Thursday, August 27, 2020
Integrated Marketing Communications of Transcom Beverage Bangladesh Essays
Coordinated Marketing Communications of Transcom Beverage Bangladesh Essays Coordinated Marketing Communications of Transcom Beverage Bangladesh Essay Coordinated Marketing Communications of Transcom Beverage Bangladesh Essay Coordinated Marketing Communications is a straightforward idea. It guarantees that all types of correspondences and messages are painstakingly connected together. At its most essential level, Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, too call it, implies incorporating all the limited time apparatuses, with the goal that they cooperate in agreement. Advancement is one of the Ps in the advertising blend. Advancements have their own blend of specialized devices. These specialized devices work better on the off chance that they cooperate in concordance instead of in disengagement. Their whole is more prominent than their parts giving they talk reliably one voice constantly, unfailingly. This is an administration idea that is intended to make all parts of showcasing correspondence, for example, publicizing, deals advancement, advertising, and direct promoting cooperate as a brought together power, instead of allowing each to work in disengagement. About Transcom Originated with tea estates in 1885, TRANSCOM today is one of the main and quickest developing differentiated business houses in the nation utilizing more than 10000 individuals. Relatively few mechanical gatherings in Bangladesh can guarantee a background marked by consistent business interests extending back more than 125 years! At first tea and later jute shaped the foundation of the privately-run company. Despite the fact that these are still part ofâ the exercises and contributing barely to the general gathering turnover. By and by those early modern endeavors have moved over to organizations including cutting edge producing, global exchanging and circulation, framing solid binds with a large group of blue chip worldwide organizations. Lately, TRANSCOM has developed as the biggest media house in Bangladesh. Transcom Beverages Ltd Transcom Beverage Ltd (TBL) is the selective PepsiCo Franchisee for Bangladesh. TBL possesses and works present day plants in Dhaka and Chittagong for packaging the famous soda brands, for example, Pepsi, 7UP, Mirinda, Slice, Mountain Dew, Pepsi Diet and 7UP Light. The organization is rising with the adage to convey supported development in Bangladesh and move towards prevailing Beverage Company, charming ; feeding each Bangladeshi, by best eeting their ordinary refreshments needs ; partners by conveying execution with reason, through skilled individuals. 2009 has been a stunning year for TBL, winning a few stupendous honors as PepsiCos select packaging accomplice in Bangladesh. For its unprecedented and extraordinary endeavor through greatness TBL has been remunerated with a few lofty national and universal acknowledgments. Pic: Products of Transcom Beverage The fundamental devices used to achieve an organization’s correspondence destinations are frequently alluded to as the limited time blend. These instruments include: * Advertising †any paid type of non individual correspondence about an association, item, administration, or thought by a distinguished support * Direct promoting †correspondence legitimately with target clients to create a reaction and additionally exchange * Interactive/Internet showcasing †correspondence through intuitive media, for example, the Internet, CD-ROMS and stands. Deals advancement †promoting exercises that give additional worth or impetuses to deals power, merchants, or buyers to animate quick deals * Publicity/Public Relations †Publicity is a type of non-individual correspondence not legitimately paid for or run under recognized sponsorship. Advertising is an administration work which executes projects of activity to win open comprehension and acknowledgment an upgrade the picture of the organization. * Personal Selling †individual to-individual correspondence between a vender and purchaser. Transcom Beverage’s Promotional blend: Advertising Transcom utilize both Television Commercials and print promotions for their notice. They likewise use announcement and radio as an apparatus of publicizing. Transcom drink promote its most two prestigious brands in Bangladesh †Pepsi and Seven Up. Mountain dew is additionally utilized in promotion, however no such advertisement is especially made for Bangladeshi objective individuals as it were. Be that as it may, Advertisement of Pepsi and Seven Up is readied focusing on Bangladeshi individuals and by Bangladeshi IMC organizations. Right now, Asiatic 360 is the organization doing the commercial for Transcom Beverage. TVC 7-Up: The TVC appeared underneath is for 7up. The promotion is advancing the recently propelled go pack around then of commercial crusade. They likewise has TVC of 7 up with the slogan †Give newness of life to your mood†: Pepsi: Pepsi support two well known Bangladeshi Cricketer Mashrafe receptacle Mortoza and Sakib Al Hasan for TVC. One TVC crusade has the slogan â€Å"If there is thrist everything is available†and the other one spotlight on Sakib’s uncommon shot super scoop. Print Ad: Transcom possibly distribute print advertisement when there is some uncommon occasion like Eid aor World Cup (Where they accomplice) or when there is some limited time special is going on. Pic: 7-up print promotion Intuitive/Internet showcasing Transcom do take an interest in intelligent limited time crusade. During world cup cricket 2011, they had a committed site to speak with its clients who are cricket fan. There the fan could post their remark too. The site was made with backdrops and different stuffs of its supported superstar Mashrafe, Sakib and Tamim Iqbal. The site area is www. pepsichangethe gamebd. com. Pepsi is likewise utilizing Facebook as an apparatus of intelligent correspondence as of late: Sales advancement Transcom has composed immense limited time battle during World Cup Cricket 2011. By expending Pepsi shoppers found the opportunity to visit last match of World Cup. Aside from that they won numerous appealing prizes through that corresponding effort. The crusade was held by giving a shrouded number inside the top of the jug. The number at that point must be text informed to a specific number. At that point the gathering of most noteworthy ssm sender found the opportunity to take an interest in a cricket match-up rivalry. Through that opposition they found the opportunity to win nattractive prizes. Pic: Winner of Final match ticket Pic: Other prize champ of the world cup crusade Pic: Collection Card for all customer Transcom likewise mastermind college based gutsy limited time crusade for its Mountain Dew Brand. Transcom’s group goes to various colleges an include understudies in that limited time battles where members need to show some bold aptitudes. Pic: News on Promotional battle at DU Transcom Beverage give free patterns to its wholesalers to advance the retail merchants shop also their image. For instance, here is an upgraded leading body of 7-up in a retail shop: Public Relation Transcom spent a great deal for open connection. Worldwide Pepsi turned into the beverages accomplice of World Cup Cricket this year and in this manner Transcm additionally participated in open connection in such manner. Pepsi is likewise the official drink accomplice of Bangladesh National Cricket crew. Pic: Transcom and BCB marking Ceremony Transcom refreshment additionally support some neighborhood cricket occasions. Transcom gave the chance to its buyer to take photos with WC trophy. Mountain Dew of Transcom was the pleased backer of Muhit-the second individual of Bangladesh to arrive at the pinnacle of Mount Everest. Pic: Mountain Dew Sponsoring Muhit-the Everest winenr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bentley Motors free essay sample
What is global market division? What difficulties does it posture to Bentley?International advertise division is a showcasing procedure which incorporates a wide objective market. On the off chance that we start a business, advertise division is significant. On the off chance that our organization is worldwide organization, we have to comprehend about the universal market division. As indicated by clients need and need, area, culture and religion, we should target showcase. It is worldwide market division. Worldwide market division comprises four components; (1) Geographic area ,(2) Economic factor (3) Political and legitimate elements and (4) Cultural elements. The customary markets of Bentley Motors are the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe. Notwithstanding, deals in its customary markets drooped in 2008 because of the worldwide budgetary emergency. A few requests for its vehicles were dropped promptly and deals dropped by 24% that year contrasted with 2009. This powers Bentley began to look for new markets to build deals. Bentley utilize various types of market division to portion their worldwide market. We will compose a custom exposition test on Bentley Motors or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Bentley understood that the utilization of the more customary market division factors, for example, age, sexual orientation, training, and level of monetary advancement doesn't appear to mirror the genuine part of market conduct. Particularly the expanding buying intensity of the wealthy in the enormous developing markets, for example, Brazil, Russia, India and China. The aftereffect of search was advertise division dependent on new financial elements like number of deals in that