Friday, August 16, 2019
Indian Footwear Market
Brochure More information from http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/594216/ Indian Footwear Industry Analysis Description: Standing on the threshold of a retail revolution and witnessing a fast changing retail landscape, the Indian footwear market is set to experience the phenomenal growth in coming years. In past few years too, the market has seen robust growth, says â€Å"Indian Footwear Industry Analysis†report. This report provides extensive research and in-depth analysis on the Indian footwear market.The detailed data and analysis given in the report will help the client to evaluate the leading-edge opportunities critical to the success of the footwear market in India. The forecasts and estimations given in this report are not based on a complex economic model, but are intended as a rough guide to the direction in which the market is likely to move. This forecast is based on a correlation between past market growth and growth of base drivers.Key Findings – The Indian footwear retail market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 20% for the period spanning from 2008 to 2011. – Footwear is expected to comprise about 60% of the total leather exports by 2011 from over 38% in 2006-07. – Presently, the Indian footwear market is dominated by Men’s footwear market that accounts for nearly 58% of the total Indian footwear retail market. – By products, the Indian footwear market is dominated by casual footwear market that makes up for nearly two-third of the total footwear retail market. As footwear retailing in India remain focused on men’s shoes, there exists a plethora of opportunities in the exclusive ladies’ and kids’ footwear segment with no organized retailing chain having a national presence in either of these categories. – The Indian footwear market scores over other footwear markets as it gives benefits like low cost of production, abundant raw material, and has huge consumption m arket. – The footwear component industry also has enormous opportunity for growth to cater to increasing production of footwear of various types, both for export and domestic market.Key Issues & Facts Analyzed Where India stands in the global footwear market? What are the advantages that Indian footwear market gives? What is the past and future performance of Indian footwear market? Which are the fastest growing products of Indian footwear market? What are the growth prospects of the Indian footwear market? What are the key challenges for the footwear market? What is the present status of ethnic footwear market in India? Who are the key players in the Indian footwear market? Key Players This section provides business overview and financial status of key players in the Indian footwear market.The key players discussed in the report are Bata India Ltd. , Liberty Shoe Ltd. , Khadim India Ltd. , Adidas AG, NIKE Inc. and Puma AG. Research Methodology Used Information Sources Inform ation has been sourced from books, newspapers, trade journals, and white papers, industry portals, government agencies, trade associations, monitoring industry news and developments, and through access to more than 3000 paid databases. Analysis Methods The analysis method includes ratio analysis, historical trend analysis, linear regression analysis using software tools, judgmental forecasting, and cause and effect analysis.Contents: 1. Analyst View 2. Global Footwear Market 2. 1 By Value 2. 2 By Volume 2. 3 By Region 3. India in Context of Global Footwear Market 3. 1 By Production 3. 2 By Consumption 3. 3 By Export 4. Factors Making the Indian Footwear Market Attractive 4. 1 Low Cost of Production 4. 2 Variety & Abundance of Raw Material 4. 3 Large Domestic Consumption Market 4. 4 World Class Institutional Support for Designing & Testing 4. 5 Growing Fashion & Brand Consciousness 4. 6 Rising Living Standard 4. 7 Increasing Use of Credit Cards 4. 8 Government Support 5. Indian Footw ear Market 5. Overview 5. 2 Regional Segmentation 5. 3 Market Performance 5. 3. 1 By Product 5. 3. 1. 1 Casual Footwear 5. 3. 1. 2 Mass Footwear 5. 3. 1. 3 Sports Footwear 5. 3. 1. 4 Premium Leather Footwear 5. 3. 1. 5 Premium Non-leather Footwear 5. 3. 2 By Target Segment 5. 3. 2. 1 Men’s Footwear 5. 3. 2. 2 Women’s Footwear 5. 3. 2. 3 Children’s Footwear 5. 3. 3 By Branded & Non-branded 5. 3. 4 By Structure 5. 3. 4. 1 Organized Footwear 5. 3. 4. 2 Unorganized Footwear 5. 3. 5 By Component 5. 3. 