Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Work experience and Impact statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Work experience and Impact statement - Essay ExampleTogether with the sustentation groups, we designed simple engineering structures like incinerators for in the public eye(predicate) institutions use. On education, the activities acted as an encouragement to young race who are still at school because I conducted presentations, workshops and/or conferences meant to create awareness. In this case the alliance has embraced engineering to address their social and economical issues.I plan to pursue a career in transportation and cabinet whereby my main aim is to obtain a position that will enable me maximize my strong civil engineering skills in the field of transportation. I would also like to be challenged in an environment that demands engineering innovation, interpersonal, self-directed and team oriented tasks. This mainly entails ensuring smooth operations and design of highways, airports, railways and public transit (Juan et al 87). It will ultimately ensure safe and efficient movement of people and

Monday, April 29, 2019

Why Japan should be allowed to continue whaling Essay

Why Japan should be allowed to keep on whaling - Essay ExampleTherefore, the following discussion aims at highlighting the different reasons that should encourage the continuity whaling in Japan.The Japanese community has always engaged in whale fishing, since the early days. The whaling fleets usually depart from the verdant twice annually. They head to the southern ocean sanctuary in November, where they hunt minke whales. In May, the fleets visit the northwestern Pacific to hunt different species of whales. These include minke, bryde, fin whales, sei, as well as sperm whales. at one time the fishers get the whales, they process the meat, and return home with the finished product ready for consumption (Cunningham, Huijbens, & Wearing, 2012). Consequently, the activity forms a large part of the Japanese culture as it outlines the activities done on an annual basis. More to these, whaling perpetuates a sense of nationalism amongst the people, given its domestic origin. The commun ity prides itself in the practice, as it has no western influence, un uniform other activities that were introduced by colonialists. Therefore, the activity bears a long history in the country, and needs to be saved to maintain the culture of the people. This follows the need to pass on traditions and practices that characterize a given culture to in store(predicate) generations.Unlike the international community that views whales as mammals that need to be protected from extinction, the Japanese view whales as fish (Miller, & Dolsak, 2007). Consequent to this, the culture of the Japanese community believes that whales serve the significant purpose of food. Just like some communities feed on cows as a source of food, and others give it a heavenly status, so does Japan see whales as a type of fish. Therefore, inhibiting whaling in Japan can be seen as a form of cultural imperialism as it interferes with their beliefs. The country should emphasize on preserving its beliefs,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Robotic Surgery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Robotic military operation - Research Paper Exampledrug administration for use in both pediatric and cock-a-hoop robotic functioning procedures in areas such as thoracoscopically-assited cardiotomy procedures, general non-cardiovuscular thoracosopic surgeries, general laparoscopic surgeries and urological surgeries (Lowes, 2014).The 1st federally approved robotic surgery was performed at a Virginia hospital, a day after the food and drug administration regulators approved the procedure. The grace of the 1st robotic surgery enabled the doctors to get rid of the gall bladder and conduct some other procedures done utilization of a laparoscope, which is a tube that in introduced into the abdomen through very tiny incisions. At the end of the tubes are miniature cameras and surgical instruments that permit surgeons to perform procedures after peering into the body. The AESOP system was approved in 1990 followed by the flattery of da Vinci Surgery System in 2000. The approval of da V inci surgical systems, a robotic system, by the Food and drug administration enabled doctors to use foot pedals on a console and present grips to control three robotic arms that actually performs the laparoscopic surgery through utilization of a variety of tools. The approval was based on a review of clinical studies of effectiveness and safety submitted by the manufacturers and on the good word of the plastic and general surgical devices panel of the Food and drug administrations medical devices consultative committee.The food and drugs administration focused on various issues before approving the utilization of the robotic technology in surgery. Some of the obstacles faced by the robotic surgery in obtaining the approval of the FDAs included showing that the technology had more advantages than as compared to other forms of surgery. Other obstacles entailed ensuring that enough training was conducted to some of the physicians. Before approving the technology, the company that p roduced the da Vinci system had to sponsor sufficient testing

Saturday, April 27, 2019

OPAC Evaluation Between University of Arizona & University of BALAMAN Research Paper

