Friday, December 27, 2019
Recreational Drugs and Their Usage - 788 Words
The usage of drugs is a very common practice in our society nowadays. The usage of drugs can vary from medical purposes to recreational purposes. What is drugs? ‘A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works.’ (Science Museum, What is a drug?, n.d.) So this does not mean that drugs can only be in the form of pill, tablet, oral solution, and injection drugs can also in the form of tobacco that contains nicotine, or drinkable substance such as coffee and tea that contains caffeine and beer that contains alcohol. (Crocq, 2003) For some people nowadays recreational drugs already become a way of life. Recreational drug is ‘a drug used without medical justification for its psychoactive effects often in the belief that occasional use of such a substance is not habit-forming or addictive.’ (Merriam Webster, recreational drug, 2013) Most of people use recreational drug in order to enchant their recreational experience. Some of recreational dru gs are illegal in most country but there is some common drugs that are universally legal such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol (ethanol). Regretless it is legal or illegal recreational drugs can be categorize into four major category: Stimulants, Depressants, Opioids and Hallucinogens. (Castle Craig Hospital, 2013) Stimulants drugs are ‘a class of drugs that elevate mood, increase feelings of well-being, and increase energy and alertness.’ (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts Stimulants, 2013) This typesShow MoreRelatedThe Stigma And Usage Of Recreational Drugs1582 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the stigma and usage of recreational drugs has shown a positive impact on the community through decrease of incarcerations and medical advancements. This essay argues that although state and local policy changes have shown to be more effective than it’s predecessor set by the Nixon administration, federal oversight and involvement is still crucial to the su ccess of applying a drug policy onto any type of population. Recreational drugs, or otherwise known as club drugs are often described inRead MoreMarijuana Should Not Be Beneficial For Medical Purposes1080 Words  | 5 PagesContrarily, marijuana should not be legalized for recreational usage. Extensive studies have globally communicated that utilizing marijuana for recreational purposes have fostered addiction to more powerful drugs. Recreational usage of marijuana has also contributed to adverse health effects. Moreover, recreational usage of this drug is still unacceptable in professional and social environments. Should marijuana be made lawful for medicinal and/or recreational purposes? Marijuana is socially known to benefitRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1185 Words  | 5 PagesMarijuana usage has been on the rise for the past decade. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 94 million Americans have admitted to using marijuana at least once (2015). This can be said to be a pandemic, which is continuing to increase. Even though the recreational usage of marijuana is illegal within most of the United States, it continues to be used and is widely sold in the black market. States have started to realize that taxing the recreational use of marijuana can bringRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pagesof the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical de bates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the persons abusing this drug. There haveRead MoreThe Regulation And Taxation Of Marijuana Act1618 Words  | 7 PagesTaxation of Marijuana Act.†The numbers came in and beginning December 15, 2016 in Massachusetts, individuals above the age of twenty-one will now be able to legally purchase, possess, cultivate, and use marijuana, with limitations on quantity, for recreational and medicinal use under the statutes of the state laws. While the prohibition of marijuana in Massachusetts has ended, many new movements must now begin to maintain, regulate, and pursue a positive outcome. With other states that have already passedRead MoreBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1374 Words  | 6 Pagescrashes. Alcohol abuse contributes to almost 50% of all traffic accidents, suicides, and homicides. However, despite the prov en dangers of these socially acceptable drugs, they are still legal. Marijuana, a much less acceptable drug, is not legal however, despite the fact that research has yet to pin any specific dangers to this drug. Aside from the health issues of marijuana, there are the many other aspects to consider when one broaches the topic of legalizing pot. Many arguments exist asRead MoreShould Legalization Of Recreational Drugs Be A Great Nation?977 Words  | 4 Pagesand prisoners, legalization and decriminalization of recreational drugs are some of the core issues the US needs to strengthen to become a great nation. There is an utmost need to legalize and decriminalize recreational drug use in the US, now more than ever. The government no longer needs to intervene upon the personal rights and freedoms of adults. One should have control over the choices of his/her own life. Rather than criminalizing drug addicts they should be given a choice to rehabilitateRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1618 Words  | 7 Pagesstate has their own regulations and laws about the usage of marijuana. In recent years, many states have passed laws to legalize the usage, purchase, and sale of marijuana. The District of Columbia passed a law to legalize the growth and possession of the drug, but not the sale. Currently, nearly half of the states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana for patients that qualify for it. However, there is still a federal law prohibiting this drug. These people who have medical reasons and qualifyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1685 Words  | 7 Pagescard h olders was small until 2009, when the U.S Attorney General gave the prosecution and legalization of marijuana over to the states. After this, the number of medical marijuana licenses increased greatly in Colorado. Then, in 2012, the sale of recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado, to all those over the age of 21, and retail stores began selling marijuana in 2014 (Monte). Public opinion on Marijuana is generally divided fifty-fifty across the United States. Some are strictly against itsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pagescollege students throughout their academic career have either experienced or been exposed to some type of illicit drug. One of the most commonly found illicit drugs found on college campuses have been marijuana. Marijuana is used to amplify perception, affect the frame of mind, and relax. Signs of marijuana use includes red eyes, sluggishness, and awkward body movement. With the usage of marijuana in earlier years being il legal in all states in America, the last couple of years have made a few changes