6 By Material 5. 3. 6. 1 Leather Footwear 5. 3. 6. 2 Non-leather Footwear 6.Indian Ethnic Footwear Market 7. Future Growth Prospects 7. 1 Women & Kids Footwear 7. 2 International Brands 7. 3 Franchised Operations 7. 4 RFID & Barcode Readers 7. 5 Employment 8. Growth Restraints 8. 1 Environmental Issues 8. 2 Lack of Proper Distribution Channels 8. 3 Lack of Quality Retail Space 8. 4 Labor Laws 8. 5 Increasing Thefts & Frauds 9. Future of Indian Footwear Market 9. 1 Footw ear Retail Market 9. 1. 1 By Value 9. 1. 2 By Volume 9. 2 Footwear Export Market 10. Key Industry Contributors 10. 1 Indian Brands 10. 1. 1 Bata India Ltd. 10. 1. 2 Liberty Shoes Ltd. 0. 1. 3 Khadim India Ltd. 10. 2 Global Brands 10. 2. 1 Adidas AG 10. 2. 2 NIKE, Inc. 10. 2. 3 Puma AG List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 4-1: Emerging Economies – Comparative Per Hour Labor Cost (in US$), 2006 6-1: India – List of Ethnic Footwear by State 10-1: Bata India Ltd. – Key Financials (%), 2006 & Mar 2007 10-2: Liberty Shoes Ltd. – Key Financials (%), Jun 2007 & Dec 2007 10-3: Adidas AG – Key Financials (%), 2006 & Sep 2007 10-4: NIKE, Inc. – Key Financials (%), Nov 2007 & Dec 2007 10-5: Puma AG – Key Financials (%), 2006 & Sep 2007List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figu re Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2-1: Global* – Footwear Market (in Billion US$), 2003-2007 2-2: Global* – Footwear Market (in Billion Pair), 2003-2007 2-3: Global – Footwear Production by Region (%), 2005 2-4: Global – Footwear Consumption by Region (%), 2005 3-1: Global – Leading Footwear Producing Countries (%), 2005 3-2: Global – Leading Footwear Consuming Countries (%), 2005 3-3: India – Share of Leather Footwear Export in Global Import (%), 2002-2005 3-4: India – Share of Non-leather Footwear Export in Global Import (%), 2002-2005 3-5: Emerging Economies* – Top Ten Footwear Exporters (%), 2006 3-6: India – Footwear Export by Destination (%), 2004-05 4-1: India – Population (in Million), 2002-2007E 4-2: India – Forecast for Population (in Million), 2008-2012 4-3: India – Per Head Disposable Income (in US$), 2002-2007E 4-4: India – Fore cast for Per Head Disposable Income (in US$), 2008-2012 5-1: India – Footwear Retail Market (in Rs Crore), 2004-2007E 5-2: India – Footwear Retail Market (in Billion Pair), 2003-2007 5-3: India – Share of Rural & Urban Regions in Clothing & Footwear Consumption (%), 2005 5-4: India – Footwear Retail Market* by Product (%), 2006 5-5: India – Casual FootwearRetail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-6: India – Mass Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-7: India – Sports Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-8: India – Premium Leather Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-9: India – Premium Non-leather Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-10: India – Footwear Retail Market* by Target Segment (%), 2006 5-11: India – Men’s Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-12: India – Women’s Footwear Ret ail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-13: India – Children’s Footwear Retail Market (in Million Pair), 2006 & 2007E 5-14: India – Share of Branded & Non-branded Footwear Market (%), 2007 5-15: India – Structure of Footwear Retail Market (%), 2006 5-16: India – Share of Footwear Market in Organized Retail Sector (%), 2005 5-17: India – Organized Footwear Retail Market (in Rs Crore), 2004-2007E 5-18: India – Unorganized Footwear Retail Market (in Rs Crore), 2004-2007E 5-19: India – Export of Footwear Component (in Million US$), 2003-04 to 2006-07 5-20: India – Export of Footwear Component by Destination (%), 2006-07 5-21: India – Export of Leather Footwear (in Million US$), 2001-02 to 2006-07 5-22: India – Export of Non-leather Footwear (in Million US$), 2004-05 to 2006-07 7-1: India – RFID Consideration by Retailer (%), 2008F Figure Figure Figure Figure 7-2: 9-1: 9-2: 9-3: India India India Ind ia – Retailers Using Barcode Technology (%), 2005 Forecast for Footwear Retail Market (in Rs Crore), 2008-2011 Forecast for Footwear Retail Market (in Billion Pair), 2008-2012 Export of Footwear (in Billion US$), 2007 & 2011F Ordering: Order Online – http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/594216/ Order by Fax – using the form below Order by Post – print the order form below and send to Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. 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