OPAC Evaluation between University of Arizona & University of BALAMAN - Research Paper ExampleThese features include the general representation of these libraries their database characteristics, how operations occur and managed. Moreover, it excessively looks at the means that these libraries provide to search for information. Other vital features include operations on Boolean, back up for searching under the subjects, options for displaying on the screen and means to display out(p)put. In addition, functionalities that will offer closure user support are notably inevitable.The University of Arizona has an unusual layout of the home page clearly covering the menus just below the header page. The integration of sky blue, brown, white and deep blue colors brings out an excellent look ( Lebanese American University, 1997-2015). The selection of the font schemes has differentiated the headings, subheadings, and the body thus fashioning the information easier to read. The lay is ok . Further, the images in place are informative and not just thrown anyhow.On the other hand, the page on Lebanese American University is simple with links to services easily convenient from the home page. The color contrast of green for the heading and a variation of brown for the body is excellent. The refined color red strip in use under the title LAU Libraries is lovely. The change of the menu coloring clearly distinguishes what is in the selection and what is not. Arizona did not have that, however, it uses color shading to identify what has been highlighted and what is not. The photos in use are standard in the way they convey meaning, for example, the one on how to locate the books.The spacing is alright with the distinction of sections. However, despite the difference between the headings and bodies subheadings, it should have been to a greater extent distinct. The preceding has been brought out more clearly on the Arizona website. What is common to the two sites is the si mplicity in their pages with outright links to

Friday, April 26, 2019

Music Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Music - Assignment ExampleThe wide popularity of the music has led to various transcriptions and arrangements. For example, in Switched On Bach on the Moog synthesizer recording done by Walter Carlos and the classical guitar. The composition of this music is in the G key and is in time. The music is put one acrossn to be a slow moving piece.The introduction has three parts the top line, the middle line and the bottom line. The choral is seen to have the alto, bass, tenor and soprano.In conclusion, currently, this music is performed at Christian festivities such as Easter holidays, Christmas and weddings. However, it is in non-cooperation to the effect Johann Sebastian Bach suggested in his first song. One referral listener asserted that he could not see a difference in seriousness, in sacred and blasphemous music done by Bach. The col of Jauchzet Frohlocket BWV 248 is full of jubilant coloratura. This is the same music written by Bach as a secular cantata Tonet Ihr Pauken. There is no distinction on the performance of these two

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Concept of Risk in Diffirent Project Management Approaches Essay

The Concept of Risk in Diffirent Project Management Approaches - Essay ExampleIf we talk about the assay management in agile (Scum) softw are labor movement management, it basically allows us to deal with risks on the daily basis. For instance, till the end of a day we identify and record the visualize risks. On the other hand, PRINCE2 goes beyond the definition of risk as it divides the risk into two categories on the basis of their positive or negative consequences. These two categories tin can be threat and hazard. In this scenario, a threat could be an uncertain activity or action which if it occurs can cause negative effect on the projects likelihood of achieving its objectives. On the other hand, an opportunity is an event if it takes place can cause a favorable and advantageous effect on the project likelihood of achieving its objectives (Brady, 2009 Rehman et al., 2010 TutorialsPoint, 2012). However, in this paper we will consider the risk as a threat. In addition, risk management is an essential element of both the Agile (scrum) and Prince2 project management bettermentes. This paper will discourse the concept of risk from the perspective of Prince2 and Scrum project management approaches. ... According to this attribute, risk may or may not take place in other words, we are not 100% certain(predicate) about the occurrence of possible risks. On the other hand, another attribute is acknowledged as handout. According to this attribute, the risk turns into a certainty, unnecessary outcome or losses can take place. Hence, opus evaluating project risks, it is necessary to assess the degree of loss and the level of improbability associated with each risk (Pressman, 2001, p.146 Kerzner, 2006, p.743). In addition, risk management is the process of identifying, measuring, and managing what might go in the wrong way into a project before it turns out to be a danger to the prospered completion of the project or the murder of a software application. M oreover, risk management is a very important skill to manage a project successfully (Turban et al., 2005, p.712 Whitten et al., 2000, p.83). According to (Murthi, 2002), large software systems cannot be developed without facing a bulky variety of risks. In this scenario, a report published by The Standish Group with the name of CHAOS A Recipe for Success, shows that only less than 30% of all software development projects are within cipher and on time as well as fulfil all their indented requirements. On the other hand, more than 70% either fail or do not fulfil software development goals. Additionally, these facts are frightening in a cost-cutting measure where software systems play a significant role in fact they can make or break the organization (Murthi, 2002). In this paper, we will use the approach of identifying, measuring, and managing what might go in the wrong way into a project before it becomes problem for the successful completion of a project. Concept of Risk in Prin ce2 Project Management

