Thursday, July 18, 2019
Product Design
Executive summary Contents: 1. Introduction 2. 0Current design 2. 1Product Description 2. 2Applications 2. 3Value analysis 2. 4Product life cycle 2. 5Manufacturing method and materials 3. 1Re- Design 3. 2Value analysis 3. 3Design for manufacture 3. 4Design for assembly 3. 5Design for Dis-assembly 3. 6Design for sustainability 4. 1Conclusion References Appendix Executive Summary A blinder is a smooth maker which provides various services. It has different kind of functions and used in household and restaurant. The operation method is very simple. Input Ac current from a wall socket and ingredients needed to mix a desire finish goods as output. To develop or re-design a new product that will be appealing to the consumers. This is challenges for any kind of product. We analysed this product used various tools such as value analysis. From analysis this report explained there are little room to improvement for design, manufacture and assembly. The many component of the product made from plastic and which is cheap as produce with economic of scale and recycle these parts easy. This report will explain about sustainability and how EU control the waste by the implementing low. Introduction: The main objective of the blinder is to mix different ingredients to form of a new product, e. g. banana shake involved with mixing banana and milk. This is not always easy to bland because of different out put required different speeds to create a good mix. Because of that a blander will provide several speed settings. For smooth, well mixed products, it becomes necessary that a blinder will able to spin at a Varity of speed. The speed can be varying with the desirable output. The redesign of the product can be produce with economics of scale with maintain of environmental issue. Weihrich & Koontz (2005) explain that, create product ideas by examining consumers needs and screening the various alternatives, after the product is designed, prepare to lay out of the facilities to be used, plan the system of production, and schedule the various tasks that must be done. 2. 0 Current design: This type of blender can be made of glass, plastic, stainless steel or porcelain. Design is a problem solving activity (Lecture notes). Designer must be developing a product or service that meets a customer wants and needs through dissatisfaction. (Appendix 1). The demanded for the blinder is defined. The PDS shows that top of the container are a lid to prevent ingredients from escaping during operation. At the bottom is a blade assembly, sometimes removable for cleaning purposes. In cases where the blades are removable, the container should an o-ring between the body of the container and the base to seal the container and prevent the contents from leaking. The container rests upon a base that contains a motor for turning the blade assembly and has controls on its surface. Most current blenders offer a number of possible speeds. Low – powered blenders require some liquid to be added for the blender to operate correctly. High-powered blenders are capable of milling grains and crushing ice without such assistance. 2. 1 product description: Stand Blender XB9196G -5 Speeds with pulse -Capacity: 1. 5 L -Powerful 450 W motor -Stainless steel blade -Transplant glass Jug. -Voltage: 120V/230V -Wattage: 500/450 W 2. 2 Application: First, after remove the blender from the box and plug it in to a 120V wall socket. The consumer must then assemble it by placing the lid on the pitcher, the nozzle on the bottom, and attach the pitcher to the blade turner. Second, the pitcher can only fit in to the base one way because of the grooves and the markings. Third, the consumer would then fill the pitcher with whatever they would like to blend before adjusting the speed. There are three options: smooth, mix, and pulse. These basic descriptions for the speeds are clear and easy to understand. â€Å"Smooth†could be perceived as blending something thoroughly therefore it is the higher speed of the two locking buttons. Mix is slower and could be perceived as more stirring. Pulse can be used to intermittently blend the contents of the pitcher at a highest speed. Forth, trying to keep consumers hand on the top of the blender while pushing the buttons can lead to some difficulty. To pour, the consumer removes the top of the blender and grasps it by the handle or the grooves. To store the blender, unplug it and clean thoroughly. Fifth, to clean, the consumer takes apart the blender by removing the pitcher from the blade holder by twisting. This is usually kept tight so that liquid does not leak out the bottom therefore it is difficult to remove. Once the base is screwed off, the blades are easy to access. The nozzle must have water passed through to clean thoroughly but it is not intuitive how to screw the nozzle apart. 2. 3 Value analysis: (VA) Value is monetary terms of product and services relates with consumer desirability, worth and utility. ‘Value analysis is an organised programme to optimise the value of the product by eliminating unnecessary cost. (Lecture notes). The price for the final consumer can be reduced by the producing as bulk. The Fixed cost (FC) should set up as minimise level as possible and control on Variable cost (VC). When Marginal cost will be Zero, there will be possible to reduce the price than competitors. But the some of the specific components production cost is higher than other parts of the blender. The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80-20 rule) states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. 