Sunday, April 21, 2019

What's in a Name Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whats in a Name - Essay poserSuch a move is described as customer driven since it puts the interests of the customer at the frontward front.According to the articles history, most celebrities have found it difficult to find a suitable name for their children. This has make them to adopt funny name calling that may have an impact in the childs life. By capitalizing on this situation, Maryanna expects to serve bleak parents who are unable to come up with good names. In overall, parents and new born are her target market.Maryanna would receive a lot of competition from companies that manufacture treat business organisation products. It is evident that such companies have their own name experts who are charged with the responsibility of naming baby products. Baby products are always required to be in sync with catchy names. Such names may form clues to parents on how to name their children (Osborn, 2009, p.245). By being able to name children on their own, the parents wint need tho se services of Maryanna thereby threatening her business. There are other companies that specialize in naming celebrity children. Such companies pose a great challenge to Maryanna since they are engaged in the same line of business. Such situations may lead to one of them diversifying into other fields thereby incur unwanted costs (Osborn, 2009,

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