market.Q.2 Using the full range of division factors, portray how Bentley sections and focuses on the universal extravagance vehicle market.The full range of division factors are way of life, feeling affiliation, taught and so on. It focused on high-salary bunches who need to become tied up with the imagery and history of the Bentley brand. It focused on again bunches in the developing economies who are ordinarily more established or resigned guys, profoundly taught and high workers. In correlation, Bentleys target shoppers in developing markets are frequently the youthful, less taught, business people who share various significant shared traits. They have a solid hunger for Western-marked extravagance merchandise. Perceiving the distinctions and the chance to be had from separating its focusing on endeavors. What's more, its likewise focus on the conventional market with its unique offer of extravagance, execution, and exclusivity.Q. 3 Has Bentley separated and situated its image adequately? Explain.Bentley has separate and situated its image adequately. High-contact separation and situating program custom fitted to the painstakingly characterized wealthy gatherings in every one of its business sectors. Bentley offers an elite assortment of restricted non-motoring items delivered under permit from its equity select accomplices. For instance, Zai a Swiss creator of extravagance ski gear known for its art and selectiveness. Bentley offer him hardware for the Bentley Styling Studio in England. And afterward they made the golf occasions, these occasions unite golf players from various substance with a regular intrigue. China has now supplanted the United States as Bentleys biggest market. In Russia, Bentleys deals expanded by 45% in 2011.Q.4 Given the monetary downturn in created economies and the lull in rising economies, for example, China, will Bentley keep on developing? Why or Why not?Bentley will proceed with development among financial market. Since Bentley brand around the global is creating and making one of the world a most attractive items. Bentley has succeeded separating its situation in the worldwide extravagance vehicle showcase through a market-driven methodology dependent on responsive cross-advertise division. The utilization of the more conventional market division factors such age, sexual orientation, training, and level of financial advancement doesnt appear to mirror the genuine part of market conduct, particularly the thriving buying intensity of the wealthy in the enormous developing business sector as like Brazil, Russia, India and China. Bentley as yet going to improve particularly in the current rising economies just as those really taking shape ,, for example, Vietnam, Cambodia , Kazakhstan, and the Philippines, where the nouveaurich have quite recently begun to valued the quintessentially British custom and legacy that is weaved in Bentley. Hence, fortify relationship with significant clients is the most significant point for business to pushing ahead with success.Q.5 What proposals would you make to help guarantee Bentleys future growth?First, Bentley need to change their system for the new market. In the present market they use showcase entrance and item advancement. In the new market, they use advertise improvement and enhancement. Particularly, business visionaries like the China advertise, they need to coordinate their vehicles to execution and mechanical perspectives Bluetooth, Wi-Fi associations, contact screen framework to pull in the China clients. They can that approach to pull in the China clients as well as Asia clients. Next Product advancement ought to be acceptable as well. Bentley could do limitation, show up and styles for vehicles in various markets. Confine the upkeep administration, keep the brand through various channels. That is the proposals to help guarantee Bentleys future development.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pride and Prejudice Essay Samples
Pride and Prejudice Essay SamplesThere are a variety of different types of Pride and Prejudice essay samples that you can find online. This is a very personal type of essay as you will be able to demonstrate a variety of different aspects of your personality. Your essay should demonstrate the strength of your creativity, your ability to express yourself and your capacity to tell a story.If you are a writer who has a propensity for telling stories then your passion and drive to write can be illustrated in your own Pride and Prejudice essay samples. When you are taking on this challenging form of writing you must realize that you will not be writing a traditional essay. You will need to be very descriptive and detailed with your descriptive writing skills. However, there are also numerous opportunities for you to use this type of essay.A well-written essay will portray an image and describe a character in such a way that it stirs up emotions and feelings within the reader. The writing itself may be intended to educate the reader about your topic or it may be written to promote awareness. As a result, you will find that Pride and Prejudice essay samples have become an important part of your project.Many people will feel like they are communicating some of their thoughts and feelings when they are writing a subject such as this. Additionally, by displaying your creativity and being specific, you will be able to create a much more professional presentation. In addition, you will want to write from a position of strength and not from a position of weakness.One interesting aspect of this type of essay is that it can be used to show two different sides of an issue. For example, if you are presenting information about what other people may believe in order to persuade them to change their mind about something, this can be represented by using a Pride and Prejudice essay sample. This is a good tool for getting people to listen to you without pushing your point. There are many things that you can do to showcase how your opinion differs from others.As you may have noticed, you can also showcase your acceptance or disdain for certain beliefs in this area. For example, you can demonstrate how you view the concept of loyalty or whether you value the concept of fairness by writing about these concepts. Again, this is a great tool for understanding the way that you view things.Another great tool in this area of Pride and Prejudice essay samples is to use examples from history and culture. You can do this by referring to an essay or text and applying the concept to your own perspective. Just be sure that you do not simply rehash what was said previously.Pride and Prejudice essay samples can take many forms. In fact, the only limit that you have is your imagination. Use this opportunity to express your unique perspective and put forth an idea that will be highly successful in demonstrating that point. Remember, no matter what you choose to express about the se essays, you will need to have a strong understanding of the entire process.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Biography of Cicero, Roman Statesman and Orator
Cicero (January 3, 106 BCE–December 7, 42 BCE) was a Roman statesman, writer, and orator renowned among the great speakers and prose writers at the end of the Roman republic. His hundreds of surviving letters discovered over 1,400 years after his death made him one of the best-known individuals in ancient history. Fast Facts: Cicero Full Name: Marcus Tullius CiceroKnown For: Roman orator and statesmanBorn: January 3, 106 BCE in Arpinum, ItalyParents: Marcus Tullius Cicero II and his wife HelviaDied: December 7, 42 BCE in FormiaeEducation: Tutored by the leading philosophers of the day in rhetoric, oratory, and lawPublished Works: 58 speeches, 1,000 pages of philosophy and rhetoric, more than 800 lettersSpouses: Terentia (m. 76–46 BCE), Publilia (m. 46 BCE) Children: Tuillia (died 46 BCE) and Marcus (65 BCEâ€â€after 31 CE)Notable Quote: The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct. Early Life Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3, 106 BCE at the family residence near Arpinum. He was the third of that name, the eldest son of Marcus Tullius Cicero (died in 64 BCE) and his wife Helvia. Their family name is derived from the Latin for chickpeas (Cicer), and was pronounced Siseroh or, in classical Latin, Kikeroh. Education Cicero received one of the best educations available in the Roman republic, spending time with many of the best Greek philosophers available. His father was quite ambitious for him and at an early age, he took Cicero and his brother Quintus to Rome, where they were tutored by (among others) the celebrated Greek poet and grammarian Aulus Licinius Archias of Antioch (121–61 BCE). After Cicero assumed the toga virilis (the Roman toga of manhood), he began studying the law with the Roman jurist Quintus Mucius Scaevola Augur (159–88 BCE). In 89 BCE, he served in the Social Wars (91–88 BCE), his only military campaign, and that was likely where he met Pompey (106–48 BCE). During the Roman dictator Sullas (138–76 BCE) first civil war (88–87 BCE), Cicero supported neither side, returning to his studies with Greek philosophers from the Epicurean (Phaedrus), Platonic (Philo of Larissa), and Stoic (Diodotus) schools, as well as the Greek rhetorician Apollonius Molon (Molo) of Rhodes. First Speeches Ciceros first profession was as a pleader, a person who drafts pleadings and defends clients in a court of law. His earliest surviving speeches were written during this period, and in 80 BCE, one of those put him in trouble with Sulla, who was dictator of Rome (ruled 82–79 BCE). Sextus Roscius of Amerina was