet they were not compensated for past labours, leaving them jobless and almost pennyless. Many â€Å"white supremacy†organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan were formed solely to intimidate the black population. Public lynchings and public beatings became common place and very rarely was anything done about it in the courts as it was supported by many officials. After slavery was abolished, many years of black campaigning followed and gradually, the campaigning became more and more succesful. In 1870, the fifteenth ammendment was passed declaring the right for all to be able to vote regardless of race. This was seen as a real breakthrough yet celebrations were proved to be far too premature. At first everything seemed fine. States which had black majorities soon began to have black politicians who were more understanding to their plight. Free education was introduced and the system of having to own land to be able to have the right to vote was also scrapped. All seemed well and good until 1877, when the army decided that it was time to pull out of the southern states. This immediately left the blacks vulnerable to attack from the various groups which had been formed who had a great hatred towards the blacks. These secret organisations began using violence in order to prevent blacks from voting and this led to an almost immediate change. The lack of the black vote led to all white governments once again being elected and this in turn saw the re-introduction of many laws against those African Americans. Once again, control of the blacks was firmly in the hands of their white rulers. ‘Jim Crow' laws were introduced enforcing segregation in various araes of life. Transport saw separate seating for blacks and whites. Separate schools and hospitals were also introduced. The segregation even went as far as having different cemetries for deceased whites and deceased blacks, even in church, they were sat seperately. The much lower wages that the blacks were being payed meant that they could only afford housing in more run down neighbourhoods, again leading to a seperation, with â€Å"black only†towns. This residential segregation was even made compulsory in some states. Inter-racial marriages became a massive target for groups such as The Ku Klux Klan. They felt that this would lead to a society where racial categorization would become difficult and white dominance would become hard to maintain. Again violence was used to ensure that no inter-racial marriages could take place. If any kind of recession came round, black employees were always the first to be fired regardless of experience or quality of work and no blacks were allowed to join unions. This of course meant that in the event of any strike action, the blacks would continue to work arousing yet more hatred and hostility from their fellow white compatriots. After the white governments had been firmly re-established, the power of blacks was continually undermined. Successful black businessmen were attacked and any attempts to form black protection groups were quickly quashed. The KKK also introduced lynching for those blacks accused of commiting crimes, many of whom were completely innocent. This was seen as not really a form of punishment for criminals, but more a way of intimidating the local black population into accepting the rule of the whites. Yet again, the blacks were forced to accept the inhumane ways in which they were being treated and once again there was nothing they could really do about it. One hundred years on, to what extent have civil rights been achieved for blacks? On visiting America now, and comparing life to that of a hundred years ago, the most apparent difference is desegregation. Whereas blacks and whites were forced to attend separate schools, take part in leisure activities seperately, use separate transport and forced to be segregated in the supreme court, there is now no lawful segregation in the USA. Blacks have been given equal rights as far as voting goes and it has been this way for many years now. However, this did not mean that all Blacks were suddenly voting. There was still the problem of persuading blacks to register although, this has now been rectified with very public registration campaigns. The result has been a huge increase in the proportion of blacks registered to vote. There have been monumental chnages in attitudes towards blacks which has meant the uprising of many black celebrities which would have been unthinkable until recent years. A prime example of this could be that of black boxer, Mohammed Ali. His refusal to participate in the Vietnam War because of his personal beliefs, and being prepared to go to jail rather than back down, earnt him world wide respect. This went along with the respect that he had already gained from his doubtless talent in the ring. To this day, Ali is one of the most highly respected sportsmen throughout the world. Various blakc musicians have reached stardom also. Examples include Stevie Wonder, Tupac Shakur, Billy Halliday and Bessie Smith, who had to fight adversity throughout her career. However, even here there is the possiblity of racial discrimination having taking place as it is widely claimed that, after a car crash Bessie Smith was refused treatment due to the colour of her skin and as a direct result, died from excessive blood loss. Blacks have also been very successful in Hollywood, with both Will Smith and Samuel L. Jackson being among the top ten earners. This does not even take into acount Denzel washington, Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg and many others. The major turning point as far as civil rights were concerened, was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This finally insured equal oppurtunity for all, in terms of employment and otherwise. There were also affirmative acion programs set up to help those blacks, who through no fault of their own, were given very poor educations. Some blacks have even made a success of themselves by writing or talking about their difficulties in achieving liberation. Maya Angeou is one such person. The political influence of blacks is always rising and I have already spoken about the rise in blacks registered to vote. Recently, we have also seen the rise to prominence of some black politicians. Namely, Jesse Jackson and Colin Powell. Jackson ran for presidency in both the 1984 and 1988 elections and although he failed on both occasions, his skills as a negotiater have been proven on many separate occasions. His current title is Washington's special envoy to Africa. Colin Powell has come into the limelight much more after the very tragic events of September 2001. Much praise has been heaped on the Secretary Of State for the way in which he has handled the cris. He was often referred to as â€Å"the face of America†in the aftermath of the attacks. There have also been great strides made in the way of economic progress. Many blacks have managed to break through into the middle classes. â€Å"The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air†is a popular, black sitcom in which one such family is portrayed. The father is a well respected lawyer and the family is shown to be living in great luxery. Similarly, there have been other very successful â€Å"black†shows such as â€Å"The Cosby Show. There are now many, many black homeowners also, in complete contrast to the slavery which existed a century earlier. As yet, I have talked about the great amount of change and progress which has been achieved for blacks in USA, however, in the same period of time there have been many incidents and there are many facts which suggest that not too much has really changed. For example, many people argue that there is a continuity in attitudes of discrimination and they point to certain events to support this. Accusations of police brutality and heavy handiness towards blacks are constant and the Rodney King incident seems to justify this. Rodney King was a drunken, black driver, who after being stopped by police, was brutally assaulted by four police officers. The whole incident was video-taped by an on looker. Because of the video-tape, there was a resulting trial in which all four police officers were accused of using excessive force. However, the entirely white jury judged all four to have been not guilty of all charges and the result was the largest riots in Los Angeles' history. Many people were injured during these riots. Consequently, there was a second trial, in which two officers were again acquitted and the other two received minimum jail terms. There were fears of a second round of rioting which never materialised. Other such incidents include an African refugee being shot 24 times by police officers. To this day, there are still more blacks than whites on death row, which again leads to calls of discrimination by the police force and law courts. Earlier, I spoke about black successes in politics, pointing to Jesse Jackson and Colin Powell as examples. However, there has still been no black president, and it still does not even seem like a possibility in the foreseeable future. Even, with the prominence of Jackson and Powell, it can still be said that there is an exclusion of blacks in politics. The poverty trap of many years earlier also still exists in many parts of America, where the idea that if a black person was forced to live in a ghetto due to poor wages, there was really no way out and achieving something for their children as opportunities and resources were greatly limited. In conclusion, I think it is obviously clear that change has been achieved and progress has been made as far as civil rights are concerned and there will always be isolated incidents, which suggest otherwise. A great distance has been traveled on the road to achieving equal rights and hopefully, the last few miles will also be covered in the near future.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Health Care Ethics essay