2. 4 Product life cycle: PLC goes through many phases, required skills, knowledge and many professional disciplines. As a product blander is a mature product as voice of the customer. But according to manufacturing it may not be mature product. Because of this product still required many components. There are four things to assert for PLC: 1. Product have a limited life. 2. Product sales pass through different stages and face different challenges. 3. Profits rise and fall in different stages. . Product required combination of marketing, finance, manufacturing, purchasing, RD, HR in each life cycle stages. A blinder is in a perfect competition market. So manufacturer need to combine different marketing and production mechanism with efficiently and effectively. So, Boone and kartz (1990) explain four stages through which a successful product passes: introduction, growth, matu rity, and decline. 2. 5 Manufacturing method and materials: The current product main four components: The motor, base, the pitcher and operational control. The pitcher made from glass. The component made from glass, plastic and stainless steel. 3. 0 Re-design: Redesign of the product transforms the quality better. So what is quality? Galloway ET (2000) explains that this represents the degree to which the design of the product or service meets the requirements of the market. Re-design of the blinder is not dramatic change. There are two major changes than previous model. The jar made by glass (previous) new model made from plastic. There are two main reasons, e. g. it is very cost effective as a material used and re-cycle is more environmental friendly. Another major change is touching Pad. There ware knob for the increase and decrease of the speed (old model). New model touch pad is implemented by numbers. Because of easy to operate in terms of level of speed required for specific output and usable friendly for all kind of consumer. (Appendix 2). This report will explain about different component of the blinder in re-assemble section. 3. 1 Value analysis: Value is interpreted in macro sense; it does not explain not only the cost of material but factor of other productions. The final product needs to face challenges of satisfactory. Does the product value with money? The utility of new jar can be appropriate with SMART analysis. Consumers can relay on this product as any condition of mixer. But glass jar is not friendly with hot condition of mixer. This product is Hazard Free to use, easy to maintenance and the life time depends on use. But it is completely disposal product. There is little sound pollution during operating time. 3. 2 Design for manufacturer: The current product is composed of 4 major components: the pitcher, motor, base, and operator control. The pitcher is made of plastic and is made by injection molding. The subparts of the pitcher are assembled with the use of fasteners. The parts of the pitcher are ease of assembly. There is a blade holder assembly at the base of the plastic pitcher. This piece is plastic and is used to attach the pitcher to the base of the blender. This blender blade fixture is also plastic. But it needs to be bored out with a drill through the middle forming an area for a long screw from the blade assembly. The production of the blades is from a slab of metal where slices of equivalent sizes are taken in order to produce mass amounts of blades at one time. The blender blade setup uses two identical blades 90 degrees to each other that sit on top of one another that are kept in place with simple washers and a long screw. The second major component is the motor which is inside the base and directly under the pitcher. The motor is produce from a specialized motor company. The problem of heat transfer must be examined. The heat produced from the motor will not melt the parts nearby. The motor is made to fit under the base and is sufficiently mounted. The mounting clips are under the blender base and are made to withstand the movement associated with the vibrations from the motor. The mounting clips are extensions on the base allowing for more strength. However, many parts of the motor attachment are attached by gluing which may result in problems with reusing or taking apart the glued components during the assembly process. The third main component is the base. It is made of plastic and is mass produced most likely by injection molding. The base is made durable enough to withstand added liquid in the pitcher as well as a running motor. The last component is the operator control that allows the user to choose different blending speeds. 3. Designs for Assembly: The blender actually consisted of over 50 components. Although we only mentioned the 4 main parts of the blender assembly, the actual manufacturing process was actually very difficult and time consuming due to the mass amount of components and attachments. The future design for the blender would most definitely need to reduce the amount of components to speed up the rate of the manufacturing process. 3. 