murdered by his neighbors and kinsmen. After he was dead, the freedman (and friend of Sulla) Chrysogonus arranged to have Roscius name placed on the list of proscribed outlawsâ€â€condemned to death. If he was condemned to death when they killed him, that meant that the murderers were off the hook for his murder. It also meant that his goods were forfeit to the state. Sextius son was disinherited, and Chrysogonus arranged to prosecute him for the murder of his own father. Cicero successfully defended the son. Travel Abroad, Marriage, and Family In 79 BCE, Cicero went to Athens to avoid Sullas displeasure, where he completed his education, studying philosophy with Antiochus of Ascalon and rhetoric with Demetrius Syrus. There he met Titus Pomponius Atticus, who would be a close friend for life (and eventually receive over 500 of Ciceros surviving letters). After staying in Athens for six months, Cicero traveled to Asia Minor to study again with Molo. At the age of 27, Cicero married Terentia (98 BCE–4 CE), with whom he would have two children: Tullia (78–46 BCE) and Marcus or Cicero Minor (65–after 31 BCE). He divorced her about 46 BCE, and married his young ward, Publilia, but that didnt last longâ€â€Cicero didnt think that Publilia was upset enough over the loss of his daughter. A Political Life Cicero returned to Rome from Athens in 77 BCE, and quickly rose in the ranks and made an orator in the forum. In 75 BCE he was sent to Sicily as a quaestor, returning to Rome again in 74 BCE. In 69 BCE he was made a praetor and, in that role, sent Pompey to the command of the Mithridatic war. But in 63 BCE, a plot against Rome was discoveredâ€â€the Catiline Conspiracy. Lucius Sergius Catilina (108–62 BCE) was a patrician, who had a few political setbacks and worked his bitterness into an uprising against the ruling oligarchy in Rome, dragging along other discontents in the Senate and out of it. His primary political goal was a radical program of debt relief, but he threatened one of his opponents in an election in 54 BCE. Cicero, who was consul, read four inflammatory speeches against Catiline, considered to be among his best rhetorical speeches. Cicero Denouncing Catiline, engraved by B. Barloccini, 1849. After C.C Perkins / Getty Images When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now? ...You ought, O Catiline, long ago to have been led to execution by command of the consul. That destruction which you have been long plotting against us ought to have already fallen on your own head. Several of the conspirators were captured and killed without trial. Catiline fled and was killed in battle. The impacts to Cicero were mixed. He was addressed in the Senate as father of his country, and there were suitable thanksgivings sent to the gods, but he made implacable enemies. The First Triumvirate Around 60 BCE, Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus combined forces to form what Roman scholars call The First Triumvirate, a type of coalition government. Cicero might have formed a fourth, except that one of his enemies from the Catiline Conspiracy, Clodius, was made tribune and created a new law: anyone who had been found to put a Roman citizen to death without proper trial should himself be put to death. Caesar offered his support, but Cicero turned him down and instead left Rome to take up residence in Thessalonica in Macedonia. From there, he wrote despairing letters back to Rome, and his friends eventually obtained his recall in September of 57 BCE. He was compelled to support the triumvirate, but he wasnt happy about it and was sent to be the governor of Cilicia. He returned to Rome and had barely arrived on January 4, 49 BCE, when a civil war between Pompey and Caesar broke out. He threw in with Pompey, despite Caesars overtures, and after Caesar won at the Battle of Pharsalia, he returned to his home in Brundisium. He was pardoned by Caesar but mostly retired from public life. Death Although unaware of the plot against Julius Caesar that ended in his assassination, Cicero, ever conscious of the republic, would have approved. After Caesar died Cicero made himself the head of the republican party and spoke vehemently against Caesars assassin, Marc Anthony. It was a choice that led to his end, because when the new triumvirate was established between Anthony, Octavian, and Lepidus, Cicero was placed on the list of proscribed outlaws. He fled to his villa in Formiae, where he was captured and killed on December 7th, 42 BCE. His head and hands were cut off and sent to Rome, where they were nailed to the Rostra. Legacy Cicero was renowned for his oratorical skills, rather than his spotty statesmanship. He was a poor judge of character and used his ample gifts to get rid of his enemies, but in the toxic environment of the waning Roman republic, it also brought about his end. Gaius Laelius Sapiens, Atticus, Scipio Africanus and Cato the Elder. Miniature from De Senectute (On Old Age), by Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero), 1470. Musee Conde, Chantilly, France. Leemage / Getty Images Plus In 1345, the Italian scholar Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374 and known as Petrarch) rediscovered Ciceros letters in the Cathedral Library of Verona. The 800 letters contained a wealth of detail about the end of the republican period of Rome and cemented the importance of Cicero. Sources and Further Reading Cicero, M. Tullius. Against Catiline. Trans, Yonge, C.D. and B. A. London. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Covent Garden: Henry G. Bohn, 1856.Kinsey, T. E. Ciceros Case against Magnus Capito and Chrysogonus in the Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino and Its Use for the Historian LAntiquità © Classique 49 (1971):173–190. Petersson, Torsten. Cicero: A Biography. Biblo and Tannen, 1963.Phillips, E. J. Catilines Conspiracy. Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 25.4 (1976): 441–48. Smith, William, and G.E. Marindon, eds. A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography. London: John Murray, 1904. Stockton, David L. Cicero: A Political Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Factors Of American Imperialism - 916 Words
American Imperialism was a huge goal in the 1850’s. Many main powers like Great Britain, France, and Spain were already very powerful global competitors and America saw that as the key for them to expand and establish more colonies in different countries. By having oversea power, America would equal out to the other countries power. There were three main factors that fueled American Imperialism. The desire for military strength in order to have a more profound military presence in other countries was a huge deal. Also, thirst for new markets because of the overproduction of goods was a problem. The belief in cultural superiority was an idea that mostly surrounded around the need of justification to expand. Without these motivating†¦show more content†¦This was a huge step for our Military power because of the assertiveness and fact that we could use one of our imperialist powers to our advantage (Document G). Another motivating factor was the thirst for new markets. The main problem was that American industries produced more goods than we could consume so we sought out other countries in order to get rid of the surplus of goods. We also needed more natural resources to make products. Foreign expansion was seen as the solution to economic depression and trade. The acquiring of many countries occurred because of the need for the new markets. In 1867, Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia because of its mass amount of gold and even ended up selling each acre for two penny for a profit. Another country that America wanted to acquire was Hawaii. Sugar plantations were the main attraction at the point. By annexing Hawaii, white planters would profit from close ties to the US and were able to import sugar to the US tax free. This was a win for American Imperialism because the country had more places to sell goods and get natural resources from and eventually got a profit from the use of native sugar plantations. Secretary of State John Hay created The Open Door Notes in 1899 as another way to keep the markets going and the trading process while using imperialist power. TheseShow MoreRelatedMilitary Strategic Interest as an Imporatant Factor in American Imperialism525 Words  | 3 PagesThe most important factor in America imperialisms from 1865 to 1914 was military-strategic interest. This is the most important factor because during this time period the United States acquired the Pacific islands of Midway, which served as an important stopping place for American ships e route to China, and American merchants. Also American gained territories after the Spanish-American war. Another thing was the creation of the Panama Canal which helped America. The final thing is the foreign policiesRead MoreImperialism Essay771 Words  | 4 PagesImperialism could be considered as a defining characteristic of America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Imperialism is defined as â€Å"a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force†(Imperialism and Immigration). When it comes to imperialism in America, I must say that other factors were more influential than social Darwinism. Although I do agree to a certain extent that social Darwinism did play a big role, things such as expansionist objectivesRead MoreCauses And Effects Of U.S. Imperialism812 Words  | 3 PagesUnited States Imperialism from 1870 to 1916, one finds that there are three main factors. These major factors of United States Imperialism in this time period are: Hawaii, the Spanish-American war, and Theodore Roosevelt. In this time period Hawaiian islanders were very happy to live traditionally, but Americans were not content with the traditional ways of the Hawaiians (Buschini, n.pag.). Even though America seemed to be on the road to imperialism with Hawaii, the Spanish- American war actuallyRead MoreEssay On Ecological Imperialism1618 Words  | 7 PagesE cological Imperialism and the New World Starting from the times that countries started travelling overseas and conquering other lands, they used this newfound power to supply their own greedy desires through ecological imperialism. This process altered this new landscape and homogenized it into the ways Europeans wanted it with the natives taking all or most of the side effects, while all the benefits went to the colonizers. Using various sources from authors such as Crosby, Piper, SandlosRead MoreImperialism DBQ Essay examples636 Words  | 3 PagesA.P. U.S. II DBQ What role did Imperialism play in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Prior to the late 19th century, the United States was preoccupied with domestic affairs and simply used the Monroe Doctrine as their lone foreign policy. By the late 19th century, however, domestic concerns suppressed just enough to let foreign issues take the spotlight. The Industrial Revolution brought mass production, which forced the United States to seek a new global marketRead MoreTo What Extent Was Late Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century United States Expansionism a Continuation of Past United States Expansionism and to What Extent Was It a Departure?1184 Words  | 5 Pagesnineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism was a continuation of past United States expansionism, and, to an extent, a departure. The two main ways of land gain for the United States were through expansionism and imperialism. These two means have several similarities between them. For instance, both of these policies led to conflicts. During expansionism, the main logic behind new statehood was to have the â€Å"upper edge†for free or slave states. Of course, this desireRead MoreCauses Of Imperialism1107 Words  | 5 PagesImperialism Essay Growing up, many children play the board game â€Å"Battleship,†where a player’s main goal is to conquer his opponent’s ships and, eventually, land. Similarly, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the nation of Europe and other countries took over and influenced countries that they believed were inferior to them. This process, known as imperialism, is defined as â€Å"a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force†(googleRead MoreImperialism And Its Effects On America860 Words  | 4 Pages Imperialism is the acquisition of new territories by a state and the incorporation of these territories into a political system as subordinate colonies (Tignor G-12). Under imperialism, stronger nations attempt to create empires by governing fragile nations; economically, politically, culturally, or military. The reason why this imperialism grew in Africa and Asia was because of economic factors, nation alist factors, military factors, and humanist factors. Not everyone agreed with imperialism, theRead MoreAnalysis Of Rudyard Kipling s The White Man s Burden / Send Forth The Best Ye Breed1132 Words  | 5 Pagesthought that the culture of predominantly white, Western nations, such as America and England, was superior to foreign cultures. He was an admirer of British imperialism in India, and was a strong advocate for America’s involvement in the Philippines. Kipling earnestly believed that foreign peoples would benefit from the forceful introduction of American culture. This position has, of course, proven to be heavily misguided, and the damaging effects of colonialism are still being felt today in the GlobalRead MoreCause and Effect on World War 1 Essay743 Words  | 3 Pageswar was between the world’s greatest powers as two opposing sides; the Central Powers and the Allies. It was a chain of events that had started this was which consist of key features such as imperialism, alliances, growth of militarism, crisis, and nationalism. It was the result of these accumulating factors that had eventually evoked war. The effects on World War One included over 8 million deaths, higher taxes, rationing of food, and etc. Imperialist is considered a primary cause of war. With
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln - 1203 Words
Abraham Lincoln was president during the 1860 s .Some states in our country argued over slavery. The northern states fought the southern states in the Civil War. When the Civil ended ,Abraham Lincoln was killed he had kept the United States together as one nation. After Abraham Lincoln died ,people wanted a memorial for him. It took almost 50 years before it was built. It was decided that the memorial should look like a temple from Greece. It was also decided that there would be a statue of s Abraham Lincoln inside of the memorial. The Lincoln Memorial is an American National Monument built to honor the 16th President of the United States ,Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the Western End of the National Mall in Washington D.C. Across from the Washington Monument . The cornerstone for the Lincoln was laid o n February 15, 1915 . It would take seven more to finish the building . The Lincoln Memorial is a symbol of the union between all 50 states. It stands for the freedom we enjoy as Americans . It reminds us that we must together to keep our freedom . Henry Bacon designed The Lincoln Memorial to look like Ancient Greek temples. The Lincoln Memorial is 190 feet long,119 feet wide,and almost 100 feet high. The Lincoln Memorial is surrounded by a peristyle of 36 fluted Dorie columns, one for each of the 36 states in the Union at the time of Abraham Lincoln s death. The north and south side chambers contain carved inscriptions of Abraham Lincoln sShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1958 Words  | 8 PagesLeadership and Legacy: Background Research Paper Abraham Lincoln By:Audrey Knight Introduction Great leader and main topic Abraham Lincoln lived in the 1800’s where he accomplished many things in his 54 years of life. He lived in the U.S. through several major events in history and left a legacy that will never be forgotten. As the 16th president of the United States he brought about the emancipation of slavery, preserved the Union during the Civil War, and served the people. His heroic leadershipRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln933 Words  | 4 PagesSynopsis Regarded as one of the United States of America greatest heroes, Abraham Lincoln is famous for his unique appeal and incredible impact on the nation. He was the United States 16th president. His story is an astounding one rising from a humble background to become the most powerful man the land. However, at the time when his country needed him most, a tragic and sudden death strikes him. He is assassinated. He left a legacy that endured due to his unique humane personality as a leader of the unionRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln Essay2383 Words  | 10 PagesReport Name Abraham Lincoln paved a path of equality and freedom for slaves and people of the 1800s as well as having a major impact on society and government; Abraham Lincoln s engagement with the public people skyrocketed his career as being a president and a suitable leader to the people of the United States of America. Born on February 12th, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln in his later years would be known as one of the most influential leaders of all time. Abraham Lincoln was bornRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1217 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln was born in the year 1809 on February 12th in the town of Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. Growing up Lincoln had no proper education, consequently he read books and educated himself. During Lincoln’s young adult years, he worked a various number of jobs as a shopkeeper, surveyor, and a postmaster. In 1832, Lincoln became a captain of the Hawk War against the Native Americans. Shortly after the war was over, he began his political career and was elected to theRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1817 Words  | 8 Pagesmore than any of these other men: Abraham Lincoln, the man who freed the slaves. Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky, is widely considered to be one of the greatest presidents to have ever been in office. During the course of his presidency, Lincoln not only lead the Union during the Civil War and tried to unify the nation through a harsh time of crisis, conflict, and bloodshed: through his beliefs, his example and his legacy, Lincoln freed the slaves, gave them the rightRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln Essay2382 Words  | 10 PagesAbraham Lincoln paved a path of equality and freedom for slaves and people of the 1800s as well as having a major impact on society and government; Abraham Lincoln s engagement with the public people skyrocketed his career as being a president and a suitable leader to the people of the United States of America. Born on February 12th, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln in his later years would be known as one of the most influential leaders of all time. Abraham Lincoln was born intoRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1826 Words  | 8 Pages Abraham Lincoln’s victory in the 1860 presidential election, was a beacon of hope for many slaves in America. Becoming the 16th president of the United States serving from 1861 to 1865, Abraham Lincoln is one of America’s most celebrated heroes. Holding office during the years of the American Civil War, Lincoln preserved the Union, while creating a new era that consisted of emancipated African American slaves. After winning a victory at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862, he issuedRead MoreLegacy Of Abraham Lincoln s Legacy Essay1582 Words  | 7 PagesLegacy Leader: Abraham Lincoln A legacy leader is someone who has left a positive and lasting impression in society due to his or her leadership qualities and/or traits. Abraham Lincoln is a prime example of a legacy leader due to the leadership traits he displayed throughout his presidency. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He exhibited great leadership qualities such as integrity, duty, and selfless service. Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and hisRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1500 Words  | 6 PagesAbraham Lincoln has been studied more than any other in American history. In fact, over 15,000 different books have been written about our 16th president. Throughout the pages of these books, President Lincoln is affectionately referred to by many different names, such as the Railsplitter, Honest Abe, and the Great Emancipator. A vast majority of these written works honor Lincoln as one of our greatest presidents. Not everyone feels that way, however. Charles Adams, in his book, When in the CourseRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1292 Words  | 6 PagesAbraham Lincoln has been called the greatest president in all of American history. His principles were dedicated to the survival of the United States during one of the most gruesome and bloody wars in the country s history, the American Civil War. During his presidency, he fought for the emancipation of slaves because he believed the institution of slavery was morally unjust. His ideals, which appealed to the founding principles of the country, energized and mobilized the union and kept it alive
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
Question: Discuss about the Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Answer: Data analysis using regression The data analysis has been a comprehensive way for performing the analysis using the linear as well as the nonlinear regression and the multilevel models. (Gelman et al., 2006). This is able to instruct the reader to fit in the R software implementation with properly working on the causal inference, with the regression post stratification, matching, regression discontinuity and the other instrumental variables. (Guo et al., 2015). This helps in analyzing the multilevel logistic regression and the missing data imputation that has been set to put and built the fitting to properly provide the understanding of the throughput. (Kabacoff, 2015). The data analysis is accessible through illustrating the graphical displays which appears to adorn to the shelves to the applied statisticians and the social scientists. For this, the focus has been on the Bayesian Data Analysis which gets into the serious modelling for setting the problem which leads to the common knowledge and static modelling. ( Harell, 2015). For the statistical modelling, there have been relationships which include the modeling as well the analysis of the variables that have been set for the dependent and the independent variables. (Montgomery et al., 2015). Compare Chen-Zhang(2010) model with Fama-French Three factor model The Chen-Zhang Three Tier Model has been mainly the market factor, with the investments and the return-on-assets which is able to work on the cross-sectional area variation with the expected stock returns. (Ott et al., 2015). There have been outperformance traditional asset pricing models to properly explain the associated short term returns with the financial distress and the net stock issues. The performance of the model is based on expected return estimates that have been in the practice. (Newcomer et al., 2015). There have been positive relations of the average returns with the short term prior returns and the earning with the negative relations to handle the financial distress. The motivation is based on handling the market sensitivity along with market excess return where there have been difference in the return on the high investment of the stocks and the difference on the portfolio stocks with the higher returns. (Chatterijee et al., 2015). Where these values are for the expected returns and for the factor loadings from the regression portfolio. There are different issues which relate to the net stock, growth of the assets, earnings which are related to the outperformance of the model. (Faraway, 2016). The traditional asset pricing models is based on capturing the effects by a larger margin. Fama-French Three Factor model is designed for the description of the stock returns with the focus on the size of the company, price to book ratio as well as the marketing risk structure. (Fox, 2015). The tradition assets of the pricing model are important for properly handling the portfolio or the stocks of the market. (Martina et al., 2015). This is mainly to handle the small caps and the stocks which has a lower price to the booking ratio with the focus on the portfolio management. (Welten et al., 2016). The reflection has been set on focusing over: Here the r is the portfolio that has an expected rate of return with the Rf mainly for the risk free return rate and Km for the return of market portfolio. (Buck et al., 2016). There have been small market stands to handle the HML High minus Low for measuring the historic excess returns of the small caps. (Nakamura et al., 2015). The factors are related to the BIM ranking and the cap ranking to access the determined linear regressions and can hold the negative and positive values of the system. The diversified portfolio return is to take hold of the book-to-market ratio and the related ratio which examine the size of the returns. (Maniatis, 2016). R Code czm { temp1 temp2 inputXwithTime averageInputX averageY1 averageY2 modWithTime diagXX offdiagXX VecOffdiagXX averageY3 averageY4 Tn1 Tn2 VCZ rej2 if (VCZ qnorm(1 - signiLevel, 0, 1)) {rej2 return(list(NewStat = VCZ, New = rej2)) } temp1 temp2 Z inputX results fftfm { temp1 temp2 inputXwithTime averageInputX averageY1-(sum(inputXwithTime) - averageInputX*temp1)/(temp1*(temp1 - 1)) averageY2-(sum(inputXwithTime^2) - sum(diag(inputXwithTime^2)))/(temp1*(temp1 - 1)) modWithTime diagXX offdiagXX VecOffdiagXX averageY3-(sum(modWithTime)-sum(diag(modWithTime))-2*sum(diagXX*VecOffdiagXX))/(temp1*(temp1 - 1)*(temp1 - 2)) averageY4-((temp1*(temp1 - 1)*averageY1)^2 - 2*temp1*(temp1 - 1)*averageY2 - 4*temp1*(temp1 - 1)*(temp1 - 2)*averageY3)/(temp1*(temp1 - 1)*(temp1 - 2)*(temp1 - 3)) Tn1 Tn2 UCZ rej2 if (UCZqnorm(1 - signiLevel, 0, 1)) {rej2 return(list(NewStat=UCZ, New=rej2)) } temp1 temp2 Z inputX results References Gelman, A., Hill, J. (2006).Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cambridge University Press. Kabacoff, R. (2015).R in action: data analysis and graphics with R. Manning Publications Co.. Harrell, F. (2015).Regression modeling strategies: with applications to linear models, logistic and ordinal regression, and survival analysis. Springer. Montgomery, D. C., Peck, E. A., Vining, G. G. (2015).Introduction to linear regression analysis. John Wiley Sons. Ott, R. L., Longnecker, M. T. (2015).An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. Nelson Education. Newcomer, K. E., Hatry, H. P., Wholey, J. S. (2015).Handbook of practical program evaluation. John Wiley Sons. Chatterjee, S., Hadi, A. S. (2015).Regression analysis by example. John Wiley Sons. Gelman, A. (2015). Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, version 1.8-4, 2015. Faraway, J. J. (2016).Extending the linear model with R: generalized linear, mixed effects and nonparametric regression models(Vol. 124). CRC press. Fox, J. (2015).Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models. Sage Publications. Welten, C. C., Koeter, M. W., Wohlfarth, T. D., Storosum, J. G., van den Brink, W., Gispen-de Wied, C. C., ... Denys, D. A. (2016). Does Insight Affect the Efficacy of Antipsychotics in Acute Mania?: An Individual Patient Data Regression Meta-Analysis.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology,36(1), 71-76. Nakamura, R., Suhrcke, M., Jebb, S. A., Pechey, R., Almiron-Roig, E., Marteau, T. M. (2015). Price promotions on healthier compared with less healthy foods: a hierarchical regression analysis of the impact on sales and social patterning of responses to promotions in Great Britain.The American journal of clinical nutrition,101(4), 808-816. Maniatis, P. (2016). Factors affecting the long-term interest rate and its duration of the European Central Bank: an econometric analysis using regression with life data.International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science,2(3), 153-183.] Martina, R., Kay, R., van Maanen, R., Ridder, A. (2015). The analysis of incontinence episodes and other count data in patients with overactive bladder by Poisson and negative binomial regression.Pharmaceutical statistics,14(2), 151-160. Guo, S., Fraser, M. W. (2015). Propensity score analysis.Statistical methods and applications,12. Buck, J. A., Underhill, P. R., Morelli, J., Krause, T. W. (2016, February). Analysis of pulsed eddy current data using regression models for steam generator tube support structure inspection. In42ND ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION: Incorporating the 6th European-American Workshop on Reliability of NDE(Vol. 1706, p. 090005). AIP Publishing.