buy custom Health Care Ethics essay A life support applies to any form of therapy that can be used to sustain patients life while they are terminally ill. Many techniques may be used by clinicians achieve a life sustaining life. These may include mechanical ventilation, lung bypass, feeding tube among others. These techniques are mostly applied in Emergence Departments, Intensive care units as well as operating rooms Morrison (2009,p.21). Life support is used to sustain life while the patient is being treated for prognosis. The clinical goal of the process depends with specified patient situation Morrison (2009, p.20). Caring for people towards the end of their lives is one of the challenging and rewarding aspects in primary health care. This is because the proximity to death transforms the medical encounter. This calls upon both clinical and medical competence of the medical provider Morrison (2009, p.24). In this case, the patient had signed advanced health care directive form, only the agent of the patient can request for life support establishment. Otherwise the medical officer attending the patient should not establish life support.Besides, healthcare providers are required to address many potential ethical issues in the end of life support decision making process(2009,p.34). The advance health care directives were therefore meant to cater for the patient healthcare when the patient lacks competence in decision making capacity. The request by family members for life support to be established could not hold water. According to Morrison (2009) family members who are making choices for their loved ones "often have a sizable stake in how treatment decisions go, and their interests influence the decisions making, the orthodoxy regards the process as morally contaminated" (p. 203). In other words, family members may tend to make decisions about their loved ones life saving measures based on how it would benefit them and not based on the benefit of the patient. One issue that a health care provider would want to make sure of is that the person in charge of a patient's health care decisions is a competent and knowledgeable person. Another issue that a health care provider would want to address is making sure that the person who is making decisions on behalf of the patient has the priority to do so. For example, Morrison (2009, p.207) states that when it comes to making decisions on behalf of a patient there is a "descending order of priority: spouse, adult children, parents, siblings, and so on" (p. 208). A health care provider must make sure that the person determining the health care treatment for the patient indeed has the authority to do so, and if that person is not present, the health care provider must do everything in their power to reach this "priority" family member. If the patient had signed an advanced directive then the health care facility would have to honor the wishes of the patient and not those of the family. Morrison (209, p.224) lists seven "safeguards and guidelines for a policy on assisted death and a life support program. These guidelines must be met in order for patients in Oregon to be allowed to process with ending their life. It is evident that if a person is diagnosed with an incurable disease that people may be able to manipulate that individual into taking his or her own life Morrison (2009, p.225). For example, a person who has been diagnosed with an incurable disease who is competent, and who has given up on the will to live with the disease could be convinced by family members, physicians, or friends to consider physician-assisted suicide. The guidelines only focus on the patient and the physician; they do not involve interviewing family members to make sure that the idea of pursuing physician-assisted suicide was the sole idea of the patient and not the coercion of family members Morrison(2009,p.228). In addition, the guidelines say nothing about the patient's family even being aware of their family members deciding to embark on. Buy custom Health Care Ethics essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
Odyssey and Oedipus Essays
Odyssey and Oedipus Essays Odyssey and Oedipus Essay Odyssey and Oedipus Essay Essay Topic: The Odyssey Imagery is used throughout the Odyssey and the story of Oedipus.In the Odyssey, Odysseus is compared to objects, other people and animals.In the story of Oedipus, Oedipus is compared to riddles and objects. In the Odyssey, Odysseuss adventure brings him through many tragedies and hard time. His name is revealed in the story as being one who suffers.Toward the end of the story he is compared to a lion when he emerges victorious against the suitors and the maids are described as small animals scurrying away from him.He is described missing his wife as a shipwrecked swimmer misses the shore.His wife Penelope is described grappling Odysseus as a swimmer that has finally reached land.Throughout the Odyssey Sleep is used to convince the reader that Odysseus is mortal.When he sleeps something bad happens. Sleep means he is not like the Gods peppered through the story.He is mortal and Gods dont have to sleep. In the story of Oedipus his name is swollen feet.This i magery of swollen feet is the key to his identity.The image of the foot in the riddle of the sphinx is used to describe man and Oedipus.He has 4 feet when he is a young child he has 3 feet when he is old and blind and needs the assistance of a cane and he has two feet when he is at the height of his power.There is curse over Thebes, making the land and women infertile.The image of fertility is given with the Goddess of the earth giving the curse upon the land and women. Throughout both the Odyssey and Oedipus the image of family is used.In the Odyssey lineage is used with Odysseuss father son and himself bringing a sense of family values to the story.In Oedipus the link between him being Husband and son to his wife and mother and father and son to his children also relates to his multiple identities.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Kickstart Your Book A Writers Guide to Crowd-Source Funding
Kickstart Your Book A Writers Guide to Crowd-Source Funding News of Kickstarter is everywhere today. Don’t know what crowd-source funding is? Here it is in a nutshell: you create a project,determine a monetary goal, set a time limit, submit the idea, and once approved, your project appears on Kickstarter. Site visitors pledge money in return for rewards that you offer on your project page. Succeed and the money is yours, less a 5% fee and any credit card fees incurred. Fall short of your goal and you get nothing. Exceed your goal, you get to keep it all, less the aforementioned fees. Sounds simple doesn’t it? What’s true for writing is true for Kickstarter as well. To be successful takes study, forethought, and hard work before, during, and after your project is active. To pique potential investor’s interest, your proposal must be in your voice. What wildly successful projects have in common is that their rewards are so cool that people can’t resist, or their presentation so enchanting that you are not only compelled to keep reading, but also cannot keep your finger from caressing the Back This Project button, muttering I must have  marshmallows.. Tips for Success: 1. Your project description is like a query letter: Hook, synopsis, and
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Review of an academic research paper Literature
Of an academic research paper - Literature review Example The objectives and process behind developing effective simulation model have practical approach. The process is emphasizing not only on the participant personality but also on the designers personality which will help in model development. The author has explained the effectiveness of simulation in light of internal, external and educational validity. The subject most emphasized upon in this article is â€Å"educational validity†and the factors that influence its effectiveness. These factors are (a) simulation design, which emphasizes that simulation should be an accurate representative of the real world; and (b) implementation of simulation, which involves the involvement of participants (Stainton, Johnson & Borodzicz, 2010, p.707). The algorithmic validity and inaccurate representative of real world are the concerned issues. Although the simulation model is excellent, but if it cannot link up with real world scenarios, then such models are useless. Moreover, participants of the simulation should be self-motivated. The participant’s motivation can be assessed by the different motivation theories. So participant’s level of motivation is considered to be the moderating factor, which can increase the learning process. Along with participants, designer’s attribute carry an equivalent weight, while assessing simulation model for its learning effectiveness. Firstly, the designer of the model should be having respective expertise for which the simulation model is being made. Furthermore, designer should be unbiased while constructing the model. The research methodology framework for educational validity assessment has provided guidelines regarding problems that arise while building, implementing, and analyzing the simulation model. It includes formulation objectives, propositions, research designs, and instruments, which will then be analyzed; whether or not these instruments are good predictors of
Friday, October 18, 2019
GPA and Universities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
GPA and Universities - Essay Example Students who fail to meet minimum standards in a particular field are usually denied admission to such institutions which results in curbing their enthusiasm as well hope, sometimes leading to despair. GPA (Grade Point Average) secured during higher secondary education is one of the foremost criteria for placing a student in a favorable position for securing admission to an institute of higher learning. However, if one looks into the history of mankind all major discoveries and inventions which have benefitted mankind are not necessarily the products of people who were brilliant as students at a young age. Considering one’s GPA for measuring capability is therefore an erroneous way of evaluation for higher education. It is therefore justified that anyone who has merely attended the minimum academic program should be allowed admission to universities, irrespective of GPA. Research on students’ academic performance at universities the world over has yielded pertinent and variable information which suggests multiple factors for academic performance in later years of education which may be independent of academic levels attained in schools. In fact, many universities across the US as well as in other parts of the world are seriously considering the evaluation of the validity of the admission tests which have been employed for too long without justification. In a study conducted at the University of Michigan, student academic success was evaluated across different units using preadmission indicators such as high school GPA and standardized test scores ( A number of additional factors like race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, etc. were considered for standardizing the results and the study evaluated academic performance of students over a span of ten years at the university. Although the document available at the universit y website does not give the results of this study, the