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

LAB one Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

One - Lab Report lessonUpon a thorough analysis of the lab, the following is what was found out (Sanders 2007).It is vital to note that, I firstly noticed that, the number of packets captured was dependent on the size of a particular URL. That is, the smaller the URL the dismount the number of packets and the bigger the URL, the higher the number of packets. Additionally, I perceived that the first two packets in the root word of trace are in most cases made up of equal size while the one-third one is of the smallest value compared to the other two. Furthermore, I noted that when the value (200 OK) appears in a trace result, then, it sum that the fetch operation of a particular URL or website site must has been successfully execute (Sanders 2007).Lastly but certainly not the least, regarding the lengths of the network packets, the following is what was captured. The first one is of the length 76 units. The second one was of the same size at the first one, which is 76 units. The third one is of the length, 64 units (Sanders


THE occupation OF THEORETICAL MODELS RELATING TO TEAM BUILDING AND MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS TO THE PROCESS OF EVENT MANAGEMENT - Essay ExampleIn the study, effectiveness measures include team performance by multiple evaluations of key stakeholders. Team effectiveness is nominate to be a event of the interactions among design, process, and contextual support factors. It was suggested that as teams work under interdependent conditions, the haughty relationship mingled with team job motivation and team autonomy was reduced (Janz et al. 2006). It is also hard-pressed that teams that have developmental maturity have a more positive demonstration of the relationship between job motivation and team process behaviors such as sharing and innovating, than those that do not. There is a positive relationship between process behaviours and effectiveness, a more positive relationship is recorded in the presence of certain contextual factors such as high-quality goals and efficient information tr ansmission. The presence of other contextual factors, such as feedback and time pressure allows process behaviours and effectiveness for a less positive result (Janz et al. 2006).In order for an organisation to achieve maximum returns on investment, teams and leaders need to achieve full stop performances - team process skills, leadership, and management development, mind mapping techniques, stress management, and personal and team coaching. Teamwork is important in carrying out a task and spells the difference between group efficiency and lack of it. Teamwork is enhanced in team expression activities as it pertains to people working together cooperatively as a tammy in pursuit for accomplishing the same goals/objectives. A team building-based approach is fundamental to many organisations, which is proved by reliance upon project teams in driving change and innovation. A so-called teamship skills that are on rack up with employees and workers functional and technical skill sets is what is required of people in order to work in a team dimension. Upon achieving the fundamental outcomes of team building, the teams journey entrust be accelerated by the second conformation of team development toward peak performance. A team development program provided by the organisation will give way for teamship skills and operational framework in order for teams and individuals achieve their full potential (Bowdin et al. 2001). The offset step in achieving teamwork and high performance team building is by building strong social relationships and alignment to team goals, which must be undertaken in the initial building of the team. Trust and rapport john be easily established by a shared experience that involves working together on tasks that are unfamiliar and require a high degree of interdependence. Improved and measurable team building outcomes are sought by modern organisations, in which a team-based approach is fundamental. A clear grammatical case of this is the reliance upon project teams in order to drive change and innovation. There is now a want for people to possess teamship skills, which are aligned to their functional and technical skills sets. There is also a growing trend of using project teams to drive organisational improvement, which is one consideration in the fast-paced dimension of business. An employee