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Cheesecake Factory
Cheesecake factory is one among the most successful fast food companies in the world. Although the name of this company may suggest that it deals with cheese and cakes only, it should be noted that this factory offer over two hundred different food choices. Most of the menu in the factory is based on orders from its customers, a strategy adapted to cater for the different dietary requirements by different customers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Cheesecake Factory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The success of the Cheesecake factory can be attributed to the quality products associated with the company. For instance, the company uses high quality ingredients in their food production and this tradition has made the factory’s products to be outstanding in the competitive fast foods industry (The cheesecake factory,1). The factory provides services both to be consumed in the many outlets of the factory and take away services for customers who wish to enjoy the factory’s products at their homes. Among the most famous products of this company are the legendary cheesecakes and special deserts (The cheesecake factory, 1). These take away foods provide a crucial opportunity for the factory to collect revenue because they are highly demanded. Passing by the cheesecakes factory will definitely attract ones attention. The factory outlets are situated in strategic places with high population. This strategy has enabled the factory attract a large number of customers. The various food choices provided by the cheesecakes factory has made the factory to be the most preferred among fast food providers in the market. As a result, the factory has been registering a positive growth due to the ever increasing revenue generated y the factory’s daily sales. The aim of the cheesecakes factory is to add value not only to the investors but also to the employees and customers of the factory . For example, the factory has made the regular training of its workers a tradition. This strategy is aimed at making the employees of the factory aware of the most recent technology in the food provision industry. The factory also pays its employees an attractive salary to motivate their efforts. Consequently, the employees of this factory apply the most current technology to ensure that the factory’s products are outstanding in the market (The cheesecake factory, 1).. Inside the factory outlets, there are attractive displays of foods. The rooms are designed in a way to ensure the comfort of its customers. The factory’s products are of a lower price compared to those of other factories providing similar products. This ensures that customers enjoy their preferred products at a friendly price. These strategies adapted by the cheesecakes factory have made the factory’s brand a success. Through the provision of better services, the factory has been able to attract and win the confidence of many customers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to providing a wide range of foods, the cheesecakes factory provides gift cards to be used for various occasions. The factory either emails cards personalized greetings and a photo of the recipient or with a logo of the factory. In other cases, the factory sends the cards via first class mail. These gift cards are delivered with standardized prices to attract customers into the factory’s business. Through this strategy, the cheesecakes factory makes tremendous revenue collection, thus adding value to the investor. The factory’s management uses the income generated by the factory to motivate workers and improve the services of the factory. Consequently, the factory adds value to its customers by ensuring that they receive goods that will maximize their utility. Work Cited The c heesecake factory. Our story. Retrieved from This essay on The Cheesecake Factory was written and submitted by user KingBedlam to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay Essays
Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay Essays Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay Essay Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay Essay The nursing deficit and high turnover rate in nursing impacts the economic life of every wellness attention organisation in America. The intent of this paper is to specify and discourse the attacks in leading and direction manners in relation to the nursing deficit and nurse turnover utilizing theories. rules. accomplishments. and functions of the leader versus director and to place this student’s professional doctrine of nursing and personal leading manner. Introduction The Affordable Care Act has changed the landscape of wellness attention bringing in America. Many more patients are seeking wellness attention. Mary Force concludes one of the most serious issues confronting healthcare bringing is the nursing deficit. It is estimated the current deficit of registered nurses will be 340. 000 by the twelvemonth 2020 ( Force. 2005 ) . There is unequal nursing staff to run into the heavy demands of the current patient clime seen in acute attention infirmaries today. Hospitals need reliable. extremely trained nurses. Nursing turnover and deficits mean current nurses seek different employment. resign. transportation or are terminated. Causes of turnover and deficits are an aging RN population and a demographically big aging boomer population. low registrations in nursing schools. increased work load. hapless nurse staffing ratios and high patient sharp-sightedness harmonizing to Ribelin ( 2003 ) . Nurses do non go forth infirmaries ; they leave their directors ( Ribelin. 2003 ) . Lack of good leading by nurse leaders and directors. limited upward mobility. unsatisfactory wage. deficiency of teamwork. hapless communicating. and inflexibleness in work agenda all besides lending factors to high staff turnover. COMPARE AND CONTRAST LEADERS APPROACH It is of import to understand the different function the nurse director and nurse leader drama in order to understand their attack to the staff they have responsible for. particularly in the country of staff keeping. The functions are different yet there is interface between both. The nurse manager’s function is defined by the organisation that gives her or him authorization ( control ) and has subsidiaries ( nurse leader ) to depute undertakings to so that the ends of the organisation are met. They value stableness and concentrate on short-run consequences. Their aims are to complete undertakings. execute clip direction. control productiveness. and maintain necessary equipment. They plan. budget. form. co-ordinate. work out jobs and do determinations. They focus on the organization’s policy and processs. systems. efficiency. and making the work in their assigned country per organisational boundaries. It is small admiration that staff sometimes see themselves as little more than a figure in the eyes of some nurse troughs. The nurse director can turn to the job of turnover by being seeable and present in the unit and be seen by their staff often. They can help with flexible programming and equal staff-patient ratios. They can besides be title-holders for equal reimbursement. benefit programs. and the synchronism of resources that enhance the nursing experience. When coupled with organisational reimbursement for advanced instruction such as completion of baccalaureate and maestro grades. nursing satisfaction is higher and directors are better able to retain their staff. Hunt suggests occupation sharing as a possibility besides ( Hunt. 2009 ) . They can besides acknowledge staff for their services and give items of grasp. Unfortunately nurse directors have small control over the nursing deficit. The U. S. federal authorities must apportion more educational financess to back up nursing plans. There must be more plans available so instructors can be trained and extra seats made available to pupils at universities and community colleges. The nurse leader’s function and activity with the staff is an of import nexus in helpin g the organisation make its ends. They earn the right to take by act uponing people through communicating. consensus. explicating vision. hearing. instruction. inspiring. motivation. making. edifice trust relationships. and empowerment. Effective nurse leading is about teamwork. hearing. mentoring. coaching. and persuasion. Nurse leaders assist staff with the large image. the vision. Nurse leaders look for new ways to work out jobs by being flexible and adaptative. They are first-class at communicating and being involved with their staff. They encourage engagement by the nursing staff in clinical ladders for calling promotion. Their followings value them. They are a positive force through their communicating. sense of intent. and therefore help in staff keeping and turnover. Effective leading is an indispensable constituent in staff keeping ( Kleinman. 2004 ) . PESONNAL LEADERSHIP STYLE The writer’s ain personal and professional doctrine blends good with the function of nurse leader. She has the qualities to be a director but her personal and professional manner revolves around learning. pass oning making vision and squad edifice. To be positive and inspiring is portion of this nurse’s innate character. This nurse has the capacity to be a transformational nurse leader. prima by illustration. animating others of the organisations vision. and to promote others to foster their instruction. This author identifies and promotes shared duty for actions and a democratic procedure in which nurses communicate efficaciously with direction. This nurse leader empowers everyone to work as a squad and accomplish ends. The corporate group so takes ownership if they feel they are heard and valued. They catch the vision. The organization’s vision becomes their vision. Success comes from people working together understanding that together they can all make great things. The issue of turnover and keeping can be addressed by increased satisfaction in the nursing calling. This frequently comes by nurse leaders like myself cognizing the strengths and failings of the staff. handling the staff as persons with great possible to lend to the squad. listening. carrying. promoting. being sensitive to the work load of the staff. demoing empathy for the staff and affecting nurses in the determination devising procedure. This besides involves nurse leaders pass oning clearly with the nurse director. associating the squad together to accomplish ends. Decision Nursing deficits and turnover are ongoing issues. All degrees of Leadership must join forces to turn to the on-going issues of nursing deficits and turnover. Good leading by nurse directors and nurse leaders can cut down the nurse turnover rate but the nursing deficit that is blighting the wellness attention system is impeding the ability of nurses to supply equal attention of their patients. It is a policy affair to be addressed by the highest degrees of authorities. Nurse directors and nurse leaders have differing functions and methods of obtaining aims but both are needed to successfully run into the ends of the wellness attention organisation. MentionsForce M. V. 2005. Relationship Between Effective Nurse directors and Nursing keeping. Force. M. V. ( 2005 ) . The Relationship Between Effective Nurse directors and Nursing keeping. . 35 ( 718 ) . 336-341. D Hunt. S. ( 2009 ) : Nursing Employee turnover: Costss. Causes. A ; Solutions. Retrieved on October 6. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //uexcel. com/resources/articles/NursingTurnover. pdf Kleinman. C. ( 2004 ) . Leadership: A cardinal scheme in staff nurse keeping. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 35 ( 3 ) . 128-132. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //tools. hhr-rhs. ca/index. php? option=com_mtree A ; task=att_download A ; link_id=5677 A ; cf_id=68 A ; lang=en Ribelin. P. ( 2003 ) . Recruitment A ; keeping study: Retention reflects leading manner. Nursing Management. 34 ( 8 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nursingcenter. com/lnc/journalarticle? Article_ID=418488
