Sunday, April 28, 2019

Robotic Surgery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Robotic military operation - Research Paper Exampledrug administration for use in both pediatric and cock-a-hoop robotic functioning procedures in areas such as thoracoscopically-assited cardiotomy procedures, general non-cardiovuscular thoracosopic surgeries, general laparoscopic surgeries and urological surgeries (Lowes, 2014).The 1st federally approved robotic surgery was performed at a Virginia hospital, a day after the food and drug administration regulators approved the procedure. The grace of the 1st robotic surgery enabled the doctors to get rid of the gall bladder and conduct some other procedures done utilization of a laparoscope, which is a tube that in introduced into the abdomen through very tiny incisions. At the end of the tubes are miniature cameras and surgical instruments that permit surgeons to perform procedures after peering into the body. The AESOP system was approved in 1990 followed by the flattery of da Vinci Surgery System in 2000. The approval of da V inci surgical systems, a robotic system, by the Food and drug administration enabled doctors to use foot pedals on a console and present grips to control three robotic arms that actually performs the laparoscopic surgery through utilization of a variety of tools. The approval was based on a review of clinical studies of effectiveness and safety submitted by the manufacturers and on the good word of the plastic and general surgical devices panel of the Food and drug administrations medical devices consultative committee.The food and drugs administration focused on various issues before approving the utilization of the robotic technology in surgery. Some of the obstacles faced by the robotic surgery in obtaining the approval of the FDAs included showing that the technology had more advantages than as compared to other forms of surgery. Other obstacles entailed ensuring that enough training was conducted to some of the physicians. Before approving the technology, the company that p roduced the da Vinci system had to sponsor sufficient testing

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