How the standards for ascertaining the truth differ between the new Essay
How the standards for ascertaining the truth differ between the new scientific views of the world and traditional medieval views - Essay Example How the standards for ascertaining the â€Å"truth†differ between the new scientific views of the world and traditional medieval views? Scientists often came up with different facts, conclusions and theories but when this happens, the process of science helps in resolving these differences. Science is therefore viewed as valuable as the scientific methods and the scientific community can resolve any differences and come to a generally accepted conclusion because the overarching commitment of science is to â€Å"the truth†about the natural world. The medieval view of the world is based on old traditions and religious doctrines. Traditions defined people and their culture while religious doctrines defined the way people lived in the society. Christians sought to integrate traditions with religion and the result was one God, one church and one truth. These doctrines and traditions explained the world (Barret 12-13). All scientists are involved in the same enterprise of trying to explain how the world works. They believe in the scientific process of observation, experimentation and the development and evaluation of explanatory theories. The new scientific view seeks the absolute truth through scientific processes of observation and experimentation. It believes in the existence of fixed and unalterable facts and these can only be reached after detailed scientific investigation. The medieval standards adapted the truth to match their predetermined views. To them truth was based on tradition and religious views that defined what was true.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Data analysis report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Data analysis - Lab Report Example According to Ajzen (1988); Ajzen (1991); O’Donnel et al. (1994) and Conner (1993), a persons planned behaviour change has a significant contribution to his/her attitudes towards various conditions. Further, to them, the success of the planned behaviour significantly depends on the social-economic situation of the person in the past, present and future aspirations. Ajzen and Driver (1991: 1992); Ajzen and Fishbein (1980); Dejoy and Wilson (1995); DeVellis et al. (1990) and Newcomb et al. (1992) support the above assertions arguing that if one plans to do away of a certain behaviour, then there are strings attached which range from financial stability to family cohesion. Further, intentions and wishes to abandon a certain habit depend on time and gender. From research, time affects any outcome since other factors come into play which might significantly affect the results or influence earlier readings/measurements. The way a person acts now has a significant bearing on how he/she will react in the near future as well as in a distant future. Godin et al. (1993); Adams (1994); Godin (1993) and Heatherton et al. (1991) argue that time lapse has effects not only on the results but also on the validity and reliability of research findings. This is so because of factorial design impacts on the end-term outcome. Gender on the other hand is a very important aspect to consider in planned behaviour changes as it is believed that females are better and more confident to follow a rule they had set than males as the later are easy to influence and change their track than females. Hellman et al. (1991); Godin et al. (1992); Liska (1984); MacKay (1994) and Joreskog and Sorbom (1993) is support of the above argument argue that females are more likely to convince of the negative impact of an habit than their male counterparts since they are most likely to give it a hearing
Workforce Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Workforce Development - Essay Example According to Thomas Guskey the best fit of a expert development occurrence for any local background requires acknowledgment, "collection and psychiatry of the five critical stages of information" (Guskey 2002). Each stage is more compound than the stage before. Success at an early stage may be essential for optimistic results at the next higher one; it's clearly not enough. Stages progress from decisive (especially stages one and two) to collective appraisal (especially stages four and five). The power of thinking in terms of the five estimation stages is engaging teachers in the planning of skilled development activities. Guskey defines the procedure for "running backwards" from Stage 5 "the student knowledge outcomes that you want to attain" and through each succeeding stage to "what set of experiences will allow participants to get hold of the needed knowledge and skills (Stage 1)." The depiction of each stage follows. Second, most of the currently identified characteristics of effective professional development seems best described as "yes, but . . ." statements. For example, yes, enhancing teachers' content and pedagogical knowledge is important, but existing research is limited mainly to investigations of mathematics and science instruction. Yes, professional development should provide sufficient time and resources, but such time and resources must be used wisely, focusing on activities that positively affect learning and learners. Yes, professional development should include procedures for evaluation, but evaluations that focus narrowly on educators' self reported satisfaction with professional deve
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Data analysis report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Data analysis - Lab Report Example According to Ajzen (1988); Ajzen (1991); O’Donnel et al. (1994) and Conner (1993), a persons planned behaviour change has a significant contribution to his/her attitudes towards various conditions. Further, to them, the success of the planned behaviour significantly depends on the social-economic situation of the person in the past, present and future aspirations. Ajzen and Driver (1991: 1992); Ajzen and Fishbein (1980); Dejoy and Wilson (1995); DeVellis et al. (1990) and Newcomb et al. (1992) support the above assertions arguing that if one plans to do away of a certain behaviour, then there are strings attached which range from financial stability to family cohesion. Further, intentions and wishes to abandon a certain habit depend on time and gender. From research, time affects any outcome since other factors come into play which might significantly affect the results or influence earlier readings/measurements. The way a person acts now has a significant bearing on how he/she will react in the near future as well as in a distant future. Godin et al. (1993); Adams (1994); Godin (1993) and Heatherton et al. (1991) argue that time lapse has effects not only on the results but also on the validity and reliability of research findings. This is so because of factorial design impacts on the end-term outcome. Gender on the other hand is a very important aspect to consider in planned behaviour changes as it is believed that females are better and more confident to follow a rule they had set than males as the later are easy to influence and change their track than females. Hellman et al. (1991); Godin et al. (1992); Liska (1984); MacKay (1994) and Joreskog and Sorbom (1993) is support of the above argument argue that females are more likely to convince of the negative impact of an habit than their male counterparts since they are most likely to give it a hearing
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Empirical Asset Pricing Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Empirical Asset Pricing Theory - Assignment Example In other words, the paper will look at the negative covariance of SDF and excess returns. The paper will also outline the Fama-French factors. This will include entailing how these factors work, and the motives behind choosing or selecting of models. Finally, the paper will discuss how the technique used by Pastor and Stambaugh differ from the ones used by Fama-French factors. Stochastic Discount Factor Pricing Model SDF as a Factor Pricing Model According to Fama and French (25 - 30) this model helps in the formulating of n econometric analysis that is used in the pricing of assets. The methods included this model include the capital asset pricing model that was proposed by Sharpe in 1964 and other as well as the consumption based inter-temporal capital asset pricing models (CCAPM). Stochastic discount factor (SDF) uses both of the approaches that are used in asset pricing. This includes the absolute and the relative pricing of asset. The absolute pricing of asset involve the pricin g of an asset relative to the sources that expose it to the macroeconomic risks. The relative pricing of asset entails pricing assets according to how other assets are priced. The pricing equation that is used to estimate the stochastic discount factor is normally assumed. The limitations that are imposed on the behavior relating to the stochastic model are assumed to be standard. Based on the pricing equation assumptions the model, the price of n asset which is denoted as ‘t’ is calculated through discounting the value of the assets in the period of paying off. The equation for determining the price of the asset is: Pt=ET (Mt+sXt+s). The assets pay off is represented by Xt+s while the discounting factor is represented by Mt+s. the part denoted as ET represents the expectation given the information that is available at a given time t. The discounting factor represents the stochastic variable (Renault and Hansen 3-15). The assets that can be priced using this model inclu de a stock that pays a dividend of DT+1. This stock should also have a resale value and a pay off period. A treasury bill is also applicable if only it pays only one unit of goods or a good being consumed. This equates the payoff to 1. A bond whose coupon payment is constant and yet can be sold is applicable for pricing using this model. This model can also price bank deposits that pay the risk free return rate and equate the pay off period to 1+ rft. Finally the call option whose price is Pt and gives the holder of the option the right of purchasing any stock at the price exercised (Renault and Hansen 12-21). Assumptions Relating to the Form of SDF In the development of the stochastic estimator, there are four assumptions that are taken into considerations. The first assumption is that the pricing equation 2 always holds. This equation is equivalent to the law of one price. The assumption here is that all the securities that have the same pay off should bear the same price. There a re no choices of the preference. The second assumption states that the stochastic discounting factor labels Mt to be greater than zero. The same applies even to mimicking portfolio. The implication here is that no arbitrage opportunities exist. The third assumption states that the risk free rate exists. The risk free rate is measurable relative to sigma-algebra. The conditioning set that is also used in the computation of the conditioning moments generates this algebra. The existence of this rate allows for payoff space that is