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Placement report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Placement report - Essay Example Chalayan’s vision in his design work is to tell stories through his creations, providing a narrative within the framework of each piece. Most of his art design connects closely to the human body in some manner and there is a subtle undercurrent of sexuality, along with occasional fetishes relating to power, domination, and restraint (Burley, 2013). As in his graduate collection, Chalayan likes to design with clothes that can tell or imply some type of story, where the clothes appear to have gone through an event or action. His choice of materials, wood, metal, mirrors, were also distinctive and it has been part of his goal to always find new ways of saying something different and unique (Violette, 2011). Indeed, his most iconic show may be that of SS07, in which he presented a line of morphing animatronic dresses, which changed into another era of style during the modelling walkway process. One dress started out as a sculptured Victorian-styled dress that morphed into a 1920s flapper dress by using hidden mechanisms. The last dress on the walkway, actually disappeared, leaving the model as totally nude (Burley, 2013). â€Å"Boredom is a big thing for me. As a child, I remember being worried that I’d be bored in Cyprus (home), which is an isolated island, so I had to really create my own world to keep myself going. I think probably a lot of my worldview stems from the fact that boredom is a big thing.†(Burley, 2013). In another fashion show that Chalayan created, the focus was on wooden furniture in a living room. The models walked around the furniture and removed fabric covers off each piece, put them on, and wore them as dresses. The last piece left was a wooden table. A model walked over, removed the centre piece, then stepped into the opening and pulled the piece up to her waist. It became the layered wooden skirt, seen in figure 1 above
Friday, February 7, 2020
Image analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Image analysis - Essay Example Twitchell suggests that the human condition is one in which we have been inherently materialistic making us susceptible to the images we see. â€Å"We have always been desirous of things. We have just not had many of them until quite recently, and, in a few generations, we may return to having fewer and fewer†(Twitchell 471-472). However, in this material culture, where so many things are mass-produced in a variety of forms and substances, it is helpful to have some sort of guide to help us determine which things should be accorded the highest value and which things are not so great. This is where advertising enters the scene and helps us to define just what is valuable and what kind of meaning or history a particular object might have. It takes advantage of this natural human tendency to want to be comfortable and to have stuff to own, trade, protect or produce. However, despite our desire for increasingly more ‘stuff’, we nevertheless insist on being entertaine d if we are to pay attention to the message or the products it’s associated with. As a result, if advertising is to be effective, it must first appeal to the consumer in an entertaining or meaningful way, such as in the image taken by Peter Knapp in 1971. A basic description of this photograph reveals a greater than expected complicity. Upon first looking at the image, one is able to recognize a very pretty dark-haired girl with somewhat unusual features looking out of the page with an unfocused expression. Her face is heavily made up in what probably is underdone for the 70s generation. Her hair falls below her shoulders with somewhat messy curls gathering on her upper chest, but it does not extend longer than her armpit area. She has rich, peacock blue eye-shadow covering her eyelids which makes her seeming lack of eyebrows more prominent. She also has spots of pink rouge covering her cheeks in a way that looks less
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
External Environment Analysis Essay Example for Free
External Environment Analysis Essay The Coca-Cola Company owes the success of its internal operations to its principles of corporate responsibility. The firm has incorporated an apt ethics program; this will guide their employees, and ensure them growth, achievement, and satisfaction for their jobs. In order to make this possible, The ideology of corporate responsibility is moderated and promulgated by the Public Policy and Corporate Reputation Council. The Council is comprised by a group of senior managers from each beverage and bottling company in the industry. It ascertains the risks and opportunities that each company in the industry encounters. The PPCR Council advises beverage companies in their employee management and operations. Feasible business strategies are generated in order to achieve growth and progress for beverage companies like the Coca-Cola Company (The Coca-Cola Company,2008). The firm believes there is no Coke without the presence of its prolific employees, which is the major force behind more than satisfactory results for the growth and progress of the company. Its operations are bolstered by innovative thinking, unique perspectives, and operational excellence of the workforce, which sustains profit margins of the firm as well as its image. With this in mind, the company recognizes the crucial role of its workforce plays in its worldwide operations. The Coca-Cola Company puts a premium on job satisfaction. The firm ensures that the Coca-Cola workplace is an environment where people can generate excellent input and augment their performance while enjoying what they do (The Coca-Cola Company,2008). Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Supplier Power Coca-Cola’s suppliers have been clamoring for increased prices for raw materials used in manufacturing their products. Usually, these suppliers are responsible for the prices of raw materials to increase. Suppliers have gained the notoriety of manipulating the cost of raw materials, which generates a deliberate effect on the firms part. Suppliers are more manipulative whenever the number of suppliers is low. This gives the handful of suppliers to raise the price of raw materials, which in turn leaves firms line Coca-Cola’s no further options to purchase commodities of lower cost. An international brand like Coca-Cola’s is usually responsible for improving the working conditions within their factories (Foust, 2006). The firm provides the much-needed technical assistance, which help augment the performance of both factory workers and shop floor employees. Buyer Power Buyer power is also considered the spending capacity of the consumer. In the athletic shoe industry, the buyer power is strong. This aspect simply states that the buyer or the consumer has always has a â€Å"say†on the price of particular good. Furthermore, buyer power is considered crucial due to the fact that it has a deliberate impact on the industry. However, softdrink companies like Coca-Cola’s has a discreet mutual arrangement regarding the aspect of buyer power. These intangible mutual contracts between the firm and its consumers have been apparent for quite some time now (Foust, 2006). Firms have been empowering consumers to augment their buyer power. Buyer power has a relationship with supplier power as well. A firm like Coca-Cola’s opines for the cost of raw materials it acquires from its suppliers. Buyer power is quite a delicate matter to elaborate on. The asymmetry between the buyer and the industry generates a bevy of discrepancies, which contributes to an inconsistent market condition and prevents forward integration. Barriers and Threats of Entry Perennial rival companies like PepsiCo and RC Cola are not the only ones who pose a threat for the company. Neophyte softdrink companies both domestic and international are always attempting penetrate the industry will also have a deliberate effect in the industry. The outcome will be a fluctuation in percentage of the market share of softdrink companies. Coca-Cola’s does its part through studying potential market segments to entice. Firms that tend to enter and exit a market are subjected to nominal profits (Foust, 2006). Competitive Rivalry Coca-Cola’s always strives to survive in a competitive industry through the aid of its competitive advantage. For the plethora of softdrink companies, competition always matters in order to bolster profitability. Coca-Cola’s augments their advertising and marketing strategy by its charismatic approach to its advertising. The global softdrink industry is highly competitive (Foust, 2006). The company has to compete with national and domestic retailers such as discount store chains, department stores, independent retail stores, and internet retailers that cater to a particular market segment of similar merchandise. The company has encountered stiff competition in Asian markets, which range from regional to national chains. Threat of Alternative Products Substitutes The apparent threat of alternative or substitute products is a common adversity for Coca-Cola’s. A number of softdrink companies have always attempted to overwhelm Coca-Cola’s s market share through attempts in cheaper price movements in order for consumers to consider other brands aside from Coca-Cola’s. The subject of price elasticity surfaces whenever the price change of an alternative product affects as the demand for such product. The industry where Coca-Cola’s thrives is saturated by a bevy of substitute products, which to tend to constrained the ability of these companies to make an increase in prices. The softdrink industry is always sporadic and innovative in terms of manufacturing products, which can draw consumers to purchase their products. The outcome is a letdown in sales for the Coca-Cola Company (Foust, 2006). Reference The Coca-Cola Company. (2008). Governance Ethics. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/citizenship/governance_ethics. html The Coca-Cola Company. (2008). Engagement. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from http://www. thecoca- colacompany. com/citizenship/engagement. html Foust, D. (2006). Queen of Pop. Business Week. New York: Aug 7, 2006. , Iss. 3996; pg. 44 Foust, D. Byrnes, N. Gone Flat. (2004). Business Week. New York: December 20, 2004, Issue 3913: page 76