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands Case Study

Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands - Case Study ExampleReferences get out be made to other regions that defecate formulated and implemented successful environmental programs to serve as guidance in deducing viable environmental projects or programs for the country.The Philippines now comprises of about 80 million raft and the majority is found to be dwelling in urban areas. Among other Asian countries, the Philippines ranks as having adept of the highest urbanized areas. The rapid increase in the population rate in general and in the urbanization rate in particular, has thus contributed a lot not solely to resource depletion but also to the solid decrease in air and water quality levels. One of the direct results of this is the increase in the levels of neutralize generation. According to a World Bank study on Waste Generation (World Bank, 2001), the average Filipino generates around 0.3 to 0.7 kilograms of garbage daily depending on in fuck levels. The highest waste -producing area is the National Capital Region, which accounts to 23% of the countrys production, or 1/4 of the countrys generation waste as a whole.In a similar study in 2004, the World Bank found that around 2.2 million metric tons of organic pollution have been produced annually by domestic (48 percent), agricultural (37 percent), and industrial (15 percent) sectors. Out of the identified regions with critical water levels, domestic and industrial sources were determined to be the major water pollutants. Inadequate wastewater treatment has affected the wellness of the people, with the water having found to contain significant presence of disease-causing bacteria and viruses, making it unsuitable for drinking and flat bathing. On a more macro level, this poor water quality threatens biodiversity, and deteriorates the quality of life. Diseases such as gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, and more recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) ha ve all been attributed to poor water quality. As such, the water-related finale rates and health outbreaks have been reported to increase over the years. Despite all of these, however, awareness of the pressing need to improve overall sanitation and implement more effective water pollution control have remained very low, as reflected by the low prioritization given to sanitation and sewerage investments. As it is, only a small portion of the countrys population has access to sewer systems and decent sanitation facilities (World Bank, 2004).The enactment and effectuation of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 which has led to the gradual phase out of leaded gasoline, has contributed much to the significant drop in the ambient lead levels. Despite this, however, other air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxides and total oxidants remain in levels that exceed the standards and therefore are still considered a major concern. Industrialization and the growing populatio n are seen to be the major contributors to this persistent problem. These air pollutants come from small and medium industries that use fossil fuels, with a high share of coal, as the main sources of industrial energy. Among these major air-polluting industries are those engaged in the use of iron, steel, fertilizer, and cement. In addition, the increase in urbanization has boost the establishment of

Monday, April 22, 2019

My hypothesis is How can nutrition help fight depression and boost Literature review

My hypothesis is How can nutrition help fight falloff and boost mood and the corrlation bewtween them - Literature review ExampleIn fact, more and more experts and people atomic number 18 realizing that diet and nutritional supplements not only helping in fighting economic crisis but it in addition helps in curing first gear and even preventing it in the first place (Wiseman, 2002). Diet and Depression beforehand even shedding light on the link between depression and diet, it is important to know that depression is a very critical and increasing phenomenon in the western world and especially in the get together States. The figure presented higher up shows that in the year 2006 more than 5 percent of the population in the united States was diagnosed with depression. Diet plays an important role in influencing the mood and behavior and individuals. The same is evident from the figure presented above from Academy of American Family Physicians, which clearly shows that the cure for most of the depressive disorders lies in medication and diet (Wagemaker, 2009). This is true because neurotransmitters, which ar responsible for controlling our behavior and moods are controlled by what we squander. Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine appear at the top of the come of the neurotransmitters, which have their association with mood (Alaimo, Olson, & Frongillo, 2000). all important(predicate) here to note is that any deficiency, excesses or imbalance in these neurotransmitters eventually result in mood swings, behavioral alternations, and impact on the perceptions of any person nigh pleasure and pain (Carroll & Royal Society of Canada, 1998). Serotonin plays an important role in mood, sleep, relaxation and appetite (Barker, 2002). Dopamine and norepinephrine are responsible for regulating and creating feelings and perceptions about hunger, thirst, digestion, blood pressure, aggression, sexual tendencies, breathing and ventilating system and differents (Gr opper, Smith & Groff, 2008 Licinio & Wong, 2005). A recent large cross sectional conducted by Australian researches under the umbrella of University of Melbourne reached interesting conclusions that women are more inclined towards eating a traditional diet are 30 percent less likely to face problems such as depression, dysthamia, stress and other anxiety link disorders (Escott-Stump, 2008). On the other hand, women who consume a more western diet were on a 50 percent more risk than other to face issues such as stress and depression (Markus et. al., 1998). Important here to note is that this has been one of those studies, which has looked on the link between the whole diet and depression whereas, other studies have tried to examine the impact and relationship between specific nutrients and their impact on moods and depression related illness (Whitney & Rolfes, 2008). This study was conducted with 1046 women, which were between the ages of 20-94. The diet of respondents was monitored with the help of a comprehensive questionnaire, extracted from the Cancer Council capital of Seychelles dietary questionnaire. The questionnaire has the room for noting around 74 different foods and 7 alcoholic beverages. The research took place everywhere the time of 12 months (LaHaye & LaHaye, 1996 OConnor, 1997 DeBruyne, Pinna, Whitney & Whitney, 2008). The principal researcher Felice Jacka, even provided concluding remarks in these words, Simply put, if you habitually eat a healthy diet that includes fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and high-quality lean meat, then you may cut your risk of