Monday, October 14, 2019
The supreme law of the State Essay Example for Free
The supreme law of the State Essay The supreme law of the State assures protection of citizens against unlawful intrusions against their constitutionally guaranteed rights. One such confirmation of this assurance is the establishment of the exclusionary rule. Said rule prohibits the use or introduction of any evidence that has been obtained in violation of the rights granted to citizens by no less than the Constitution. Under this rule, regardless of the materiality or relevance of a certain piece of evidence to the prosecution of a crime or an offense, it cannot be admitted by the court if the same was acquired through the use of means which constitute unlawful intrusions against the rights of the accused or the person being investigated for the commission of an offense. Some would argue that the existence of said rule makes it difficult to prosecute individuals who are guilty of transgressing the law due to the fact that a quantity of evidence would have to be excluded in view of irregularities attendant in procuring said evidence. It must be noted however, that regardless of the difficulty in prosecution brought about by the exclusionary rule, said difficulty cannot be considered as enough justification for the abolition of said rule. It is opined that the exclusionary rule should not be abolished as the same does not only recognize and respect the rights of the citizens, but it also endeavors to strengthen the policy of gathering evidence within the bounds of law. Without the exclusionary rule, prosecution of offenses may be unproblematic and uncomplicated yet this could also lead to giving the authorities unbridled discretion in bringing together evidence and proof implicating an individual to the commission of an offense. In such a case, there exists a huge possibility that the rights of the person being investigated will be disregarded as the process of obtaining evidence for purposes of prosecuting an individual would be open to abuse by the authorities. This would clearly run counter to the protection granted by the Constitution to the rights of the citizens. In upholding the exclusionary rule, individuals are assured that evidence put together may only be used against them if the same was acquired in accordance with law. It is noteworthy that the law provides for the proper procedure in seizing evidence which is material to a particular case. As illustrated in the 1968 United States case of Terry vs. Ohio (392 U. S. 1, 88 S CT. 1868, 20 L. Ed 2d. 889), absent circumstances which would necessitate obtaining evidence or searching the accused without following the proper procedure laid down by law, the same cannot be considered as reasonable, and hence, any evidence gathered is deemed excluded. It thus appears that the exclusionary rule serves a dual purpose of ensuring respect for the constitutionally guaranteed rights of every citizen and making sure that lawful means are observed by authorities in obtaining evidence for the prosecution of a certain crime or offense. It is believed that there exists no cogent reason for abolishing the exclusionary rule. True, said rule may have made evidence gathering a grueling task for officers, but the rule also proved how the State values the interests and rights of its citizens.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Networks Project Proposal Introduction
Networks Project Proposal Introduction Networks Project ProposalIntroduction: The home network has potential. It adds growth and knowledge. The home network is important to use and access internet connection easily in home wireless network. This network also provide many other benefits as well like as, sharing a file between your computers in your home network, sharing a media file, sharing a folders between your computers in your home wireless network.iStock This wireless network does not cost much and it has many benefits to provide to connect wireless and non wireless devices across the network. The current network is connected via cables so its wired network. A cable goes from study room to lounge and from bed room to main hall. Its not feasible to connect many devices together in home via cable network because its require cabling through out the home and many times just because of loose cabling you have to connection loss. To overcome this hurdles in home network and to connect additional devices easily to home network wireless networking is very beneficial, so I am approaching to upgrade this wired network to wireless network. So the vast benefit of wireless networking like as I can share my files and folders more easily with my laptop and desktop computers. I can access my pictures from desktop computer to mobile device via wireless home networking. To share a printer in your home network wireless networking is more feasible option to choose because, in wireless network we dont need to run a long cable from router to printer. We can adjust the printer anywhere in home and still it will be connected to your computer via wireless connection. Network up gradation provide the benefit of using more wireless clients easily. Rationale: Connecting computers together (or computer devices) has been a main concern since the beginning of the information age. In the beginning of the computer revolution computing relied heavily upon telecommunication technologies for sharing computing resources, mostly due to the cost and size of those resources. For years, computer networks were nothing more than dumb terminals connected to a supercomputer (mainframe) in another location. This was the beginning of the computer network as we know it today. This web curriculum is designed to assist students in their understanding of computer networks and to help them gain the necessary knowledge that will afford them the skills and abilities of designing and implementing their own personal computer network. Project Goals: Next-generation home networking environments will contain a variety of Internet-ready devices or embedded systems, which will result in increased complexity for the end user. New methods are therefore required to build autonomic networking infrastructures that enable auto-configuration and self-management of the networked elements. In future Internet-based home environments a variety of devices such as PCs, smart phones, networked appliances and embedded systems will be organized into infrastructures and will act together to form a new type of service provisioning platform. Todays typical home environments often contain a few of these Internet-ready devices; in the future there will be even more, including embedded systems like sensors and actuators that are also accessible via Internet technology (e.g. TCP/IP, HTTP, Web services etc). While on the one hand this gives users the freedom to access a rich variety of devices in the vicinity of their homes, on the other it increases the depth of knowledge required to understand what is happening in such a complex networking environment. Novel methods for autonomous networking as well as self-configuration, self-management, self-organization, self-protection and self-healing (self-x) of the networking elements can take responsibility for observing and controlling the home network without directly involving end users. Technology will revolutionize the tools that are used in the home of the near future. Embedded computing, sensing and actuation technologies-coupled with new infrastructure in the built environment itself-will combine to enable new opportunities to support the work of the home. The wireless home networking goal is to successfully connect wireless devices such as laptops, desktop computers, VoIP phone, wireless printer, and network storage drive and wifi cell phone. The other goal is to configure the wireless devices so they can share network folders and print wirelessly in home network and to successfully achieve that we need to install wireless router and cable modem in home wireless network. Resources: Cost: The cost to build network is illustrate bellow, Linksys wireless router Cable modem Wireless printer Virtual Lan Network storage drive (Netgear) Switch Router The cost for internet connection which is provided by ISP is not included in the proposed network cost. The devices which are used in home wireless network are under warranty by the manufacturer for 3years and the technical support is also provided. Research: Advantages Disadvantages of wireless network: Wireless network have advantages and disadvantages when compared with wired LANs. A WLAN will make it simple to add or move workstations and to install access points to provide connectivity in areas where it is difficult to lay cable. Temporary or semi permanent buildings that are in range of an access point can be wirelessly connected to a LAN to give these buildings connectivity. Where computer labs are used in schools, the computers (laptops) could be put on a mobile cart and wheeled from classroom to classroom, provided they are in range of access points. Wired network points would be needed for each of the access points. A WLAN has some specific advantages: It is easier to add or move workstations. It is easier to provide connectivity in areas where it is difficult to lay cable. Installation is fast and easy, and it can eliminate the need to pull cable through walls and ceilings. Access to the network can be from anywhere within range of an access point. Portable or semi permanent buildings can be connected using a WLAN. Although the initial investment required for WLAN hardware can be similar to the cost of wired LAN hardware, installation expenses can be significantly lower. When a facility is located on more than one site (such as on two sides of a road), a directional antenna can be used to avoid digging trenches under roads to connect the sites. In historic buildings where traditional cabling would compromise the faà §ade, a WLAN can avoid the need to drill holes in walls. Long-term cost benefits can be found in dynamic environments requiring frequent moves and changes. Wireless network also have some disadvantages: As the number of computers