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on Rene Magritte Illusions Masking Reality
In the fallout of the first Great War, which had plagued European society for four long and brutal years, many were left to question the purpose of their existences. Stemming from the monstrously large number of casualties during the war, the mood left those whom survived to wonder how reason and logic could have started the conflict. For many people, a sense of alienation was stirred up who found the possibility of rejoining a society, which had not only allowed but prolonged such a catastrophe, to difficult. As society was adapting from war, so too were the artists and their respective movements. One such movement formed during the tumultuous years was reacting to the heighten fears of war called Dada. It is from the Dadaist movement in†¦show more content†¦In which he painted a white veil into his work, symbolic, perhaps, of the garment his mother was found in. While a teenager he was enrolled in Acadà ©mie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels until he found work drawing advertise ments for a wallpaper factory. By 1927 he moved to the epicenter of fine arts in Paris. There he was acquainted with the emerging movement of surrealism led by the writer, Andre Breton. After three years he returned to Brussels where he would remain until his death in 1967. According to some, Magritte lived a quiet, humble life never wishing to attract large amounts attention towards himself he tended to live unremarkably. In the developing stage of surrealism, two diametric schools of thought were beginning to form. The first, based heavily in a literary style called automatism, which held the ideas of creation free from the control of the mind. In this direction, abstraction of ordinary objects and the ideas of chance dominated. Among those whom clung to this style were Max Ernst and Andre Masson. This style thus became known as abstract surrealism. Oppositely, artists such as Salvador Dali, Yves Tanguy, and Rene Magritte would focus their art on the principles of non-sequitur and juxtapositions of ordinary objects. As well, their art took on a dreamlike quality, based in the psychoanalytical philosophy of the unconscious. Many of the surrealists found the work done by Sigmund Freud incredibly influential, especially Freud’s study
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Leadership and Theory free essay sample
Kirsty and several colleagues set up a new company when they left Mr Bakes, a medium sized bakery company. Kirsty had members of her Senior Management Team which are all females, mid-twenties and with no experience in the company management. However, Kirsty made a decision to set up a new innovational company and set standard requirements for the company. After that, she perceived three main problems in the initial phase after the foundation of the factory. First of all, there is a serious financial burden forced on the Senior Management Team. Second, some fractures have appeared in the SMT’s riendship at the initial stage of establishing a market. Third, there are some negative treatments from their competitors. To sum up these three main issues, Kirsty commented on her way of seeing the company through the start-up phase. She said that she had a vision and tried to make it clear to staffs to make them going the same way towards one goal. Otherwise, she not only devoted herself to dealing with all problems that the staff had but also trusted her staffs to be fully committed to what they wanted and was open to any idea on how to make that vision come true in reality. In view of the ways of Kirsty’s leadership, it is not hard to find out the three modern leadership theories and approaches in her comments. This report will make a critical analysis of the strength and the weakness of Kirsty’s leadership for The Sandwich Factory by using the knowledge in leadership. Main Section: Leadership Theory Development On the basis of the leadership conception we can defined that â€Å"leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal†(Northouse 2007:3). This definition emphasize on three key points ‘process’, ‘influences’, and ‘common goal’. Moreover, leadership is giving direction aligning people to the vision and helping them cope with changes. For instance, the CEO of Apple Incorporated, Steve Jobs was a leader who provided the strategic vision as the managing director to his whole company. With the development of leadership theory, some academics put forward a few methods of leadership step by step, from the original Trait Approach to the current Ethical Leadership Approach which has experienced several periods of evolution. People seek more information to answer what makes a good leader and how to be a good leader. Most of them believe that owning the ability of leadership could improve their social positions, personal cultivations of ideological morality and the quality of life. Many successful leaders are well equipped with good personal traits and comprehensive professional knowledge. In addition, they hold their opinions with persistence and bravely face new challenges and changes. In this case study, the principal theory is modern approaches of leadership. It contains path-goal theory, leader-member exchange theory and transformational versus transactional theory. Then, it will make a particular analysis on these theories in the following sections. Path –Goal Theory Path-goal theory first appeared in the leadership literature in early 1970s. It builds on behavioral and contingency approaches which are concerned with how leadership behavior can motivate the satisfaction and performance of a follower in an organizational surrounding. It emphasizes the relationship and leadership behaviors between subordinate’s characteristics and task characteristics. The main challenge of a leader in organizations is