Sunday, April 21, 2019

What's in a Name Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whats in a Name - Essay poserSuch a move is described as customer driven since it puts the interests of the customer at the frontward front.According to the articles history, most celebrities have found it difficult to find a suitable name for their children. This has make them to adopt funny name calling that may have an impact in the childs life. By capitalizing on this situation, Maryanna expects to serve bleak parents who are unable to come up with good names. In overall, parents and new born are her target market.Maryanna would receive a lot of competition from companies that manufacture treat business organisation products. It is evident that such companies have their own name experts who are charged with the responsibility of naming baby products. Baby products are always required to be in sync with catchy names. Such names may form clues to parents on how to name their children (Osborn, 2009, p.245). By being able to name children on their own, the parents wint need tho se services of Maryanna thereby threatening her business. There are other companies that specialize in naming celebrity children. Such companies pose a great challenge to Maryanna since they are engaged in the same line of business. Such situations may lead to one of them diversifying into other fields thereby incur unwanted costs (Osborn, 2009,

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Marketing Proposal & Advertisement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Proposal & Advertisement - Assignment suitIt is my proposal that we hold a marathon event for all type of people. However, we result have to work with the wildlife agency to allow us to use the Park. Other global companies and organizations such as Coca-Cola, W.K.K.F, Pepsi and Sa out-of-the-way(prenominal)icom are involuntary to help in saving the situation support the event. Using the National Park leave behind be helpful because people entrust have fun and at the same time help us to assist the communities have water for irrigation. There being no food available in the range is a motivation that the water forget boost irrigation and food security in the locality will improve.The target audience for the marathon event is athletes, people interested to spend their weekend in a Wildlife Park, rich people interested to lose weight by exercising, our sponsors both local and international, and all the well-wishers uncoerced to make a difference in the society. Obvious ly, there are those people who are passionate to grow charity work. Secondly, there are those people who love spending their weekends in a place far away from homes and prefer attending events. Thirdly, considering that there will be rewards for the top five people to nicety the race, there will be people who will be willing to exercise their talents in the events and by chance emerge the winners. Fourth, there are those people are passionate about charity work and they will find an opportunity to participate and have fun too. Nevertheless, there will be people who will be influenced by their friends and colleagues to attend the event. Putting all these people interested in the event, the event will provide satisfaction to all the people in attention.The Fundraising event has several benefits to the people in attendance and more profit to the communities living in the locality. The people in attendance will enjoy in the event, execise their bodies and enhance their health, fulfi ll their desires of spending their weekend in a park and finally feel