using the network increases, the data transfer rate to each computer will decrease accordingly. As standards change, it may be necessary to replace wireless cards and/or access points. Lower wireless bandwidth means some applications such as video streaming will be more effective on a wired LAN. Security is more difficult to guarantee and requires configuration. Devices will only operate at a limited distance from an access point, with the distance determined by the standard used and buildings and other obstacles between the access point and the user. Methodology: Solution: find-ip-address To overcome the technical issues take necessary steps to build wireless home network. To solve the wireless range problem with the 802.11b/g, in this network 802.11n wireless standard is chosen. So it will provide wide range of wireless network and it will be enough for small to medium size home. The wireless security is configured so the home wireless network can be protected. To protect wireless security WPA2 personal security encryption is configured and MAC address allocation is also configured so the wireless router will not provide access to any other device and the home wireless clients devices will be secured. The firewall is also enabled on Linksys wireless router so it will provide security from outside. From outside no one can hack your home network and harm the computer systems. The ultimate in wireless security measures, shutting down your network will most certainly prevent outside hackers from breaking in! While impractical to turn off and on the devices frequently, at least consider doing so during travel or extended periods offline. Computer disk drives have been known to suffer from power cycle wear-and-tear, but this is a secondary concern for broadband modems and routers. Summary: To build wireless home network, using this simple three-step approach: 1. Identify the WLAN design thats best for your situation 2. Choose good wireless gear 3. Install gear and test the configured WLAN Wireless offers tangible benefits over traditional wired networking. Each computer you wish to connect to a WLAN must possess a wireless network adapter. Wireless adapters are sometimes also called NICs, short for Network Interface Cards. Wireless adapters for desktop computers are often small PCI cards or sometimes card-like USB adapters. Try to install your wireless router in a central location within the home. The way Wi-Fi networking works, computers closer to the router (generally in the same room or in line of sight) realize better network speed than computers further away. In densely populated areas, its not uncommon for wireless signals from one persons home network to penetrate a neighboring home and interfere with their WLAN. This happens when both households set conflicting communication channels. Fortunately, when configuring an 802.11n router, you can change the channel number employed. For example, you may choose any WLAN channel number between 1 and 11. If you encounter interference from neighbors, you should coordinate channel settings with them. Simply using different channel numbers wont always solve the problem. However, if both parties use a different one of the channel numbers 1, 6 or 11 that will guarantee elimination of cross-WLAN interference. Wireless LANs suffer a few more reliability problems than wired LANs, though perhaps not enough to be a significant concern. 802.11n wireless signals are subject to interference from other home appliances including microwave ovens, cordless telephones, and garage door openers. With careful installation, the likelihood of interference can be minimized. Wireless networking products, particularly those that implement 802.11n are comparatively new. As with any new technology, expect it will take time for these products to mature. Wireless LANs using 802.11n support a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 300 Mbps. Furthermore, Wi-Fi performance is distance sensitive, meaning that maximum performance will degrade on computers farther away from the access point or other communication endpoint. As more wireless devices utilize the WLAN more heavily, performance degrades even further. Overall, the performance of 802.11n is sufficient for home Internet connection sharing and file sharing, but generally not sufficient for home LAN gaming.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Designing Agile Organisations Essay -- Enterprise integration modellin
Abstract: We investigate the management system of the enterprise as an agent maintaining a system of objectives. We then analyse the organisation as a set of individual autonomous co-operating agents so that agenthood of the entire enterprise becomes an emergent property of the organisation. Important questions include: under what condition can agenthood emerge? how to create such an organisation?, and how to guarantee that change preserves agenthood?. Introduction It is increasingly important to devise faster and more reliable ways of designing purposeful, agile organisations (Bernus et al, 1997). We use the definition of the organisation as the human component of the enterprise, forming the human-organisational architecture (Williams, 1994). An enterprise can be thought of as consisting of an operational and a decisional system (Doumeingts et al, 1998), each implemented partly by humans and partly by machines (Bernus and Nemes, 1994). We borrow the definition of the 'planning agent' from artificial intelligence to describe the desired quality of the organisation. We demonstrate necessary conditions for the enterprise to behave as an agent, and also show the relationship of this view to concepts such as the fractal factory, holonic manufacturing, and others. The organisation as an agent Two crucial questions in organisational design are: 1) how to design the task structure of the enterprise to form a co-ordinated whole? and 2) what tasks allocation to humans (or groups) ensures that the enterprise will act to satisfy its objectives? The second question is typically not asked in business process engineering: it is assumed that the organisation will to what it is told to. An organisation should conduct a system of activities managed and controlled to satisfy a set of organisational objectives. This requires purposeful behaviour so that the organisation can be characterised as a planning agent. A planning agent determines a course of action to achieve its set of objectives. This course of action, or plan, is constrained by the agent's resources as well as the agent's own functional capabilities. The organisation follows, or appears to be following this plan while monitoring the effectiveness of the actions to actually satisfy the objectives for which the plan was made. If the plan fails in some way, then the plan or the objectives are m... ...319-332 Koestler,A.. (1989) The ghost in the machine. Arkana Books Tharumarajah, A., Wells,J., Nemes,L., (1996) Comparison of the bionic, fractal and holonic manufacturing systems concepts. Int. J. on Computer Integrated Manuf. (3) pp.217-226 Uppington,G., Bernus,P., Assessing the Necessity of Enterprise Change: Pre-feasibility and Feasibility Studies in Enterprise Integration. Int. J. of CIM, 1998 11(5) pp 430-447 Valckenaers,P., VanBrussel,H., Bongaerts,L., Wyns,J. (1997) IMS test case 5: holonic manufacturing systems. Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 4(3), pp191-201. VanHouten,D.R. (1990) The political economy and technical control of work humanization in Sweden during the 1970s and 1980s. Work and Occupations, 14, pp483-513. Warnecke, H.J. (1993) The Fractal Company. Berlin: Springer. Williams,T.J., (1994) The Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture. Computers in Industry, 24 (2-3) pp141-158 Williams,T.J., Bernus,P., Brosvic,J., Chen,D., Doumeingts,G., Nemes,L., Nevins,J.L., Vallespir,B., Vlietstra,J., Zoetekouw,D., (1994) Architectures for integrating manufacturing activities and enterprises. Computers in Industry, 24(2-3) pp111-140
Friday, October 11, 2019
Peer Presure Essay
â€Å"Peer Pressure is an influence that creates or the desire for change.†Most teenagers agree that they will follow a peer’s decision rather than their parents’ or the authority’s. Peers are more influential in a teen’s life and tend to have more power than parents. Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is merely and influence; either a negative or a positive one. WHAT IS NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE? Negative peer pressure is an influence exerted on a person to do something wrong. This may be stealing, drugs or other. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered negative peer pressure. We can help reduce peer pressure by teaching coping skills at an early age. Many teenagers who give in easily to negative pressures had a difficult child hood; low self-esteem, feeling of not belonging, poor communication and judgmental skills. HOW TO RECOGNIZE NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE Negative peer pressure gives something significant to teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self-image. SOME NEGATIVE PEER PRESSURE AREAS Negative peer pressure can often be observed in areas such as:+ Sexuality+ Narcotics+ Alcohol+ Cults+ Groups and gangs+ Tobacco products+ Stealing+ School+ Etc†¦ THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF PEER PRESSURE During adolescence, a teenager is subjected to lots of peer pressure. This pressure can effect the child mentally, physically and socially. Some of the effects on a person when dealing with negative peer pressure are: Low Self-Esteem: This is the main and most common effect. When a person’s peers mock him/her, or make them feel bad, this person becomes insecure. They begin to feel down and rejected. They feel as if they are worthless to the world. And anybody who has experienced this at one time or another knows that this is one of, if not the, worst feeling you can possess. Substance Abuse: Peers often pressure one another to do something they do not want to do. Offering drugs or alcohol is very common during adolescence. And after constant persisting, and insisting that â€Å"everyone is doing it†and that â€Å"it’s cool to do so†one gives into this horrible disease. And more often than not, a person can become addicted and dependent on this substance. Obsessions or Depression: People are often subjected to constant portrayals of what you are SUPPOSED to look like or act. If a person sees people that are always thin and happy, one becomes obsessed with that image, and thinks that if they do not look or act that way, that nobody will love them. So these people turn to such eating diseases as