Friday, April 19, 2019

Effects of young peoples obsession with physical appearance Essay

Effects of young peoples obsession with physical appearance - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that Physical appearance has blend in an obsession. Not only do individuals focus on their appearance but also the society puts a lot of emphasis on this factor. Beauty, fashion and weight are often seen as an obsession of any the youth. Most of the people in the West are obese which is emerging as a earthy problem and the rule there goes as you should either be super skinny or die. disparaging as it seems, people are thought to represent some higher form of beauty at a timeadays. men should be strong and tall, women blonde and skinny. The buzz life also has contributed a lot to this factor. People desire to take in like their ideal celebrities and for that, they would do anything Its fun to peek into that fantasy world of people richer and wear looking than us, people with freedom to do what they want. We like to see what they do with their freedom. Girls need small longer noses as they believe that large snub noses are out of fashion and make you look ugly. Bald men want to founder hair hence they get all the expensive treatments to have that place properly covered. Majority of the men believe that women should look natural. As they say, Boys will ask for a picture with no clothes, men will ask for a picture with no makeup. But girls however would do the doll thing before going out. Orange skin, hair extensions and fake lashes and they would think that now they look perfect.

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