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Night :: essays research papers
Night The Halocaust, a horrible time for the world. Just as any war is. War is the single most destructive thing our world has. It can take the lives of millions of people in just a few seconds.War however may seem bad from the perspective of many people, but it is even worse from the perspective of a single person. A boy for instance, trapped between two opposing forces. Elie for example has lived through this. A boy of only 15, how much he has suffered through. During the course of the book Night it is obvious that Elie lost faith in his god. "For the first time, I felt revolt rise up in me. Why should I bless his name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Poerful and terrible, was silent. what had I to thank him for?" (31). This is Elie's first sign of losing faith. In his mind he wondered how a god, so great and wonderful hasn't helped out his people, But rather let them see how cruel people can be. Elie said this after he had witnessed babies sent to their doom in a pit of fire. How could he not ask his god why he hasn't done anything. A boy of 15 years old should not witness this, nor should anyone witness these acts of hatred. "Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever." (32) From that moment on, Elie had no reason to believe in God. The flames which Madame Schachter had spoke about on the train. If only they realized it sooner. God, the most important role in human civilization was going to let the slaughter of innocent people go on in his world. Many people lost faith during this time. The sight of someone being beaten infront of you, but knowing that if you help, it'll be even worse for you. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things even if I am condemmed to live as long as God Himself, forever. Never. (32) Something so powerful it could murder a once very religous boy's faith forever. He would never be able to turn back like he once did, to ask God "Why?". God lives
Monday, January 13, 2020
Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy Essay
â€Å"Balanced Scorecard†is the tool for motivating and measuring business unit performance with four perspectives – financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth. These days, it becomes so complicated and complex to navigate competitive environment, thus some people figured out that balanced scorecard could be used as the tool for linking multiple strategies. It contains both financial and non-financial measures. It was revealed that the measure should include both outcome measures and the performance drivers of those outcomes. It turns out that there are strategic measures for the four perspectives each. First of all, Financial performance measures define the long-run objectives of the business unit. Business units can be categorized into three different stages simply – rapid growth, sustain, and harvest. During rapid growth stage, businesses make rational amount of investments to develop and enhance new products and services. During sustain stage, they still attract investment and reinvestment, furthermore they are demanded to earn magnificent returns on their invested capital. During harvest stage, they only focus on maximizing cash flow back to the corporation rather than investment. Moreover, there are financial themes that can be linked to the strategies – revenue growth and mix, cost reduction/productivity improvement, and asset utilization/investment strategy. Secondly, in the Customer perspective, managers identify the customer and market segments. It includes customer satisfaction, customer retention, new customer acquisition, customer profitability, and market and account share in targeted segments. Customer retention defines that retaining existing customers in the segment is the way for maintaining or increasing market share in targeted segments. Customer acquisition identifies acquiring new customers as the way. Customer satisfaction is the matter of meeting customers’ needs and it is the measurement of the feedback. Customer profitability means that businesses want to measure not only the satisfaction of the customer, but also the profitability that customers can evoke. Thirdly, in Internal Business Process perspective, executives identify the critical internal processes in which the organization must excel. It enables business unit to deliver on the value propositions of customers in targeted market segments, and to satisfy shareholder expectations of excellent financial returns. On the other hand, it means there are the process that customer need turned into customer need satisfaction through innovation cycle, operations cycle, and post-sale service cycle. Fourthly, in Learning & Growth perspective, it identifies the infra-structure that the organization has to build to create long-term growth and improvement. It comes from three sources that people, systems, and organizational procedures. As I mentioned above, it has been the trend to link and mix multiple scorecard measures into a single strategy. The multiple measures on a properly constructed balanced scorecard should consist of a linked series of objectives and measures that are both consistent and mutually reinforcing. The scorecard should incorporate the complex set of cause-and-effect relationships, outcomes & performance drivers and linked to financial. Cause and effect relationships can be expressed by a sequence of if-then statements and pervade all four perspectives of balanced scoreboard. It can be described as the process â€Å"employee skills(learning & growth)→process quality/process cycle time(internal) →on-time delivery→customer loyalty(customer) →ROCE(financial)†. Outcomes and performance drivers reflect the common goals of many strategies, as well as similar structures across industries and companies. Therefore, a good balanced scoreboard should have a mix of core outcome measures and performance drivers, that’s why businesses care both outcomes and performance drivers. Even though the strategy should have to emphasize both financial and non-financial measures, in the sense of improving business unit performance, we have to consider financial measures little bit more. Ultimately, causal paths from all the measures on a scorecard should be linked to financial objectives. In conclusion, the balanced scorecard is more than a collection of financial and non-financial measurements. It is the translation of the business unit’s strategy into a linked set of measures that identify both the long-term strategic objectives, as well as the mechanisms for achieving and obtaining feedback on those objectives. This thesis could be applied on the Metro Bank case and National Insurance Company case.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Europe and the New World New Encounters - 4462 Words
Europe and the World: New Encounters, 1500-1800 On the Brink of a New World â â€" By the 16th century, the Atlantic seaboard had become the center of a commercial activity that raised Portugal and Spain and later the Dutch Republic, England, and France to prominence âž ¢ the age of expansion was a crucial factor in the European transition from the agrarian economy of the MA to a commercial and industrial capitalistic system. The Motives â â€" Contact w/non-Europeans remained limited until the end of the 15th century Fantastic Lands â â€" Europeans had always been curious about lands outside of Europe Economic Motives â â€" Although Muslim control of Central Asia cut Europe off from the countries farther east, the Mongol conquests in the 13thc†¦show more content†¦armada defeated a combined fleet of Turkish and Indian ships and began to impose a blockade on the entrance to the Red Sea to cut off the flow of spices to Egypt and the Ottoman Empire â â€" Goa became the headquarters for p. operations throughout the entire region âž ¢ The p. conducted raids against Arab shippers In Search of Spices â â€" In 1511, Albuquerque sailed into the harbor of Malacca on the Malay peninsula âž ¢ He thought it would help destroy the Arab spice trade and provide the pw/a way station on the route to the Moluccas, aka the Spice Islands âž ¢ Their attempted takeover of the area resulted in a struggle b/w the p and ms â â€" From Malacca, the p launched expeditions further east, to China and the SI âž ¢ there they signed a treaty w/local rulers for trade âž ¢ Within a few years, the p seized control of the spice trade from ms and got profits for the p monarchy âž ¢ The p empire remained limited b/c they lacked the power, population, and desire to colonize Asian regions â â€" Their success was mainly due to guns and seamanship Voyages to the New World â â€" the sp attempted to reach the same destination by sailing across the Atlantic. Their resources enabled them to establish a bigger empire than the p The Voyages of Columbus â â€" He felt that Asia could be reached by sailing west instead of east New Voyages â â€" John Cabot explored the New England coastline under a license from Henry VIII. PedroShow MoreRelatedThe Silk Road And Its Effect On Every Aspect Of People s Lives1615 Words  | 7 Pagesdeclining in the late 14th century B.C. . Its origin dates back to the Han Dynasty where the Silk Road was used to reach out to surrounding cities and empires to develop alliances for trade. The original purpose for The Silk Road was to link China to Europe through trade and for political reasons, but later on merchants discovered that the route provided safer travel for carrying merchandise from place to place. Not long after merchants and nomads began trading, did cultural diffusion and cultural interconnectednessRead MoreThe Importance Of The Crusades788 Words  | 4 Pageshow they work to support their own empire. 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