bulimia nervosa (regurgitating after one eats) or anorexia nervosa (eating too little). They also become seriously depressed and feel that life is not worth living, and think about or attempt committing suicide. Other actions: Teenagers also conform to the people around them very easily and quickly. If a friend decides to skip school, sometimes you decide to join him. However you may think it’s your decision, but in fact it is this person pressuring you simply by implanting the thought into your mind. This is also true for lying to teachers and parents etc., not doing homework/schoolwork and cheating on tests. WHY DO TEENS GIVE IN TO PEER PRESSUREPeople give in to Peer pressure for many different reasons. One of these reasons is low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem, will do almost anything to become a cool guy. Others give in to peer pressure, because people they think are cool say to do something. These people are just hurting themselves, because if that person is really cool, he isn’t going to make you cool, because you are his little helper. Peer pressure is present in one’s life as long as they have peers (school, workplace,†¦). Therefore, it is normal for a person to give in to peer pressure. At the beginning of teenage years, teens develop a sense of independence from their parents. Teens want to shape their identity and experiment new things. One may join a group if he is insecure about himself or if he has low self-esteem or self-worth. SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-WORTHSelf-Esteem and Self-Worth affect people very deeply. When peer pressure is exerted on people with low self-esteem the reaction is often the same. A person with low esteem for himself will try to raise his self-esteem but often in the wrong way. When someone changes his personality to conform with what others expect from them will always hurt them in the end.Teens must understand that the choices they make today will absolutely affect their future. Teens must also realise that their future is much more important than simply pleasing their friends today. Some things that you or your parents could do to build someones self-esttem are:+ Have frequent discussions with friends or children + Spend quality time with them+ Keep you eyes and ears open for new ways to offer support+ Respect their feelings and encourage him or her to share them with you+ Share your own beliefs and values+ Explain that you learned from your mistakes+ Encourage achievement but avoid adding undue pressure+ Always offer praise when your friends make good decisions HOW TO RESIST PEER PRESSUREThere are many different ways by which one may resist peer pressure. One very effective way is by simply saying ‘no’. Often we feel that they will persist but often an affirmative ‘no’ is enough. However, we must express clearly our choice, we mustn’t express the least sign of indecision. You may also walk away from the situation, no matter how much you want to fit in. You must realise that you are the one who makes the decisions for yourself, not your peers. If you feel uncomfortable with the people you are with, consider finding new friends, some which have a good reputation, which would eliminate any negative pressure. Another alternative would be to hang around many different types of people. That way you reduce the chances of being pressured. It is good to set yourself goals knowing that everything you do affects your future. WHY DO PEER GROUPS HAVE POWERThe main reason why peer groups have so much power over individuals is that they give something significant to a person such as self-esteem, security or even enhances their self-image. Peer groups are so powerful, they overcome the morals of family and society. Teenagers tend to go toward other teens with similar problems and in the same situation as they are. There is a very strong desire to satisfy the need for unity and acceptance. This causes peers to have more influence than parents. THE IMPORTANCE OF PEER PRESSURE Peer pressure plays a very influential role in our everyday lives. It affects, not only adolescents, but children, teens, adults, even senior citizens. Although some people think they aren’t affected by peer pressure, almost everyone is. Resisting even the smallest things is very hard. Peer pressure, affects the way we speak, walk, dress, act, our attitudes, who we hang out with, our friends, and what we do. Although peer pressure is often negative, but along with that negative, is also the positive. Peers, can make you do the smallest things, yet still be a large influence. Although most of the effects heard about are negative, the world would be a much different place without peer pressure, and not necessarily for the better. How would a world of individuals get together? If one group of individuals and another, can’t get together, and therefore proclaim war. How could a couple billion individuals survive together? Nevertheless, some things would get better. If many teenagers start smoking because of peer pressure, without it, fewer teens would probably be smoking. Could we survive without peer pressure? If there were no peer pressure, many things would be changed, the way we speak to friends, would be changed dramatically. We wouldn’t be able to say such common things as, â€Å"Those shoes are really cool,†because they could interpret this be a friend, to mean that wearing those shoes is cool, therefore being pressured. As you can see, peer pressure plays a very important role in our everyday lives. Without it, no one would be the same, a world of total individuals, who didn’t listen to what anyone had to say about everything. Yet with it, a world where teens start smoking at the age of 12, having babies at the age of 14, and stealing to get money to buy drugs at 18. IS PEER PRESSURE REALLY THAT BAD? We’ve established the fact that peer pressure affects everyone, but is it really that bad? There are many, many examples of disastrous consequences to peer pressure. Following is the example of David Duren. David Duren is awaiting execution on Alabama death row. For the last couple years he been asking himself: â€Å"What am i doing here?†By piecing together the events in his life. He says that his real problem was growing up with peer pressure. â€Å"I was a skinny little weekling, a straight kid.†So, for company and fun he hung out with the kids in his apartment complex. He wasn’t accepted at first because he didn’t smoke, drink or curse. But he discovered that if he wanted to fit in he had to do all those things. So, at age 12, he inhaled his first cigarette, drank his first beer, smoked his first joint of pot, and cursed regularly. He then discovered that by succumbing to peer pressure, he surrounded himself with so-called friends who smoked, drank, did drugs and cursed. Bye exposing yourself to the drug world you discover many, many different drugs. Then suddenly, he wasn’t just smoking pot, he was crushing Quaaludes and mixing it with his pot. He then discovered his favorite drug, LSD. He was doing it even when in the army on the average of four or five times a week. One night, he killed a 16 year old girl while he was doing LSD. â€Å"Why All because I gave in to peer pressure! That’s where it all started.†He explains. †Your friends can make you or break you.†David Duren now wishes he had taken the advice of 1Corinthians 15:33, â€Å"Do not be deceived: bad companions corrupt good morals.†Peer pressure is one of the major reasons that teens abuse illegal drugs. Peer pressure is when another person in this age group persuades someone else to do something they don’t want to do. (Williams, Rob) This happens often among friends. In Alcohol, Stepney discuses children mimicking or idealizing friends, family, or T.V. Most people use peer pressure every day. A typical phrase is when someone says, â€Å"It will be fun, trust me.†This could be harmless pressure to try something like a new movie, or a new brand of cookies. It could also be pressure to abuse illegal drugs. Peer pressure is often used in harmful ways. (Doe, John) Teens at a party want to fit in. Many find it is very hard to say no when their peers are doing drugs. It may seem easy to say no, but when a teen feels pressured and wants to fit in, most teens try the drugs in the end. Another form of peer pressure is reverse psychology. This is making it look good for you although it’s bad. If someone changes sides all of a sudden, a teen may change to the other side as well thinking it was their own idea. Greed, according to an electronic source, is another reason for drug abuse among teens, as they get others hooked and sell to them to pay for their own habit. (Guillermo D. Jalil) Peer pressure is probably the main reason most teens abuse illegal drugs. During puberty, many teens suffer with depression. Depression is when a teen is not happy with themselves for real or imagined reasons. They may be suffering from low self-esteem or torment by others, leading to not being happy with their appearance or other physical features. Many teens go through periods of moodiness, inner turmoil, and rebellion (Gilbert, Sara). Depression may also occur in a teen due to family problems. A teen may think a divorce is coming due to parental behavior but the parents may not be thinking that. In How to Live With a Single Parent, Sara Gilbert says, â€Å"It could be worse (29).†This refers to a parent talking about a teen’s father’s death. Family problems are stressful and this stress can lead to depression, thoughts of suicide, and the abuse of illegal drugs. Stress is a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension (Williams, Rob). When adolescents go through a lot of stress they just want the problems to go away. Some abuse mind-expanding drugs, which make them forget for the time being. According to â€Å"Getting High in Junior High†, youth today are rapidly changing (Doe, John). Many teens do not seem to be able to handle the changes. When they become sober again, they may become depressed. They still have the worries and emotional problems they used to. Loneliness is a feeling many teens go through. Adolescents go through this because during their teen years they become more independent. This causes them to change their lifestyle. Changing lifestyles means they may stay in or out of the house more. They may not hang out with friends as often (Gilbert, Sara). Teens sometimes abuse drugs to pass their time because they are lonely. They do this because it makes them feel good for a short time. Nody Labi writes in â€Å"Amiss Among the Amish†for Time magazine, of an Amish college student saying, â€Å"The ‘thrills’ are not really satisfying. The stability in the Amish community looks more worthwhile†(Labi, Nodi). This Amish college student realized the stability of her community was more satisfying than the thrills of abusing illegal drugs.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Female or Male Teachers – Argumentative Essay