to use a leadership style that best satisfies followers’ motivational needs and to steer followers along a path to achieving the common goal, which seems attractive and increase followers confidence. House and Mitchell (1974) described four styles of leading subordinates which consist of â€Å"Directive Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Participative Leadership and Achievement-oriented Leadership†. It is used to analyze complicated relationships in an organization. The path-goal theory has several effective features. First, it explains how various leadership behaviors interact with followers and task characteristics and how to choose an appropriate leadership style to affect subordinates’ satisfactions and work performances. Second, path-goal theory is that â€Å"it attempts to integrate the motivation principles of expectancy theory into a theory of leadership†(Peter G. Northouse, 2010, p. 133). A third positive feature of path-goal theory is that it affords a very practical model. Although path-goal theory has these positive features, it also has some opposite sides. First of all, this theory is so complex and broad which includes so many different correlative conditions. Therefore, with a specific organizational context, it is so difficult to use it to ameliorate the leadership process. A second criticism of this theory is that â€Å"it does not give equal attention on all relevant aspects and the research results do not provide a full and coincident conclusion of the essential suppositions and consequences†(Evans, 1996). This may be due to the imperfection of measuring method in leadership behavior and measurement scale in work structure. What’s more, this approach attaches importance to ‘people’ factors, whether leaders or subordinates are all complex man and there are many factors to influence them. This will definitely affect the full play of the transformational leadership. The transactional leadership is different from transformational leadership which does not focus on followers’ personal development. It was put forward by Hollander in 1978. Hollander deemed that â€Å"leadership happened in a given situation, leaders and followers maintain a transaction process. Leaders by a clear task and persona’ needs to guide and motivate subordinates to complete the organization’s goals†. â€Å"Transactional leaders are influential because it is in the best interest of subordinates for them to do what the leader wants†(Kuhnert amp; Lewis, 1987). Transactional leadership could become a tool for private gains. It could be excessive emphasis on ‘bottom line’, thus become a ‘short-term behavior’, only consider the pursuit of efficiencies and the maximization of profits and ignore some long-term things. It could also make followers to fall into an immoral and irrational zone with the powerful pressures, excessive rewards and punishments. The most deadly is transactional leadership only knows to use of tangible and intangible conditions to exchange values with subordinates for getting the leadership. It is not able to give employees the significance of work. Thereby, the transactional leadership could not arouse the enthusiasm of employees or develop their creativities. On the basis of these two theories, it caused a new thinking but it is difficult to have an absolute answer about which leadership approach is better. Transformational leadership has its applicable conditions and transactional leadership also has its stage. So, with a contingent method, it should apply to a special situation. The most important thing is the balance of transformational leadership versus transactional leadership. It is about being transactional in a transformational way. The case study five points out that Kristy had protection, motivation and vision at the same time and totally trusted her subordinates. The followers accepted and enjoyed the devolution and the responsibility. Kristy is not a control freak. She made the challenge in a constructive way. Now the company has new customers every week and broke into new markets. The change never stops in The Sandwich Factory. Kristy used the transformational and transactional theory to finish the process of satisfaction between she and subordinates. She made subordinates recognize the responsibility and the signification of their tasks, and also gave high expectation to inspire them to achieve the common goal. She cared about the demand, ability and desire of followers. Otherwise, she listened, developed and guided her subordinates to grow up in challenges. Conclusion To sum up the whole report, it would appear that every leadership approach has its benefits and drawbacks. Leaders have to choose and combine some useful aspects form these leadership styles and use it to fit for the company. All of the leadership approaches enhance the prospective of company and the relationship between leaders and followers. Therefore, knowing the subordinates’ traits is the primary responsibility. Then, balancing subordinates’ demands with organizational targets is to make sure the organizational development in a straight way. Furthermore, the relationship between leaders and followers is complex and contextual. No leader could predict with any certainty how changing circumstances and events might affect the relationship with followers. The emotional connection with staffs is one of the effective ways to complete the leadership role in an organization. Not only pay attention to the business profit margins, but also concern with the subordinates’ work-life balance and well-being. The leader with high emotional intelligence could be easier to influence their staffs. Making staffs in one group and concentrate their efforts in organizational aims. In conclusion, the creator of The Sandwich Factory has her special personalities and managerial methods. She used three modern leadership theories and put them together to lead subordinates. At the end of Kitsty’s comments, she indicated that ‘change never stops’. Facing the change in interior and exterior circumstances, leaders should change their styles in a positive direction especially being true to followers which could help leaders easily get the dependence from followers.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Millers the Crucible Essay Example