4 Design for dis- assembly: This report will explain all component of a blinder. So readers can get the information in micro level of the operation. Pitcher: Pitcher made from plastic and it holds liquid and it injection moulding. Cover: Cover top of the pitcher made from plastic and has two parts of moulding. Handle parts: This is for the user to hold pitcher and made from plastic. Pitcher Nozzle: It’s manufacturing process injection moulding and dispenses liquid from pitcher. It is made from plastic. Plunger stick: It is converts force of nozzle into plunger and made from plastic. Plunger Rubber: The function of this part opens up passage for liquid flow and made from rubber. Round Knob: The function of this part directs plunger stick and made from plastic. Plunger washer: The manufacturing process of this part is stamped and function is distributes load over spring. This is made from aluminium. Spring: Spring loads the nozzle lever and made from steel. The manufacturing process is coiled. Nozzle Lever: This pat use for dispense liquid and made from plastic. Blade Subassembly: Upper blade: The main function of this part is cuts food and ice and made from steel. The manufacturing process is milling stamping bending. Lower blade: This part has similar function like upper part. It has same weight as well. Blade shift: The function of this part is transmit rotation of blade turner to blades and made from steel. Washer: The function of this part is distributes load evenly on blade and made from hard fiver. The manufacturing process is stamping. 3Flange Nut: It is attached blade holder to shift and made from steel. Blade Holder: The main function connects blade to pitcher and made from plastic. Bearing: This part made from brass and main function is allows blade to rotate in respect to holder. Blade holder O-ring: It main function is reduces liquid drip page and made from rubber and manufacturing process is injection moulding. Yellow clip ring: This part attaches pitcher to motor cover and made from plastic. White black ring on blade holder: It has similar function of blade holder o-ring. Blade turner: The main function is transmits rotation of motor shaft to blade shaft and made from steel or plastic. Motor sub- assembly: There are few parts e. g. damper, damper/blade washer, motor/damper washer, motor/damper bias, motor cover screw washer and another three main components e. g. Motor fan: The main function of this part is to reduces temperature of motor and maid from plastic. Upper and lower motor bracket: This part made from either plastic or aluminium or copper. The function is holding the motor in place. Motor Assembly: The function is the magnetic field run generates an magnetic field on the motor. This part made from plastic. User interface subassembly: Base and motor cover: Both are made from plastic. One function covers the top of the motor and another cover the bottom of the motor. The other parts of the components are motor cover screws, base screws, button, spring, bottom bracket, signal transmitter. 3. 5 Design for sustainability: Sustainable design is also called ‘Green design, ‘eco design’. It is art of designing physical objectives, the build environment comply with the economic, social and ecological sustainability. Most of the parts of blander are non-toxic and almost all components are recyclable and required little energy to process. The product has powerful 450 W motor which required 120V which require less energy. This is more household and restaurant useable product so it lasting longer. The most of the materials can be use in commercial new production afterlife. The processing of e-waste is causes serious health and pollution problems. The technology change, low initial costs have the fasted growing problem around the world. In the 1990 some of the European countries banned the disposal the electronic waste in lands fields. All unwanted electronic goods can return to sales points with free of charge. This is the producer responsibility for dispose. The EU implemented a system in 2003, under the waste Electrical and electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE 2002/96/EC). The directives transform in national low. The producer should collect their goods from customer and dispose it ecologically friendly manner. 4. 0 Conclusion: Re-design of the blinder is more cost effective and can be produce by economic of scale. It needs to satisfy the consumer demand and needs to face competition in the market. It had been redesign cost effectively and use environmentally friendly. The all components can be reusable for produce of the other new product. The production organisation has more CSR in terms of disposal. As finished goods it needs to face different stages of life. It can be redesign with the time goes and market mechanism change. There are more R&D required for this product in terms of assembly and noise pollution. References: Galloway L and Rowbotham F & Azhashemi M (2000) Operations Management in Context. 1st edi. Oxford, BH. Weihrich H & Koontz H (2005) Management. 11th edi. London, Mc Graw hill. Boone L & Kurtz D (1990) Contemporary Business. 6th edi. London. The Dryden Press. Lecture notes http: //direct. asda. com/on/demandware. store/sites-ASDA-site http:// inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blblender. htm. Appendix :1 Design Flow chat
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