Argumentative essay on male and female teachers In deciding if female teachers are better than male teachers, number of discussions and arguments for and against the topic should be examined. As the advancement in learning and education increases more qualified and experienced teachers are needed. These qualified and experienced teachers can be males or females but the question that whether female or male teachers are better still remains unanswered.The argument shows the point why there are more female teachers, advantages of male and female teachers and whether female teachers are better than male teachers. As a group more females are drawn towards careers like teaching. Taking example of a pre-school or elementary school a 2006 study shows that preschool and elementary school children are taught by 75 percent more female than male teachers.Historically, there have always been more women than men going into the education field. In 2006, the National Education Association released m en accounted for less than 25 percent of all teachers in United States public schools. The National Education Association survey showed that more men than women stated that salary is a significant factor in them pursuing other, often more profitable careers than teaching. Still there are many advantages of a male teacher.Teacher Cadet EssaySome studies show that boys learn more from male teachers, boys were less likely to be seen as disruptive in a class with a male teacher and male teachers are more likely to include games and competition in their teaching methods. The advantages of a female teacher include many aspects as well. Girls learn best from female teachers, women often teach in ways that may fit girls better such as sitting at desks and using worksheets for learning. More female teachers than male expect a quiet and orderly classroom, which girls appreciate.In the middle and high school years, students will probably have a few male teachers. Both males and females bring d ifferent approaches and techniques to learning styles. Experiencing both male and female teachers may be best for students so that they can experience the advantages that both genders bring to the classroom. But still many students may have contradictions to how male teachers teach and that many students may not be able to express their views to male teachers so most students end up being educated by primarily female teachers. -Arhama Kamran Female or Male Teachers – Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay on male and female teachers In deciding if female teachers are better than male teachers, number of discussions and arguments for and against the topic should be examined. As the advancement in learning and education increases more qualified and experienced teachers are needed. These qualified and experienced teachers can be males or females but the question that whether female or male teachers are better still remains unanswered.The argument shows the point why there are more female teachers, advantages of male and female teachers and whether female teachers are better than male teachers. As a group more females are drawn towards careers like teaching. Taking example of a pre-school or elementary school a 2006 study shows that preschool and elementary school children are taught by 75 percent more female than male teachers.Historically, there have always been more women than men going into the education field. In 2006, the National Education Association released m en accounted for less than 25 percent of all teachers in United States public schools. The National Education Association survey showed that more men than women stated that salary is a significant factor in them pursuing other, often more profitable careers than teaching. Still there are many advantages of a male teacher.Teacher Cadet EssaySome studies show that boys learn more from male teachers, boys were less likely to be seen as disruptive in a class with a male teacher and male teachers are more likely to include games and competition in their teaching methods. The advantages of a female teacher include many aspects as well. Girls learn best from female teachers, women often teach in ways that may fit girls better such as sitting at desks and using worksheets for learning. More female teachers than male expect a quiet and orderly classroom, which girls appreciate.In the middle and high school years, students will probably have a few male teachers. Both males and females bring d ifferent approaches and techniques to learning styles. Experiencing both male and female teachers may be best for students so that they can experience the advantages that both genders bring to the classroom. But still many students may have contradictions to how male teachers teach and that many students may not be able to express their views to male teachers so most students end up being educated by primarily female teachers. -Arhama Kamran
Salvage the Bones
The novel is narrated by the character Each. Having lost her mother and being the only girl in the family beside China, Each is desperately trying to find herself. Each began having sex at an early age and now is pregnant believing the father to be Cheetah's friend, Many. The relationship is obsolete, Many uses Each as a sex object. She'd like him to love her or at least notice her more. But he is with another throughout the novel. Ward uses metaphors about Greek goddesses to describe Each and her conflicting feelings. Each looks to the women in Greek mythology for power and strength in her femininity and sexuality.These are things she is missing in her life. Each has been sexually active since the age of 12, she is always looking for love in sex. â€Å"The pulpy ripe heart. The sticky heart the boys saw through my boyish frame, my dark skin, my plane face. The girl heart that, before Many, I let boys have because they wanted it, and not because wanted to give it. Lid let boys have it because for a moment, I was Psyche or Eurydice or Daphne. Was beloved†(Ward 17). Although when it comes to Many, Each thinks she knows what she wants. †But with Many, it was different; he was so beautiful, and still he chose me, again and again.He wanted my girl heart; gave him both of them†Ward 17). Ward has created a character so conflicted within herself. Each is always looking to the goddesses for help in defining the way she is feeling. Aphrodite, goddess of romance and passion, known for her numerous affairs of the heart. Also known as the roman goddess Venus, Aphrodite had one gift and that was to make love. Salvage the Bones The novel is narrated by the character Each. Having lost her mother and being the only girl in the family beside China, Each is desperately trying to find herself. Each began having sex at an early age and now is pregnant believing the father to be Cheetah's friend, Many. The relationship is obsolete, Many uses Each as a sex object. She'd like him to love her or at least notice her more. But he is with another throughout the novel. Ward uses metaphors about Greek goddesses to describe Each and her conflicting feelings. Each looks to the women in Greek mythology for power and strength in her femininity and sexuality.These are things she is missing in her life. Each has been sexually active since the age of 12, she is always looking for love in sex. â€Å"The pulpy ripe heart. The sticky heart the boys saw through my boyish frame, my dark skin, my plane face. The girl heart that, before Many, I let boys have because they wanted it, and not because wanted to give it. Lid let boys have it because for a moment, I was Psyche or Eurydice or Daphne. Was beloved†(Ward 17). Although when it comes to Many, Each thinks she knows what she wants. †But with Many, it was different; he was so beautiful, and still he chose me, again and again.He wanted my girl heart; gave him both of them†Ward 17). Ward has created a character so conflicted within herself. Each is always looking to the goddesses for help in defining the way she is feeling. Aphrodite, goddess of romance and passion, known for her numerous affairs of the heart. Also known as the roman goddess Venus, Aphrodite had one gift and that was to make love.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Health Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health Administration - Essay Example QI employs the use of many methods in order to ensure that the services being provided to the customers are improved to the customer’s satisfaction. It also ensures that the products being offered and the whole process improves and becomes of such high standards of quality (Hoyle, 126). Quality management employs the use of various principles in order to make the work of management of the services or products easier while quality improvement follows laid down procedures and guidelines that enable it to improve performance and ensure that the improvement is not just a one-time thing but will always be continuous. The guidelines include following the zero-defect program and ISO certification guidelines among other guidelines. The principles used in quality management include focusing on the customer, involving the stakeholders and better leadership among others. When the quality improvement component works smoothly and effectively, quality management also improves and hence the overall performance of the organization
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Writting paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Writting paper - Essay Example It is also known as the Chase or Police and Thieves. The participants of the game are split in two teams. One team is the Cops or the Police- the good guys; the second team is the thieves- the bad guys. The cops chase the robbers and put them into a prison or jail. The robbers can not break free from the prison by themselves. Only a fellow thief can come and rescue the jailed robber by tagging him/her, while being vigilant about the police and trying that it does not catch them. The teams switch roles when all the robbers have been jailed. In a slightly modified version of the game, the robbers are given a few minutes margin before the chase begins. Both sides often use toy guns and assume a language and other artifacts that relate them to their role. Bimbo is another game that us popular amongst children, especially in Italy. The two main roles in the game are that of Bimbo (the leader) and the players who are chased. The players stand in two files facing each other, five yards apart, with their hands facing upwards behind their backs. The Bimbo has two leaves with him, and he struts behind the lines, discreetly placing the leaves in the hands of any two players, one from each line. Then he suddenly shouts â€Å"Stop! Thief! Lucky Leaf!†and that is the cue for the two players who are in possession of the leaves to run to the opposite side, avoiding being caught by the Bimbo (Cagel, 2010). These two players then pass the leaves to another two players who run across the play area to the opposite line and so on, while the Bimbo tries to catch them. If the Bimbo catches any person who has the leaf, then that person is the new Bimbo. Both Cops and Robbers and Bimbo are outdoor games and the theme of the game remains the same: the thrill of chase. The games are similar in the respect that there are two different roles that the participants are split into, and both games can involve a large group of children. The concept of assuming a pretended identity is