Friday, April 19, 2019

Effects of young peoples obsession with physical appearance Essay

Effects of young peoples obsession with physical appearance - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that Physical appearance has blend in an obsession. Not only do individuals focus on their appearance but also the society puts a lot of emphasis on this factor. Beauty, fashion and weight are often seen as an obsession of any the youth. Most of the people in the West are obese which is emerging as a earthy problem and the rule there goes as you should either be super skinny or die. disparaging as it seems, people are thought to represent some higher form of beauty at a timeadays. men should be strong and tall, women blonde and skinny. The buzz life also has contributed a lot to this factor. People desire to take in like their ideal celebrities and for that, they would do anything Its fun to peek into that fantasy world of people richer and wear looking than us, people with freedom to do what they want. We like to see what they do with their freedom. Girls need small longer noses as they believe that large snub noses are out of fashion and make you look ugly. Bald men want to founder hair hence they get all the expensive treatments to have that place properly covered. Majority of the men believe that women should look natural. As they say, Boys will ask for a picture with no clothes, men will ask for a picture with no makeup. But girls however would do the doll thing before going out. Orange skin, hair extensions and fake lashes and they would think that now they look perfect.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Remington Consulting Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Remington Consulting Group - Essay exercisingThis report includes analysis of Remington Consulting in the context of military man capital management and low labor mo over. It contains relevant theories and analysis of those in the context of the organization. In addition to that, the report also includes the major issues that atomic number 18 arising out of low labor turnover and recommended selection process.Recommendations have been developed for consideration by the bill of fare of Directors and Director of Human Resources based on deficiencies identified, and strategies to overcome limitations. Recommendations include the development of a program for human capital management accepting higher turnover embracing innovation in the organization adopting strategic human resource selection criteria and processes and adopting modern HRM practices. This includes restructuring the organizational boundaries for a move towards dynamic responsibilities, and extensive drill of innovatio n.This athletic field is a case study of Remington Consulting Group. This study was assigned to a unit assignment. The study has been lay out in several sections. Sections include the executive summary terms of reference procedure findings conclusions and recommendations references and appendices.The study has been conducted in several phases. The first phase was an overview of the case. This was followed by the brush up of relevant literature in the pee-pee of textbooks, academic publications, case studies, reports. Material from publications was synthesized to analyze the Remington case scenario. This method was considered ideal for the study as it allowed review of a wide range of literature to evaluate the study, and identify good practices. Conclusions were drawn based on the analysis, and recommendations were developed.Findings from the review of literature have been analyzed.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tokugawa Shogunate Regime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tokugawa monocracy Regime - Essay ExampleThis decimal point was characterized by economic emersion and prosperity, very strict social orders, an increase in both environmental protection isolationist foreign policies, popular enjoyment of arts and culture. This form of regime was organized and administered from capital of Japan in Japan in the 1603 by a ruler named Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Tokugawa regime had established a ruling dynasty at the Tokugawa castle, which was establish in capital of Japan.Tokugawa regime came into power following a coup that toppled the administration of Oda Nobunaga at a battle cognise as the battle of Sekigahara at a period known as the Azuchi-Momoyama period. After this battle, Tokugawa Ieyasu who had taken over as the leader of the battle in 1600 took over the administration of Edo area and later on, this administrative power became hereditary to his family. After He later took over the administrative powers, he gained the title shogun, also known a s noble military ruler since he was a descendant of the ancient Mina Moto clan. Unlike the previous regimes of the Shogunate, the society in the Tokugawa period was supposedly based on strict, hierarchy which was originally established by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.Unlike other common dictatorial regimes, the Shogun administration was characterized by economic growth and prosperity. The regime had adopted dissimilar principles that saw the country prosper both economically and socially. One of the greatest factors that saw the prosperity of the Tokugawa regime was the long-standing peaceableness period, which lasted for two hundred and fifty years. through this long tome peace, the country was able to develop and gain political and economic prosperity. This period of long metre peace, also saw the populations of the country largely increase therefore forming a big army known as the Samurais. The large group of Samurais also contributed a lot in protecting the country from future attack s by its enemies. Moreover, the Samurais also engaged in other economic activities such as farming which contributed to the growth of the countrys economy. However, the change from Sengoku meant that they were obliged to work as bureaucrats in the Tokugawa government. The Tokugawa government forced various changes in the different life style of the people of Japan. All the sectors of the society were limited to follow their conventional roles in a stricter manner than it was done in the previous regimes. This form of traditional confinement begun during the administration by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. This harsh imposition saw the regime begin an administration that formed the four-tier class structure, which obligate and enforced rules even regarding small details such as which classes of people could use deluxe silks for their array or tortoise shell for hair-pins. In order to enforce their laws, the ruling regime in Japan ban the practice of other religions in the country in 1614 by Tokugawa Hidetada. This move mostly targeted the Christians who were converted by Portuguese traders and missionaries in previous years. In order to make overbearing this law, the Shogunate made it compulsory for all citizens to enlist themselves with their native Buddhist temple. However, those who refused to comply with this orders were considered disloyal from the regime of the Bakufu. This move by the Shogunate saw the eradication of the Shimabara Rebellion, which was comprised mostly of Christian peasant farmers between 1637 and 1638. The Japanese Christians were later expatriated, executed, or set underground, and Christianity ceased from existence in the country. Despite this dictatorial regime, the Tokugawa shoguns controlled the country over a long period of peace and relative prosperity in Japan. The long peaceful regime generated the