Millers the Crucible Paper Millers The Crucible is based on the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692, in which many innocent people were executed due to accusations that were deemed believable at the time, by a group of adolescent girls. These girls were caught up in the widespread hysteria of the lies and deceit in a puritan community. The play also parallels Millers own life when he stood trial for giving names of alleged communists. When the play opens, we see Reverend Parris praying and sobbing in a room alone. When Tituba enters frightened, this creates the tension as Tituba wants to see Betty, but feels she cant because of Parris. She enters as one does that can not bear to be barred from the sight of her beloved When Tituba seeks the courage to speak, Parris shouts at her. Out of here! Just in the first two lines and stage directions, the tension is created and an impression that Tituba is now scared of Parris. The mood in the beginning is a feeling of sadness, sorrow and tension which creates a lot of emotion swell as drama. In act 1, we see Abigail threaten the other girls to keep quiet about what really happened in the forest Now look you, we danced and Tituba conjured Putnams dead sisters, and that is all. We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Millers the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Abigail clearly controls others. Miller adds to the tension here, by not giving the audience all of the information, but letting us know there is something we havent been told. We see the relationship between Proctor and Abigail throughout Act 1 and the rest of the play. Between lines 17 and 19 the impression we get from the relationship, is that Abigail wants Proctor but Proctor. Trying to be a good man resists her. Gah! Id almost forgot how strong you are John Proctor! tells the reader that Abigail is trying to show her feelings for Proctor. Her concentrated desire destroys his smile Miller adds to the tension by creating a feeling of unease that Abigail is trying to get to john, but she is being told No! Abigail then moves on to say tauntingly you come five mile to see a silly girl fly? This adds to the tension by Abigail questioning Proctor in a Taunting way. This ongoing banter continues throughout the act. The relationship adds tension to the play, because the audience are not sure what will happen with Abigail and Proctor, and wonder if there is any history between them. Proctor, being based on Arthur Millers life, has been put in the same position as Miller was himself. There are historical parallels, in the play, linking Proctor and Miller. Miller was summoned before the House of Un-American Activities committee a group searching for Communist Sympathisers who posed a threat to the safety of the state. Just like Proctor did, he refused to answer questions as he did not want to compromise himself. The relationship between Proctor and Parris in Act 1 seems to be somewhat not a pleasant one. Proctor despises Parris, and thinks that he is greedy in getting money. On page 24, there is an ongoing feud between Proctor and Parris over the deeds to the house. Proctor is angry at Parris for demanding the deeds to the house, and for wanting extra money for firewood. Mr Parris you are the first minister ever did demand the deed to this house- Parris replies, Man! Doesnt a minister deserve a house to live in? Parris is defending his point by trying to get Proctor to believe that he needs a house to live in. Proctor then goes on to say To live in, yes. But to ask ownership is like you shall own the meeting house itself This argument continues, and we see Rebecca Nurse trying to keep the calm and the peace. Miller delivers short lines which impact on the audience as she is stuck in the middle and is trying to calm the situation that has arisen. They are now arguing about a party against Parris and Proctor says he should go and join it, when Rebecca says He does not mean that. this shows to the audience that she is trying to keep the peace. This adds to the dramatic tension because the audience would feel uneasy while watching these constant arguments going on and Rebecca being the one trying to keep the calm. It creates a sense of tension when the audience are facing these people arguing in front of them on the stage. Towards the end of the act, we see all of the girls confess to say they have seen people with the devil, which we now know wasnt true. When Betty wakes up, Hale and Parris all believe that the curse that the devil has put on them has been broken free and Betty shouts out I saw Martha Bellows with the Devil! All of the girls in the room then follow suit and all start bellowing out who they saw with the devil. I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil! I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil! This continues until the curtain falls on the act. This dramatic finish adds to the tension created as it puts that feeling of excitement, but at the same time shock into the watching audience. The audience will be in a way, excited that all of the girls are screeching out these names and the audience are waiting to see who will be called out next, and what will happen. This will pin the audience to the play in the following acts to see what will happen during the trials and who will be rightly accused. There is also a feeling of shock at the dramatic ending, when the girls are all calling out these names quite unexpectedly. Reverend Hale and Parris celebrate that the curse has been set free, adding to the shock as they are shocked themselves, so in turn the audience are being shocked with them. The whole of The Crucible is based upon the dramatic devices and effect of tension, especially in Act 1. The play is known famously for this, and it is interesting how it can be linked with Millers own life, shown through John Proctor. The story reminds its readers of an ugly blemish on human history. It reminds us that man is not perfect, and that we can make mistakes. However, even with these mistakes, we can cleanse ourselves and purify ourselves by making what is wrong right. Religion Puritanism is the key theme in this play, and it adds to the dramatic effects massively as the rules of Puritanism are so strict. The play is fantastic one to watch and it keeps you on the edge of your chair. Its a play that, if you are watching it, will be in suspense and eager to find out what is happening next, with its constant turns and twists in the plot.Leigh Jones Tension and Drama in The Crucible Act 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
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