Monday, October 7, 2019
Final research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final research - Essay Example In the opening line of Tomson’s play â€Å"The Rez Sisters†, the character Pelajia says, â€Å"Philomena, I want to go to Toronto†. Pelajia is a Native girl; a reservation resident who immediately pulls audiences into the story because it’s clear she wants to leave her life on the reservation in favour of the multicultural, urban existence of Toronto. Tomson, a Native himself, understands how the pull of the great urban multicultural centre can take a young Native out of his or her home; primarily he understands that this is because many Natives feel segregated and essentially sidelined to life itself, and to cultural awareness and individual expression. This is one of many ways that Tomson has decided to explore and write about Canada as a multicultural nation: his idea of this idealistic notion is basically positive but in this play he pays tribute to the fact that many people, although integral parts of the nation’s multicultural society, feel le ft out of Canadian culture and lifestyle on the whole and seek to explore multiculturalism from their own perspective. â€Å"On the Rez†is ambiguous in that it clearly represents a multicultural nation but it also represents a segregated part of society that often has little recourse to the ethnic differences of an entire nation of people. The multicultural Canada theme continues into Tomson’s other works, most markedly in â€Å"Kiss of the Fur Queen†and â€Å"My Canada†. The first is a story that follows Native boys during their enrolment at a reservation school in Manitoba. Aside from using the major themes of child abuse and segregation, this story also touches on the theme of a multicultural Canada. Instead of showing the idealistic side of a multicultural society, â€Å"Kiss of the Fur Queen†actually delves into the darker side of Canadian history and portrays how people originally dealt with cultures that were
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Bioethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bioethics - Research Paper Example This is exciting for scientists because being able to harvest these cells means that there would be ways in which organs and disorders could be fixed. However, the highest concentrations of stem cells are found in developing embryos because they are still growing and developing. There are clearly ethical parameters regarding this due to the sensitivity of the use of unborn embryos and fetuses for scientific research. This stems from the religious and political conservatives that believe that these types of matters are crossing into a domain in which humans should not have direct control over. Even though there is much opposition to stem cell research, I think that it is the future of the evolution of biomedical science. Because stem cells have no pre-existing programming and can be turned into anything, it could eliminate cancer by replacing cancer cells with healthy cells. In addition, they could be used in gene therapy to rewrite damaged code or mutated code. In order to harvest th e cells, I believe scientists should be able to take them from aborted fetuses and adults. In this way, it is not taking away the natural rights of the unborn individual and it is making use of biological material that would otherwise be discarded. Instead, it can be used to save lives.
Friday, October 4, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
History - Essay Example ( 2. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, November 18, 1903 is an agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama to insure the construction of a ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It entails the authorization for the U.S. through the president to acquire within a reasonable time the control of the necessary territory of the Republic of Colombia. This is made possible through the powers vested in the Republic of Panama to have sovereignty over Colombia. This is one of the self-protective efforts of the U.S. against likely invasion or opposition from other rising powers like China. ( covers his declarations and adherence to the U.S. Foreign Policy. He stressed out the importance of the Army and the Navy in its foreign policy. He talked about the peace of justice and the positive and negative factors regarding the concept of peace. It entails both rights and responsibilities to the home country in relation to the other countries and the world at large.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
From the Perspective of the Priest Child Abuser Essay Example for Free
From the Perspective of the Priest Child Abuser Essay The article â€Å"A Priest Child Abuser Speaks†from the book Slayer of the Soul was contributed by a priest who wishes to remain anonymous. He is a self-confessed child abuser during his priesthood, and by writing this, he wishes to share his experiences and his gradual climb back into society. He also believes that writing this article would provide a lesson for both the victimizers and their victims, and hopes that the victimizers would avoid committing such hideous wrongs towards their victims. In the article, the priest shares his journey of self-realization as he slowly vaporized the demon that was poisoning his soul and coercing him to do such crimes against children. The priest recalls that he was convicted for abusing children  sexually, psychologically, and emotionally  in the 1980s, and sentenced to 14 months in a minimum security facility. He believes that he was lucky, knowing that a similar child-abusing priest was sentenced for 20 years of hard labor. The priest mentions that life was tough for him both inside and outside of prison. He felt that a lot of people resented him for what he did to children, and believed that what happened was just a lie, no matter how true it was. Some officers, notably a lieutenant who hated him, bullied and toyed with him. Other prisoners were disgusted at his presence, refused to befriend him, or intimidated him often. For his size, he thought that he would not stand a chance, and he saw that avoiding conflict was the best solution. However, not all of these people resented him or was afraid of him. He recalls making some friends while in prison, ranging from guards to cell mates. They supported him and were sympathetic of him, especially at the time when the lieutenants abusive nature went a bit overboard. While in prison, he fought for the system to give him therapy for the â€Å"sickness†he believes that he was carrying. He won that appeal, and the court sent him to therapy twice a week. The Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) provided the opportunity for him to realize the root from which this sickness stemmed. While trying to heal himself, he also experienced rejection from close friends and acquaintances. Life was certainly difficult for him who was branded as a â€Å"child abuser,†which is why he wanted to reform himself in order to reenter society. During his SLAA therapies, he recalled his childhood which was filled with fear, anxiety, misfortune, and harassment. It was at that time when he idolized his parish scoutmaster and weirdly fell in love with him, prompting him into having a sexual relationship with him. It was a very traumatic experience that he knew he had to pull out from. He deducted that this might be the root of his â€Å"sickness†all along, as it was reinforced by an authority figure that it was â€Å"okay†to do it. He was also searching for a father figure, since his real father abandoned him and his family, and his mother declared him as the head of the household. When he entered the parish, he wished to help the children who had no father figure and had an emotionally miserable life. Things boiled over, and pretty soon, he was sexually involved with these young boys. One boy told his parents, and this made him realize his mistake. He mustered the strength to tell their parents that they need immediate therapy, but was arrested in the process when one therapist told the police about him. When he finally got out of prison, he wanted to mend the ties with his family and clear things up with them. However, they failed to â€Å"hear him out,†which was the reason that drove him into an unstable state in the first place. He confronted his scoutmaster and felt betrayed by his insights on the issue involving child abuse, telling him that it was wrong while he was regretting the fact that he believed in his scoutmaster. The damage has been done to him, and he believes that he needs to accept the consequences of his actions and just move on. He mentions that it left a black hole in his life, upon which he was initially placing things to fill that void. However, he realized that it was not the right course of action as he was building his life around that hole, completely avoiding it. Thus, he wished to enter the ministry again in order to help others that are trapped in the same dark cell in which he broke out from, although not completely. The priest mentions that gradually, he was able to recover his life and reform himself into the person that everyone knew before the incident. He was also able to reenter society as himself once again. Hence, he wishes to share his experiences to the world through this article in order to let people know that victims could become victimizers themselves one day, if they are not treated immediately. References A priest child abuser speaks. (1990). In S. J. Rossetti (Ed. ), Slayer of the Soul: Child Abuse and the Catholic Church (pp. 99-111). Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications.
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